Plan your Insurance If you will put as mudi thought rnto the selection ot your insurance policies you do into the purchase of your gcci Hubs, you will have iru th . to use the golfclu! my ToWagc A Provident .V,. ..! OU A:. Endowj-~.. _ taker, cut ~uw ?;11 give you co:r: rt .1 independence i:i the later years of your life. Provident Mutual L'f- 1 ' ' " ' .'7 !; iJV\?i Penlanti & iCi Ian r ;RANCE I E.-tvidton Bid; Murfhy, N.C L__ A1 Joi a aid the other day thai. ?M. ... - i: (In- Iv a :y-m d > I V,. r. the fannui- ?ii; - ; t over flO ;v > in New York ' it v. A rfiaed caster oil tr.sde far it i :r. >1 use. Not flavored, y.. . lriJ puriry urtchi^grd. T < . . ..r.J odorless, i r on Ke!'s. bottled and I iStI.ed at the !. .orator! .. At ail <Jrusgii-5 The twenty-fifth anniv(r.?ary of the \vrMine day of da--.. ! An was cbawimr niuh. But it w,: Ann who f; ? it. "Post Know, .larjrv," sht saM. "it be our i'v-.-r \ d-iimr next w? k? \V? olljjlit 1 a lehration o' -"rts that daycyjSh.d! w? kil. th ?*" Jarjri grunted. "Poan't ! f.; 'ouman," haid he. "Whoi murder an innocent :l. what 'appi-ned twenty foivo years agone?'* / * - V: . ?01 ST1 c , borne men like io have expert of times they refrain from doing b:Jl for services they can but gasp operate on these principles. All w< it and the privilege of keeping you if '.vc don't. You'll he surprised a: on TP-pa'r< . Cherokee Moi ALL WORK GUARANTEED Authorized A Star, Flint and ACCESSORIES A MURPHY WOLF CREEK |4 ? 9 There was mt: "slivverb.B'" thruly our section on ? day as a .-;:I* * he few dey- sur. Iiine drying : roads. They have been impa-- able j for weeks, with oars. There was born to Mr. and M - . t Marion Carter Saturday, a girl. j1 Ti:< rt are si'U many suffering ton- c silitis in our community. !c Mr. Marion Carter lost the only horse he had a few days ago. {\ Mr. A. P. Davis is making preparaft at ns to move his family to Knokvillc It is reported that Mr. John F. I Coleman is about to sell his farm I c again. Mr. ma nis from the j g Xorth. It will t?e remembered that | y he bought property he?-e tbout one and j a half years an and sold out and j went back N rth and three months) J later bought t' -am. property back! ; i'."d is r."\\ I: v to si'11 Wo arc 1 i: : ? r -rr th-?: M Mary-fa!- M uncock vho h. - beer. ! bedfast - n. . la-: Mav i- r...? able , to bo up and :-."u?ut airuin. W i Mr \. v/t M . r ?w MM ' .. !y;\ Containm no Calomvl ^ :-^|w - i^nSr T.ittlc Gc went w:,;] , ia:hcr to see a y-'iin-; ?- It. If*- -.'d the coult's hmd and ina.i.1 quite fu>* ov- ' it until th t"id him i,. ' ? - .mj-i ' ful thai til- i-"lt did !i a turn nr uv 1 1 ard kirk him. When ho r turned t-?h. " H "I liked him pretty well,** v - - ;/. reply. "H \s very tamo in front, htr fc'.-V awful wild behind."*??Country ' 1 , A CRYING CHILD icants attention but a coughing child needs attention. U*ed and recommended since 1S72 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY stops alarming croup coughs, cases .. stuffy, wheezy oreath in g. raises chok- ,"' ing phlegm easily, allows restful ,l% sleep. Benefits both children and t grown persons. |... Keep a bottle in your home all the time No Narcotics. Sold everywhere. I'or Sale By R. S. Parker. Druggis! r~p,RY ]OB pRJNTING! sr ii Til |: rGIT I yrw 1 rc mechanics care for their car but ur so because when they read the er hoarsely?STUNG. We do not ; want is a fair ms#jrin of profr car in repair. Try and see of t the moderate charges we make *>u be 1 * |e* tor Company z -OPPOSITE L. A N. STATION 10 ?ency For Y Durant Cars ND SUPPLIES r, n. c. ??mc? in i? iii ii , THE CHEROKEE SCC 4 GOOU BEGINNING Ind The Murphy Concert Band Is V li Or Its Way To Success Never in the history of Murphy ha? i musical organization been started hat had more real, stabilized enhusiasm than has the Murphy Conor! Hand, which has just begun its areer in this city. Vt a numb ?