Friday. -November 21, 1924 oca/ ano *' felephi Special fhanksgiving day, November 27th, at P^nita Theatre, Murphy, N. C., Jivpuu Coor*a/i in "Long Jjvc the KingV' Matinee - p. m.; night 6:30 p. m. (lt-l?) i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moody h ;v retarred from their weding trip and art at home on Peachtree St. Mr. Cecil Grice spent the week-end in Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. William Butt and chiliirtn have been visiting Mrs. Butt's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Fain. Mrs. J. O. McCurdy remains the f 1: s Florence J.-Mngod, M. C Sifdir.a.: ::r\ Mr. r. .MiMul: v. i spend Thanks; iving in Hoi F .inw-. N. C. Mis tendi h.'i-1 been vinii..g in-r l.Mth v. Mr-. I J< hn Hasting#. Mrs. A llie Bell had the misfortune of failing and severing a vein in her . Mrs. Giles Cover and little daiigriter, Eleanor, <<F Andrews, visited honic folks last \vc i k. Prof, and Mrs. .). I>. Walts are :.t '< hei t tl .A. I. 13 iin in 1 An ii\tm< tint of last i was the mceti : i r 1.0 on. aunt, Miss Klizn'. '.h Vs'i! > x ' a . t ed to 1 I- c. Mr. A. S. Clark, of C . , t tl r:L the Pick v .llr. A. C. Ri i- i I '' ' . i from a tril th-j ^.- .-. it mn/ktiU. Mr. Mark King, i j " mi t ' n> *s man u' i "> . .*!r. ami M;-. H. . ! r.j C. Jr., Mr. :.tul Mrs. J. N.' Wri I M'\ and M -. O. ]?. 1 lo aril M d froi . i i.Jay Hotel. Mrs. Tha! na .^.iturdjv.. Mr--. .1 i. i : cient postnii?tr? - a: 1- ride. Miss Ella Mi C- ml . v. v. . i i : \.!t th- Vv'. .. . 1 The l.uiivs of Civ'- . * " Methodi.-.. . 1?^ i; ::. v . Saturday at their \s Mr. Mark Cat rirare has bei r rm > ' ->sf -fM ! I .. iSpfe'Sr . ;- '!! i ^ i . . c3ssfil'. ~ - x, - *j: * --~ j "MoIVER'S 5 "P ortraits of ? j ARCADE BA n. !!. reec1 under j. w. da1 ; sanitarv. shop ' ~y?txpert Barber Wc hot and cc GIVE US / ? 1 ' 5Personal | one iO ^ ' Mr. ant! Mrs-. O'Kelly Myers and j children and Mr. .James Ferguson err- j oyed an outing Sunday at th?* Ms- _ s:on farm. Mrs. Jno. E. Posey is recovering:! fi :a severe attack of j! curtsy. !( Mrs. !?. F. Urcby, of Copperb !1.1, v.-ill arrive* today a vi-it. with her , - ri > : i an ! M . .7. \V. Thompson. Last Tuesday evening at her h r.- , ir. East Mnrnhy, Miss N'anriv Dickson' complimented Mrs. J. W. Vutis ! "i a shcAVt r and 1 r! !'-: At the j. conclusion of the game : J t'? pres i entation of the gifts. deJici*. as refreshments, cons: tin^ of r salf.d a*'. : : ice course, were served. Tho-- ?:i : ent were: Misses Martha Canal ji.! Elizabeth Biittain, Kathryn Thomj- , son, Lin Albright, Eva Nell MauncvJ -Mary Sir,It;;, A. M. Britain, J. W. Thompson, J. W. Watts , B. V. Dixon, Mtssr:. Richards, .lames j ' i lauson, J. W. Watt and Ed. Stud-! still. Miss Mary Tath;):.i and Mess .M Guirc, of Andrews, h.-. - bevn v itin^ the* forcm : .*. : ! s. Luiii -: Eilis. Mr. S. V." C?>\e-, of Andre ws, ! '.'.it V. t-di:. tiay hi town. Dr. J. F. Al?i'riijili*y i renrc J his residence < t r . h Street. Mrs. Ha !! in . . \vh-> ' ': 1 * 11JC ta ' -! .! S *: 1 i- V la, not I':;,- *o\ in ; a.