Friday, January 16, 1925 IVo-c * rJ Coca/ and K lelephc ' Mr. a'/' '" Virgil Johnson are occupyirtVr a cottage near the Murphy t Mr. Fred Johnson made a business trip to Robbinsville Wednesday. FOR RENT?One six-room h us? with bath, wottr ar. j lights; also one three-rowm house. Se Mrs. Nettie Dickey, Hotel i ickey. City. Mrs. W. W. Hyde wiil entertain two tables of bridge this afternoon at her heme in Fast Murphy. The many friends of Mrs. J. V. Biittain, of blac* Mountain. N. C. formerly of this place, will be interested to learn of her improvement from her recent ser.ous illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Brutnin Jr., of Miami Fla., have been at Mrs. Br'tlain's bedside. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Penlar.d and Mr. and Mrs. Lee 1'enlnnd. of Hayesville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. I W. Candler last week. Mr. A. K. Dickey, of Washington, I Ca., is a business visitor this week. SALESMAN for lubricating *> Is an i paints. Excellent opportunity. Salary or commission. Jed Oil ard I'aint Co., 3T01 Burwill, Cleveland, Ohio. <lt-pd) Col. W. V. Powelson, of New York, was here last week in the inj terest of the Carolina-Tennessee Power Company. I Mrs. Jim Bell, cf Struthcrs, Ohio, spent the wetk-er.d with Mrs. Magg'e Bell in East Murphy. Mr. R. H. Hvatt is out after his tecent indisposition. Miss Huttie Axley ha returned from a visit'with Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Hubble, in Atlanta. Mrs. J. W. Thompson will go to Blue Ridge Satur lay to attend the dinner party of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hendrix. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. I'haup spent Wednesday in Atlanta. LOST?One blue speckled ferna'e hound on Monday, Jan. 12th. This dog was seen going out town following a man and I know the man. All j I want is th*? A R, pfclrny, (Jt) j | SEW AND SAVE WITH Be*t Six Cord Spool Cotton DRESSMAKING HINTS For raluabU book on dressmaking. Mad 4c. Co THE 3POO . COTTON CO_ Dept. C JIB Fonrtb At*., Now Vocfc SEVERE CRAMPI PAINS IN I "My trouble has been periodic ! cramping spells," says Mrs. C. C. Draper, of Atlanta, Texas. "For several years these have come on me so bad that I had to quit my work and to to bed. Every month I would stay in bed from one to two days. The pains in my back and sides were awful. This went oh for several months after I was married until, owe time when I was having i VotokJiry it, so be got me a bottle at; the store ahdT began *50 XMMM 15"It seemed like I improved from tfie very first dose. When | I hsfi trienone bottle I m very 1 Md ijtter. I did not a imp so I Svas&f&^M r tar ao nervous. either. T fhouyht CarAii w*? line, so I otmtinped the treatment until Ihad tax en five bottles, at which time I IMt oompletely weQ. I had 10 mon I L ^Personal j ? ^ bin Mr. R. A. Dewar, of Atlanta and Andrew?, was a visitor here over the week-end. ^ Mr. and Mr?. Charles West r.nd Charles Jr. are living at the Dickey I ge Hotel. j tr After a -n-ant visit with re'sa- ^ tivces here, Mr?. Roy Campbell r.rJj son have returned to their home :r.' ^ Newport, Tenn. During her stay. c< Mr*. Campbell was the recipient of tr a number of social courtesies. 11. ai DROPPED < n Street on Christmas (1 day, light colored Choker fur, near my store. Mr., you were sevn j> ck ,c it up. PL-ase return it to E. L. Townson. and pet reward. <lt-pd) fj. After a year's residence in Mur- ' phy. Mr. and Mrs. O'Kelly Myers and children have taken their depa**tur for the North. Mr. Meyers was her" ^ in the capacity of consulting eng'neer for the Carolina-Tennessee Power Company. The two older chil- j. dren. Marie and Anne, will complete'/ their work at the Mary P. Willing-' ham School, Blue Ridge, before j< in- , ing their parents. ^ "COLD IN THE HEAD" " ? so a rut* attack of Nasal Catarrh ni Those subject to frequent "colds" are (, generally In a "run down" condition. