*AGE FOUR Lee and th kBv H H SMITH Tb" year 1 ,K-- - *h an niv'-sary \va! E* ' 96 : IV-" - " ' : . tint a. bi?r vv . utir.ts t: out it ha hr.m-ht .1 marvel- anjr in th. *tt:" .i-:i k.riy >;ng peo: It* the North intra- the South* r* Cepftdera y F ir-.anc - -h rt:; Waft - the death f General . LEi Char!. - Sui: . a Mas>a tt Sena. ..vinj? up* :* th* . of a pi " > Let '< f ancestral . tate of Arlinjrtor. -.h* - v.,nd-: -El .* ;: - ha*. already eha* . ter.z*. d jr r >ricion and th? r - t? r i ieraorate. 1 an ' d t< - ak ?.f Get . !. jay he stands 1 jtj. ef tho?=~ \v I hand- in thei 'sB ' History. JfA-n ufi!yci?t'? \ 1 MEN7HGLATUM I V.is antiseptic and 'n; in the { -.? V ink :t> J; tllt< hitnsvdf, <i-. ercd a i JripAi t\ the i nt I: a' tr things .. at:, ity wl >:i !. . - r retu-iradt- Cr . h. h . . -w r t. .? r\v, : . the N*a?i.r rhuh ni:'arc-i I :m. in my nut?? place { " ?:ire ' y e ' portion of \V n Ouringr alt tht i day in \ niv v dd r lief, at I- .1 -' "The rh:i ? -1 - X. yvrr.iuw&ij ltia.ii' a^rain- Li r' t' :.l - :i the ct'inii!. t co t w h t I i Mloni; and with . -y.ai.athiz . in plain lan^n- - w . fa ;< hi flat-'?* i 1 ..v?u tiny, art ofi.v , . L'nit Army, he abjured all. -un ant bore arms - e.rvtv he. had v..:n . i. In ..tin vorvl*, Ut "a - 1 r. *tat-- the char^' i . : ;< ; ian true' I add .. *. < of mini artly v?|. * I.ee dtti." fie further Comiinr direcil> t*. the point, Ttuwrttai that . ry imn in ft,-- t!ev CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years ALwa> n ware s/*7 ,* gig nature o( I *? USE YOl We are no further tha and day or night you ! ready and prepared t gency. Phone us y?\ Johnnny on the spot. i Cherokee M< MURPl wrn-mammmmmm* e Confeder; <.n {-> tUr r had, in 1861. whether he would or no, ti lecide f -- himself whether to .idfc "i to his Sv or i. th? nation. " .... '' . If , . h ?k<i<Ud honestly, puttin-. self-interest !? - hind f Mm he decided ri~ht/* He puts Lee in ?<kk1 c -rupany and her says: "Hut he stands await. - sen ten >- at the bar of hist try in ry respect a Me company. Ass??eia d with him ar . for instance, \Vilia m of Oranir . snown as The Silent, John Han.o.K n. the oricinal Pater Patriae. Ol;v - Cromwell, th;- Protector . f the English Commonwealth; Sir H> r:ry Vani . once a ^>vt rnor of Masaelu. fs. . ;,i George Wash in ctoa, a \ rxin ar, of Note. . . .As Ru vt E. L? individually, 1 can n!y r<;>.at what I have air a iy said { * in all r? - ects s:?nilarly circa inr *^Si^^^^5^S5558iwpwMi ar : u:i--enough to have re as Lee 1." At th, time i. UP e.-l those w rtis ... v , .? ' d Histota ; S . -y of I ... . tt And thu: happen- j hat " . of ilatory,"! unciiitr Lee .?s a trait -r' . ! :- i iii ; - r patriot and plait* > him! t V - the ..'Hill, . i::l Wa.-h- | .*.? r? d his remark.i-' address. ...*\v i" : i. pnbl' a ?: his book, j T :.* American." He took the ? ] ?.?nic positi n as t Lee's decision h._*iri!i' injr of the war. and Midi - circumstanced. i,e aid have . me . xactly as !.ee di l.| _ Lee" ilt?.th a- wrurr- j ,! tr. v. i. h asks. " Was ht net a yal. .. idei t. a h. . f " Ame i an. :?!: : u of the very u.eatcst?" Afu ai ti time Mr. iv. .v;d i . b "J.. e T'.i Xir.eriCHIGHESTEBS PILLS OIAMOND ~A BBANO ... n. C?J \5? IB Tri Ask ? ?ur I'- irirOt for CTtT-CnP^-TER R A A Plus la B' I? aa I' //\ - c;' t im i-s'.ci we.a ii. .t(y) J. 14LI JVU ( IUHK. Mar 7""' V/ . ... for rtu-curH-Tfin Y in VI?M' Hll \M? ri I.I.K 1 r tHrrlT-Sr; %- r? Tf '. .IS I?r?t.h?Sc-l. A'wjW krliab.e. G3LD GY ALL DRUGGiSTS EVERYWHERE , ... . i: .n;r Lee as one of the greatest , . Thomas Nelson Page was v. : ?*.: e his print Look, "'Robert K. Man and S-ldier." in which uc. . s the- prophetic words: "Some day. doubtless* there will in the nation's capital a groat i aunt to Lee, elected not only 1 . tl; Southern people whose glory . '. at ho was the fruit of their on and the leader of their ar. a.it-, -ut by the American people. whose pride it will bo thnt h?