IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT irs.toEC^USB WE DIDN'T ' KNOW IT The 02^ Organ of VOLUME XXXVJL No. IP. T1THERS MEETING TO . 3E HELD SUNDAY NIGHT Joint church services Sunday night in Cchool building to . discuess tithing The^Sf^ doftgYefehtions - of- the town j^e having a uniou service Sunda* night,"December, 14th. This service* yjill be held in the school, auditorium so as; to make sure ol accomodating all. who may care to attenq^and it is expected that a great many Will come out for this services. The Entire services will be devoted to ?tq$vardship, with special reference to titling . The topics to be discussed are as followers: ' 1. ' Stewardship, with special re ferenjife to tithipg. 2. ^Scriptural basis for tithing in Old jFestament. j? f 3. ^Scriptural Basis; for t/thipg in New ^Testament. 4. ^.-What causes are inrli/ded jr tithi^, to whht.- (piUsfiC rfiay one coatnpute and consider it pact of the tithed 6.' Making Tithing Easy.- (A diacifltftion of methods o'L keeping tr^clt of contribution made as a part of' tfic Tithe.) Tip? three -pastors arc taking part in ttfe discussions. They are vitally intertfcsted in these subjects and al! threi are .tmxiuus that not only theii entire congregations, but also as iganV as others''as will, miy be present .for those discuss.mi. Mrs E. G. WhVOe v01 disyusp top if s. ezr/Tledford ?eing deld for wife killing h Hayesville, Pec. 10. ' Ezra Led ford, 20th years of age, is being hclc in the Clay County jail for tr.c rsuder of his yojuUifu) wife at the honv oilier Father's, Milas Parker's. Sun daj morning, *' December 7th. Thi yonng husband approached his wif< from the interior of the house, a sfip was standing on the porch step lopking down the road and discharg ed a loaded shot gun in the back o bar neck, the Bhot completely piercin; neck. She immediately fell dead tft is not known just what precipita the killing. The young conple ha< not been.-iporried long. They hai been parted once but for the las qeverai montns nau oeen- living iu gather peaceably. He had been em jHoyed on Buck Creek, and it r? sail when he came home last Friday "h brought home whiskey, it is said and the wife broke the bottle am threw it away. Everybody apparent ly went well until Sunday mornlnj when the. shooting took place. Th young buspand used the shot gun o his fathe"^ jn.' law. Following' the shooting he is sai to have thrown down the gun and t have run down the roadT losing sevei al loaded shells in the. flight. H pulled off his boots near Mack Per land's stpre, waded down creek abou a quarter -of a mile to John Tiger' store and went to Tiger's home am asked that he be'.taken to Haycsvill and turned over to officers. Sherif Ed Kitchens was phoned and w?am and took the young man in charge. The younf wife was hurried a Bethel Church Tuesday. Chambers Named As Postmaster At Hayesvilli According: to a news dlsp/Ttch con ingr out of Washington Monday, Joh A. Chambers has been nominated fc postmastership at the Hayesville o: fice. His nomination was sent to tl Senate for Confinniation Monday It is expected that, the nominatio will be approved by the Senate. Mr. W. E. Studstill will spend tl > Aidays with home folks at MouUr! O ? Mr. Julius Martin of Martins Crec H'Pent Saturday in town on business Mrs. H. D. Smith and children c Greenwood, S. C. have joined M Smith and will spend the winter nc? friendship, Mr. Smith is the stat drqspuauj aq} /o a3am(o ui jaauiSu Shoal Creek road. ?t*. I ?je Murph> and Cherc INSTRUCTION ON CHRISTMAS MAIL Murphy, N. C., Nov 24, 1924. t To The Public.:. The post office department has re. quested that the public, mail their Christmas parcels early ia. order to, . avoid delay as a big business is ari, ticpated. Also that this day will be , recognized as a holiday by the employees, rural carriers will not makt' their usual -trips, city ear^iers^wil^only make a partial delivery,, stopp' ing at 11 a. m., also at that hour postoffices all over the country will close and there will be no further servsce for the day,-, except the dispatch of mail and only first ciass and daily papers will be considered in this. If your cards or parcels are going a long distance they should be mailed j no later than December 14th. it they |i are going within three days travel. , not later than the 16th. if within two days travel not later than the 18th i and- if only one day travel, not later than the 20. This In ordter to reach 1 destination and be distributed before Christmas Day. If these ihstructions ate not followed, you are liable to be ' disappointed. . " r Remember, when presenting parcels at the windaw for dispatch, that yours will be only one of many I thousands and these parcels will be handled hurt ily, so be sure that they ( are packed ell; in heavy' corrugated boxes, wrapped well, and tied with good strong cord, for unless properly packed they will not be accepted. Also remember that wc will not have the -timo to pack , wrap or. tie for the public, as our duties will keep us quite busy. Now in conclusion remeniDer, that r the service will be congested, and that travel from one point to another will " be in all probability lengthened out. 1 You may mark your parcels "Do " not open uniii* Christmas.