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Treatment consisting of an Ointment, to v be used locally, and a Tonic, which act? , -N Quickly through the Blood on the Mu- . coua Surfaces, building up the System, 1 . ard making you less liable to "colds." , hold by druggists for over 40 Tears. i., K. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo. O. Mis Martha Candler entertained pj the bridge club at the tea room Tue?- f, day evening. Miss' Elizabeth Brit-' q tain made high score. *The pri**e j was a silver pencil. Fruit frappe. j nk" at.d coffee were s "rved. Misses ' ^ Mary Smith. Eva Nell Mauney. Nan- (j. nie Dixon, Kathryne Thompson. Eliz- 5{ photh PdttBlw, Mofdsme* .1. w ? Thompson, A. J. Martin, A. M. B it- j, tain, J. M. Watts and Willard Cot per. and Messrs. J. W. Ferguson Jr W. E. Studstii\ J. C. Watts and a Robert Brown, of Andrews, were u Miss Candler's guests. ^ Mrs. D. H. Rhinehirt underwent p an operation nt the Murphy Hospital Wednesday morning for appendicitis. t She stood 'he ocrntion well. p ! 1 1 ,TT . . . I? ii.-.-cs onrnn v ook ami .-\nnie oiar- \ irnret Axlev returned Thnrodnv from Greenville, S. C., where they ha*'e j, been visiting Ciss Cook*? relatives w for the past tw oweeks. f SAVE YOUR ORCHARD?By spray- f(' ing with Scalecici, the best Dormant spray to be had. Spray? and material on hand. Call on W. H. Hughes j] i Route 2, Murphy, N. C. <23-4t-pd) d si Mr. Rjbert Brown. of Andrews, I spent several days in Murphy this ^ week with his grandpa rents. Mr. and jc | Mrs. R. II. Hyatt. P{ ic Mrs. John Sessoins is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Moody. Mr. A. C. C.?r ini vr. d strut rep- mralativr ? f Biir?au o' Civilian k Rohabzilitntion for th Department, of Education, was here 4rv the inter-} est of this work over the week-end. Dr. Davies, of Blue Ridge, was a visitor in Murphy the latter part of I the week. I N6 SPELLS, IAGK AND SIDES? in cramping spells at all, and my ? health was as good as anybody's. 01 I am feeling fine now and I give J< all the credit to Cardui, for I a had been suffering for years be- w fore I took it." " m CatdoJ fs * vegetable extract, con- G taihing no hannrot uigrsdlssts. It is tl kki fi th? tlnM of enttrtox -womanhood at vi maturity acd at the time of the tkwi of ltfo. FOr otot 40 yean, Ccrdui ha* been tatted hi oaa by thooaeod* of aaiam bo hav?* written to tall of the mat benefit that Ben rocalrad from It For ovar 400 yaon. medical aathori treatment of cartain female adopt ainta. Card at. the wmpaa'c tonic, taatad by time, U toda* tha product of naay years of experience and Inyaattfiatioa. ft I. n^yfactywd in ?p-t?rilat. leh? ; rnonw By to? ulw MOTl niUry mathods gf alai aiaisaHfal and is for sale by ?Q drugfists. IN THE CHEROKEE SCOl L. E. Mauney, S. S. hrirtopher and Willard Cooper were ;end-the-day guests of Mrs. Ralph arbin at Regal Wednesday. Mr. James W. Ferguson Jr. is ick again after a month's absence New York. Mr. Sibbald Smith, lanr agent of < e Indians in this part of the state. { sed through here the first cf the pek on his way to the Grandview ction to look after some reported esspassirg on Indian lands. 