I IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT ITS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Orgs plume xxxvi. SATUF Saturday, December th, is the last day on rhich voters may regis;r for the special elecon to be held on Decemer 23rd to express their rill with regard to the lie of the city pcwer lant. This is a new regitration and everyone expecting to vote will have to register. The fact that one has been registered for and voted in previous elections will! have nothing to do with this election. It is an, entirely new registration and all voters interested ( in this matter are urged to make the necessary preparation for voting? . that is, REGISTER. The 1 books are open at the I! Murphy Hardware Store |i Mr. T. W. Axley is the registrar. It will be im- j possible to register after i I Sattirdav of this week ' for this election! REGISTER! Wm. P. Payne Lost Barn By Fire November 27th ' Mr. Wm. P. Payne had the misfortune to lose his barn, several work animals and a quantity of feed last Thursday nighQ when flames swept through the structure. The flame had gotten considerable headway before it was discovered. The fire department answered the call but by the time they reached the barn it was too | late to save it. Mr. Payne was away from home at the time and it is not known howi ' the flame was started. It wa sfirst I discovered about 9 o'clock. It may have caught form a match or cigar-1 ette accidentally dropped about the barn at feeding time V>r may have been caused by spontaneous combustion. There were three head of horses j and several head of cattle in the barn at the time. The catle were gotten out but the horses were burned. The horses were valuable animals, one having taken the prize at the horse show of the Cherokee County Fair in September. Along with the horses considerable Grain, hay and other feed was destroyed. The total loss is estimated at from a thousand to ^ fifeen hunderd dollars. It was cover- ( ed by insurance. Andrews Dam Began j Filling Tuesday The last concrete had set and the | big gates were let down Tuesday morning at the Andrews municipal * power dam on Hiawassee River several miles above Murphy began filling i up Tuesday morning. It was expected that several days would be required for the dam to be comnTetelv filled ai>J then another week would be ] necessary to thoroughly test cut trh ; generators and distribution system j and have it accepted by-the Mayor and board of Commissioners of the , town. Thus hy the 5th. it is expected that our sister town will be in full charge of tiie hydro-electric developmentkractiwill begin the distributiorywet Jr an dlight to customers MK aaifcMd the town, ftllo < the closing of tin gates h at the c a, fjye river just below it ran 1 dry ana a number of fine fish were . captured by those on the scene. s The Andreds plant is said to be one J of the finest of its size n in the South. 1 N s , ^ myt m of Murphy and Che iDAY I CO. RESTRAINED j FROM SALE OF ROAD BONDS Judge Schenck Signs Restraining Or. der Last Friday Returnable On December 16th A number of bond buyers flocking here Sunday to bid on the offering of $150,000 or road bonds were disappointed Monday when they learned that the County Qommissioners had been restrained from selling the bonds. The order was signed last Friday by Judge Schenck. Tkn n : ? >v- M?n?t vuiiiuiiasiuiicn were restrained not only from selling the bonds, but also from using a $25,000 road fund just turned over to them by the county. Ihq injunction is returnable on the 16th of December. In discussing the order, member" jf the Road Commission stated that this would cost the county from ten to twenty thousand dollars at it ha? meant the stopping of road work on ieveral projects, which will probably mean that the work will have to be re-let and probably at a less advantageous figure than the present contract calls for. In this connection he commission pointed out that its jr. sent contract on the Shoal Creek oad is 64 cents for unclassified trading, and that the rock to be noved would average about 40 to 50 aer cent of the yardage, which made his a very advantageous contract. The Road Commission has employ?d counsel and will resist the injunc;ion. They will fight it on the tiound, it states, that the comrnistion did need to sell the bonds and isc the $25,000 bond Issue and as )roof they point out that they owe contractor some ten thousand dolars for work in November which ;hcy are unable to pay as they are entirely out of other funds or relources. They further claim that he ambount of bonds asked for will >e needed as amounts set aside for ?ach of the projects to be improved vere determined upon only after rareful surveys and estimates by ciiable engineers. The commission dans to await the hearing on the 16th, but in the meantime it will ieek to have the bonds of those oboinirirf *lin in illll/ifriAFi SnnMAAaiul ?a rover damages the commission beieves will result from the stoppirp ?i' the road work. Lr.w Forbids Breaking Shrubbery As the Christmas season