[ Friday, January 30, 192S. I f^oca/ and H lelepho | I At Theatre Tonight William, Bk^stll Have Changed" ^Blso "FyrnjJV . kipper"' Admission Hp or and 30c. " I The quarterly meetings of the Mnr R'nr and Hiawossee Circuits will be ^Keld at the First Methodist Chur h ^Murphy, Saturday. January 31. "1 Bh. m., Murphy time. Dinner w 11 b ^Kerved. As this is a very imoortan* ^Breeting, every official member of |&ach church is urged t?? be present ^fcs some very important matters ar--* Hko be attended tc. I Miss Nannie Dickson was hostess; H'i four tables of bridge at h r her o Ben Valley River Avenue Thursday , ^ evening. Miss Dickon was assisted Hun serving the very attractive ice:. Irourse by her moihe:. Mrs*. 13. V. !1 Dickson and Miss Frances Dicks-n j Those asked were Misses Eva Nell j Mauncy Catherine Thon*nso?. M*ttha Candler. Marv Alice Smitfl, E'i^-1 tibefh Brittain, Lyn Albright, Carcie | Ferguson, Mesdames J. C. Watts, A I T. Martin,-A. M. Brittain. and J. W j Thompsrn; Messrs. James Ferguson. | Walter Mauney. Ed Studsti'l. J. C Watts, J. C. Arbogast and Rob r Brown, of Andrews, ar.d Fred Br - I aner of Blairsville. MFOR SALE?Early eabhnjre plants MBit 23c per hundred postpa'd. See HBSid Pendley, Murphy. N. < 1 ? a Mr. O. C. Davi.-. .-f the Gr indvii v.* fceet' a recently moved his family to gwMurphy. \ Mr. J. T. L. Hartn-ss. of Mi: oral Pluff. Gn.. was a v>it >r in Murphv Several days this we ... * Mr. J. O. McC - * i-?i v > v -iting His f 5 fcvife and daughter in Agu-ta. Ga. II ; is heir.4 relieve 1 it Southern ! Station by Mr. fierce Fleming. : I i COfBVltA*. KY. r-*i:jvrai? 1837 ;?*]> t I iij.- .1 n?orlnwl *?<?; few Furs^'" w- C v of the Southern Railway, was a husi of teh Southern Railway, was a business visitor here Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Flvina King, who has been suffering with bronchitis. is stmt1 ( better. Mr. Robert Alston is very sick this [ SEW AND SAVE WITH > ! ?" Best Six Cord Spool Cotton DRESSMAKING HINTS For * valuable book on drrtimakins, rend 4c . to THE SPOOL COTTON CO.. Dept. C 31 ft Fvurlli Ave , New York ' j| Jp i Da3, Slugg " T> LACK-DRAUGHT 2J Jt> is our household (Ml stand-by," says Mrs. Thomas H. Kell, who I? uvea near 1.111 J ay, Via. "We have been using it years and years. My mother's family used it and we do here and my four sisters do, too. "I could not run my house without Black Draught. 1 give it to the children whenever they need a purgative, and both Mr. Kelt and myself take it. As a medicine for, sluggish liver and ItUCK-D SI Over Ten Million Pa i ^Personal | r?e 20 Mrs. Roy Sessoms joined Mr. Sc-ssonis in Andrews last week, where they will reside. t Hon. T. t>. Rollins, of Asheville,: was in town last week on legal busi-I r.ess. - ,fl James Richardson, the nilc son of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Brittain. who has j been ill at the home of his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. R'chardson, i is improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mco ly will go to Asheville Saturday for two uce!.and while there Mr.s Moody will attend the concert by Geraldine Fa-rar at the auditorium. SALESMAN WANTED?To s orders for lubricating oils, ; .. and paints. Salary or commiss'cn. Address The Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (lt-p 1) Mr. anil Mrs. J. N. Moody entertained at an elaborate six o'clock d n- | rer in honor of a number of Mr.J Moody's colleagues. !>r. E. E. Smith '. - ft Thursday" for' a visit to Asheville. | M - Margaret R-v an on an extended visit to rol-ui v - at Black Mountain. N. C. M:s 11. E. Barclay spent the week en i with home talks. sale ..n easy tcrtr.s. old machines ta;-.