** You inay ? also put a card inside bearing your " name and addresrfi and If the parcel l* is for different members of a family e the several articles may bacr the name ? of the person for whom it is intended. s as. "for John" etc. Very respectifully yours, f A. B. DICKEY. P. M. cr! i WILL ORGANIZE ? PEACHTREE S. S. [1 ' . . t - "V ., fc A Sunday School will be organize! at Pcachtree Methodist Chureh, Suifi j day December 14, at 10: A. M. All aie invited to. come anc^ I?elp make this very important intsitutiokf /. sticj j cess. Mr. C. F. Trull is to be sup. erintendent. A teachers training ?j class is to be organized soon. "The e i organization and administration ot f the Sunday -School" is the boo!: to be used. d; s ? s??j Officers Capture J Five Gallons i-1 Of Whiskey - j Sheriff B. B. Morrow, Revenue d officer Jake Dewcese, and Deputy e . A. L. Morrow captured five gallon? f of whiskey in the Floyd Settlement e j on shoal Creek last Thursday. The whiskey was in gallon 3ugs. The t j distillery had apparently been re: moved from the locality the day be' fore as all signs pointed to this fact The whiskey was brought to the Sheriffs office and poured out. ? Wheeler's History Soon To Be n Published Again >r -s F- Wheeler's History is soon to be ie republished, according to plans now y.1 under way by the Daughters of the n' American Revolution This is one ol the most accurate and prized histories over published and is has become ver> ie scarce because it has heen out oj 6, j print for sometime. T he last copies i of the history are said 1o lnve sold i tor $25.00 and $50.00 respectively, I- showing how highly this hood isprizrief' $3.50 a volume. Mrs E. 1j. Shuford r. t'of Hickory, N. C. has charge of sdcurirjing advanced oredrs' for the book ;e j and all who would like to have a i^jCopy of the history should notify her i at once. ikout >kee County, and the Lei " MURPHY, NORTH CARC S. S. LESSIAN FOR i DEC. 14th. 1924. j ? THE RESURRECTION OF LAZ-j ARUS I am the resurrection and the life:j he lhat bclievth on me,-though he { die yet shall he live; and he that j lii-eth and^ believeth on me shall never, die. Such is the promise of our Lord. U He-proved his power in Bethany uiany years ago. Lazarus, thought i Ijelbad been dead for days was called; 4rom the tomb, a living human being., testis, the Saviour, exercised his] ?ov?e.- over death and restored life.! Though.the Grace of God as grace j Diiracler arc taken place today. Rev. tVaitcr S. Scott gives the following incident. "Returning once from a visite tc pur Uvalde Mexican Mission Church I ' fetoppe at Sabinal and held tSvo i ojvpn air meetings.. Among those whohecrd me pr.each a man rno . had quitte a reputation among mexic. i ans and Americans as a gamier, j The morning following the' second; service he hea to leave town and go to work on a ranch. Before leaving he, took his favorite pack of cards, one's he did business with, and burn%d. them. He hunted for a copy of the Now Testament which he had stored i away in some qf his boxe* and tfioi; j it with him. He read it thrc-pr'; twice, before I saw him agair jeveral' months after. On that second visit, he and his wife professed religion and united with the Church.' Hi?! wif's parents and relatives disowned her and would have nothing more to' do with her. bne went to visit them shortly after but was not allowed to enter the house and was abused most Unmercifully. H:r father never (forgave them till ?ne coy of his death. "The exgambler a transformed man is winning to hio .>e)f the respect i of the entire community. He is an industiious, lawn biding citizen and is endeavoring to SlmftUers to th? same r.ew Hfe in-Ch.vr. " By the united off forts of?him?e'f and wife, two whole . families were brougiflt to a saving knowledge of the Gospel and now . active members of the * church, re . suiting in ,th? organization of the ' Mexican church." T^is is but one of a multitude of I incidents that can be found on every ; side of 'the power of Christ to being : the deatlr in trespasses and in sin r to a spiritual life that is worthwhile. Returning to the' miracle of the lesson we find certain essentials that j are claarly pointed out. First and j foremost is of course the promise of ( our Lord. He is the resurrection and the life and he has promised that he L.i V .. 