m I Friday, November 7. 7 924 I; L^occilj and j Te.'epho 5 Coming, to the Bonita Theatre. I Murphy, N. C., Jackie Coogan in Peck's Bad pojr, Mpftd ?'y. November 10th. Matirice 2 p.pi., night at 6:30 p. m. This pirUi'C was scheduled J Bm0 be here ago but the dale cancelled. It is coming insured' ^Kis time. Don't miss it. (12-2t-b) There will be a pie supper at the ^^^chtree high school building next Ij^Burday night, November 7th. The n^Breeds will be used for school gHplpment. You are cordially invltHTito bring pies or rocketbook*. IB Mr. C. H. Holder left a few days Kgo for Florida where he expects xo Hbe located. 1^ District Engineer J. C. Walker of Hbth North Carolina road district, was ^Bere several days this week. ^^ Kr. and Mrs. W. R. Anderson, and C. W Witt were among the ^^Byesvil'.e visitors here this week. I J. V. Brittain left the middle week for Miami, Fla. J. M. Stoner, who recently lis business here, left a few igo for Florida where he will the winter. ight (Friday) at the Ronita e, Edwin Carwe presents "TTT&! f the Golden West." You saw ay, see the picture. County Board of Education! i Good Thlbtf - DONT MISS IT j nd your name and address plain- j ritten, together with 5 cents (and ' slip) to Chamberlain Medicine ' Dea Moines, Iowa, and receive J turn a trial package containing iMBERLAIN*S COUGH REMT for coughs, colds, croup, bron- j 1, '-flu" and whooping coughs, tickling throat; CHAMBERN'S TABLETS for stomach trouindigestion. gassy pains that rd the heart, biliousness and con- 1 ition; also CHAMBERLAIN'S iVE, needed in every family for i is, scalds, wounds, piles and skin rtions ; these valued family medi- j b for only 5 cents. Don't miss it. I ARCADE BA! IN. R. REEC1 UNDER J. W. DA1 SANITARY SHOP Expert Barber W< HOT AND C< GIVE US j Pee Qee FLOC |^s| Varr Eas^ The e the fl< ture, t the lit leave scuffir ^ Other Pee Qee Pee c r P? Qee Re-Nu-Loe elastic fl Pee Oee Floor Raamd M PteOeeFlatkoatt P1006 m WeGer Vrfkoott - . '9 I Pec Oee China flnarod It 18 d P?? Gee Varnishes a znin 9 P** ?<* Woodertone . \ 9 ^T>Y**ta Pee Oee Floor Wax with m . Ctv Aem iS I **5 d*I ' i-Jajt w. 1 595 Personal || <1*2? | D H met Monday in the office of the' A county superintendent. I' !? Mr. T. N. Bates spent several days * at Sweetwater, and othe- points in 1 rennessee, this week. ; . i Mr. W. E .Cox and Miss Willie McGuire of Marble were happily mar- ' ried last Saturday night by T. N.. Bates, Esq., and returned to Marbie following the ceremony. a Mr. Allen Jones and Miss Emmie " Griro of Cz., ~crc . ricd at the residence of T. N. Bates ^ Sunday. Mr. Bates performing the ceremony. * ' o Mr. A. J. Martin spent several day? u here this week, returning home from a' Douglas, Ga.. to be here for the elec-1 ^ lion and to visit his family. ' N Mrs. Esther C. Frcas. of Penland vr n ?u 1 j? * -* ' v.. na.^ ucrc Pcvcrui nays cms wcck attending to business connected with her father's (state. She is Administratrix. She returned to Pcnland the latter part of this week. d Mr. and Mis. J. W. Splvia and lit- 11 tie daughter and son visited Mr. Spiv- ? ia's parents at Blairsville, (la., the [a latter part of the week. i \il Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Swan, i at their home on Peachtree, Sunday ja night, a fine daughter. 11? Mr. and Mrs. Fied Johnson are'" the happy parents of a daughter, i11 which was horn Sunday afternoon. ! Id NOTICE. \\ An erroneous statement is going the rounds that I have sold the Dickey Hotel. There is absolutely no truth in it. I have not sold my prop- ? erty here, and have no Intention of ^ selling. 1 have just retained Mr. k G. A. Dozier to manage my business ,r for me in order to relive me of some ,c of the heavier burdens that go with 18 the keeping of a first-class hotel. ^ MRS. NETTIE DICKEY. al ?????If ] 1! REER SHOP ; 1 2, Manager /idson's store < new chairs ork cf Al! Kinds jld baths \ TRIAL! - ' pi V P iished Floors Are iti f to Keep Clean verlasting beat of feet on x>r, the shifting of furni- h he wear that goes on until ghts go cut?these things their marks, marring and M] 10. i "" 3 ?