Ir 17 ISV7 IV THE SCOLT rrs * ? ::rvr *>o? ? i The ,\Sficia.I Organ of ? TgjMjtpn STATE WILL ] SURFACE ROAD LN EARLY SPRING C-azuLj?>mr> IM LT:( T t~. ~ i-^r- Hart r .a:? i r.r.i: It Pre !?.?: V'lj f or ": i . ju> : . : - - aa: rtij :r~i v sr - : y-:: the : -:>r : . t:-o :^ 1 . i xt. F. M F: hit.ztr.; E:.. Murpry X. Dear 5.: Ir. rtrto : . f tit *: en.;. .-.r.p . t y f ,tK?: t: Mr o ftlfti % v :. - co&dki o .; the . betVCirirT ~ F M UTT V.y ter up u'.v. Mr. a.-? . . I ditifiCL fur is : . -.-r. .r. pj;. r j IE is read :r if r:.r ?r. *. y advises tfci*., ;rr?rt: v? tUIVr r. : - ws .v. .. -r f -.ff?:er.s ajr.runt. t place t'r.? seoti f % the read :r. c . r.c:t: Ht ?ta:e? Chat is is ii seal ti grade rrad ar.i use :: . j 5jiUit tune. and that v. r-V.v hare MBM -i w>^K"n '"-'mSHi tj;r.s that we can s*. urt ? :h .:r present ir:.:r.:er...r.ce. dur :.c * r.ter months. As you no d u":: kr. ? w, expect %: let this w rk t * - ,r.c :ht : early srr.r.e and therefore any iarp" * amount of r: ney spent on this road would be entirely tfcr.wn away. v.h.r *the surf;...r? i- put on. Th s is just I fc. one of the condition? where you ..." Jiot build a r.ud ar.d have it at the *ame time; howtver. w. in.Lav- J c.* U- do the beet v.. can to r -n'-ln|i this road with our present forces. but we cannot place grave! surfacing over the ertir> length between Murphy i ana East Murphy, and 1 would thar.W ! you to adv:se Mr. Sire a.core " gly. I F am also sending him a copy of this ^ | letter. Very truly y .;rs. J. C. WALKER. r fe District Engineer. Macadamizing Road In Factory Section . V Work wa* begun Tuesday of this * week in putting ro?-k on the road leading from the lower Valley River ^ bridge to the Southern Railway crossing in fror.t of the furniture factory. The uoik of grading the road has \ just been completed. The contractor \ G. F. Williamson, is dressing up the far end of the fill. The road is being macadamized by the town in order to put it in usable shape. This ^ Street has been practically impassable t during the winter months for years. I It has been too low and too narrow. ftnaking it impossible to drain it. Now ^ with the street widened and the grade ^ > elevated atvd a good surface on it. It * will become a first class street. ^ This is one of the most used streets in' Murphy. Practically all the wagon ' ? B traffic from the lower end of the tl V county uses the road. Wood, "lumber ^ ?nd other forest products are n ibrought daily. e | The la^Jt Broadway song hit is j entitled "Everyone Has Someone, c But I he*4/ Only You." The young- v wom'n t , Vhom it is dedicated ought j p | to f!& f^~^red. C A Fifth Avenue book shop recently j advertised: "Dickens Works All This v j Week For $3." Which led a Strang- i ' er to observe that wages must be i awfully low in New York. j: Murpb? *nd < berokee Presbyters. Men Enjoyed Monday Evening 3^:r : " .; . - - , "... .r.d - -- c.c . . . -: * . : . :r r. t ' 7 t " 7 '- : r. .ilitv '.ve f- . 7 -r- . -urniture Factory ivuiuiuik ::er >:.> : -c i&\< *. r *. ;ra \ .urine th, h :..r for tfcs ' -< _ee County Woman Makes money With Poultry Sur.:. r.?A report V;. Mrs Jertrnde V. L ti'.o. h >!- - ?v^nstrr. : r show# that Mr#. 1 . ... j . .. .... . oT- i.; v. -J" - 5 ouhry flock during th. : 1 nun February* to N.