< n :t> pati payment; also repair A-rk cir.nc and gun ran teed. Singer S.v.ing Machine Co.. .1 W. Brant: n salesman. Murphy. X. C. <25-lt-pd) Messrs. Johnnie Johnson.and D. T McXabn, of Suit, were in town last wreck. Mr. II. G. Hampton of Andrews,I rout the first of the week in town iitte.idine court. t"?< II rbnt i he I.uther An t y farm about ii!! ' nile above Murphy c;n l!iawa?see K v?t. Valley R'ver Furnitur C .. Phor.e TV <25-111 Misses Pauline Kitchel anil Blanche ' .i.."??:c!. of Andrews, spent the week end in town, Mr. Tom handler, of Hinirsville was a business viitor last w. ='k. Mr. ami Mrs. r. Johnsm hav Murphy, ??.<! expect to cavupy it '?nt il middle i f February. FOB SALIC?(Iilfien Oak lihraty; ' le. leas than hall pri e. I'r. IC. K. Smith. C.ty. (lt-pd)j CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ~ Signature of V-. ' ; g ? J : li 1 LLOW PENCIL I RED BAND \ ; 3. NEWYORKUSA.__ """"V ish Fee&g headache, and tae ilia [ that come with constipa- \?!'j tior., Black-Draught is tine. 1 "Lots of times I have felt dull and sluggish,my i head would ache and I (jflh had to make a great effort to do my work. A (j?;> little dose of Black- Sgj] Draught would correct '?), this feeling. We always keep it on the medicine W* shelf." ? Be sure that you get Thedford's, the old, flg reliable Black-Draught powdered herb liver med- 1Mb) icine. 4tt all dealers'. ^ > aril's J" IAHIT i ckages Sold a Year THF. CHEROKF.F. SCOU FOR RENT?Four rooms all furnish- .r ed for light housekeeping. See ' I Mrs. Mattie A. Taylor, next to D. W. I W. Town.ioo's on Terrace Avenue, Murphy, X. C. <3t-pd) Mr. W. F. Hill, of Wehutty. was a business visitor the first of the ^ week. tl FOR SALE?Or.e 12-inch corn mii' ? French stone, ' heap. See O. A. d Sxvai... ??lur. hy. >*. O. (2!>-3t-pd.) j SAVE YOUR ORCHARD?By spray. 'n ins with Scslecid, the best Dor- q ma:it sps;.y to be ''a;!. Sprry-* ami nr.- v te' ial on hand. <II on \V. H. Hughe? Route 2. Murphy. N. V. (23-4.-pd) , WANTED? \ R.-liable man w.;r.ting to make *10 to ?70 v.- kly ?:i t Cherokc-t ' un'y Iling Wh;" !v compl.te n. e < i home remeui E:;-J , tracts. T? :i I A:t ci.s, S ?aps Slice- | eli.. h - t-i ! > c. Proc.u.ts guar-J ante*. J To ir'.v . .r.isfa. t on. Cherry; 1 brnif . !e $"?7.00 in five days; Mludletcn of Virginia. $bti. Team or t] car n t?ied. No experience nr. s- n y. Wiite for full particulars to- p day. The H. C. Wnitmer Cempar.y, e I ,t. IPS. I ullimhll'. 1 ii#I ? 51 Tin ' <23-3t-pd> | 1 Keep Wei8 h Avoid Sickness ^ ; ? TAKE Lj iRRAND^I !-' EU. .752 PtS-LS m Q OR Q Q et B?f! I'Dt u m will cleanse the system, purify tj I m the rlo?>d and keep you well, faJ | J For Constipation M I! Indigestion. Biliousness, etc H Entirely Vegetable. M ?? lh NORTH CAROLINA?ClxrokM J County. NOTICE b To Bab Kiluy, Robert i'attnii. .. Jesse Fatten and ;ne ILir-... ..aw s of Joe i'atton, deceased: d The above named will take notiet \\ that \V. W. Bryson holds two tie: -.1 certificates which said c rtitic show that he purchased the "here.nar.er described iands at public nucti.m ruii lands having betn s il for cK- ( iir.qucnt taxes (or th years of I'.1211 and 1923 end having been i sted for the year 1922 in the name ot Joe ? i'atton, and for th year 192d in the 1 name of Jot Fatton heirs; the above ^ name I will n'so take notice that tin n time of redemption of th elast nam ed certificate expires on the 5th day u ? f May, 192fi, when and after that time the said W. W. Biys-n