'ANTED?A Reliable man wanting to make $40 to $70 we Kly in herokee County selling Whitmer's mplote line of home reir.edifs. Exacts, Toilet Articles. Soars Spices, j c.. rivu^f ?t? nou: i . ; roou'.Ts ciar- | ntecd to give satisfaction. Cherry J r Alabama made $57.90 in five days: iddleton of Virginia. $96. Team or tr r.rtdod. No experience \V-i*p { r f 1 part:c;ilars toiv. The II. C. Whitm r C impar.y. " *. i CVIurr.hus, Indiana. Th gir's of Mrs. Kinsey's Sunday rhool class will serve lunches, hot rid cold drinks from 10:30 until :30 o'clock at the court house Tuesay and Wednesday. January 20th rtd 21st. The proceeds will iro toard paying for the heat in the n w lethodist Church here. t only lose attending court, but the people f Murphv. especially the husin sien, are asked to hear th's in mind nd visit the court house for lurv.-hes ri these days. I0TICE?It appears that information decidedly to the advantage of oe R. liOckley is available if he can e located. He is sa:d to have been former citizen of Murphy but hi? resent address is unknown. Any inormation will be appreciated. The herokee Scout. Messrs. E. A. Davidson and J. A. ichnrdson left Thursday for Florin points. Mr. Davidson plans to r?nd only a week or ten days there. I.ile Mr. Richnrdmr will probably e there for some two months. Mr .T V R-ittnin vvh? Wt knr/. few months ngo. is now connected iih the Hank ?.f Bay B'scayne, in liami Fin. OR SALE?New Rndiola No. 111. compile with batteries and including one pair head-phones, lave only used it a few hours. It f made by the Radio Corporation of onerica, and was oiderid for UN fll demonstrator. For quick sale, will nko $40.00 for it. If interested rite or see me at once. My reason or selling is that I have a larger outit. Fred O. Scrogys, Brass town, X.C. 23-2t-a) The regular monthly meeting of he Woman's Club was held Wednes. lay afternoon at the Library. The jbject for discussion was "Woman 1 Social f.ifp** which was led by Irs. W. H. Travis, and Misses Trip tt. and Johnson, the last two naintl substituting for Mrs. F. A. Davison and Mrs. J. H. Dillard. A super-refined castor oil made for medicinal use. Not flavored. Strength and purity unchanged. Tasteless and odorless. Insist on Kellogg's, bortied and labelled at the Laboratories. At all druggists. There will be services at the Epis>pal Church on the fourth Sunday i this month, which is January 2.r?th, cording to announcement made the her day by Mr. R. R. Beal. Rev. >hn H. Griffith, noted divine of sheville, wHl conduct the services hich will be at 11 o'clock in the orning ana i in tne evening. Kev. riffith has been here a number of mes and his coming is looked forard to with eager anticipation by te local congregation. The many iends of the church hre cordially inted to attend these services. DR. HUMPHREYS' rr. MURPHY. N. c. LEGAL NOTICES or ADMINISTRATION ON ESTATES OF wt. P. SNEED AND JANE SNEED fc i?t Notice is hereby (riven that the j,;< undersized has qualified a?= admin- i < L?trator of the estate of M. P. Sneed aI and also as administrator of the estatt of Jane Sneed. both late of n Cherokee County, and ai! person? having? claims airainst either of said *. estates are notified to prcs.-rt them P to the undersigned, at Murphy, N. C. w mrith.n i ne year from tht date here- j', of, or ce dei-arr <1 from any distri- ^ bution in the assets of said estates. v, or either of them. All person? in- #I Sned will kindly make ? ttlement tj. debted to either M. P. Sneed or Jan?- ^ with the underpinned. ^ in;* January i:na. K. L. SNEEL". Administrator of M. P. Snc-ed, deceased. ei R. L. SNEEI-, Administrator (21-6t-s> of Jane Sneed, deceased. N Having qualified as admin -'ratrix of the estate of J. B. Ph:llips. deceased. late of Cherokee County. North a Carolina, this is to notify all person* E having claims against the estate of d raid deceased to exh:bit them to the ri undersigned at Murphy, North C;?i* fi olina. on or before the 1st day of ! January, 1026, or iris notice will be pleaded in bar of the:r recov ry. A:1 p r?nn* indebeted to said estate will please make immediate payment. * This the 31st day of P e mber, " 1021. COR \ PHILLIPS. ^ Administratrix < .' J. B. Phillips, deceaesd. (21 6t-p) NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY To A. M. Simonds, o Enter taker for Cherokre County: | p ^ - TJ3SSSr 1 ! <! jj I s t&y&e/i.