-v r 1-'. ' f las; year. Mrs. Lambeth has a ir.e flock of Barred 11 . k poultry * rom which she has sold dressed hens. c ggs and breeding birds. She has v eon several prizes at the Let Coun- v y fair and the Sandhill fair. During the nine months o; last r ear, she sold 297.5 pounds of dress- 1 d poultry for $165. Fryers sold net- 1 td her $135; breeding birds. $34.46; icultry used at home, $50; 69 dozen s ggs used at home $31.05: eggs sold. ^ >46.SO; eggs for hatching Si7.50: took on hand, valued at $3IS; brood- < r house. $47.01; brooder. $1S.60; 1' nd pullets and cockerels sold $16. h 'his makes a total credit on the ven- ^ urc of $879.84. ** Mrs. Lambeth lists as her debts, oil t or brooders. $6.OS; cost or brooder. '>18.60; building brooder house, t 47.01: feed used, $107.40. and baby s hicks. $39.50. making a total cost of, h 219.59. a Her profit on the work, therefore, d rouUl amount to $660.25. in addition h n the cash prizes received at fairs. Irs. Lambeth states that her stock Xi n hand oa November first was elev- h n hens, male bird. 17 capons, v iprht cockerels and 63 pullets. o According to Miss Little, this sue- I! essful poultry grower has worked si rith the home agent and with the o oultry extension specialist, A. G. |o Hover, for about five years. This | ras her first attempt in using the li ir?K>der but she had grent success 11 rith it this year. Miss Little states I (| hat Mrs. Lambeth is rapidly becom-1 / ng one of the well known poultry [ f roducers of North Carolina. Ctjcri Cour.ty. a^c the Lead k. t?5\ S : S.t H . Opera Music Mai To Radio A ud Star Broadci VETERANS ON OPPl OF CIViL WAR TRIBUTE TC iouM Estnorduitrj >5rJrr!*n o ' Noi '.l V *r v r.A H. E. C Bi-Nx-.-t. i.i USa- Ob Kr? cV-... . u: . Ill Thi : xu MH \; ..ay r..:c?::t the . > toc.a\. the or.!; Var ?o:\:rc . :he * ;;r.;:e.; it P t. I Oct ne| i fa S? uth and thor N. enta?vc i harU - Mat - St* a v.- . . * i'ar.* . uv he >. k . ... a val :a<. i\ \... n Tho silent form o: a har.isr.ako. At t'.-.v eor.elasiot: of tho speeoh b] i* b:. ii:r..r.. on tho oo asion * : tho \ orsary of tho hi it: i tic rural h \ G< Sherw o. ;aiked over tho mar. of tho >.?u:h hook his hands. placed h:s arm abou ho shoulders of tho v'ontoo.ova;o \;t ran. while tho house applauded th. abieau. Tho two house inentbors aro tin urvivors of a long list of oton wh< lave served in tho house who tough gainst each other during the interne ine struggle. Thoy are tho las oaves upon the tree, both bonding JSING SIDES JOIN HANDS IN ) LEADER OF SOUT1 ' > v' ' -v> . ni"\ 4 t :i". ?I ... i ? .... xx r.r.iscii ere achievements. but as at nv\ tr.r.e a.n any iar.d. and such > : > e i .. 5 . . ? v of :i e>f k?c.:>>! .. and 1 :*'."..-:s\. ?>| the Wild* ; -ess x -ha .. mod by ;ho obscurity rOYOU sr..; fee .'lie* ted oil a> -haoew et an sti.m day. b even then the cndnring fortitude, r iv.CiV". c; litriii'isl Uoiu'rl ' Le*? wwl Stand forth iv. urrb.ecny ; last i v. amid the w*r * cs of ages. a ; s;:rv.\c unshaken ab?\e the ' " Knitting Mill Is Flooded With Ordei The Oak Lane Knitting Mills nta agoment was optimist ie tins we* t Orders are pouring in faster than th can he filled. The year holds o 1 bright prospects for this plant, t?oo : are being shipped dally to the f:i - therest corners of the I'nited Stat ? and some orders have gone to f* eign countries. ! A recent inventory check of t * business during the past year show " up better for the management th; . was anticipated. Th*- mill only o * ersieu lor a portion 01 im- year, i o tsidcrnble time was lost in Retting tl | machinery and equipment lined i I and the help trained and fretting ti goods on the market. However. Itond force has been secured ai i Roods are bring produced at a rap rate now. President Richmond is well plea I : ed with hi* selection of Murphy f I the location of his plant and expee ' this year to he a very suooesful on The payroll that he is making he weenly is being: fe't by tho qn**chan the Indir moiu t in??. ales Ih ou.