- t" rime* provi-m* t "> his a bras bard has been started lere with more ?>r less success. Howev-r. the main items of sucessful operation have been netrleetd. and as the case with all organizations lacking these essentials, lave been a partial falure. There are a number of essentials n the making of a permanent hand ruanizati n, among which are the bllowing: ! '; if. ' r.ts. It j .1 -' is imp - : -< . a " and man : > d > >..d u . ! k with :: ; - ?r. out-of-tune vtrumtnt - :t i r a fame r t-? v "A a : .1". axe. i i . r i> y >u with had razor. r gr ?cor t c his g -uir in a:; x-cai-t. > : d. knowledge of matr.e iastrumcon which you y. ' ' ; .!;?. .. . i successful "... 11. iiiy familiar with - i . X- ?: enter : i- expert unless he k: us ... ! i . e- V "1.r ian a hand man attain pert; ti n <-i - he .? ntasie: t hi** in-:: urn -nt, knows, theroayi ly. what he is ! ' :\_ to : Third. a-.p'n . a-.! -c -i y. here can be r: -u;.-. for a i-.x. -fare i . >..n in trie band, :riy ioi? than ir. any r !. . of eneavor. T!ic:e many oth-.r t --eutia*-. ."eh a- ! eatv.ess. eoort-sy. etc.. but win: t. . . a f span w only menn the main attribute-. 'lis ptirp.'-i f f? a'ti-le is to r:r. y- u that w? i. .v,- about twe-n: ..n i * . ?.! . . \v!'. are i work? rs or: i are making < vrt t.- the iequiritm.tits f a successful hand man. I" i- true trait r?>? all of the tnemt-rs i : ve first cla--- i. struments. iowcur. few < ti.em have, and a- o'.r.ers m..attempts m a' i:ectie:i v.vivh a:.'.rat. iy will ring results. Ti: u.a:n- f maintaining the and : - : ; :?r.~t tt:r.? months through the suggest! n of * nnra r ? : ' I v.; . s r.u :.' ' ... been left to individual subset ip*.ion. Subtip: i an s . ; nt.e dollar ; month )r this | . Mod are beir.r solicited, t:d :f y u have not a 1 ready sub. ril'eil y,-u iv.ay hs-ve ti. privilege ... i v seeing lany: member f tl.i- organization. It you. as i ; tie-ire an oruiizution ? !' this k:i a- -in ert-iv ii.. its members, you will be I > st - with u- and put The Murphy t't-nl Ban?l permanently on the map. THE WELFARE COMMITTEE. By Fred T. Diekey. Chin. if Got a cold 9 I MENTHOLATUM J ^clears it owt.M There's one good thing that ran still > said about Broadway: It's amuse-; en: purveyors will let people see a( lUiieviile show on Sunday night at 1.30 a head. Nurmi, the Flying Finn, in his re-j nt rec* : d breaking performances, j rlipsed most of the important run-j ncr records except the or.e set by ,c? famous political runner from the. iddlc . - I hastings'free teg) Flower/ Seeds/ Hastings' is giving away Absolutely pC?,v.^ Seed Packets of beautiful owerf to each 1925 customer. Hastgs" beatulful. new 112-page. 1925 italog shows thewe flowers in full tural colors. The front cover pices the great Stone Mountain Confedate Memorial This Rig Seed Book is tlie Standard anting Guide, with valuahl?* culture rections and accurate descriptions all kinds of seeds. Jaunts' atxf lbs. It has over 250 pfetrres from tual photographs and is bigger and tier than ever. Brim full of ir.*orma>n, it's the most useful Seed Jtook er published. r You need it for ready reference sJi >st dally. De sure to write for It lay; a post-card will do. It comes you entirely free by return mall. I. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT? >UT. MURPHY. N. C. POSTELU ~~ Rev. C. W. Sparks from Marysvill Tenn.. filled h:s regular appoinimen Shoal Greek Saturday and Sunday He will also si :id the entire wee) a our community, ar.d conduct a se les of prayer meetings. Mr. Sherman Montgomery fron ? hattan- ga. Tenn.. i= visiting hi ather, Mr. E. Montgomery, at 1' Mrs. George Jones is very ill wit lu at this writing. Mr. Oran Mashburn from Duel, town spent Sun-lay with Myron an Willie Thompson. Miss Byrd Stiles spent Saturda night with her cousin. Ida Swansoi Mr and Mrs. Shirm Jones are a -miles oxer their new baby boy. Mrs. R. P. Allen and daughtc -pern i nursdny night with .nr. an Mrs. R. L. Pceples at Duckt'wn. M . and .Mis. Pnlcv Quinn an daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Jii Suit Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clate Stiles an #?.._? Mr. and Mi.-. ?e? Stiles and three children, wi re tli guests ol" Mr. and Mrs. Lum ^*>h Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hamby vi it' ti D-. and MJBC. M. Young Sur day night. Mrs. R. L. Pet*pics and littl laughter. Bobbie Alien, returned t ti.vir home at Ducktown. Tenn.. lav.i-'.-k after a peasatit visit with Mr Peoples parents at Postell. Mr. Clarence Voyles from Farm sj ent Saturday night with p< 1 y Allen. Mr. Ralph Led ford from Fartu x it '.-l spent the week-end with horn folks. Mr. Felix Hill was a business vi i* to Murphy last week. Dr. C. M. Young has installed radio in his home. Mr. M. M. Ledford made a bus ness trip to Murphy Friday. Messrs. Cate and Clyde Stile were Ducktown visit" s one day las week. Mrs. R. P. Allen and two da ugh tcrs. Mrs. Addie Peoples and Mis INFLUENZA g As a preventive, melt and in * hale night and morning? Diet 17 Million Jan UaeJ Yearly Impo If ye: ho. Carolina sell durir touch wil I get it list< ed and r season of We be you mor< other wa; GOSSE . I Auction Sales a Spec! Kliza Allen, visited Mrs. Mary H( ' r> one days last week e Rev. G. W. Srark* v - a visitor * F. Montgomery's Sunday. k GRAPE CREEK. n Mrs. J. S. Timpson lias been ? the sick li stbut impv,-vinjr. Mr. Jess Nix and fam*. were v tors at Birch Sunday, h d' Qllldre r? _ x\ uy li , yQ W % ^0 Jfflj ^HH^^j^flBEgflHHRHBQ^M r MOTHl-ft' F!rt. i'er's Cr Luilor Oil. "iv'i 1 eel s. orepared 1 rci-ov Infants a Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea ? Aids in the assimilation of Foo t Natural Sleep w To avoid imitations, always look n > T'^nvori tUrertioM. on . n.-'', ; :;ok:u & v? ( ij AutoStrop Sl ) p Razor I t? Sharpens Itself For tiL??:&CXM?URmnU^DH riant F LISTEN! ve any Real Estate in W. for sale, or any that you ig this year, we would li th you, look your propei sd early jo that we can g< eady for sale during the the year. lieve our methods of sell i money and quicker sal y- Ll. ! TT REAL CANTON, N. ( ally T V F iiii Friday, January 30, 1923. r. Mr. J. \. and Emma TImpaon and Kiiza Standridge were visitors at Persimmon Creek Sunday. 1 Mr-. K>>ie Hartncss and \two chilUng her parities this week. I The Sneed brothers are Bogging 0B this v on Mr. and Mrs. S. CJ, p T r. Lawrence Timpyfc is:- s..n t>??k dinner at? .fih'i ^rn^oVi Sunday. v 1 .JSSiUm tstoria is a harmless Substitute for hing Droits and Syrups, in arms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels <1. promoting t'hrcrfulness, Rt.-t. and ithout Opiates . >r the signature <.-f '_ Pi:y-iciar.s everywhere recommend it. II I n III mil MIM The Safety ilazor that J iam?i!!S h't Ov.'n R'arloo i COMPLETE OUTFITS $1.00 & $S.OO H Sale at All Slartt SaBni Razor* and Blade* I BB|I Notice I sstern North expect to ike to get in ty over and it it develop ' best selling ling will get es than any ' .TY CO.,, ^9 ? ' I. C. Gossett, Auctioneer

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