PAGE TWO JLoca/ and lelephoi * fli A* Konita Theatre Tonight. Buck Jcnv- Cow Boy," a western story of Circus Love. / Mi-s Li!!n Cooler is visiting reia-' v tire* : Kaorville, Tenn.. this week. \ / Mr. J. W. Ferguson Jr., local man,A ager i the Murphy plant of the Car ' - Jy. o!in:.-Tennessee Power Co.. is in / Tennessee this week on busine?s. ' / Mr. H. F. Whitehead, of the fac-j / ulty of the Marietta High S? h was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. B. Storey, last week-end. Mrs. E. A. Davidson te:': Thursj day morning for Atlanta where she! / had been called to the tie of her / daughter. Mrs. Loux D idsoa, who J is in a very critical nditbn. Mrs. Willard <. o- r? r and l'ttle daughter are v j-:* ^ her ci?tt:r, Mrs. ; Pope, in Kn> v. ;hi< week. FOR SALE I , u<t posts, c,- -i size. 50c each. J. J. Beach. Hayes-} Ville. X. C. c2S-2t-pd)l I, There u:?i i. free moving pic-1 ture at the Bonita theatre Monday u . . showing h- v 1 our f- :>-!- hingedepit te i and il- j' lustra*.ing proper method- >f forestry! and how t prevent forest fiie<. It will he explained as it is shown by 11 District Forester C I. Peterson ?f ! Asheville. Monday, Feb. 2Jrd?Fret ! Mr. \V. H. Meroncy! of Ashtvillc. i~ hero this week on>. Aniontr the Andrew? s~it rs here1 tHt week were VV. H. Milton, I". M. V V.'orthev and T. D. Puke. " ; New Way to Quickly Stop Worst Cough A r?"Riarknblf? r?:w at:-l ?Sn.;lo ticlhod : treating a. couich >ri\.-* Ttlsef w.-i; the first dose* isnd usually rc.iKS u. severe cou^ii la hours. i rtio treatment is based on th-r* ' i r"f v r 111! :> -a known as Ur. Kings Nhv : dso.-very f.?r Coughs. Y< u Just > :. > tvasnooniul and hold , , it ir. .-tsr throat t"r 15 or 2" sec- | nds t fore swallow In?, without j > ; *!.< viiifir vith water. The pr.-*crlf>- ' tlon i ? ? a ?i.<uMo action. It n>?t ' - th?.s ; :.J heals f ; : > ..I irrstar hut It uuickly loosens r.:.d vt-iiovc-s tin- phi- g;n at ', conK'.hlor. which are the diret: - ! <f the coughing-. IVoiile hav- :i : __-C*tuhished. how auicJcHvtho entnrh- J inff stopped with this new r..- the whole couch conui- . t. ? ? jii a v ry short time. The pr? scr:; tlon is for coughs, colds, hoursencfiS, bronchitis, * ! -.o?!'c croup. It Is e\c.-J!?-t.t 1 for . M r.?n as well as grownups? ; 1.0 i r ;1 drugs. E onontical. too, ! ns is only- one t>-.- i " >ntul? At .ill b 4 J druggists. Ask for ? ?- ^ ~ ~ I 1 Nails, Barb V 7 ! Fence, ?ou A i ROCK BCT J. We have a car lc- be abcut March ICth, and ? make the following prii ? save later. jr. Common Nails ? Finishing Nails all sizes 4 Point Cattle Barb Wii if per reel 2 Point Cattle Barb Wii & per Reel ? I 51/9 Gauee Poultrv Fei ? 15^4 Guage Poutry Fei ? 32-in. Hog Field Fence, 1 2 J/? Guage, rod __ i 26-in. Hog Field Fence, i 2]/? Guage, rod . . : 1 J/4 'n. \Vire Staples, k* ; Poultry Wire Staples, k ;; These Prices are F. C Terms 30 1 BUY YOUR SPR1N : Brittain & Wholesale and R MURPHY * ' iPersonal % IW 20 j! Cora May. the little two-year-old ' daughter c.f Mr?. Mattie Dalton. died at her home in E35t Murphy early Wednesday morning of uremic poisoning, after an illness of sometime. Funeral services were conducted or Thursday morning at 10 o\ l. ck at the residence by Rev. E. G. Clary and interment was in the Sunset cemetery. NEW Spring Hats Now On Display, i St* tr.i-m at Mrs. CalJie Hall's. ?l-t p<l\ Mr. A. C. Richmond, president of the Oak Lane Knitting Mills, spent the past week in Philadelphia conferring vriw, uU u??>iiait>. Ou ims 1 return he was accompanied from Asheville by Mrs. Richmond and little daughter v. ho will spend sometime Messrs. Ge ?ge G. -Shriver and F. V. Cop- r. of Baltimore. who are onnectel "ith *he Cherokee Com- t any. were here this week in th inte_rt-s_l of thiir business. Mr. W. A. Hasty, of Atlanta, spent J evtra" day- here this weekMiss Kathrvn Thompson enter Eaire-j the bridpe club at the tea room Wednesday evening. T. W. Porter and R. A. Do ins. Franklin, were visitors iere this week. Mr. ( . R. Waldroup, of Blairsnlle. Ga.. was here on business this , ivcek. Mrs. Mary Nelson, of Topton. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mattie A TayU r. FOR SALE I have two of the nicest > - pincc? ir: E. Murphy. Good e : 1 nuan Iaiu point; to sell them ' hn H. Hall. (27-lt-pd.) The regain: monthly porgrajr neeting r>f the Baptist Woman's Mis-ionaiy Society will be held at th( hureh on next Tuesday at twe "clock. All the women of the hurch are cordially invited to at ;end. GH1GHESTEHS PILL?. DIAMOND X^QTiiiX BRAND : ladtrs? Ark : out I'rurxlit for CHI-CITES-1 fcS S A hiamo* y iiKAxn TILUS iu ?;i u jmi/A tirm at.itlic boxes, sealed wills B.uc(w. KiVnn. Take no otbu. Ilur of ? ? v/ Dnrrlo (.I.J n.k for ClIMUtH-TUli V PIUIO M> Jill AX l? l?I I.I.H. for lnrnl76r yc--A T-- :ror 1 Bcst.S.AKrt. Alwny* Reliable S3LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS -T:_'L EVERYWHERE Wire, Field f llry Fence { TOM PRICES x shipped from factory ? to sell this at once we :es. Buy now and $3.75 Base ?! re, SO rod-reels. $3.75 | re, 80 rod-reels, ? $2.75 | ice, 48-in., rod 37c ?. ice, 60-in., rod _.45c ? 6-in. stay, m ? 37c ? 6-in. stay, % 32c J eg $4.50 } eg $5.75 | I. B. Murphy, N. C. f Days Net | G SUPPLY NOW I Mayfield j etail Hardware \ N. C. | ; L THE CHEROKEE SC nSmJlV 'JpM jAvj ?fJ ?ji? Mr. W. A. Adams, of Grandvievt was a visitor here this week. Mrs. F. Harding Eaton and Mis? Reulah Bowdc a. of the Mars Hil! J acuity, spent the week-end at Hayes ville as tho guests of Mr. ami Mr.: \V. It. Anderson. They spent Sunday in Murphy entoute on tho:r re:urn to Mars Hill. Misses Artie Mosteller and Fay [irCROry, of Andrews, were guests ol Mr. Robert Alle n and family on Sat. urday. Miss Myitle Garrett of Murphy and Mr. John Nichols, of Andrews" we-; rarried on February 16th in tho office of Mr. T. X. Rates. Mr. Bates officiated. Mr.*. Bessie Garrett returned Fri lay from a visit to her daughter Miss Lillic Champion, at Gastonia who has been ill. Col. I.. K. Bay less is sending this week in New Orleans. Miss Cleo Champion of Murphj and Mr. Mark Dailey, of Andrews were happily married in th< office of Mr. T. N. Bates or February 18th. Mr. Bates perlorsninj the ceremony. M*. H. A. Smith was a hysine-s vis iter to A she ville over the week-end Mr. I.. B. Wommack, of Frankl'n is spending several days in Murph\ jr. business. Mrs. John McJunkin and childrer returned this week from Cartersville Ga.. where they had been visitinr friends and-relatives. Marriage licenses have recent!;, been! issued to the following con pies: Gordon Rogers and Lillii Henderson; .1. L.. Rose and Rosie AI mend; N. C. Christopher and Katt Ilunsuckor; W. A. Hembree and El sie Killian; John Nichols and Myrth Garrett; G W. Palmer and Allie Kc hart; Mark Dailey and Cleo Cham uion. Mr. l>. X. Hodges, of Ashevillc, i: here this week on business. I Mr. A. 3. Ransom, of Ashevilie :ind Mr. D. \V. Bnird. of Chicago ?f the firm of Ransom-Benedie Lumber Co., were here this wee! looking over the timber of the Cher okee Company. Does Your Lack Ache? Are Your Kidneys Weak? AN-URIC IS WHAT YOU NEED I "I never had anything in my life that helped me like Dr. Pierce's Anuric for weak back and kidney trouble," said Mrs. I. E. Terry of 309 Whalcy St., Columbia S. C. (picture above). "At the time I first heard of 'Anuric* 1 was in bad shape?was under the doctor's care. I never knew what it was to be free from pain and distress. Every night I would have to get up several times so that with the pains and the broken rest I was worn out. Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets were recommended to me and brought quick relief, and an I continued their use my bladder and kidneys grew stronger and the pains in my back left me. I consider 'Anuric? so good that I have no hesitation in recommending it to any one suffering from kidney weakness or backache." Obtain this "An-uric" from your nearest dealer; or send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N.Y? thai --- ' " :OUT. MURPHY. N. C. , Mr. C. R. Wa Id roup, of Blairsville [ Ga.. was a business visitor hero thi? J week. Mr. D. B. Thomas and E. E. Ellis of the North Carolina Highway maintenance department, were here this week looki: g after the work in ' this section. !Mr. II. Enpleman spent last Saturday in Hayesville. FOR SALE Small farm, pood hou?.. pood barn on the river and on ' o hiphway. 20 acres po< 1 level I art i. pood woodland to ba.-k it up. N r.r pood school, pood church. >V m quick. I am poinp to sell cr trade. ] John H. Hall. C-7-tt-pd.? Mr. Bonn ell II. Stone, cf Blair< : villc. Ga.. forester for the Yopcl Land Co.. and president of the Ge.rjria Forestry Association, was a visit r s here several hours Sunday enroute 1 to his home from Asheville where he bad been in attendance upon the . session of the Southern Appalachian . Research Council of the society of . American foresters. Salesmen, this is an honest ad and a real opportunity to pet a life-time sition with the larpest manufa turer in the world of its kind. We have a hip followinp in this county and nearby territory. Our repro son tat ices live at homo. If you have v(irf;ed in retail or wholesale stores, carried mail routes or held any pubi iic office in this county, this cxperionce will help you. Write today stating your age and business expe. Hence. All applications treat;- ?n , strict confidence. Address Sales . Manager, Suite 711, Jefferson Stand, building. Greensboro. North Carolina (1-trsco) Prof. A. B. Green, president of the Mary I*. Willingham School, at r Blue Kidge, Ga., spent Sunday in . Murphy. i Mr. B. B. File, of Blairsville, Ga.. : was a visitor here Sunday. Tht Hiawnsscc annex of the Dirk- j ? e-y Hotel is being re-covered this j . week with a fireproof shingle, and ] the rooms are being: renovated. Mr. Mark West Jr., who has been in Porea College this year, returned home a few days ago. Mr. T. W. Davidson has added r much to the interior of his store by the addition f a coat of paint. MARTIN'S CREEK. Mr. Will Chastain was the guest ' Sunday f Mr. 1). F. Burchfleld. The yt ung people of this section ? enjoyed a musical at Miss Mae Cole man's Saturday night. Miss Iva Stalcup was the guest of Miss Clonita Cunningham Saturday. Mr. A. H. Cunningham left Mon' idday for Cor-aerhiil. Tenn. I Mr. A. W. Cunningham was the j guest Sunday of Mr. D. F. Burch. | field. t NOTICE This week we will rer ccivt shipment of high grade - Burt early HO day Oats. Will also handle high grade phosphate. F. D. Dickey Feed Company. (It-d) NOTLA. Mis. Nancy Greene has moved back to her old home place on Beech Creek. Mr. J. R. Hall and Lum Greene jweie visitors Sunday of Mr. Ira i Sneed. Mrs. Mary Allen, of Hangingdog, ! i- vi-il:-.r her t'\tighter, M - lv*? 1 Sneed. who has been seriously ill jhut is improving some. ; Mr. W. M. Raper is planning on * going back to the hospital in Memphis. Tenn. Miss Nancy Carden is on the sick list this week. M iss Mildred Martin was the. guest of Misses Necie and Eula Sneed. Mr. A. K. Barton made a business trip to Murphy Monday. The many friends of Mrs. M. I. ...... ..... itgic. iv < mill sne is seriously ill with pneumonia. HAYESVILLE. Mrs. Elmer Kitchens, who has been visiting: relatives in Clay County, returned Wednesday to her home in Montana. Quite a crowd of young folks accompanied the basket ball team to Murphy last Friday to see them win another game over the Murphy team. The preliminaries for the high schools triangular debate were held last Friday. The speakers selected were