will d? numd a deed i'< r same from the Sher iff of Cherokee County for the following described landsFhst Tract: Beginning on .1 willow and runs wiih eondiri >m! line a south direction up a biam-h to t'o* head; thence to the top of a mountain to n Spanish oak corner; thence y a northerly direction r'own a ridge with a marked conditional lin C. J -p poles to a hickory corner of said con. ditior.nl line: thence a northwest direction to the willow, the be l?ini: g. 0 Supposed to he 60 acres, or j. les. For accurate description roe Dee l from .1 W. Br n I R .?n in .Toe Patto: * Yi'i said deed ; is of ro-orri in the office of the Reg- u '- r of Deeds for Cher-k : C;un*> t.: in Book No. 71. at page 161. t.> which tefc-rence is hereby made. c Second Tract: Beginning on a C chestnut stump at bank of branch n it being a conditional . orner between t? M. X. Il.-mbree and William Thomp- C son an druns up said branch with the li l'ne of M. X. Hemhree and John Brv a sim to the head of said b,-r. h in -i ;; Southern direction; then from the J b heat! of said branch to :hc top of w the mountain to a Spanish oak; then tl west and with the meanders ??f said t) mountain top 00 poles to a stake; ol then a north direction following the vv meanders of the top of a ridge, and ol old line poles to a post oak. t: said oak being a corner to an old n tract, also a conditional corner between M. X. Hembree and William Thompson lands; then east to the beginning. containing 05 acres, more " or less, and being the same lands con- ^ veyed to Joe Patton by J. C. and X. S. Surritt which said deed is registered in the office of the Register 11 of Deeds for Chrokee County in deed ^ Book No. 71 at page 161. to which ^ reference is hereby made. TV,,, ,^ir r...?i *_i.? d. notice that the above lands were first purchased for their taxes on the 7th day of May. 1023. and were norehns- ^ ed aeain for their taxes on the 5th day of May. 1924. the said W. W Bryson having bought the above lands at both sales. This the 14th day of Jan.. 1025. i W. W. BRYSOX. I (24-3t-b) rr. MURPHY. N. c. LEGAI CAROLIWA-T-.w . POWER CO. The r< jrular annual nieetinjr of th tovkholders of the Carol na-Tenn see Power Coniparv was held at ie office of the company in Mur hy. N. C.. at 10:00 a. m. on M Jn ay, January 10, 1923, and inimo i uly adj. urced 'the.-', transact i _r any busin-??. An r.-'.j *.? t leetintf ? the ttickhoid^r* :f th arolina-T> nesaee Power v'onman; "ill i e held at the office ef th.' corr, sny in Murphy. N. I0:<>0 i.. February 1 '>ih. 1925. for pm esc of '.' ti:.;; d octors and for th ranaa.-tir.n ef such other 'mvii. c. ray con ." i ;-f ?re the meeiirn*. ADMINISTRATOR'S IXTICE 1!::vincr qua! ficd as the aJrnints r .ter of the '-tnte of I?. \V. i.-i . lid:, deceased, thir- ; - to t'fv ersons holding daiir.* aen rrt state to file same with nv? with; our moi .hs ;:<:> rh's da' * r ') i otic* will be J laaded i" 1 -;v < f '.he: jcvtve y. All per ? i . : 1 : a'd i ll'." : "? request: d t in:-.!;, i... . 'into rx :leiv. r.t. This 2d:d day of Janor ry. '. '2". S. W. I.OVIXGOf i'. Il l 61-1? A laiir.l'trat ir. IOTICES OF / C?: 'NIS7F1 ATI?! CN ESTATES OF M. P. Z "EE > A.\D > \*E SNEED Notice i- here! y given thr* "i r<ler?i(f m-d d r- :i rim n t-;:tf?r ? * t. rate ?.f ? :. P. S |nd also as administrator - * the >: of Jane Snc?'i 1 *h ! ' o hemkoe C \inty. ar.d nil revs r. avinjr claims asrainst cither i-i s:n states are notified . . i.! _ - at their ? the undersigned, at \ ,,y. X. C itli n no < ?.: fro. ? ;h cav or !