- her Jii*i, ; friends l a I Mrs. Hnv.o If:?!! oecupyir?' rooms in tr.- VIA : - I one. Mr.-. N'.-M ,Sj. t ,i >.\il spend the holidays Muh her ya> r Wash ir.vrton, (hi. M ss Edith WkiUun b, Mr. [loir (. 'Vii i: _ I . !. :.: ,,1 .. . >!:-. H. i. i H o and lit in, of Tlniinn. have- been gx . ? Mr. . .. t. 1>" !; ?; this \\ k. I v. st'ht.l liiii.diiu; ?ll -v. u;i! ('.-vcU ; i. 1 in ; i ?: . fit ' :>1. Mr. B. U. Car >> i : tjn ita.. th? week-end in \?1. nlie on lr.sin I Mi. il. xl. i'.nis :i!ii ,-itii- inn iiv _ I | '< in v.- <?!:. Mrs. I Kii'' V.;- l!v> J i : rro,.l I Mr. and Mrs. nit V . !' : n, . Tl - v r> -.I !' onprroinui >rs and a nr. i t>- ' i n aiuniiy '"fan .i d" t!.- IXij i:zi r.r.d! Mctho-.i , ... ? the ?'.> k ' .. 'i ; I . U -; ??i ? ' 1,/-- ALCiA S^J . .Mh" ->TC- I : | * ?r . n J >. o i:.< vr. o . V V A *" O i*U f3 i Ok. 17 MMior. Jm (U WaHg 7 " ~ * A GIFT INSPIRED' Ev ;-vni"imnt a :c! ifi'i- ixi:' u-ive ? 1' the tn-o spirit of ' :i: ; ? Y O U R 1 if. OGRAl'K. | PS NONE TOO EARLY FOR : K ST?: AS SITTINGS Phone 86 | STUDIO distinction" . .... j " RBER SHOP manager /idson's store new CHAIRS ork of All Kinds t )Ld baths > \ TRIAL! ' | < 1 THE CHEROKEE SCOUT, M Miss Elizabeth Ford, a student of' the Cullowhee Norma! and Industrial School, spent the we k-end here with ' relatives. Misses Kathryn Thompson and j Nannie Dickson spent the week-end 1 in Atlanta. i Mr. and Mrs. Don Witherspc n I were Hayesville visitors Monday aft- ? ernoon. The membrr* of ihe Christian En- I deavor Society of the Presbyterian Church enjoy* d a delightful , ic? . outing at Cool Springs la-. SatU'duv afternoon. Superintendent J. I**. Gr.ffn y the Souther:; Railway was here th. week. Mr. A. B. Dickey w , biifi I visitor to Doi:g!as, Gu., this *.v ek. I NOTICE OF AMENDED O *D1NANCE! a meeting of the bar.rd of C'fy t oi:.. u.->ioners on Oo'.oV r 2Sth, Section 109 of the public ordinance <?f thi' ffttwi cf Mji-'inSja _ ... .tan aiiirUK'.' | as to nvnl as follows: "See. 109. Any person v'Vn \ ; solicit patronage in ar.d r. -;'nd ; railroad depot in thi l . of phy for any J- ?: 1. hoarding eating ho i -". *. -,i . or lo ;v the curb at .. i \i\'J in -olieitloff si"!> hotel, bor-rtlin." ' *:>. ho:;, v ??r taxi cab -v. ?-r. h ,'i. upon com icti ?. pa a ? of 1 ivi i flol-t irs." Methodirf: L->' To Servo *?-jvn: j 'The ladies of tin' V. h. t , .. .! . S. V * : <1i" the i : n of the church on Nov v ' 29th. 11 o'clock un' ii one and fi fiail invit d t ..t Ti"' " 1 ?ri? f ill -: r - HEoj| ? ' hi ken i; - < d.c.j-SS , ice, pot;- salad, hot i i: ith !r: . erf u. DINKFit - 1 >i 1 1 ,. -:' .' .v. picliie-. old m i pone, light ' r a !. apple , a. v f . s ,l * Oyt stew v :!1 1 t s rv .ci ; -limner to Those desiri:.-" saa.e nt i ? '? Z&GBBKSSr;? ' MflEB ?Hit I..1 Mw.ory A letter of condolence en M . ! M *. C. Mi! i 1- : n, Chi Our Dear Kri:n!.: Tf could have caus vi u> c> ' ; ; was the Bi-w- ?: >uur ml u?