approach- J is the temptation to break trees and ihrubbery along the highways will >e increased. Anticipating this, loral citizens have called attention to i recent law passed by the State Lcgslature which makes it a mlsdemeanir to break trees and shrubs aolng ;tate highways. Buys Murphy Cafe C. S. White and H. L. Higdon. >oth of Andrews, have purchased the City Cafe in Murphy% have taken charge, and will operate in the future under the name of White & Hidton. ' Mr. Hidgon expects to move his Family to Murphy shortly. Mr. White vill continue to make Andrews his tome, for the present, anyway, he states.?Tri-County News. Sosebee & Hartness Open Cafe Near L. & N, Messrs. Roy Solesbee and Carl Hartness opened a cafe near the L. & >?. Depot this week. They have leased the building belonging to A. A. Fain and formerly occupied by Charlie McGee. Town Of Franklin Starts Development Teh pats wc^k witnessed the c n-u mat ion of the ?*ie of a .yiGd.GOo bond issue by the town cf Franklin ind work hos been gotten under wayj survey*ng oat the com >ur lines for a municipu' power !e^clo;>niont for the capltr.oi city of Macon County. J Cfjcn rokee County, and the ! MURPHY, NORTH CAROLS last! The Notla Plar The proposed sale and purchase of the municipal power plant on Notla River teems to be meeting almost with universal | satisfaction. In one or two Instances, however, some misunderstanding has arisen with reference to Article 8 of the contract, which relates to taxation of the property after ttfc sale of the plant. In the beginning, it might be stated that the town does not now pay the bounty or the state any tax on the power plant or on any other publicly owned property. No smaller sub-divission of government pays amy other divisi'on division of government taxation dn any property that it may hold. This fact does not seem to have been fully understood by some. By the terms of the proposed contract of sale, entered into with the Carolina-Tennessee Power Company, the title to the Notla Plant remains in the town of Murphy until ail the outstanding electric light bonds, together with interest on them, are paid. This provision is necessary in order to protect the town's best interests. The bonds run for a period of twenty-six years yet. But the power company may buy them in at any time and deliver them to the town and demand a deed to the property. Whenever title to the property is delivered to the power company, it will then be responsible fo rcounty and state taxes, whether the title is delivered next year, or in 1950, when the last electric light bonds CENCUS TAKING FOR AGRICULTURE BEGAN THIS WEEK H. R. Green, of Asheville, is Appointed Supervisor For This District The agricultural census for the year 11)24 and relating to conditions on or near January 1st. 1925, began this week in this district with H. R. Crcc:*, rf Ashev'Ha, supervising end 102 enumerators in the field gathering data. There are 19 counties Int'.udc.l in this districa, which for the purpose of census taking is called Distrist No. 1. The counties Include Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Graham, Haywood, Henderson. Jackson, Macon, Madison, Mitchell, McDowell, Polk, Rutherfordton, Swain, Transylvania and Yancey. The 37,530 farms included in this district will be visited by Mr. Green's corps of enumerators between now and the latter part of January, when it is hoped the enumeration ^ran be completed. Heretofore" the census of agriculture has always been taken in connection with a complete census of population. This time it will cover the farm population only, showing the number of persons i'.ving on the farm, including the family of the operator and the farm laborers and their families. These persons will be classified as under or over ten years of age and as white or colored. The extend to which farm operators used the purchasing and selling facilities of farmers' organizations will be brought out by two Inquiries; one caning ior ine value 01 products of the farm sold through a farmers' marketing organization, and the other calling for the value of all farm supplies purchased from or through ' a farmers* organization. An additional index to the marketing conditions will bo brought out by answers to inquiries as to the kind of road adjoining the farm, whether concrete, brick, macadam, gravel, improved dirt, or unimproved dirt, and the distance u? 11iv market tevrr.. Through inquiries of this character the census seeks to secure Information relative to conditions upon which to a considearble defcree the success of farm operations depend*. jfeee ? Leading Newspaper Li 1 IA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1924 DAY T< it and Taxation | would ordinarily mature. In the meaning, it could not be expected that the power company would pay any taxes. Therefore, when the town agrees to (density and save harmjeas the power company from State and County taxes, it q|oes not mean that the town will have to pay the state and county any taxes. Thore will be none paid. If anyone should think that