>o fie' : rr. 1 fr y ! ution in the a - ets ? ' - a.I < . itc r either ? ?' their. All pi r- la n ned will Iin.il,v make s.ttlemen ehti d t. either M. P. Sated or n irh the nn h r i rir d. This January 2nd. lit.:?. R, i.. SNGED, Administrat ij of M. P. Sneed. deceased. 11. I.. SXflKT*. Ad.vini?'vr'n 21-Ct-. ) c Jane Sn .d, le a . I laving qualified as adnd". siratri f the estate of J. P.. Pirliips. dercar d, late of Che-ok.('nun y, Nr. 'arolina. this is to notify person avinip claims : rair.st ;h estat o nit! deecased to exhibit them t th RdCTai^il ut r>Iui^.'xiy, Nut in Ca lina, on or In the l-o day ?i y. Itf'.V*. :! ; ?s.?l! \. '11 h haded in har of the r recovery. A is. us indeheted to said estate wil ? a f make immediate payment. This th - :--st d: y of 1> . mb( i ' J COU \ PRC ' I!>S, Aiimini Vattix of .1. It Phillip? leceaesd. Pdlf.t-p ; ?t ; i i' \ am iv \ < i? i County. o A. M. S r.iomls. Entry Taker fo Cherokee County: Tl'i undersigned I. i! f Cherokee County X. C. ini.rs an] ivs claim to the : i win J i:--. ic ? ,-i i f I ;;> ! i;i V. : "ev. * *."? . ( .. . C ur No**!; ai . ... ti.-. .1. . I.. i v :: nn ?: ."l i tod ! a :d .bje t t ntry. viz: Beginning on a Spanish oak X. \V prnei* of "H Dewar and H. II olc land?, EnCy N'o. f? 1 *" <?, and ran orth with Xo. 0275. a former lin > the Graham County and Cheroke our.tv lino; then with said count: n.- Eastward to a stake and line u ti ther tract of land ??!' II. A. Dew r and II. H. Coh^Iand to a form lack oak corner Xo. <51'35; thenc it!i various courses Westward t> te beginning so as to include all o w vacant lands South of the Cher kec and Graham County line on th< aters of Hiekcrson Creek in Cher kee County. North Carolina, con lining by estimation fifty acres tore or less. (Signed) I. H ABERXATHY A. M. SIMONT'S. Entry Taker Entered this the 15th day of Jan ary. 11)25. ORTH CA ROLIXA?Cherokee County. This is to notify all persons tha warrant of survey will be issued ti . H. Abernnthy. on the 15th day o ebruary, 1925. if there is no pro st filed in this office before tha ate. A. M. S^MOXDS. Entry Taker for Cherokee Count; 23-4t-a) North Carolina. -SAVE YOUR MONEY?, One ho* of TunMtlls <4ivt? minv I dollar* in doctor's bills. A remedy I for di?wvei of the liver, wk head- I ache, dyspepsia, comtipation. HI- I iousncu; a million people endorse jutrs Fins; L ADVERTJSEIV NORT.l CAROLIN*A?Cherolae County. Murphy, Jan. 7, 1925. j e The Board met Jenunry oth. 1925, t _ T. W. Axley. chairman, W. J. Mar- . tin and W. T. Holland, members. p It appearing from the report of the registrars and judges of th election ' 4. 1924. at Boiling Springs, KWhere as at the genera! eh" 'i n th's p lar boundary f-.r to k lav.- b t w: - voted on ard it a-pe.vring that J ' j v . v/tra v.-t in l'avo of stock e v i'iw v ? "" agr.in-t stock law. a r v jori-y in favor of stock law. t~: . ; boundary hereinafter > t ut, v'r: ? ' Beginning a Graham C u-.ty lino 7 in what is known a- Snow Bird Gap. and runs a South coarse to c * or- t ner ?.f Ben Dorkery's land: ;h<- i I with .-aid lands an eastern > elv.'i: - said Dockery's linn. - Cr r-k x > t ;> . f ! . ? - t : - -.v.-jntain i.et-.v,. Owl Cr? ; nd r stock lav. line: thence with -a: i stock f ,, law I'iu- a vV. aav - with -i.1 ii:v t , . > what is known as the A! n Gap c n Ictwvcn Beav.rdan and D-vi- Creek v cticr,; thence with k:.*t i-?? :i ? K. E. course to v.h.-.r known as 1: the lb mi Tiv Gay: e with the Y -an ier.- the : mountain y. I.etwee!l T? V o i? ?:? -hs* \ thenct an Ea:-t c urse t > wiv,: : knov.ro as the McDonald Bali and . ;: f Giah;.;; C ?un*y line; tit "ice with - iiii h o S. K. direction t .