*av: ii'.iivt. IIov. v.'t v; i i- ... ?; . ... . ' iM. I.fw!;,', j!v iy, i t!.: , ?. an.! j aff -'donate, c*;*< . : lav! ; j .1 tiiih. i iiju'-s bey -.?! '.b ; t?? In-.- - - *i ; ; < v '1 i ;??y , br! cn-i Iicnv;. s: ,\v. J : j v,;U? :> at ?i^' . '' i v. il! I 1 i .... thr an 1 the ? will ' z j 1. . i? znd the sj .? the dea child will j . viy v ?!t ' *ief p > m . ; ?(! v? leva h< wil nv.t .his; dear mother - i r to part no, ?,tore. Wv i i) Vco - ; 1..tio.: y bl? . ; . in your h. r c." sori -.o- , : v- :sof your oving friends. A ! " 1. A" P. . PREACHERS EXC lAi.'GED PULPITS SUNDAY On la-: Sunday n-jhv the confTi-.-- 1 i I . ' iC'i'ian Churches were! purjirisid when, "jrst at thru for ser??' <?, ; from a < Lurch 0C1 . j ;!u ' i - ov.u waikiu in and 1 : charge of the service without core- > mony. Mr. ' . r c i'iic to the? Presbytvr-' inn Chur.h. Mr. Clary wcut to the; Methodist ( hur h and Mr. Rhinehart j went to the Baptist Church. ' BASKETBALL.. SEASON V/1LL OPEN HERE FRIDAY AFTERNOON The local high so ho ! v a .11 ' team will open the 1924 sea?cn 1 Saturday of this week when it vne -v-s | the Andrews qu i.let or} the local rrour.ds. The game will bo called at j ;nree o'clock. This is the first of a series of fames to be played between the dayesville, Robbinsville, Andrews and VIurphy High Schools. ?ti. ..... ^ _ is URPHV, NORTH CAROLINA BIRCH. jj ?Ir. an<l Mrs. Thomas Payne spent Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. A. 1 W. Green. I Mr. O. C. Payne and Mr. O. I*. | McClure ni< tored to Andrews Sun-! day. } j Mr. Clifford Hall, of Gastonia, ?bitim; hom. felks a few c ; . z .-Is-. C 1" art Pi. rson CtmtV:#**!! i -ft Mor.<; :y for Tn; y. C. c The Birch <":eel: Debating Society i3 vv . y ing nice!}. E very bo:'y iinvited to come. Mr. Mark Simonds of ?' ? v t r,:i: vls'tcd I"'"":! Beaver Sur.;::v. I i d FOR OVER 40 Jr EARS TT.MjT/9 CATARRH MEWi::-; ?v brcn used successfully in tae r.t r of Catnr. :t. ' . RALLS CATARRH MKHH'JNM sir is 'if > li". i' iicJiR!* f:n? Iv ? Relieves hy local oppli' ntion. pn*. ? IrtoniM M- " ;ne. a 'u.nk-. : a through HI*- i on th? '? - > ( f*. the- ~ '}.< irll:iR< :> Sold by all <31Uggta!b. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, t i Mr. ' -T : . i :i:ie sen;.--: ... :*< :. h C.ecl; Frinishi. I; t Mr. And) cv :? ricn was o ni ' s ro' -o\ v ?- -veil i i ? our . !l r- . ... .. _ ^ F-y. . : . ; \ t- , : . ; r. . S. ^ u nl'ii Si ki'U u" k- > , !. c . ti an . v. .ii i:.: ; ' ->! i! -r .' . . . contract :.r i;ii t. Mr. 0. P. McCain pos3am hr?nt:njc Mo:. ! .y h: an'.! :i?i lu< ^gqtw-v. ? . S.-t s cia : 1- < '\ o' v ... I CV \k t umtr i HBi B -s r.*k o *:r* ^ A r? 1 T> ;? pu.'. v? . ., ?/, < '.-t> ta: 1 ! ..... .,*!?". v ih hlu.' r - ' . *<: : ? - \, / Drn.--* ?- I.r.4 .?r. - It * ? " " fit ?%.? V ?!.:. - rr. " 1 J . . . . .: - i ; i:. b. ? [ " t C - _ Z 1. voG.N. Mis. G 'tl ui." :in#l -?r?n n - nr. <\ Ed.. . ' f: 1: f ..- ?; A!. ... O" i?\ rt *!