> am? BRONCHITIS Loaves a bad cough; so does 3 -tlu." But you can stop I these lingering, weakening. sleep-disturbing coughs with IA. IBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY Used and recommended since 1872, it has relieved the coughs and colds of r-oth children ar.d grown persons everywhere. Keep a bottle in your home all the time No Nicotics. Sold everywhere. For Sale By R. S. Parker, Druggist ? - i 0 1 UR PHONE n your nearest telephone 1 will find us on the job o help you in any emerrr troubles and we'll be otor Company HY, N. C. _? . ,| HI I THE CHEROKEE SCOl acy After S * " : >. Meantim . h has a nobler monument tiian can be built ?f marble or of brass. H r . the adoration of the S. uih; his -brine is in every tSuth ern hi art." Hitrory'i Verdict Concerning Lw A? A Soldier The London Times, referring to L-e*s incomparable strategy, said. "No on- , certainly since Nap?>!ei.r., has conquered against such immense odds." CoL Henderson, an eminent English military authority, says: "The victory of Chancellors*vile, in which Lee. with 62.000 nun. 170 guns, completely routed Hooker on his own ground, with 130,00 m? n. and 4I> gutu, was the m- st brilliant font of arms of the century." Col. J?wift. of the general": staff of the ;UnitedTOtalm Army. say** "TV*. ? ! against Lee in the Wilderness cam fUSTSKSS'lmE Flgwer/ rP7nc / Ka * res' is plv r . away Absolutely Pree. 5 Seed Packets of Beautifr! Flowers to each cnsiomrr. Hast bcsv.it iful. f-w 112-page. 192." iinws tb flowers in full ?-l colors Tli front cover pic - th?- great Stoiu Mountain yY>:i;V?l enie Memorial This I'..- .Set (1 Hook is. tho Standard j "'antin.. ilublr. with valuable culture directions and accurate d< seriptior.s of all kimN of se? !.-?, plants and uulbs. It has over 2".i? ! irtures from > lual photographs ami is bigger and ftt r than v. r Prim full of Information. it's th* most us- : 1.1 Seed Book ever published. You need it for r< . 2y r f- renee altaef-t daily. Be sur to write for It today: a postcard will do ft comes to you entirely free by return mail. H. G. HASTINGS CO.. SEEDSMEN. ATLANTA. GA. '" i : n a . i - Vs;v !y;in jr. th* IV: r'oo campaign. bv.: I ce h i his t. y at the ml. and Xp?<:iIeon"- dis-' aster was i mpletc." I: ? ? \ it -a;.!: "I.e.- will undoubtedly rank as without x?.*?-pti n ihe greate.-t f all great curtains that the Knjrlish-spea'.k: : pi p'.o have brought f.eth." i General Mcadc had Iv.r. an ciate with I.e. as an oficer of engineers in the old army. After the surrender, I.ee remarked to him. "Miade, years ave telling on you: oyur hair ? getting quite prey." "Ah. General Lee," \va> Marie's prompt reply. "It is not the work uf years; you are responsible for my grey' hairs." la e was a most humane commondt r. C'harl - Franc is Adams says: "As a leader he condueted operations, on the highest plane. Whether acting on the del'enisve upon the s>il of h"s native state, or leaning his at my into; the enemy's .. untry. he was humane, self-retsraincd and strictly observant o fthe most a ivanced rules of civil izctl warfare. He respected the noncombatant ; nor did he ever permit the wanton deduction of private r**< nerty." Fiij.ti.ry'% Verdict Concerning Lee ai A Man Volumes could be written on this subject. In the limited space at har.d we quote just a few paragraphs from the most unbiased sources: "Essentially a man of character," is the terse way Charles Francis Adams puts it. The New York Herald said: "Never had mother a nobler son. In hint I the military genius of America was! deevloped to a greater extent than ever before. In him all that was pure and lofty in mind and purpose found lodgement. He came nearer the ideal of a soldier and Christian general than any man can think of, for he was a greater osldier than Havelock, and equally as devout a Christian. Displaying neither bitterness r<?r regret over the irrevocable pant., ho conquered us in misfortune by the grand manner in which he sustained himself, even as he dazzled us by his genius when the tramp of his soldiers