Misses Mlrt Scroggs and Jessie H - < FRUIT TREES Just as the orchardist is able through nourishment to increase the vitality and resistance ot his apple-tree to winter's cold, so is the body fortifaed with Scott's Emulsion Thousands now take it as regularly as they take food, to build healthy resistance and to protect them when winter's cold arrives. Take a lesson from Nanif.??L vnur strong to resist wenkncss? If t;*ke Scott's Emulsion! - r tv- : taCc'.il.S i. i*-29 May Atkins or. the affirmative side an s Messrs. Ray Crawford d \Ya ter Moore on the negative side. V.'i are glad to see our high school tak iritr part in this important teat-:r? * sel >1 life, and we wish tht spT.k ers great sueces in thtir undirta ; nt Mr. an.l Mrs. \V. R. An!?r tertained seme of their friends at Valentire party last Friday nicht. . ccntest was held in solving ero-? word puzzics in which Frof. J or.* and Miss Gchagen were the v.. mr Mr. Honda Crawf .r?i. whv has bee visiting his parents. Mr. ar.d M* Millard ( rawfor i. has returned to h work in N\w York City. Mr. and M s. C. M. \\\.ffo:d leii the latter part of last week for Ma: ictta. Ga., where Mr. Wofford wi join Mr. Darnell and continue ti journey through tht country in a ci to Florida. Mrs. Woff rd will r main with Mrs. Darnell in Marie*: tor sometime. Kuhy. the littl? six-year-old daug ter of Mrs. Zadie Mat! is died $0^ j} ^ o/iyyv, BM54 VMVk^kk^kkkkkk^^ MOTHER1 Fletcher's Cas Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teeth prepared to relieve Infants i Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Fooc a Natural Sleep wi To ?vo?d imitati always look for Proven directiong j_ package y . .There are but few X net heard something < y who have tried all oth X health are turr'ng to ;ij (Nature'sway) Not th of doing for the "great | tictionres do,but a thrc which can be had nc t the country.. Electric ;ij healing science, give X with a scientifically ca: X produces a beneficial, 1 gotten in no other way 'f{ it has done for many . ? In my office I have m; X what I have done for Stomach-trougle, chroi ion, kidney, spleen an< :: others.. What has bee done for ycu._ No Dri ;: ure's way of restoring t X dition. I DR. E. 1 I Davidson Building Friday, February 20, 1925 fl tSSpjl her home early Wedxros lay morr-n^H aft-r ..a illness cf several rnoniht^H Fanora! - : vices verc held We day . at 1 o'clock ar th?H M: <" ek church by Rev. T. L.H S.. t r an A interment was in thefl churchyard. |1 GOYKRNMENT Inspected, c'ncmi-fl :1 cai'\ tr?:.ted Porta Rico nctatoM - plant-. naiy April 1st. I crurunmeeH l-. . ::s. full count and if'-niptM t > n ;-i fourth zone; third mJ ytlfM ynml s- county. I am havinp orders daily, r for frost Farly ' n and Hat i>utcr.. $1.25 rer 1,000. I pay I"- vhipjMit,r ?-h:?*^es n all plants. Deal. .... 1. G D I :a HOUNDS?When robbed or burned loth* work, answered day or night. Wire us, ^ N". * . J. R. Harper & Son. t Po t ofti< Sweet Gum, Ga. ? d ? 14-12t-]i'i) r-?*w toria is a harmless Substitute for ing Drops and Soothing Syrups, n arms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels I, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, p^d thout Opiates * the signature of Physicians everywhere recommend !t people today who have i if Chiropractic. _ People ier methods of regaining the drugiess methods, le "single-track" method : uncured". as most prac- . iugh and scientific metho vhere else in this part of ! ity is revolutionizing the n in a scientific manner nstructed machine which healing effect that can be . _ Investigate as tp what so-called hopeless cases, any testimonials as to Asthma, Appendicitis, nic head -ache, conitipat, 1 liver trouble an<^iany n done for otherrean be ? lgi, No Pain. _ Just Nathe body to a healthy conE. SMITH Murphy, N. C.

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