ppr PAGE SIX JOLD AT 30 OR 1YOUHGAT6Q? The choice is largely up \ to you. If your blood lacks 'red corpuscles, you're going to be fagged and dragged out, you're going to lack "pep," to look sallow and unhealthy, to grow old before vour time. DR. MILES' TONIC I actually increases the number or rod corpuscles in the blood. It makes the checks j plump and rosy, stimulates the digestive organs, creates a healthy appetite, and leads to increased vigor and vitality. First bottle guaranteed to help you or money refunded. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Subscribe To The Scout Christmas i ! Will your friends be greeted I front yc :? Will you overloow t ance with those whom you have me ed a fondness? 1 Our line of Christmas cards u ant hours spent together in the pas fore Christmas and take a chance well-picked over stock, but come ii signs you want from our large cat der them for you. R. S. Parkei 77i+ Murphy Provident Mutual Lif OF PHILADELPHIA? (Formerly, The Provident Before deciding on an Insui i Maturing Old Age Pension f f Before buying any policy, s tation- you'll fir:! it the J.owe This Company paid in cash t luring policies $3,887,537.41 T".-e pleased. well-out.. Tied joli i highest endorsement; more than ha] |conduct of its affairs has demonstrt ( The Company's remarkable final !in management; its low net cost for ii for the careful, thrifty buyer of ins I PENLAND & KILLIAN, District Ag< PAUL W. SCHENCK, Gen. Agl h| Pain In Ba fl "T^OR A LONO TIME," A says M fs. Dora Payne, j of Hu itington, Tenn., fl "I felt liytless, tired and J worn-out 11 did not feel like j doing my work, visiting or fl anything. j 1 suffered much pain la fl my back and sides. My A limbs hurt, my knees would fll tremble without apparent ^1 cinse and I u/milH have (n TC sit down. . m "I was"very nervous. ... 3 I would have a tired, dull headache. 3 "I had read so much about Cardui I asked my husband igCAF rlL - Court Passed On Account of No Judge It became definitely knowri thi^ week that the regular November term of superior court would be passed on account of the fact that no judge was available. The solicitor writes that he requested the governor ' to appoint a judge to sit at this term , but no one was appointed and the j court was passed. Power Development To Change The Financial Condition of The West Means Nrw Indusirits For All Sections West of Blue Ridge Mountains Development of the State's po| tantlnl uratai* pOTTCrS "'ill mean a Ic?-11 i olution in the financial condition of: i SAP. stock] PLASTERS ! A 5lcrdard External .H'scudjb ^ P^In In C!do, \ Rheumatism, * Backache, jp s ?Any Local f / Pain. Sfc-A Insist m A LLCOC1P11' , tht OricinaL ? il i ~ ~~ , i Morning I ! with a bright, choc y message 1 his oportunity to rened acquaintt and for who you have develop- I rill awaken memories of pleas- 1 t. Don't wait until the day be- , on getting a few cards from a , 1 I a now and select exactly the de- I alogue of samples and let us orr's Drug Co. aHJL Storm r, N. C. e Insurance Company -ESTABLISHED 1865 Live and Trust Company) ranee Policy, investigate our 'olicy. et the Provident's rate quo st in Cost. o living policyholder* of maT, during the year 1923. cyholde^s cf t'.iia Company are its If Century of honest and successful ited its excellence. ncial stability; its care and integrity isurance, make it the Ideal Company urance. ents, Davidson Bldg., Murphy, N. C. for X. C., Greensboro, N. C. ck & Sides t to get it for me. The very first bottle seemed to help t me. After the second.. .1 was hettdr than I had heen L in months. I certainly can ^ praise Cardul. ft I "I have taken three bot- ? ties. Now 1 hardly wait, j? when the sun shines, to ? garden. I am feeling fine." b Similar results to those de- ? scribed above have been re- M) ported by thousands of other ^ women. Cardui's 40 years ~ of success should encourage & you- to give it a thorough P trial for the relief of any fe common female ailments. a i For sale everywhere. ^ tDUlf ait's Tonic ? \ J THE,^~3KEE SCOUT. MU the 25 mountain counties, according < to a