resounded through the valleys of j Virginia." Professor c Gorge Long, a distin-, guisht-d scholar of England, wrote' to a friend in Virginia: "If I were not detained here by circunvtances, I would cross the Atlantic to see the1 first and noblest man of our day." j Professor Worsley, of Oxford, sent | Lee his translation of The Iliad of; PATARRH of head or throat is usually benefited by the vapors of? j VISITS Over 17 Million Jan Uted Yearly 1 i JT. MURPHY. N- C. ixty Years Homer, and on th fty leaf wrote the fo.lowing ded cation: "To Gen. II. E. Lee. the most stainless of living v "tnniandi rs. and ?xrey* in * -tune, the greatest?this volume ,> * - --1ed w ith the writer's earnest mpathy, and respectful admiration." The Lord- r Standard, ann ~ng the death of Lee, said: "Truer greatness, a lofti?r nature, a spirit more unselfish, a character purer, more chivalrous, th world has rarely ever known. Of stainless hue and deep religious feeling, yet free from all taint of cant an ' fanat ism. A country which has giv "n hi'th to men like him and those who followed him. may look the chivalry of Europe in the fat.* without shame, for the father-lands cf Sidr.oj and i : Bayard never p: duced a ncWer soltiicr, gentleman, and Christian than CcnRohert E. f.e?? " NORTH CAROLINA Chort.K.? l - unty. Murphy. Jan. 7, li*2;~.i The Boar J met January -V h. 192S, T. \Y . A\ y. chairman. W. .1. Martin and \V. T. Holland, m aibers. It apj .irintr the it p >r; !' the r?-ir <t:: r- and judges i<f the election X v. 4. r. 'J4. at Springs, Wher. a> at th - v? neral election th particular boundary f? r stock law was voted on . . it af;-taring that oti vote were tc-t in fV.vor of stock !:.v ami air. : >: . k law, a majority in Favor ..f steel: law, fchLa boundary htn ir.after . ut. viz: Beginning < i Graham founty lino in what is known as Snow Bird Gap. und a .:ns tsouth course Ka-t corr.er ?>f Ben Dockery's land; thene with said tt.nds an taster:; course including said Docki-rC- In i; d Hanging.;i.g Cr ok to top div'd-, ing mountain betw-.c; Owl Greek and! Hangingd >\r Greek and to pr- - . it stock law line; thence with said stock law line a S. \Y. cour><- with said lir.e to what is known as the Allen Gap between Bt-averdam and Davis Lrcok stciion; thence with high st ground a N. E. course t.. what is knowr. :is the Dead Tre Gap; thence with the meanders of the dividing mountain; between Tcllico and Davis Creeks: thence an East course to what is known as the McDonald tSall and corner of Graham County line; thence with said line S. K. direction to Snowbird Gu" ^"d the Now. UiL'tclSe, tin; above mentioned boundary is and the same is hereby declared a stock law territory and >h- M be from and after this date, and any person or corporation or company are forbidden to allow horse, cattle, shtep, hogs, or any oth. ,vK-:. of any description to run at large in said boundary, from and after this date. It is further ordered that the provisions of the law relating to stock law and particularly of Chapter 36 of the Consolidated Statute- of North Carolina shall be in effect in said boundary from and afttr the above date. It is further ordered by the Board that a copy of this order be posted at the Court house and published in the Cherokee Scout. This January 5{h, 1925. T. W. AX LEY, Chairman Board of County Commissioners A. M. Simonds, Ex-oficio Clerk to Board of County Commissioners of Cherokee County, N. C. 12 2-41-co ^ r-Tutrs Pills -1 Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever they wish. Cause food to assimilate. Nourish the body, gtve appetite. DEVELOP FLESH Charles Eli Waddell & Co Engineers Established 1902 Estimates, .