1 : Murphy, N. C., to spend their honey moon and upon their.rPturn to thi city will be at home to friends at th residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. Harmai May No. 410 Wakcr street. i . ed and his promise is backed by al the* power of Heaven and Earth That is all the power there is. Wha more could ever, the coldest, calculat ing man of affairs ask for? Then we must have .some wonvi who belong to the household o FAITH. A Church with even a fev women of the right sort of in teres i and. faith is not going to die. It ma; | be accounted dead but it isn't. It is with a bit of justified prid } that I think of the mothers in ol< Thyatira Church. The fact that thi eld Church hac sent out nine ordain cd Ministers and has now four youm men studying for the ministry ithe in College or the Seminary besjde ; having four women on the foreigi field and three women in training fo th' same kind of work is on men happening. The secret in prat lie in the fact that Old Thyatira has ; group of Mother's who are the sor to rear minister's and missionarers She has women of faith and the re suit has been a steady stream grow ing larger all the while of gospc preachers. I have in mind a church that f looked upon as dead.- It may b years before the community realize the real life hut a' couple of devote< Christian women of faith are then and the Church will live. This little Church is backed bv al three eswntials. First it has th promise of Christ; Then the faith o some women. Also there is ameasur of opposition that is manifesting i.self in very much the same way tha the subtle jews did in the ease o the incident of the lesson. My brother if your purpose is true | your air.-, right, you toe v.:!! have'* abundant measure all three essential So take courage and remember tha it was the last half of life for whic' the first was made. Now friend o mine take courage, Trust Cod. sc (all and fear not. k lis Secdon of Western 924. BEM1S LUMBER GO. IJ WILL BUILD R. R. IN GRAHAM CO. It to be common carrier and will connect with Topton?Fine timber n. county < Graham County, one of the richest in rctural and secenic resources in ' j Westi.it North Carolina, for many i i years practically owned by English i interest, without railroad and high 1 I way facilities is virtually to be re- i , claimed. Purchase oi '.he roadbed of the Graham County Railroad and timber < , holdings from the Independmt Ordci . of Forester.-, a Canadian body, win ; , j mean the expd'uditure of millions in 1 j th'; couftty. j Property :n the county has been I under control of the English owners, making it almost inbossible for residents to own land, while thousands of acres of American's finest timoei has never been touched. ' j Announcemc nt by the Bemis Lumber Company of plans to immediately "! being work on a common carrier, con: necting Topton with Robinsvill, com; . t (ty seat of Graham, will nvean an al- j most undreamed of move for resi- j ' denti of that section, i The county has only five negroes, J ! ,'.ic residents being of the finest of , native Americans and the purchasi I; of the land on which they live b\ ; , American interests is being reeenved ; I with great interest. Craham county was former In 1872 from Cherokee ami named for r j William A.y Graham. Agricultural ;: activity at the present time Is limited. . jas difficult access to market prevents the mor^ extensive operations for e which the soil is well fitted by reason I of its fertility. The soil everywhere 1 ^ | is fertile. The peopla are engage i j iin stock raising. The adaptability ' of the region to cattle raising and tin ' i xtent and cheapness of pasturage : makes it an attractive pluce for set . tiers who wish to grow beef for mar-! -1 ket'. ri' Major Warren E. Hall, of West-1 e enr North Carolina. Inc., gives the i following information in regard to , Graham County: "Graham w one of our least known counti.v. It is i. .. -- ? I truly one or the "Lost Provinces.* but is now about to be found. Located alon^r'the Tennessee border with b Swain County en the north, Macon , e on the east and Cheroko? on th-. south. It is one of the few counties! which has not a single railroad. "Only one State Heighway penej trates Graham County, No. 108, riming from Topotn in Cherokee County ^ to Robinsville, the county seat of Graham. Only ahout 11 miles of heighway No. 108 is in the county hut it is an excellent gfaval-sandt clay road. At present the highway does no; to', m a coa.tectio.i with ar.y v part of the Stat.