the power plarnt should become a subject of taxation as soon as the contract of sale is ratified, it will be muica inai toe ml ana county are not now receiving any taxes from this plant, but if the sale is ratified, they will in the not distant future as soon as title to the property is I delivered, whether next year or when last bonds or paid off. There is one further provision with reference to taxation of the plant.. It is this.: The pkawer company is to be exempted from city taxes for the period of the franchise, or sixty years but in turn for this exemption. It Is to furnish the town with power to illuminate double the number of street lights now installed by the town, which in the qourse of a yea: would amount to many, many times the amount of any taxes the city might hope to collect from the power company, as very little of the valuation of the Notla property is within the Corporate limits ? only a few transformers and distribution lines. The taxation provisions 6f the contract, in the light of this explanation, should seem equitable enough. M. W. BELL'S BROTHER DIES i IN CHICAGO I Ashe: of Chicago Business Man To B: Brought to hfocksville For Burial Frank Martin Bell, prominent Chicapo business man and brother to Attorney M. W. Bell, died in Chicago last Saturday of angina pectolrs. j Funeral services were held in Chicago , | Sunday afternoonSfiThe ashes of the I, ! body, which was cremated by man- j dale of the will of the deceased, will be brought to Mocksville, N. C., for burial. The Northern Truse Company was made executor of the estate of Mr. Bell. Mr. Bell was the son of Dr. Martin T. Bell and Eliza Martin Bell of Mocksville. Mr. Bell left North Carolina at the age of eighteen and has' lived almost the whole of the time in J Chicago, where he was active in busi. j iness life, being for years connected with the general office of Armour & Company as a department manag-, er. His first work was in the drug business where he rose to a high position. which he gave up at some temporary sacrifice in salary in order to accept the work with Armour & ompany. wehre a larger field was ofIfered. His application to P. D. Armour (the elder) met with favorable response and later Mr. Armour mani! fested his interest and esteem by 1 presenting Mr. Bell a handsome gold i watch suitablv entrraved showing hv - - " I whom given. Mr. Pell was interested in athletics and owned a country i club and golf course twenty-five miles out from Chicago and made his home there through the summer months commutting to his office daily. He ! won numerous golf trophies in former years. He was a grand nephed iof Governor .Alexander Martin and of Judge Keer, the elder. He never married. Besides Attorney Bell, he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. M. L. John and Miss Margaret Bel!. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Watts spent the! past week-end in Talbotton, Ga., J . with Mrs. Watts* father, Mr. W. K ! j Couch. . . - ! ?COUt I this Section of Western 3 REG) NEWLY ELECTED T OFFICIALS TOOK OATHS MONDAY County Commissioners Sit Ie First Session Tbis Week?County Agent Work Discontinued The recently elected county officials took their oaths of office Mon- ' day morning and immediately thereafter assumed their respective duties. . 1he chairman of the retiring board. o. ??. L,ovingooa, administered the ] oath to the new county officials, T. , W. Axley, W. J. Martin and W. T. Holland. The new commissioners , organized by ekcting Mr. Axley j chairmon of the beard. , Register of Deeds, A. M. Simonds, | Sheriff B. B. Morrow and the newly ^ elected Justices and other minor of- i facials were then sworn In by the j chairman of the new board of com- j missioners. t The election of a county attorney < and several other matters were left i open. , The work of the county agent was . j discontinued, for the present at least. | ] The Commissioners stated, following ; their action in this matter, that the financial condition of the county did ? not seem to warrant a continuance ( of this officer. It was also said that the retiring agent, Mr. H. H. Ellis, ( was being held responsible by some fir the fact that the last county fair t was not able to? pay the premiums offered for the best exhibits and that i they had asked that his work be dis- \ continued for this reason. 1 Quite a good deal of sentiment has developed in favor of continuing the < county- agent work, and many hope * that the commissioners may recon- t sider and retain this agent. District Agent Goodman, of Asheville. it is J understood, is scheduled to be in the > countv soon and it i? o?r isfactory arrangements with the com. t missiotiers can be made for the con-j tinuance of the work in this county, j j CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 AND BLACK SAND < HAS FINE CAST;J Play Will Be Given Or> l?th For Benefit of Undernourished ^ School Children j g "Chocolate Cake and Blaek Sand" | . a play to be given by the children \ of the smaller grades and children ] t under school age, has a fine cast, as! * announced this week. (j Margaret Witheispoon is to play L the role of the Little Girl, James j Mallonee, that of the Sand Man; i . Louise Walker, of the Witch; Grace Parker, the Fairy; and Elizabeth Parker, Mary' Stonecipher, Lucy Myers, Frances Dickey, Louise and Frances Christopher, Ellen Cdoper, ^ Axley and Mildred Gentry are to be Bad Dreams. The play will be given on Friday night, December 12th. A small admission charge will be made for the j benefit of undernourished school ^ children. j SPECIAL TERM COURT CALLED FOR DEC. 29TH i; h A special term of Cherokee Coun- j. ty superior court will he convened i ( here on December 2Uih with Judge j t James L. Webb, of Shelby. presid-!