-plena fmd specifications supervision construction, operation electric plants ?hydro or steam, industrial projects, water supply systems, parks, roads and landscape ing, bridge s and municipal structures and reinforced ccwicrete. Designing laboratory ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I L k - Insurance cut to fit your needs You cm buy insurance by the yard and it" you arc lucky it will tit. But the right way i., to buyit to tit vour particular ,,, J f ?? * r? ; V .i.t in a dent Representative today and let him measure you for a policy that will tit. Provident Mutual Lifttraanaae L. iwpanj of ThtLziMfhj.foutt Pcnlard & Killian INSURANCE Ca- ?icr. Blc'g?Murphy, N.C ""jpRY QOH JOB PRINTING! WOLF CRF.F.K It did p lot of r.iinincr hir? list \\ ecU. i A nativ .-on and two of a ieh| 1m rint: community tried t run a "blufl"' game In the community or ! Thursday night of last w? ? ].. Ac( .ruing ; the most authtntit report* there was >rnit? running don? but the ! community wh* sti"! all together ! when the y? unjr upstarts were gone. ' About 1"? or "Jo -hot? v . re fired. The rrttnt heavy rains have ab ut cleaned up al! the filthir.es* ah here but the bootlegging 1 : r. It st;lis Ills to thrive. Mr.-. Rachel Ricks celebrated her 189th li'thday In.^t >unday. She is the oldest citizen in ) .r section. The f? Slowing re latives wou- rre?ent: One daughter. Mrs. Sarah Garrett; two ^ndilaujrhtfrs. M N* rr? Mr en**, and Mrs. Martha Burgess. of Belltou-n; seven g: eatgrandehildren. Hlbert and Charles Morgan, Howard Garren and Paulir.c, Wayne and Ir^z and Billy Bjrge-?. with tw. griaigreat-graul -liTI Iren present, Clyde and Tiit.lira Morgan, i" all 18 persons were present at dinner and several m -re would ha\ < been prsent had , they not been hindered by sickness. Mr. John Cook has his grist irill in fire running r.dili.-n and i< grind inc for nr.the '-. 1 "invunlty. He has jus* ;.h :t * both water 'mills out of commission. i? ? | I 'MOTHER! fid her'1 Cash Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teeth in prepared to relieve Infants in Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, | Natural Sleep with To irr.itati r - always look for tl I Provgn dir-ctin^- package Friday. January 16. 1923 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST v- i ir the y:v.-r.- i<-bte<|"ess sc ure<j ' '"u^ from F. M. " k U V- ' of. the Register of Deed;#of Chcr . . N tfa Carolina, :n Bo? k 7 i. page o S and demand hivin?: : contained in deed. I will for the purpose of satisfying the indebtedness secured thereby. offer for sale at public auction tin- urt h tse door in Murphy. X. (on th 17th day of February. 1925. at 11 o'clock, a. m.. the f< r describe! tract - f land La '"her k < -'nty. -i* ate.l and lo eaiod in Mur;hy unship, on the v. of Little Brast -\vn Creek, and 1 i-,>- .f Thad Lant*} h? . " " and others, b inu the b? i lace of F. M. Johnson, beirinn n a - :t oak. the North \V :?i tract, and runs a stake and pointer t". l i " N . 1J4; thence _ p t Vitst oak on the !., > r: of No. 129; ;! W -t 11" ; 1 to a pine, the - * co'.. r N . 121); thence North - i -I > the beginning, i ainin?_- 1:17' . . excepting and i 1 . w fr< -aid boundary d i*. a r< - . ! and conveyed by II I". >1. . >: : > Thad Laney by deed . d i' the off i e of the II . i ! - ' h k' e Coun: . r? ! t.. v .hh i.-. made for ; articularity. Torn" >; sale < -h. This 12th d :. of Janunry, 1925. .-AN CV.RRINGER, ? _ -It- <i > Trustee. | P : bake it best with Two men were boasting about their brother*. The first one said: | "My brother once went to a billard match, picked up a ball in his right hand, another in his left, squeezed tht m and the result was powder." "That's nothing," said the other. "My brother once went farm, f.nd taking a bull in the left" hand and one in ?Hn right, cqucc-*eu their.; re?ult bottle of Lief it'uacL" Doctor?Yt u're coughing more easily this morning. Patient?Yes, I practiced a lot during the night. ria is a harmless Substitute,^ for g Drops and Soothing Syrtjps, arms and Children all aged of Wind Colic 4t ^ To Sweeten Stomach * Regulate Bowels promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and tout Opiates * tie signature of C?iSArfffili?juA' Physicians everywhere recommend it

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