>? . ;;? ' c ' hushed who - enipl -m! the Orph-i '*ell -ml Mr. A hb : r ' Mr. and M 1 i .' i.k too . a car viae i. ?c *' ! ir.lo " l. r: '.V. ?iy tt iv.uU :i tr ? ? iflm.iuy. On Thanksgiving dny th re will be * a .<ld r.v.? tinpr of the f'vo f?! *u ? -rhools: Cl'lhtrson. S : r: . V. S I. .1 ;t \ MP; The iY: .ujv - Ol* the : \?c con?i>: cf a Than?> rivi.v.* - t tnnr. ' c sonn one and a thirty lMnut; nr: - j .0 y each :? Th - J, will i .-ist of a hash-thai! i; an.I oth-.r ; ..:n -> and ?oat- ' fr.i . ! <; :: v. II he thi Sha ? wr.?. c .! "rih two < Cuih r r. ? The : :>.u - v.!1.; :.!'> . a '.?! r cf ?- ? :rwl * v. : 1 ': Mr. V-nie Shi-Id- iv.-tv.yborv "> ndinliy in- n vitc.l and a l?i<! y i c -.n 1. Q j fsm ^ ^ H ; ; R I tl fevt?* a yj t Vi *-i H 'j"|3w ti I CON TIN E NTAL MARBLE | a & GRANITE COMPANY ? Canton, Ga. T W. K. DERREBERRY, Agt. mmuici N. C. If You Want Anything In Mon- *' umenttp See Me (octlO-pd) ^ a- P? MII lit imai^ A b< iOLDEN RULE DAY ro AID NEAR EAST] : ! ive Million Dollars Needed for Refuges Crehans Under Ameri- ] can Care. I, I i 3 NAT: . JOIN OESERVANCE r.r.J C; r.V; Committees Organ. j'J to Insure Success c; Nation-Wide Campaign. : \ Ey CHARLES V. VICKTfCY lincral Secretary of the Near East ! Re! if. f Wish :'f'- - "fp ration of civic and j" clmiotis 1c : . throughout the j iuau j.: a: 2 i'.s < !:;u for '.lie j .>nd o'j ,t ;-vaace of interna Wmal i . lieu Rul< Sunday en Decen:.- r 7. i 'he aim is to rai. ? luntls to j-rovi.Se 1 :r!ap ' omit..: y-. a: for lUtl.'JOO | r ti <'. '] 'r. ; u. >r rienn cure t : ' ... >re tli iti live nut- ' v !' ! ; .1 . . i n :il needed. 1 ' T.': : : i .. ien col:.::si?- ' ' ... ; V: : . 1 "I: : i.;. . r li. I i .. ..1.5 = liip of f|. ml . 1 ; . s'i v kci .. ii. ntiiro- 1 : I . ' ill.* Ct.Ui.oil i tinder 1 . 0 : : ? ' l -;at. iile ' ^ ? vi :ir r -'f Y* 5p|,r .. Itu . a ril. t?> i.niiv . ... ml in. rv. i'i a. 1 l.f -. .'-i . t i ii-m ?; rMch It- I : 1 i. tweui] riie -.i/ **"\ 1 * * j ' ; 1 Cf ':n . '.' !' '. .- \- .; ! ' . . ; . ac?i as K-?r. i attd r : - ;;u-. ; I . i-r {u; iij ! :. : . v.. f :; ..:i. j ; ! A-1 ' 1 l-il-iir. .i I:. ;< 1'.i.. A i.i. .1 hu. Ml .V : :> !!'.. i wza I *: h: \M i - . . > ' 1 j&Mwels -a new. stlSii. ;.nd mtttn ! hod <; raising f:'.?r tlio j oi the- i-:-iiav.-i5 i. Ante:;. an ; T{. ... i Lrrds. w.. ! --! 7 ? \ inert- j ..i nr. 1 , . i . up, br 1 il?d - ev.\ CtC Ot ocm _r; . j;d conR.usod, > : c.' am ona*i! A iy to; '.his ; IOV -1 V.xt -il. tSi y T: r. ':.d so v r: : ' :hat. roar. ;.s it is. it Is all that j ' u<>>- -"'IsBI 1 ... . m I f if! c: a ol Vs they i".: -1 .he':.* r -nn,: servi: hey aro ... u. l to rem* t *h.;t the irpUaa ward- -if thn?ear East lie <- f : a havi i on s rvlu for ' s aoi enough to allow more 1. > re asked to r. r J'i bildren exi ?t t: such a dint da> : rat of ea.-it ve.-.r. and they \:li urn j iv to becouia moa and women in- ; i' "' :nore bread and more soir. nve irovidfd. Tim. e who eat thi Gulden le.' Inner will not lack .! ! or;"ray S\:eh u z&ea! will ho s-t1 i n Sunday .n the homes of kin7*. irirnc ministers and presidents. Tii - Golden Rule is a uni : 1 r?: I. It i? a common denon-: ..tor f .!! religious an?l ocial v . Ware eligion on?l our sincerity. 