FfACE SIX : J^oca/ arte ? . Tdephi v ' - . - representative ? ' !. >r. *. of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, is in the county n the interest of a campaign to eradicate tuberculosis from the ca.uk of Cherokee. He is working in co-operation with County Agent H. R. Ellis. iss Pat Hens'ey, who is in training at Fort Sanders Hospital, KnoxrDJe, Terra., visited her mother, Mrs. I. H. Hensley. over the week-end returning to Knoxville on the 10 o'clock train Mou.lay. ^ jfc? LOST or Strayed?Or.; large dark jB^^:* frrendie ily cow from my pasture ml BjUtKy ? ?-ec!t ago; hi* some white spots. Reward if returned to Mrs. Lilly Lefever-- Marble X. C? Route 1. i lt-pd) I = =? j Provident Mutual Lif Uf KMILAUtLrHlA(Formerly, The Provident Before deciding on an Insu Maturing Old Age Pension I Befor? buying any policy, j tation; you'll find it the Low This Company paid in cash 1 luring policies $3,887,537.4 The pleased, well-satisfied pol highest endorsement; more than he i conduct of its affairs has demonsti The Company's remarkable fin: in management; its low net cost for for the careful, thrifty buyer of in P8NLAND & KII.LIaN. District A* PAUL W. SCHENCK, Gen. Ag * Money Sav CANE NO SALE -JUST Ol SUGAR. tt> Chambray, all colors, ye Ginghams, Apron and L 36-inch Percale, all colo 36-inch Brown Sheeting Cotton Checks, all colo Towels and Wash Cloth Children's Union Suits Heavy water-proof Clot Big Double Cotton Blan House Aprons Ladies' Hats Girls' School Hats 1 Lot Women's $4 to $6 Men's Canvas Work Glc BE SURE AND GET < EN'S AND CHILD SWEATERS BE Candler's 1 Si ]: For All I have use<* Blacl : 1? Draught ever sin< " we have had a fan |' ily and that was shortl I" after 187-1," says Mr. I ' A. Branstetter, of S ; James, Mo. "It is my firs B ; remedy when any of u gets sick. . . . We u s I Black-Draught for torpi ; liver and stomach con I "When I get sluggis 9 ! and don't feel so good, 9 take Black-Draught?an you have to show me ths there is a better medicin 9 : If M Not ^!g | BLACK-I |f Vegetable Ik :xn,m ij lifciiii . .... . ' Personal 1 one 20 ( S; Mrs. G. W. Candler returned Wcd' r.csday from Andersen. S. C.. where she spent the past several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Henry McBrayer. j Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Storey spent J the week-end with relatives at Commerce and Jefferson, Ga. Mr. J. H. Dillard was in Bryson City Thursday on legal business. Miss Nada R. Ray left Wednesday . for Knoxville, Tenn.. where she entered the Knoxville General Hospital: Training School for nurses. Mrs. L. O. Rector, of Lenoir, Is 5 visiting her mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Posey, and other relatives this week. Mr. E. M. Hawkins is attending ai meeting of textile nuinufacturers In Gueuviiie, S. C., inis week. Mr. D. Witherspoon spent several days in Asheville this week on legal : business. e Insurance Company -ESTABLISHED 1865 Live and Trust Company) ranee Policy, investigate our Policy. jet the Provident's rate quo* est in Cost. to living policyholders of ma7, during the year 1923. icyholders of this Company are its ilf century of honest and successful ated its excellence. incial stability; its care and integrity insurance, make it the Ideal Company surance. rents, Davidson Bldg.. Murphy, X. C. rt. for X. C., Greensboro, N. C. ing Specials >LER'S JR REGULAR PRICES 9c ird 9c n.iia -|i -iress, yard lUc rs, yard 16c [, yard 8c rs, yard 8c s, each 8c 45c h, 36-inch, yard 95c kets, full size, pair _ $2.48 69c 98c 25c Wool Sweaters $2.98 >ves, pair 15c DUR PRICES ON WOMRZNC COATS AND FORE YOU BUY. department tore IY, N. C. the Family f1 l-! in Missouri. I think it is E fl ;e | line for indigestion or for jr g j. neauacne. at is a spienaiu family remedy. My wife t / uses it for any stomach ; ' ailment, indigestion and ? t biliousness. We never let ? ;t the house be without it if ; is I know it We also give it e to the children for child dren's complaints, colds or i- fever." ?: Keep a package of Black- ' h Draught in the house for ; j all the family. ; (j Your dealer will sen you a 1 . mammoth package, containing 11 five of the regular-size pack- ' e ages. It's cheaper. . member ? dford's, Not ; draught! Uver Msdicim : a ii ^ii _ " THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml HOW DOCTORS TREAT ~ COLDS AND THE FLO : 11 To break up a cold over night or to cut S short an attack of grippe, influenza or tore c throat, physicians and druggists arc po* recommending Calotabs, the nfisealess Calomel tablet, that is purified from dangerous and sickening effects. Those who t have tried it say that it acts like magic, by j, far more effective and certain than the old . style calomel, heretofore recommended by physicians. i One or two Calotabs at bed time with a swallow of water.?that's all. No salt*. t no nausea nor the slightest interference with rating, work or pleasures. Next morning your cold has vanished and your sys- 1 tera feels refreshed and purified. Calotabs \ are sold only in original sealed package*, j price ten cents for the vest-pocket size; thirtv-five cents for the large family park- ? age. Rrmmmended and guaranteed by druggists. Your money back if you are not s delighted.