- t*L ties, wil he tl dfej & early tprinn A kout So. >->on of fs'.rm N P.vnk Of Vurph> ho o.rrs N'.ct Oo. .'a.nuar> 15th Murph> Shuttle BK\k$ Go 1 o M.\nc.h?trr, Kny: ^MWB' N . . >.za..\s U* ' S - - s .... \ . \ . . \ K \\ \\ . \ . . . . s \ ? .'. lv* ' . on . , . , . s-. w. asv .x.-.k . v ... ? \i . . .. ,\ now ? * V... V. ? .'hun. jg tg .. .. a? p*r huihcl I u>? tin', fig r :o for ?.? i'sl;s*tr*t :*.> ;; Uo?:\ pr.'por.x ' f'.'.Ot* pt t *. V ?|x \x . : . > i SO prr bnsl\o the oon . :.t > ?in nuxkinK fc?tr front tV< j. \x. . ;lv.r;y fno pp.; ltd. t. -,r*bU' xxccbt of '?!00 ;w.!x , "1;". thavf -ii; >*00 por day fo:? I ?x:h? a t a 'armor ?nit pro. . .. ? a l?nsh.' of rt'rn at ; oost of . x. nt\ . onlx, av, ho -t ' fx>r St ('0 hi* " v - thir t \ . ott! J .T l?l?xll.'! ho .1- I', tt rs b\-. hop for s! :5?? I'.t p oc ?Umb led. n ">t" thr ntarkol prim < < ?i. an, U h?> --rll - it as o.irn ! prof t ,. fix, t>v rout-. por bushel ut "If the prim ??f hop. hold-- and h tls soils it a-- pork III-- profit f. ?vt x taut ir por Imp h?l or luHv< lint* ax mini ??s si' through scllintr it u - t orn The r fertiliser vnhto of fiftpen util pr luishel pay woll for tlio Inbo* . f ford ho imr tin- ?" f STlM THF SCOUT . - ? . . L V ? k I > K v S iorth L*rolm? s. i yr tt.K >ni CRIMIN AL CASES ALL COMPLETED THLRSDAL NOON N- * v P t ^ tKtr* V>< C .- ? r.r , > ? AMcH S/? r i A/.Vk*t ' ."A.'! ' > ' '< ' - ' 'jW- .-.ft : ,,. ' ' ' "r i - . . X - '?, " "t " : > * Ob> ' V ?? . Vr T . . ;v i Rabid Canine GiV's 1 hrough Ofcveeta Section v l'e*i J .< He* tb ad* ?n*c tKal a' de.-. be tontined t.? **i.M?vf iS.iMcen and .att'e "" -v %">{ . . \ .-d -'.- v - r,.".- th?? - . ?*.*. - ooe w k ".*.; ;n (1^ Ogrwts .*< the CrtVittlj attxi it* ! U.'. o\...,v.;*,at ten V':*.o aet.en of the ?W : 'ho?.o xxVo *. ?iX* ' OX," >:?; . h?ii tho . hyov.' i'la a .ive.oi m teiU'T TTiVmn ^wwwt^roapiBcwBscgpig^Eiwt .'.'v. < ri-pevte.i to I'.-.n. h*. ;.-n a num' her of .jog*. and ooxera' head . -,n the Otiu' a . .i,**.i !*.-5?M?' w ,i-. v'".-.; Vh.* boa*?t *?aid to , ' -i\o oo:v. ' i om i:t* i:\ov at thought it caino from Mvrphfs No . no !o!.?v xx'-.--. . i he . from ? x 1- -ud ... Ho . th mi* o. -.V... tho .1. ?: max !-axo t*- ix.".-. \ ?..nx v '. ?.-v I'i'ti'-n r.';.**> avmu ? * M X. -.-v. ,x utvd. 1 " VI*..- n .l .-auK. | ato .... \ . to ta'ho any eh*!*.. ? ? on t heii vo x. :-. h\o ooool* 1?x ; .lixiijix.'.i . . , the Count) -,'hy -.-inn tho middle ?*' '.ho \x..'., Ir :\ iutomout x-1\on out, xx e- n.'x. . .1 that all doe m tho county ho . 'fined in order not to run unit t i?U School Boys. With Black Faces. Rival Court Some ??!' tin* . hool hex i of th. to eat lii?;ti hoot nto planning- to *ei up a ourt of their own. H xxitl txo open ! ? tho public at tho xoliiwt audi toiiuiu no\t Tuesday night. About a ilo i n of the box - xxitl hla. h tl.rir liii i"! atu! .tag.' i . ..I* i -one ii they mnfcivr a court would bo conducted ' by .lm kI.*-- It r; a nog? > mock eourt. mi other worth-, and thev an* a-king i tin* p.* ?plo of Murphv on.I uttondniMi U|'"ii tho siip**?ior eourt tioxv in no* ' Miili t.? eonie over to the h.xol honor TtlWiliiy night, J.tmian '."th. and witlU'U. I'l.-- " ? I*- ? i' > ??*?' is. to bo Iripil for titling hi-* do !>' site for On* flo*h of fowU Irnil him astray. Tin* umii i will bo toplrlp tiilli y humor Piornlmu- Ihi? regular court I* si rue will l?r on interesting Mo< k " fnro arooo fire. * | The school l?oy* protnloo on "voninjf I, of laughter ami assure the public thnt ' lhr\ will not regret it if they will ot? I lend thrir court. There will bo 0 '.small a