!l Friday, J?wry 23, 192S [ ?*oca/ and [ TeJepho a Theatre it. Turn Mix starring Win Zant? G*t> famous story, "The KjLone Star r. You've read the beek, see^ie ; icture. fi| Mrs. Tom Mauney and little - n,; H|Richard, are veiling relatives- in SaHvannah. Ca. I Mr. A. Rice, of ne.r Ct.lbers n. spent the first of the week i:i tewn. FOR SALE?At a \ -u in . le y blacksmith forge. See J? hn. IT Hall, City. (lt-pd) inira? ! PLASTERS 4 StMMdard $.3&tj3R*^Ek Zx** * R?r+*t. ; Coughs and Colds _ tooob?taa^Motfur l^r Ji Wr>nk ChZ^! 1 \y | AUCOOCS? I ?1 \ \\P*? ?A W/ H '** o*#-*- \ Mrs. Hilton Pope and children, of ~f Knoxville, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. t Mauney last week. i y uki M;ssc? M'vraret and K.ithryn Row. B' an spent the wcsk?er.d in Kn xvil'e. P LOST DOG?Med! im size fma'e ?' hound, color white, with tan oar. ; tan spot j;1 ro.-.-t of tail, bln^k snot ' on left shoulder. She was last seen i at my feed store Monday Jan. 12. . " 1925. This hound is untrained; howjt' ever, I prize her very much, and will n pay small reward f'.r her return. Fajrk, T. Dickey, City (lt-d) yyiwHrfE&co^y-s. ummu.ii>. igt'g gf.wlf I .a V.H>a paid tor^4 .1 y. [la* Fcrsd^'^ vl Mrs. E. A. Davidson left Wednesday for Atlanta to he at the hedside of Mrs. Norman Davidson, who i? critically ill. Miss Pauline Kitchi 1, who has charge of the music department of the Andrews Hi^h School, spent the week-end in town. SEW AND SAVE WITH I Colli ' I Beat Six Cord Spool Cotton DRESSMAKING HINTS. j ror vmuaniM roox on dratuiuiuck, un t fcgi tie I saw it was what I g2 .^eeded. I ate more and Scar ' ' Personal i s? V cf 20 V j?a i Mr. and Mrs. \V. Christopher and 50',| Miss Fleta Christopher will leave the kid first cf February for an extended ^a? visit to the Florida east oo-.-t resorts ?P* and Havanah, Cuba. 1R? he: Mrs. J. V. Dritiain aid ch:ld:en are v,e the guests cf Mrs. Br.ttain's parents, ?* Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richardson. ?n" SAVE YCl'R ORCHARD By spray. Br' ing with Scfalet-id. the best D >r- cc"* mnnt spray to be had. Sprays and m< tcriai hand. Call on \V. H. Hughes me Route 2, Murphy, X. C. <23-4i-r,d) ' :i tot Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. F'tvis o - "P* cupving a cottage r.er.r the hospital. lrsel I'-V' 3lis; )VV. w. nyde is recovering | frcm her recent - riou* illness. Mrs. E. E. Davis is confine 1 to behome with a severe attack of irn-ri -ip and tonsiliti:-. Hoi aft FOR SALE?GOOD MILK row. we SEE FRANK I). DiCKEY. CITY. Xe ( ltd > Km mi Mr. Krank Marion, of Sylva, is spending the week in town prior to taking up his residence in Selma. Ala. Im Jai Mr?. -J. W, Wat*? ?"!!! "iif-rmin four rtf l tables of bridge Friday evening at vi> the Wiggle Inn Tea R >om. j WANTED -A Reliable man wanting to make ?40 t>? $70 vvkly in Cherokee County selling Whitinc-r's ,[M complete line of home remedies. E:. tracts, Toilet Articles, Soaps. Spices ? etc., house to house. Products guarantced to give satisfaction. Cherry ?.f Alabama made $57.90 in five dr y.-: Middleton of Virginia, $96. Team <>r car needed. No experience nee; -saiy. Wiitc for full particulars t? day. The II. C. Whitmer Company. Tvpt. !9tt. c*?'itwhu? Miinii. (23-Ut-pd) thi Mr. W. S. Gr< n left Tuesday for Cupperhilt where he has a contract ph? to do some interior decorating. Mr. J. (>. M*.Curdy is in Augusts hn this week visiting hi-^ wife and dau b, nn tor. He is being relieved at the l'1' Southern Station hv Mr. Pierce Fh-ni-. inp, of Ashcville. na PMr. E. S. Miller returned a few t'11 days op from Salisbury where ho had been on a business trip. < f tin Mr. S. V. Allen, of Postel!, was hero !'