-"I J-cc.j si v ..o-v > .oi . ui ir*n,' ' I (77. \v ; r.. . i?.Th*,r ."f,- atU I'Al t.r.o V/7>Y f ar j U'.WiT/V r end iiO?. -r.G arc' WHO" i, WTt.*.Twaa*V.e2?clBr:itioTcfI?r??loi:? ' ? *.VHV i!ce? the ?!at- for Etste- vi~- ? |r, WHEN v.:.r, t>c ijrvi.t r yrorr.l 1 of 11 | C!:t;r* built? (ij H isccqciu ? WHERE !a Cant er ra? Z.'cbrezie? I ! XJ I WHO was the rdillbcy ef 1'ie CathM? I,1 V j] Are the*e "r.;* Tier. " serving' ou too? l' ] I. Qlvo t! >.- crpcrtur.i'.y by plr.ftlng ?; I ! Webster's r, NEW iNTERMTiGriAL J DICTIONARY ^ in your home, }] school, oCce. ''?j: *****> W ri\ H Thi3"Suprcrno 'fr'SSfjfi jjj g Authority" in eil [3 I t g knowledge offers servicer*- ' | immediate, constant, lasting, truut- |j| . pt F worthy. Answers oil Linda ef C]UC3- |(j h lions. A century of developing. In I acting care and highest scholarship || insures accuracy, completeness, l| compactness, authority. R ? Write f^r a prgv of Nne Word*. R pHncn ft Kvirulur una Imlrs Papers. a!?o la ' be. ..lei "You ere t!.?- Jorv." priM, ecr. To 8 thee naming thin puhie den vc ?... t-.-C ;>m a I neutwf Poehct JVUi<a 3 C.AC MERR1AM CO. Springfield. Mmi- U.S.A. fiiiE /flJl ^ I REGISTERED. TRAINED BLOOD HOUNDS?When robbed or burned out call us, we will do the work. Calls answered day or night. Wire us, Culberson, N. C. J. R. Harper & Son. Post office. Sweet Gum, Ga. (14-12t-pd) 1 "Charlie and his girl kissed and! made up last night." "But, judging from Charlie's per-j sonal appearance after the osculation one would think that she made up first."?Barcrlonia Cerveza Libre. Neglected Cough Dangerous?How to Stop It Quickly When the delicate tissues of your throet are raw and see from coughing, and your strength is exhausted with tbe constant hacking, you may fall an easy prey to more aerioaa trouble. 3o stop the cougn the quickest you can, before it creepetoodeep. By a rtty simple treatment you can stop the pells practically at once.and relieve the heaviest cough often in 2* hours. The treatment is based on a remarkable prescription known as Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs. You simply Cake a teaspoonfUl and bold Vin your throat foe IS or 30 secooda before swallowing, without following With water, ft has a doable action. - tt sot only soothes and heals soreness and irritation, but ft quickly loosens and removes the phlegm and congestion which are tbe direct eeese of tbe coughing. With the aaessrw stsd krtbts way .the whole cough coo* dition goes in a very short time. The prescript km contain* no opiates Of harmCul drugs. It atrtpl y belpa Nature. It is foe COUl%dMK COW a, boars*neas, bronchitis gud eiuuiI wliL croup. Very oooomaeaL as s^iag'Aa?ga'?rr?r-w,t APVERTISE1V The Undersigned H. B. & M. H. C o-! w of Cherokee County. North u arolina enters and lays < laini to the e dlowing described piece or parcel of. nd in Bt averdani Township. Chero- c re County. North Carolina, the same ( rintr vacant and unappropriated land, r id subject to tntry, Viz: t Described as follows. Beeinninu on C i N. \V. orner < tract N\ . J:{:5 and j li ,;ns wit'.; same N. 30 E. 32 f to a * South line of t-a-t N >. 7813 tm nee a ith same N. W. 2o polo.- to t e b . ilne of tract No. 48u?'?: the . x ith same S. ?*>'? W. exact dir- t t i t known, to the N. line of tm" N . t 7lit thence with same N. 40 p-.'