( ing. The County Commissioner? j drew jurors for this term at this ] ] sitting. It will be a two weeks term I of civil court only. Little Charles j, West Jr., four year old son of Mr. i? and Mrs. Charles West, drew the fol lowing jurors for this term: { For the first week: J. W. Brvson. j W. K. Dcrreberry, G. B. T-ovIngoocI ( J. W. Fisher, J. P. Price, B. W. Chastain. J. J. McGuire, D. P.' Johnson j J. W. Cradford, D. L. Parrls. W. R. Jenkins, A. L. Tippett, W. T. Lov- , ingood, Wm. Hatchett, D. W. C. Pierce, L. B. Brannon, Carl Stiles. A T,. Simonds. G. A. Stalcup. J. P. Baines, O. S. Anderson, T. W. i-ails, J. M. Hamby, J. W. Shackleford. Second week: J. W. Floyd, C. M. Mason Jr.. T. J. Bristol, J. R. Keener, J. M. McDonald, Isaac Lovingooa, ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" i North Carolina 5c COPY?$1.50 PER YEAR ISTER UNION MEEflNG ABOUT TITHING TO BE HELD 14TH Three Congregations Expected to D#? vote Second Sunday Night Service to Joint Discutaion Plans have been pracrrcally com pietea lor a joint meeting of all the churches of the community on Sundaynight, December 14th. at the school auditorium for a joint discussion of tithing. A program was arranged last Sunday afternoon at a meeting of a committee of five representing all the churches of the town. Thl9 committee was appointed at a meeting of all the members of the churches held at the library Sunday afternoon, Novvembcr 30th. C. W. Bailey vas made chairman of the meeting in the Library and Mr. P. C. Hyatt was made secretary, and these two, together wih Messrs. R. A. Akin, G. H. L'ope and B. W. Sipe composed the committee to form a program and arrange a meeting at which the subject >f tithing might be discussed. Folowing is the topical outline, and the eadirs appointed, for the discussions it the December 14th meeting: 1. A discussion of Stewardship, with special reference to tithing, by E. G. Tlary. 2. Scriptural basis for tithing in Did Testament, by D. H. Rhinehart. 3. Scriptual basis for tithing in he New Testament, T. L. Sasser. 4. What causes are included in Tithng, or what causes may one contri>ute and consider it part of the Tithe, Mrs. L. P. Kinsey. Making Tithing Eeasy (a discussion' >f methods of keeping track of conributions made as a 'paTt of the ;ithe), Mrs. E. G. White. Miss Ida M. Johnson and Mesdamca I. W n*vid?on and ?. c. Malienee vere appointed a committee to arrange for the musical program for he meeting. While the approval of the program mil the joint meeting, together with he- place of meeting, awaits the ratl'ication of the governing bodies of he local churches and the acceptance vf t ..i?-? ' .* mivsc kuuocii iu lean me discussions t is anticipated that this will be only i perfunctory mutter. Stewardship ind Tithing are matters all the hurches are much interested in and it this meeting it is expected that hese subjects will be fully set forth it this joint meeting. It is to be loped that a gerat number will atend this service. The school audiorium ha sbeen chosen as the meetng place so as to have ample space o take care of those who attend. Dak Lane Goods Are Shipped To South America Dak Lane Product Best In America, Say a New York Jobber. Through Whom Shipment Was Made The Oak Lane Knitting Mills this veek made a shipment of their goods o South America through a New fork brokerage firm. The consignnent went to Bogota, the capital city >f Colombia. The New York Representative of he local firm, in sending the order 'or goods here stated that the Oak L^ne Pullover shirt, manufactured In he local mills, was the best in America and that he was delighted to know hat North Carolina is able to proluce such a garment of quality. "It s just what I have been looking for,'* te concluded. Oak Lane products are now being shipped to many parts of the United States and wherever they go they meet with instant favor. A number >f shipments have gone to California points. Every shipment has brought repeat orders, which is ver ygratifying to President Richmond. Mr. Richmond is finding the labor here very apt and is enthusiastic about this location for his mills. He came here a year ago from Philadelaip.h S. F. Taylor. *Geor. Patterson. S. C. Mingus, J. A. Timpson, W. W. Rogers, F. H. Garland, B. W. Battle, Sam Young, Weldon C. West, R. P. Radford, Jno. McDonald Jr., H. G. '"..rrpicn.