* except Cherokee t County, be cause the Xaniahala sec y tion of road No.' ten is under construction and is practically impos-j e | sable. However, contractors are hard [J i at work along the Nantahala. (hi s I the completion of this section of No. -10 it will be possible to reach B; i?g;hinsville from Asheville with a four-( r hour drive. j s "The Highway Commissioners has a!surveyed road No. 10S on from rob-i r binsville to Topaco on the Tennessre; e line, where it is expected that Tens' nessec. will join with a main high-i a I way from Knoxvillc. The plan is to i ; start construction of 108 within the | . next year. With the completion of! - the highway and the proposed raii road. Graham will "he an integral 1 part of Western North Carolina. "Graham County contains 177. s 413 acres and the last census showed e.a population of 4.872 people. This s means hat there is a\ailable 27 acres rl for every man, woman and children, e I The people are practically 100 per cent white native born, the census' I) only giving- five colored people in the | e county. f "Though the area of the ountyl c provides for 27 acres for each person j t- as a matter of fact there are relatjtivcly few property owners. This is| f due to the fact that a very large portion of the county has for years! : been owned, by an English group, and entailed the property could not is be sold. Even the land on which the t town of Robbinsville is located was h thus held, so that few of the people f in the town could own their homes, e It is obvious that there was little incentive in Ribbinsville toward Be ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU R 1 C H * North Carolina 5c copy?*1.50 'ter year =========== } Registration Books Ciosed Saturday Ercrybcijr who registered is urged to vote on December 23rd The registration books clost d last Saturday evening. Only about" two thirds, or 320, of those on the old registration list registered for this special election, which is to be held Dn the 23rd of the mont.* to approve the action of city officials in contract ing to sell the power plant on Notla River. It will require a majority of those registered to carry the election. This means that more than 160 must vot-_ their approval of the contract with the Carolina-Tennessee Power . Company in order for it to become effective. Those not voting will automatically be counted against the sale of the plant, as, according to law, a majority of the qualified voters must vote for the measure In order for it to become effective.. A qualified voter is a voter who has regestered. It, therefore, becomes important that every registered voter cast his ballot on election day, Decombi r 23rd, or some person friendly to the sale may be counted against it. Tea Room was open Tuesday Afternoon An attractive little tea' room was opened over the Brittain & Mayfield Hardware store last Tuesday afternoon by Misses Elizabeth Brittain and Kathryne Thompson. Hot Cocoa and cake were served all who visited the ten rood during the afternoon and evening. Steam Heat Reir.c ?, Installed in' Hotel and Church Plumbers are fast at work install-" ing steam heat in the Dickey Hotel and at the New Methodist Church." The work at the hotel is under way. It it thought that it win have--beancompleted by the first of the year. Work was gotten under way this week at the Methodist Church and this can probably be finished by early January. growth and improvement. This is one of the great reasons why the recent announcement of the sale of the property to American interests means so much to the people .of Graham County. It is thought that the land will soon be available for private purchase. When timber Is cut off of land it is thought that the new company will be glad to sell. "Graham County is one of our most beautiful mountain counties. Snowbird mountain on the osuth, Yellow and Chr.ak Creek mountain on the north and the lower cr.d cf the Smokies on the west from a complete setting for the heart of the region. The Little Tennessee forms the north boundary, running through a wild wooded grove and Cheoah River with its tributaries make a besis in the heart of the county. The Little Tennessee and the Cheoah rivers are two of the county's greatest a: sets. At Tapoco, near the State line, the Aluminum Corporation of America has built one of the highest and finest dams in the world, the powerhouse developing 100,000 horsepower. It Is understood that the company pays 60 per cent of the county taxes. The lake above the dam is about nine miles long, affording splendid fishing. In the future another big hydro-electric power plant will he built by the same company along this stretch of water- , way. On Cheoah River surveys and plans have already been made for a tremendous power development. This project will afford a lake covering thousands of acres right in the heart of the county. Besider the fishing on the Little Tennessee River, Snowbird, Buffalo and Sentclla Creek are famed for their brook and rainbow trout. "It Is understood that the body of i timber taken over by the Bcmis Lumj ber Company is one of the in | the county. It is possible to - Ik I 24 miles on horseback through truc^: which have never been touched by the axe of men. Everybody hopf? that lumber operations will be carridH on in a thoroughly modern manner, along the latest forestry lines, as proper care of the for sets would make Graham County a great timber storehouse for future generations." ?