.* , , .iff several davs during the week. j, i ^ CASTOR IA ? For Infants and Children tai In Use For Over 30 Years \ s*Jb.o, : Cil't ret 7 ~ j |,9; ? s XOW PENCIL i\ II ? 1 : RED BAND \ X ATWyO#Kl/SA._( mKL ,h us ill Side i ? rested bettor. I kept tak- jg thi ing it and my skin and ^ ! w, flesh took on a more Yf[ ! m, h e a 11 li y color. I felt E? , th, stronger and, as the nerv- K mc ousness left me, the pain eg ' ,>>, in my side was less severe, i sni After taking nine bottles, (gj ltrJ I eat anything, go any- W \ where and feel fine. I VA T| weigh 160 pounds and am Egj well. I feel that I owe it |gj f'' all to having used Cardui." rf ,>r Pain, in certain parts of ^ ve: the body, is a sure indica- igl stion of female compli- Ig tel cations. The treatment K of needed is not themse of jg narcotic drugs, but? (g rci iDuTl! in's Tonic i * THE CHEROKEE SCO! LL OUT Or SORTa j t wat This Good Woman Who Tib* Her Experience ; All ion often woimn accept their ins and aches as natural to their . They fail to realize that weak Ineys are often to blame for that t hsche. these headaches, d zay ' lis and that tired, depress* d feel- j ? Thousands hav found new t dth r.r.d strength by helping the | ( nkened kidney with Doan's Pills | } i stimulant iuretic. This is j t p of th t.rany r thi* locality: t Mrs. Z. V. Burr.T. Whitmire St.. > t-vard, N. C.. ays: "I had a dul. < a a.:<->s my kidneys and ! f h tir- ; out. It v's inmost hr.p.ss bie for < to straighten ait-.- Ver.drr.g and ? ndirg, . i had h adaches a id nerwus ^ 11:, tco. 1 , 'od Dean's Pill.-, and a : h rt time 1 v. us i cling lib niyf again." EOt r.t 5J *? "'*? = SMRn ., Mf s.. Bu: .. .. X. Y.?Adv. i Mrs. ,1. \Y- .li-nts returned her ' anders of the top of a ridgre. and | . I line poles to a post oak. j j id oak being: a corner to an old I ^ ict, also a conditional corner be- J t een M. X. Hentbree and William I r ompson lands; then east to the !?< miner, containing 05 acres. nv>r v less, and heinjr the same lands con- , ped to Joe Patton by J. C. and X. t Surritt which said deed is reiris- , *ed in the office of the Roadster Deeds for Chrokee County in deed ok No. 71 at paire 161, to which ference is hereby mrtde. The above named wilt further to'o- ; tice that the above lands were first rchased for their taxes ??n the "tb y of May. 1023, and were purchos- : agrnin for their taxes on the 5th . y of May. 1924. the sa'.l W W l yson having: boujrht the above t ids at both sales. < This" the 14th dar of Jan., 1025 W. W. BRYSOX. 4-3 t-b) " me at Du ktown, Tenn. Wednesday L-r having .-pent the past several [ -ks h-. rv with he: i.either. Mrs. P. E. ' Is.^n, who has iwen confined t- her 1. Mrs. Nelson is reported to be T nh improved. ? t \ The following appeared in thckeland < Fin. > Evening !.edg< r of nuarv 10th: "Dr. II. N. Wells. Murphy. N. C., is here f r hi: : rst it and will spenti a liiuiuh or i..ove >>.ir:g u\v. th. * wii an I vicinity." Mr. d. F. Kii; atriel:, f Farrier, nn., was here on business one da> s week. JRTH C AROLINA?Cheiok.. ("ounsy. , NOTICE? 1 To B ib Kilby. Robert Patten. >se I all n and rhe Heirs at-Law doe Pattoii, dccea. e l: The above named wiii take nouvt ( it W. \V. Dry son holds two lax sai? -tiflcates width -aid certifieaii>w that he purchased the hereinafi- | describe*! lands at public auciion , d lands having hem s hi for de- . quent taxes for the yea s < f 11122 d 1322 and having been 1 sted for , year 1322 in the name of Joe , tton, and for the year 1322 in the | mt- of Jot l'atton heirs; the above ( me i will also take notice that the i ne -.f redemption of th ela t nam < certificate expires on the 5th day _ May. 132a, when ami after thai ne the said W. \V. Ilryson will de- , ?nd a deed for same from the Shorcf Cherokee County for tin fob ving described lands; pi:st iraci: ri'cmninjr n a wuv ami runs with a conditional lino : south direction up a branch to the ad; thc-nce to the too < f a niaun* ? in to a spam h oak cormr; Un-iUt- i northerly direction down a ridge th a marked conditional line DJ4 ics t ? a hickory corner of said con. ional 1'nc; thence a northwest di tic-n to the willow, the hegiunv tr. ipposed to he tin acres, more or For accurate dcscrir.ti.--n seed fmm W. n.-y> n an l Krvnyson t.? -Toe I' >iton which said deed of record in the office of the lloger of Deeds for Cher, k e C .unty Hook No. 71. at page !:>?. to tich reference i-; hereby made. Second Tract: Beginning on a est nut stump at hank of Jane Sneed, deceased. Having qualified as admin V.ratrix f the estate of J. B. Phillips, deeeasfi. late of < 'herokt e County. North *ar< lina. this is to notify ;*.'l persons l&ving claims insl th. estate ot aid deceased to exhibit them to th< tndersigned at Murphy, N -:h Ca.* >Iina, on v before the 1st day of 'm -.try. this notice will be 1 ! in ba- of ijwir r < v ry. All as irdeheted to said estate will - >ase n:ekc immediate payment. Th"s the .'list day of Br comber, 1024. COB \ PRI1.F.IPS, * ,T...NW D HBB ....... . ? *. deceaesd. (21-Gt-p) MORTi! CAROI 1N A CHEROKEE COUNTY r, A. ."T. i-1. ! rids. v-tor t."k - for Cherok?e County: The Under- ijrnod B. B. & M. If. VI or lew .f Cherokee County. North i'arolinr. enters end lavs claim to th." following described piece or pare 1 of and in i averdam Township, Cherokee County. X'Tth Carolina, th-1 same ei.ig vacant and unappropriated land, met subject to mtry, Yi*: Described as follows. Beginning on he N. \V. corner < t' : met No. j:;:? and runs with same >?. E. >'& to he South line of !'a : N >. 781'?tht nco .vith -nnu N. 7 ? \Y. 20 poles to the K. line of tract No. 4SO0; thence vSfli en, . - lilt u- . i: . '. known, to the N. lino of tract N->. I Til) thence with same X. *:i n?l? > to ,h? beginning so as to include all vacant laud included by the above tracts No. nboved scribed land or the S. K. side of SchaUrs Creek. Containing by estimation It) acre.-. Sign H. R. & M. H. MORROW Entered this the 1 s.h day of Decmi btr, 11)24. .V M. SimoniIs. Enter taker. NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY All i ersons are hereby notified that i warrant of sutvey will he issued t?? B. R. & M. II. M ' i w for :h. above described land on the last day of February, if tlicic ?. * iTo filed in this office before said date. A. M. 5IMOXDS Entery taker for Creh-k -e C \ X. C. This the 20th day of December. 1024.' (21-lt-m) NOR ill CAROLINA Civ:- !:: Cautv.y. To M. S'r.tonds, Entry Taker for Cherokee ?".canty: Th undersigned .1. II. Alurnathy ?f Cherokee County. X. C. enters and lay.- claim to the following d- scribed nece or parcel of land in Valley town Township, Cherokee County. Ntorth Carolina, the same being vacant and mappropriated lands, and subject to -ntry, viz: Beginning on a Spanish oak X. W. ,-orner of R. A. Dcwar and H. H. fole lands. Entry No. 616G. an 1 runs lorth with No. 6275, a former line o the Graham County and Cherokee Tounty line; then with said county in - Eastward to a stake and line of mother tract of land of R. A. Dewir and II. H. Cole land to a former ilack oak corner No. 6165: thence vith various courses Westward to he beginning so as to include all of he vacant lands South of the Cherokee and Graham County line on the caters of Hickerson Creek in Cherokee County. North Carolina, confining by estimation fifty acres, (Signed) J. II. ABERNATHY. A. M. SIMOXDS. Entry Take r. Entered this the 15th day of .laninrv, 1925. NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County. This is to notify nil person- that i warrant of survey will he issued to f. H. Abemathy, on the 15th day of February. 