statement issued by Western North Carolina, Ire. Colonel Pratt, president, has for many years recognized the tremendous importance of water powers in Western North Carolina. Since 1905 olina Geological and Economic Surhe, as director of the North Car hey has co-operated with the U. S. j Geological Survey in making sden- . tific studies of our rivers. From , 1912 to 1923 Warren Hall as dist- , trict engineer of the U. S. Geological , Survey had charge of these investi- , gations, and through activities of Colonel Pratt mOVed the district of- fices from Atlanta, Gn., to Asheville. j During the past four years the scope s of river studies' has increased im- , CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use ForOver30Years > Always bears ~ ! ) Signature of 7"Ax'.. menselv. Already complete water j power surveys have been made in i four of our mountain counties to " :c-operate with the State and Feder- ' al authorities to have their powers surveyed. Since coming into this or-J ;anization, we have kept in very 'lftSP tnllph TfitVl tKira C i 1 surveys and are advocating increased j < ipropriation by the legislature and j , ongress. 1 For the above reasons Colonel it Pratt and Major Hall feci that they 1 are in position to speak about water, sowers with authority. One fact should be stressed; that the hun-| ireds of millions of dollars mentioned t : IMENTHOLATUM J ^Lmakes them smootl^^ |' - j ? n Bulletin No. ten will come in mere- { ly as the result of construction of v water powers and manufacturing ( plants. We might go on indefinitely pointing out the payrolls which would ( be created, the increase in property c values, the many beautiful lakes which will be created with the power] of development, etc. In a future j bulletin', the effect of payrolls on rea'estatc values, the tourist busienss and living conditions In Western North Carolina will be treated. The statement follows: "We are firmly convinced that the development of our potential water win in van a revolution in tne i financial condition of the 25 moun-l tain counties. Before 1940 water power development wil cause an expenditure of between $100,000,000 end ^ $500,000,000 in Western North Carolina. Whether the smaller or Charles E. Waddell & Co Engineers Established 1902 Estimates. plans and s, edifications supervision corstruct'bn, operation . il ct:;.* plants ?!*ydro or am, industrial projects, water supply systems, parks, roads and landscaping, bridges and municipal structures and reinforced concrete. \ Designing laboratory % j \SHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA p d BBTHTTSlSTWIRWTWBi * PBylfliii rlNlacHllBB t p fffBtfSSjk I NUNC 11 w h. tJ i?ijiMjyiTrrnn 5 ^CONTINENTAL MARBLE J 0 ?c OKANIIE COMPANY n Canton, Ga. v W. K. DERREBERRY, Agt. '' Mirbli, N. C. " If Yoa Want Anything la Mon- ^ umenti, Sac Ma (octlO-pd) CHICHESTERS PILLS i DIAMOND BRAND &riirr^< ! LADX29 V Ilk jTMt DruaM for CHT-CR1W-TER 9 A DIAMOND BRAMD PILLS la Ren and/A Gold metallic bom, sealed wilR Kue^O) ffirj resrurtW as Sest.Sefeat. Alwtyt Reliable. sold by all druggists ;ls> everywhere ssa WHY. NORTH CAROLINA TONS! LITIS I Apply thickly cmr throat? 0 covot with hot flannai? VICKS VapoRub CW- 17 MUliom Jarm Um+J aiger figure becomes available defends largely en how we take advantage of this great resource. The :urning loose of these hundreds of trillions of dollars will directly benefit every person in this section. "According to all the figures availible there is 1,000.004 horsepower roing to waste in our mountain itreams. Some of this power will lever be developed because many of jur beautiful falls will be preserved because of their value as tourist at.!actions. Other powers will be slow ?f development due to distance away rem commercial cenurs. Certainly, lowever, we are safe in assuming ha: at least 500,<>00 h >rsepower will >e at work within a short period of ime. "The cost of developing r?at>er pow. r ranges between S100 and $200 >er hohsepower, with an average of >150. The development of 500,000 vill then cost around $75,000,00. FOR OVER 40 i EARS 7AIA/S CATARRH MEDICINE has >een used successfully in the treatment >f Catarrh. HAL.I/S CATARRH MEDICINE conlists of an Ointment whtcfl Quickly Relieves by local application. **v2 the internal Medicine, a Tonic. wfclCii acts hrou^h the Blood on the Mue&Qs 9uraces. thus reducinc the In tlamn.it sen. Sold by all drusr^lats. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ci.'-C* 'lease note that this amount of mony will be spent no matter by whom he powers are built. The money is lot now available in Western North Carolina, so U ruusi come from other ources. Note, too, tnac this $75,(00,000 will be spent largely in Westrn North Carolina no matter what ise the power is to be put to. It akes 'big money* to spend big noi.ey.; therefore it is absolutely leccssary that big companies or cor orations undertake this work. We welcome big people to Western North Carolina. "According to the North Carolina Geological Survey, the industries of if this state now demand 500,000 How To End a i Cough Quickly Specialists say to actually end a cough in the shortest possible time the medicine should not only soothe and heal the soreness and irritation, bat should also loosen and remove the phlegm and congestion which are tho real cause of the coughing. When this is done the worst cough quickly disappears. This "double-act Ion" method haa boen brought to Dorfection In the nreaerlntifin known as Dr. Kins' Now Discovery for Coughs. A f?W dropo stop the coughing I spoil* almost instantly, and people who have hardly been able to sleep at night for coaching usually gat their full night's rest even after the first doaea It has | beeu vtqr auccacafui. too. for children's spasmodic croup, for bronchitis, laryngitis. bronchial asthma and hoarsenaaa. On sals at all good drugglsta Aak for lorscpower and for a number of ears this demand has increased 10 ?rcent yearly, on an average. The ?mand is actually increasing and rith the great industrial expansion here is reason to believe that a 10 er cent yearly growth in use of powr may be expected for many years :> come. This normal increase then ould create a demand fcr 800,000 i orsepowe rin 1930, 1,300,000 in I 935, and 2.088.000 in 1940. As 2,-1 00,000 horsepower is practically the inal limit to the possible power in 'orth Carolina, it is safe to predict ' iat all of western North Carolina's ' 00,000 horsepower will be developed v 1940. That means that $75,000,- j 00 will have been turned loose up ere within the next 15 years, by de- i elopment of powers alone. We be-' eva this is a very conservative fig-1 ec mum mi^iiL wen oc, uouoiea. ? kshc ville Citizen. SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT ipThe Hub of The Problem Costs are placed in a new light by the whole project of farm electrification. Why is it, many farmers have asked, that it costs more to supply electric service to rural ' districts than to city homes? Here is the answer, as summed up by Prof. E. A. Stewart, of the University of Minnesota, project I director of the Red Wing experimental line: i 1. In rural districts the customer* thus far has used materially less electricity per mouth than has the city customer. . 2. In the country the average I is three customers to the mile, whereas in the city there are from 30 to 200 to the mile. 3. The cost of distributing electricity is everywhere greater than the cost of generating it, in city | and country both. -- " -'Tclricity Could be gener- I *ted for nothing the problem of economically supplying it to farms would remain unaltered. I 1 LIKES LIGHTING PLANT Farm Wife Calls It the Finest Thing on the Farm. Economic problems concernlrrg the extension of electric power lines to farms do not, as yet. distnrb those who have installed independent lisht and power plants. Many thousands of these plants are at work on farms that are toe far removed from transmission lines to h?pe for service of the latter sort within a period of years. Of the 400.000 farms in the United States on which electricity is used In on way or another, fully half are supj plied by self-contained farm light power