< lee Floor Varnish resists J w< ows that fall on its mirror- y, imooth surface?holds its : film, is water and mar :onomy plus. It reduces to Sp jmum the labor of clean- K< lake your floors beautiful, a lasting beauty. Varnish now with Pec Gee. jj ?h St , D. Townson Murphy, N. C. an -\ vi? THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. M lave You A Bad Back? ! Then the Aivici of a fiident o* . This Locality Will Interest You oes your back ache night ai\d day;' inder work; destroy your rest? ji re you tortured with slabbing pains t hen you stcop. lift or bend? ten likely your kidneys are weak, lore troubles may sooir appear , eadache, dizziness nervousness; r uricac'd and its ills, lelp your weakened kidneys with a , invulant diuretic. , 'se Doan's Pills. , ad this interesting testimony: H. G. Rogers, brakeman, Railroad t., Brevard, N. C.. rays: "My back ched a good deal and when I bent eer I could hardly straighten. 1 ud headaches and dizzy snells when S wmm ?- S I >xvn iip|..crcU UllUt e Illy Cyi.' *. | was lame mornings and ;iy kidneys J1 idn't act as they should. Hearing 1 f Boan's Tills, 1 got a supply and 1 sed them. 1 soon felt like myself gain/* CGc, at ail dealrs. Foster-Milburn 0., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y.?Adv. OTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Defaulth having bee made by YV. 1. Fields in the payment of the sum f money secured by a dtcd of *rus( ated February 1st. 1924. registered i the ofice of the Register of Deeds f Cherok' e County, in Book No. 74 t page 366, the undeirigned, as truses, will for the purpose of satisfyig the said indebtedness, offer the ropcity conveyed therein at public uction, to the highest bidder for ash, at the court house door in Muihy, N. C., on the 9th day of Decemer, 1024, ?l ii o ciock A. M. The idebtedncss described above is for lie purchase price of the property ue H. N. Elliott. The property above referred to as conveyed to the undersigned trus?e for the purposes aforesaid, and escribed as follows: Known as the Hitchcock property, n platt book in the Register of )eeds office in Cherokee G(punty, forth Carolina. Book 1, page 23, lore particularly described as fol?ws: Being Lot. No. 61. Reference i hereby made to the above plat for articular description of the meets ad bounds, being a portion of the tnd sold at public auction July 6th, 021, Lot 50 feet front and 200 feet rap. This November 7th, 1924. L. E. BAYLESS. Trustee. L3-4t-dw) 1 OWL CREEK. Nov. 2.?Owl Creek Sunday school progressing nicely. Mr.; W. A. Has?' little' son isimroving at this writing. Mr. John Moore left Monday for irts unknown. Mr. John Marcus and family are anning o nmoving back to thcii >me on Owl Creek. Mr. Jerry Solasbee ar.iT family r.rneu Fr"dry the 31st fv m G&sconie j icre lie has teen wbiX'ng-r. *?- . ., -.- ; . v- ' The farmers of this place are about rough gathering apples. Miss Mary Jones was the guest Miss Oma Kephart Sunday. Mr. Jarred Hass of Boiling Springs is an Owl Creek visitor one day last ;ek on business. Mr. Ralph Gray of Tomotla Is vis- j ng on Owl Creek this week. ( Hallowe'en passed very quietly re. Oppossum and fox hunting aTfe the ief sports in this part. Miss Delthia Kephart and Mr. and rs. Ernest Kephart of Owl Creek re visitors a tBoiling Springs last rek. Mr. Howard Odell was the guest of r. S. T. Kephart Sunday. Mr. Fred Dockery, of Boiling rings was the guest of Mr. Newt iphart Sunday. Mr. Tommie Dockery was an OwlL eek visitor Sunday. Mi. iiltw A?w and mr. Johnie' ntry, of GraaJnesk, were visitors this place Sunday. Several people of this place atided the box supper at Grandvlew d reported a nico time. Mr. John Marcus, of Tomotla, was dting his children and grandchilen of this place one day last week. ~ : I f ? [URPHY, NORTH CAROLINA * FACTROYTOWN. I Our Sunday school is progressing j ticely. Rev. Jeff Martin preached a very nterestir.g sermon at the Factory own Church Saturday night. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fry have a very lick baby at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. W. I?I. GIbert and hildren motored Isabella, Term.. Sunday. Mr. Clyde Pattoa and sister. Mrs I. F. How;lI, are Ashevilie vlislors this week. Rev. George Davis will wo-.A -* the Foctorytown Church Saturday , right, November 8, and Rev. Luther Clark rom Canton will preach Sunday night, Xcv. 9. i i*xrs. v.iyue ration and daughter j Wanda, visited her parent, Mrs. S. | A. Voyles Sunday. CULBERSON. The s ipn J."?C-. P?M?U. Ah. -TUmm ml that tmibb Jarrl Htiitf to tho oar or ta *ooapa K. V. rtoltoy, WnWai. ItL "Fool mm JiwMhriaw will J U% to JLHTa J. A. W! NuMIkjMk "Ah?*o of AM or olio a moot oaf too la roally vanAor A loon T. flaisafo. PtUhburt, "Mara imM too* cm far aaaa oao with oioro yoaor."?F. P Oroatoy, Cola* "1 ho to moro pa a or, tto mm ?tor mmd rtAoa oaotor."-nJ. L MO, HwthtoU. MIMM 'Tto |m mltoaco to haUtaa M alto ror (oOook aa Man? Awry, Wng Qmr, Ohio. "W mtimm thwrli I ! mmd wUr .Tlh.m ?W IS^Ihr ! ? TWw?>. (MtaTtTyrttilif *n Firwton iimii i KiS?i?r 4.1 * rAMMICAJIHOnL^ J litii V jpgp? ' " . GRAPE CPEEX. V.'e are having* foci? nice weather \ f ib? past few weks. The farmers cn Grape Creek are rosy gathering corn >**d sowing r r.eat. The boopngcugh is about to d e iovn in this community. Onlv twe ?rses now. Mrs. Kroma Lov'npood has h f .n *n the sitk list but :s emprovinj*. The litlc son of Mr. and and Mrs. G. C. Cornwell was badiy burned Monday week, but is improving slowly. Morn to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hun-j sucker a fine baby boy. Mr. Jacob Lovingood and family has moved to Grape Creek. ROOMS FURNISHED?'With or with-' out board. Apply to the Dickey Home, G. A. Dozier, manager. (13-Ct-pd) j J SAVE YOUR MONEY-, * ho* of Turt'i PilU mv? mth, I llart In doctor't btUt. A remedy I r iltMiici of che liver, tick hn.l- I !w. (H'tpcr1**- coostiraaon. HI- I umim a million people etulone utt's Pills) NOTICE. The Arcade Cafe has be. n sold to Xccl Roecc. We will not be responsible for any debts afteh October 15. E p MALLONEK. J. W. DAVIDSON*, T. J. MAUNEY. WANTED?An industrious man desirous of making $10.00 to $70.00 or more weekly in Cherokee County sclinj? Whitmer'n extracts, tc-ilet articles, home remedies, soaps, spices, etc. Littl? capital needed. Car or team necessary. No experience required. Write for full particulars. The H. C. Whitmer Company, Dept. 108, Columbus, Indiana. (13-3t-pd) po,ooo *mozot ifoying the i and Eeon Fttll-f-ize I 'ew ASK any ownt . XX Gum-Dipped ? fort, safety and o ' w~" are giving him. I rVS? you the facts a tires. His cotnmi almost word for \ ?' There are hundreds Gum-Dipped Balloon! [u,., cS fall and win1 * Call on the nearest formation?for your a* carefully engineered e > Dipped Balloons. PRODUCE ITS OWN RU ? * PAGE FIVE Airs. a. a. rreaper A Mother's Story! Young Mothers Should Heed This Advice Charlotte, N. Car.?."I am glad to recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to the young mother rhn hae *?? ? a??5 ? for 1 am \ery sure it was of benefit to me in my own young motherhoodIt quiets the nerves and strengthens every part of the body." Mrs. A. R. Weaver, 807 N. Davidson St. You better go now to your nearest druggist and^ obtain this wonderful Woman's tonic, the Presrrintirn of Dr. Pierce to be had in tablets or liquid; or write Dr. Pierce's Invalids* Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Send 10c for trial pkg. tablets. I Usui .xixrO. I.C.& 'jJ&tcU iltausortcs of tl-c-n rrfcHcef. eftrf in, WEKSTSa5 1%/ iNTESKATIOiiAL! ?CT;0?IAIDr ! rfecrre I A brr-_ -Jt abrcacticn ^ ' P 2=Ti:r.o:cr : ,-unniit U /. Blue Ctow myrtcry ship A} r~. w uru junior college m Es:hon;a cskri? Pa^aista ? j* airgraph cypcr Riksdag 5 Flap Day sippio Red Star w J? mud pun sterol paravane H $ Ruthcnc Swaraj ir.egafcar ? rolbnop taiga plasmcn 9 " wUgamo sokol shonecn 9 : f?crosl3 soviet precool & duvccyn realtor & P. boat 9 j feu Ctecho-Slovr.k camp-fire girl M | C aerial cascade Air Council g \ Dev. I Dog activation & Federal Land Bank tJ / thi? Storchouse flj 407,000 word* & pkruci^^Ltij{_^^^HL C*iett??r & Bioir*phie*I^^w3^^^' . Wrtto for a romnJe p*to of the Knm Worda, specimen of RcgnJar aiul lodU 1 apers. PlSL C.? C. MLR R! AM CO..SrrlBdi.kJ.Mut.UJ A rists Are Comfort', omy o? , ?