1925. if there is n?. proest-filed in this office before that late. A M. SIMOXDS. Entry Taker for Cherokee County (23 -It a) North Car-. I inn. - ADVERTISEr NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee ! County. Murphy, Jan. T. 1923. The Board met Jenuary 3th. 1925. T. W. Axiey. chairman. W. J. Martin and W. T. Holland, members. It appearing from the report of the registrars and judges of the election | N' v. 4. 1924, at Boiling Springs. When as at the genera! election tfc's particular boundary for stink law was voted or. and it a* rearing that :> ? vote*- w re cast .n favu: ?.f >?" k law and 35 against stock lav.-, a jority i:j favtr of stock law. tnis boundary hereinafter set out, v'z: Beginning on Graham County in what is known as Snow Bird tin-', and runs a South curse to K ist ner of Ben Dockery's land; with said lands an en stern r-r:rs" eluding said Dockery's la a a : -s Hangir.gdog Creek to J -p f di\ d' ing mountain piwctn C??l Cn-'-k ?nu 1 i Hangingdog Creek stock law line; tr.enc with said stock law 1'ne a S. W. course with said iine to what i> known a- the Al'en Gap between Beav? rdam and Davis Creek section; thence with highest ground n N. E. course to what .< know: as i xne ueaq i re Gap; lh?nce with the meanders of the dividing mountain . between Telli.-o and Davis C: c-ks; thence an East course to \\l. t i-known as the McDonald Ball and corner of Graham ' unty lint; Iher.t < with sard lire S. E. direction to Sn< \v Bird Gap anu the beginning. Now. therefore, the above nan; tiww 1/oundury is unu the same is hereby declared a stock law territory and shall be from and after this dale, and any person r corporation or company are forbidden to allow horse, cattle, sheep, hoys, or any othj er stock of any f evi nred and want Purchase their own home in the moiitv F-ir Frit1 r Informntio RABUN G/ P IinDI Rabun, ( That American railn tasks with greater period in their hisio m 1924 seven transp , 1.? In on? wo. k. 1.11.lot freight?cxcct JinfT by 3 1. 2.? In Octo... 7 * a. OCeirn .a a eh " .a". k. the N ?th Wo*' n REN WHC NEED VANT rate ill ir children and make n livinir. become belt. r farmers urnlcr a raciing i tfl for adult*, in which fa:. iiV* a- talien for n pc of i: ni cik.i ;;;d the kind of a community. ml in tin- d -? . ndon:- f early settlers 11. t arn and save much money to tain country, n Apply in IVi, To JSi K'AL SCHOOL lap, Ga. often *ican Railroads oad%? are now performing their efficiency than at any other ry> is indicated by the fact that ortation records were broken. ."> cars wore loaded with revenue S52 . the best previous record, rs-.f- - in and grain products were .iiwn- vuuai.:. previous record' 1th, '..- "-din" - of merchandise and totaled ?5L',oi7 cars?the highest evor reported. -ihov 2":h,422.?20cnrsof misceliane. . .and -;ov d?a new high record eki'v. ;:o. day. Oct ober loth, the rail. .I,. 10,2! 1 freight cars iloaded --l' o grea'c-: movement tor y in history. ah record in ;*.\s;v . i to number of i freight, car? and serviceable locos ] r\ storage, v hen loadings of reveight were in exec.--> of one million. ' c-ek. At the same time there was shortage or congestion due to railsability. - Fi o:n January 1st. to October 25th, "0f .lid cars were loaded with all comdi tics?excluding coal, coke and ore.