sets. That they are serving the purpose successfully in this period of the beginnings of farm electrification is indicated by the story of one farm family using such a set. | This family lives in Stark County. North Dakota, and uses its electrical | plant chiefly for lighting. What it means to them ts told by the woman of the farm: ' **We have in our house hot-water heat, hard and soft water piped into | the kitchen and into the basement. , and an electric light plant, which we think is the finest thing on the farm. When we are out evenings, upon returning we need only to turn a button to give us light outdoors, by which the children and I can find our way into the house without any trouble. Then it is so easy to turn on the llgrhi in any room needed while husband taken the car to the ahed. where he I I alao has the light to see hi* way.' I I T'RY IOB pWUNCt | HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AND THE FLO 1 To break up a cold over night or to cut shor- zn attack of grippe. influenza or sore . throat, taytioiiis and crt.gghu are cow ( recommending Caloubs,; t h e- TW'iseaJess , j Calomel tablet, thai is J rrrnn and ejokeclrg effect's.. } ive ti..-J it tjy that it acts lifc.e magic. '??Kr far mure effective and certain (hips the old style calomel, heretofore recommended by physicians. One or two Calotabs at bed time with , a swallow of water.?that's all. No salts, i no nausea nor the slightest interference ! with eating, worlc or pleasures. Next morn. ing your cold has vanished and your sysj tem feels refreshed and purified. Calotaba , are sold only in original sealed packages, : prir" ten cents for the vest-pocket size; | thirty-five cents for the large family pack' age. Recommended and guaranteed by | druggists. Your money back if you are not j detjguted.?adv. WAN f amilies with large Hous Need am 1st.?A better chance to educate 2nd.?An opportunity to become t er .of agriculture, in an evening school The school has nine good farms c riod of years. Theso families must b will make good neighbors and citizens t The school is especftlly Interested of original stock who need and want purchase their own home in the mount For Further Informatic RABUN GAP INDl Rabun Gaj Fridmy. 7. M IT W Housework I and Headache 1 There's relief for you B house wires who suffer from aches and pains. R V> i.tu lots or tresh sir 8j working over a hot store 8 and the odor of cookii| make your head throb, yo? G back ache, your W? 1 tremble, just take 1 or 2 3 Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain PUb I They'll relieve you quickly a and safely. g ? Your druggist sells then,: I I WANT ADS I VGENTS- -Seii guaranteed hosiery I direct from mill to jjfcarer; all I styles and colors; salary paid for foil 11 time or spare hours; no money need- 11 <d for samples. Int.rnationaLs Mills, I 1284, Norristown ,Pa. <43-20t-pd) I FOR SALE?218 acre farm in ona 1 mile of Murphy, par of the Sour I John Farm. 67 acres in cultivation, 11 151 acres mountain land virgin tim- 1 her. Farm is well watered, has good 1 i orchard, two good cottage houses and 9 | barn. Small cash payment required, I balance in 5 years at 6 percent. Ap- i plv to L. A. Enloe. (10-4t-pd) I CARD OF THANKS. We wish to ofer our sincere thanks to the entire community for the many expressions of kindness extended in 1 during our recent bereavement J. W. LOVINGOOD AND SONS. 1 Headquarters for Shells Y/E want your shell business. That's why we carry a good stock of the loads 1 most wide'y used in this section. r v Cogjfjn (fnd get what '"' yoit n^otR \ f; S Bird Season Opens November 15 th I Brittain's Hdwe. i MURPHY. N. C. SHOOT POWDERS TED! eholds of Children Who i Want: their children and make a living. letter farmers under a practical teacbconducted'f or adults. n which families are taken for a peco fgood material and the kind that of a community. I in the descendants of early settler* to earn and save enough money to ain country. 1 m Apply In Person To rSTRIAL SCHOOL f* A ,X:.t >, Georgia Mii, A -Jmam

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