* : ' : ^ Bird ami *.h. :e_*- in-.-. Nf-v, C or t*'?io. the ve : ? tio::?'d boundary i.* arid th same i- > rthereby do - a<d a .-tack law t rritory c and shall be from and after thi date, and a n- pes - -m - c. -/ ration or i- i..arv ?re f?.on : all c t' horse, cattle, . ri _ - he -r arty * > ? ? : :-t :t - any d. >.! :.'?: ; run at F lav.o ia arulasy, .; :? ,*::d aid- t; it* - date. It i- Guticr '.dercd that the ptovVi - < tit i .. reletinjr * stock d lav. . jn ; .e' i r y .i ( 'h..* : .r 30 ' ??f t.i'a Consolidated Statutes til" ( '* North Carolina sb l| b in effect in * sard 1 .. y 1 r - arid aft r the above date. It i.- further "dercd hy the B aid I that a copy of this order he posted I r :ho house nd published in 1 the Cherokee Scut. I This January oth, 1925. ' T. W. AXLHY, Chairman j 1 x Bo i d of County 1 numi rs A. M. oimonds, i. v . ' i ... Clerk to i WANTED?FAMILIES V HOLES OF CHILD A .'iitL* V'\ , I IV;.ST?A hotter ? L e ,? ?luo . ?' SECdXD-- An opportunity to b 11 tii-:.! tea- her of aui ioui! :r < . ia n even? II Th.- -chooi Iras r.in : t". : :..- i j rhy! ? I .. .! -. Thi so fee.: ... . nr. t ho . will make d n yh'.ers ;:r.d citizens i r.r school is os;iet jy tun stet s,!'::' original ynu-fc who nccti and warn > : u:. *hcir own Iumw in he mounta] ! For Further Information RABUN GAn INDU: r Rabun, G FIVE MILL dm DOLLARS WOHTH A ) * Once again the L treasury has been r! to provide funds fed fj ing its service. Tn f five million cbliars the purchase of equ Moi ? locomotives freight cars and m sengcr coaches ar, tar; to handle the ing volume of busir I Eternal \ an nfuliiess ' the condition of its eqe t\ men! . <ts roadbed and , \ service has earned for the E. & N. and mainf I tained for ihree an- ^ erations the name?/a PAGE THREE 1ENTS J V Board of County Commissioners of Cherokee County, N. C. 22-4 t-co) OT1CE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Default having been made in the ayment "f the indebtedness secured y a ? ,n deed of trust from F. M. hnson and wife, to the undersignd, n- trustee, dated 4th day of Janar . : t'24, and reirist r d in the of f the lieirister of I) ds of Chcrkic ( unty North Ca* Sinn, in Book I, page li.">8. and (i ; d having n made upon *Y id - n-d to cute thi power < * i: ? d in said d. I will for the j-vr; < < f ?itis the it; i"b'cd ured ;?. !v. offer f?>r -. le at ' ' i: nucoi: t the court hoitte ' <>r In Mur>h;. N. C.. on th 17th dr.y of Febru'owir.tr de?vri" ? . tract f 'and in . he* C mr.iy, >-itunt? d and touted in 3I-.it 'iy Tow. >l?ir. on the ,;r: ' ! :V B f : ?*ek, and .clj??inir _ :5i In* ?v*- ' Thv.il Laney -i! 1 b ir.-,' the ' M. T ;-v - n. bein f a ,-h - ant o >k. the N nth . jr.f " >aid ti:. I. and runs i .1 ' i- and p intr f X . 1 -4: thence ju-'i L'Ki i'A po>1 . an tlie J20; t ! ; |.ino, the i v.t- :t - r rf X'-. 12.'i; thence -tli 2? . ? the h'-jrinninp. ontnininc 1 7 _ acres, ex repliOfl! . > -iv p ?' em ; i l 'viundary v . conveyed by i : i'had I. a a by deed ; the Oif o- . f the ; ei-'< ? of ? '.i> r Oh r >uny. reference to whi< h is made for articularit; . Terms oi sale. i-:ish. This 12th ay of January, 1025. S vM CAKRIXGER. 23-4t-pd) Trustee. ' !^SERETs WHO NEED 'ANT ?h. ir vHUrcn and r::;!; : iivinjr. eocru- I r tor :.mo'^ r racnff - h. ol '>n it: u-A for adult?. whvh i". - i:v taken far a pe t* 1 iv I and thv kind that if a r amvjmty. I '.n the tl si-.-i'.dants of early settlers to rr.rn and a vh money to in country. jVpply in n To 5TR'AL SCHOOL ?p, Ga.

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