- - le besrinninp sr. as to include :1! wuiii iticu ineiuuvu ny fe ;r < . act? No. above J scribed land t le S. E. side o? Schub-rs Cr-'k. ontaining by estimation 10 -? r? ijm B Ft. A- M. H. MORROW Entered this the 18th day f Decnbc r, 1024. A. M. Simonds, Enter taker. ORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY i All persons are hereby notified that ' warrant of survey will be issued to 1 >. It. & M. II. Morrow for the above t escribed land on the last day of I'ebnary, 1025, if there is no protest iled in this office before said date. A. M. SIMON!>S < Entery taker for Crehok Co. N. C. This the 29th day of December, 924. (21-4t-m) CORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County. 'o A. M. Simonds, Entry Taker for Cherokee County: The undersigned J. II. Abernathy. f Cherokee County. N. C. enters and jys claim to the following described iece or parcel of land in Valleyt?wn "ownship, Cherokee County, Nfjrth : VANTED?FAMILIES V HOLDS OF CHJLDI AND VV FIRST?A better chance to educ: SECOND?An opportunity to b ;'.*sl teacher of agriculture, in an eveni The school has nine cood farms ii sd of years. These families must be ill innkit irmiil niMO-KJiArv and . i t The school is especially interested original stock who need and want I lrchase their own home in the mount a For Further Information RABUN GAP INDU: Rabun, G o That headline \ the s*ory of L \ service. Finest V prepared oy \m chefs, and serv JjR be?these thin earn for the L tion of having vice unexceile< and approachir B the finest resti H Re member, wh y? ing a meal on t other railroad, K sen-ice is opera JB carriers, simpl f*B and convenien PAGE THREE 1ENTS ? ? '? 'arolir.a. the sume be in-.' vacant and nappropriated lands, and subject to ntry, viz: Beginning on a Spanish oak N. W. orner of R. A. Dewar and H. H. !ole lands. Entry No. 6166, and runs orth with Sc. 6275, a former line o the Graham County and Cherokee Jounty line; then with said county ine Eastward to a stake and l.'ne of Inotker tract of land of R. 'A. Dewir and FI. II. Cole land to a former lack oak corner Xo. 6165; thence citn various courses Westward to he 1-erinning so as to include all of he vacant lands South < : the Cherkee and Graham County line on the aters of Kickers? _i Creek in Cher '.t-e County, North Carolina, conwining by estimation fif.y lures, re or less. (Signed) J. H. ABERN'ATHY. M. SIMONDS. Entry Taker. V- red this the 15th day of Janlary r.?25. S O HTII C A HO LI X A?Ckcrokoe County. This i- to notify all person- that ' warrant of survey will be issued to f. H. Abornathy, on the 15th day of February, 11)25. if theic i* no proest filed in th - office before that late. A. M. SIMONDS. Entry Taker for Cherokee County 2'5-U-a) North Carolina. Keep Well b Avoid Sickness n H TAKE U DRANBRETH i M E.t. 1752 PII.LS ^ 3 Qol Q Q ,1 W Tna. | I will cleanse the system, purify ri the Blood and keep you well, m For Constipation Indigestion. Biliousness,etc. ? Entire Vegetable. J>-IcMvIUvlcfc ^ HOW PENCIL IV / ; HID BAND \ / O.AfWJVRK.USA^J* /ITH LARGE HOUSE KEN WHO NEED AN 1 ite their children ar.d mal e a living, ecome better farmers und?r a raeng school conducted for adults, n which families are taken for a peof good material and the kind that f a community. I in the descendants of early settlers to t arn and save enough money to in country. Apply In Person To 5TRIAL SCHOOL ap, Ga. - - gps-'J Mot and tfs pretty well tells . & N. tuning car foods obtainable, specially-trained ed as they should gs all and 5: N. the rcputa: a dining car :i in all Ante ricn, Win its excel 11 nco lurani-s ?.r.u en yrm nv enjoythe L. <k or any that ail dining car ited at a loss to the y for the corofort ce of the traveling

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