0 - id- n tule Sum! iv is a day for v J*'al lock-taring. for n.. ... \ rrr ::v * ! y a universally acc f life to .certain Low nearly v. ave alt . - d to an id-al. It is a ay of plain living and high thinking. : The dinner, however. 5s not an end i itself It is n occ: a. in tSv rords of President Co>iidg?. "for ringing to the minds <>f .hose who . re prosperous the charitable require- ; lents of those who are in adversity." On Golden RuL? Sunday the citizens ; f all nations will i>> scat. ! fi crura- ' Ively at the same tab!.-, partaking terally of the same iood. thinking he same thoughts and entering : o new realization Ot' the brotherhood f mankind. URKEY DINNER IN PALESTINE Jcr!??.!?!?.- *. Sift Of lir* fnr- ^ eys has just been received by the * ear East Relief from an Armenian < irmer in Egyni. The birds are to rovide Christm *s tinners for 1.200 1 rmer. :an c^ ; m or,.aanu?os <1 are. PAGE FIVE WOLF CREEK. ^ T. J-rank Rand :>v vcd his ?'? ly back ' ''In. Mrs. Savannah Carter has moved rom Isabella to h< old home place lere.lg There .was a baptizing here Sunlay, the Rev. rfobart Hili vfficiatF.v I : ><iri* - *arcre i:. evidence here hind;-.. a> some o the Isabella boy? v *( a lit fe "top-he avy". M R ; rear v . : r?mi y . r *1 ,v th?T of ?:? . f civon pert Saturday and Sunday nights vith relatives he. e. There a**e still . v ml ' - r ire? in sight whl.h - int.-CASTOR IA For Inrant<> and Chi! 'ren ?n Us-a For Over 30 Years Al\v.-i b?a:s tht sy* y/J-- r-_ Signature of />. ^ ^ for so mu r:e < . ;te. Th ' n res : vn:< a: e \oa' ' u ? . .... i:." - : . -V da'Ty, vith m. one to K". - them n; v. Th and eh Mr. ienu Hampton pass .through oar M l i d'.iy \ti- . u.oinr. nroute to < meter;. ;.t llo' ehnr h. Ir. Hamp on? 1 -t his n : w mil. mnwe . . ?T< v ii'M t th. J.-!. alf.l II. I.? r >!?? > , iTutt's Pills] V (' ... -J.'sd as cp. fir f I ANTI-BIL^bJ MEOICME j I I tlist id ih" *lo:r:>.eh, di^smifort : } Hi - ting, .J iil il-osc it civ d the heart - ; !;.% lake ^ sitv^ ^ ; . i ;asive r i'g, so ix' t .. tiv. , ! iiuds then* I l.J] . ;1. . :1'\' iik'.v relieved hv thenI. . rt.0o>i little. oi.iv ilb- c. Soki < ^ lid eveiywheiiS. \ a YC-vS^oHipicTt \ j?- - . storesr*: *r* . . to fed Sr.. - i Cccroi parr.v-j nc < cnc S j r ,t J r > ; a pi? _.?f ' > s .1 s'"..:nc?r> 5 r *> rroro 5 f; d_w. ,n rcakcr S. I5, bo *c jv C=te no-Slovak c lp-fire girf j aerial cascade Air Council i' \ Devil D02 activation \\ Federal Land Dank ? 1st hi* Storehouse \\ fn'orTTta!ion Jf -yC * \N ScrpinfflW \ r~^ '"00 >**? * OOO :"ust?tion . "... /I 107.000 word; 4 Sr?-.r * -\V ' . : ' *? & tit':-: athical , Writ*, fop o "*TOle pa?ocfth? .V.-w> *c~ai t tc-rrten of Rv^ular jt.j In1-s.pc.r,/, KRtue kdiC r'.-r vaAMCC. -.....U.3JC

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