-1?adv. ( Mr. and Mr?. Robert Barclay, of c Copperhill. Tenn., spent the week- j end here wttn Mrs. Barclay's parent?., \ Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson. ( ( li am 31 iii ?1" 3B H M 2HSi2^S22iSSS25!5552^SJ t Mrs. A. J. Burns spent Monday and Tuesday of this week in Atlanta on business. Mr. W. V. N. Powelson, president j of the Carolina-Tennessee Power Co. is here this week in the interest of his company. CATARRH Catarrh is a Local disease greatly Influenced by Constitutional conditions. HAT.T.'R CATARRH MRDICTN'R eon, sists of an Ointment which elves Quick I Relief by local application, and the Internal Medlrlne. a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur- 1 faces and assists lc ridding your System ' of Catarrh. Sold by druggists for orer 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney * Co.. Tolsdo. O. Miss Addie Leatherwood of the faculty of the Canton public schols, visited here parents over the weekend. ANYONE having grown turkeys foi | sale, write or see P. V. Parker \ Andrews, N. C. Sourwood honry in | sections, 33c each. (8-4t) .'FOR SALE?218 acre farm in one mile of Murphy, par of the Sour ' John Farm. 67 acres in cultivation, 151 acres mountain land virgin tim, ber. Farm is well watered, has good orchard, two good cottage houses and '. barn. Small cash payment required, . balance in 5 years at 6 percent. ApI ply to L. A. Enloe. (10-4t-pd) I Mr. H. H. Ellis was a business vis:totr in Atlanta Monday. | Miss Mary Ella Smith is spending a | fortnight with relatives at Sweetwati er and other points in Tennessee. I Mrs. H. D. Bamett left this week to join her husband in Florida. iCharles E. Waddell & Co Engineer* E-'-' *: '-d 1902 Estimate?. plans r.nJ specifications I supervision cor struct "or:, operation | ' cl *ii plan; ?I ydro or te.im, ' industrial projects, water suppiy systems, parks, reads and landscaping, br:d ' Ribbon. Tas? KO or?t. Bar at tmt V/ 1 ?d for samples. Internationals Mills 1284, Norristown ,Pa. (43-20t-pd) Working people who have no time for diet and exercise, and sedentary people who find them a hardship, keep fit and free from constipation, indigestion, biliousness, bad breath and painful, gassy stomach troubles by using CHAMBERLAIN'S SSBCHS TABLETS Wholesome and thoroughly cleansing. they also prevent the accumulation of poisonous waste matter in the Colon, which if not moved regularly, is re-absorbed into the system with all the evil effects of constipation. Easy, gentle but persuasive. they?prevent harmful clogging. ana cause me regular, daily movement so necessary to good health. Only 25c. Sold everywhere. ipP The : of th The Touring Cai *295 Rtmabtmt . . $2&i DiaoanubURiag ad Sunn Hi uu eeeZZT hi rordmr Sedan . T t&: Ali price* f. o. b. Octroi Yen mm buy an m*4n b mmfcinj a mwIJ dc*ap~kaa (wgSwLiB! ?e3^2 .... COM Dr. S. R Asheville's Famous has arranged t Wednesday (One Dc "KNOW US B 78 PATT ASNKVII EYES EXAMINED Pher-e cr Write I Parker's I MURPF 'NOTE?Dr. Robinson w Tuesday, November 4 PERFECT FITTING GI When Win . . Now is a good time t for the long seige of cold \ snow. We are prepared 1 Good gr BARRETT'S Roc Roof Cement Special and I Light n r n Mediur Roof Paint | Heavy We have a good su] Barbed Wire, Bale Ties a We are agents for the fair SEE US BEF< Brittain' s Logical G e Careful ] The Ford car delivers m economical service per < any other car. Its sturd 1 la 1.1 ?l *? vuiuu^ cviuciiLq U4 t Every minute operation i and accurately checked. ? Control ol natural reeo manufacture in large vol , sible value that is the on ; every motor car must m 5 The Ford car is the k choice o{ the buyer f the utmost Irom ever . fn4?y. octob?r 24 9 TnqT[ obinson ft eyesight special -1 o visit murphy ^ Nov. ' 5di E ly only) * .. w this sign*? ?ij on ave. jje ^ glasses fitted i ,v? i^ppwinuiicni wr )rug Store I IY, N. C. 1 dl also visit Andrews, 1 th, at Davis Pharmacy. I" .ASSES GURANTEED! | iter Comes I :o get your building ready veather, with its wind and l: to supply your wants. A ade Roll Paint Your ifing : House With ! COOLEDGE , "o Hygrade Paint Best Grade n J-?| ? $3.00 2.25a. per Gallon pply of Heavy and Light nd all kinds of Fencing. ious Wiand hillside Plows DRE BUYING i Hardware i 3 iholee | Buyer ore useful, cup-bee, [ inllar ImiUfH than B f, rigid construction B endnrio* asateriala. :s scientifically tested El I ^ urcei and cewpkte El ume have made pee- H b standard hy which || ecessarily be judged- n >glcal and necemry r| who wants te set I y motoring dollar. [J l rv t\ rtat....... H