Friday, M?rct 6. 19Z5 Save Soybean Seed By Planting In Rows , Raitigh March 2. At least half the ^ cost of soybean seed may be saved by planting i'Jwws instead of broad , ^ catting tA'^^fcncc these seed are! scarce and "^^Athis year, farmers in I Piedm<^t Western Carolina j P should adoplKhis practice this year, a 7 s Hartin^sSeeds W^/i This Is the greatest and most aecu- ^ rate Seed Book ever published for the j South. 112 pases. 250 actual photo- , graphic pictures. 4 handsome cover pages In full colors, accurate descrip- . tions. valuable culture directions and c the most useful Seed Book there is. s It is absolutely free, and we want * you to have it in your home. Hast ,* Seeds. "The Standard of the ' South." are. as always, the best seeds >' grown- Garden, field and flower c seeds, plants and bulbs that do well t In the South arc all fully described | with 1925 attractive prices, the lowest we can possibly sell good seeds, plants n and bulbs. All our 1925 customers u will get 5 seed packets of beautiful b flowers absolutely free. The big new a 1925 Seed Book tells all about it. ' Write for it today. ' 1 u n uAcriwrc rn ccmcMci ATLANTA. GA. r GREA' FO For The Special Ben Most St ipla Merchandise Burden You With Talk, dise Do All The Talking. A 15 Day Sa Ladies' $4 to $5 Star Br Ladies' $2.50 Shoes -Ladies' $3.50 Shoes _ _ Ladies' One and Two-sti Some Special Bargains Oxfc Mens' Socks,, pr. _ _ 9c Ladies' Hose, pr. - 9c Boys' Summer Union Suits, per suit - _ 29c Only Two Suits to n Customer I One special lot of 20c Gi Best Grade Sheeting, pe Good Grade Sheeting, p We Will Have a Spec Gingl Some Special Bargains in Boys Suits Bargains In Men's 1 Pants j JUST A FEW WOR We are absolutely cu the Bottom. We have a of Men's Suits and we Regardles: BUY YOUR SUIT NOV We Are Only Listing Jnd See For Yourself. V rhjursday, J ~ ATTEI CHRISTOPE dvises E.G. Blair, extension gronomist for the State College of irgiculture. Mr. Blair says, "By plainting in rows alf the cost of soybean seed roav bo aved. It takes about one and one-half ushels or ninety pounds of soybeans a drill an acre, but forty pounds will ilant the ssme acre in rows three feel part. With the beans costing $3 pet mshel, seed to drill an acre will cosi 4.50. while if planted in rows th< ost of seed will be only $2.00. "Small seeded varieties like Laredr nd Virginia will require even seed bout 15 to 30 pounds per acre For best results, soybeans shoule e planted latc as after small grain Vhen planted in rows use the corr. lanter with a plate that will drop he seed from two to three inche? part. Care should be taken not t( over over an inch in depth or a nnoi tand wil result. Fertilizer should b< tirred into the soil thorough!} efore planting to avoid burning th< oung roots. The crop needs to >< ultivated two or three times durinv he year.*' Mr. Blair states that this cultivation rceans more work than if the bean rerc drilled but the yield of hay wil >e larger. Then. too. he finds tha oybeans planted ir. rows produce : arger amount of seed. If desired ome of the may be allowed o mature ard be raved with th< egular soybean harvester or cut ant hreshed. R OUR ( efit of Our Customers V s In Order To Start The We Are Going To Let ( le, Beginning Pt?M'm'n-wrfiT?MOTiy?giggfciyT^:i and Pumps $2.98 : 98c ... $1.48 rap Pumps 98c in Men's Star Brand >rds MEN, LOOK! ! nvoco Shirto Mn W?/V Each ,1 nghams, per yd. _ _ r yard 13' jc cr yard 10c ial Price On 32-inch iiaiii Ladies $1.25 Waists 69c Each IDS TO THE MEN tting all Men's Suits to n extremely large stock are going to sell them s of Price /AND SAVE MONEY ; Some Of Our Bargain! /e Guarantee Everything REMEMBE March 5, MD AND GET YOUR lER'S LEAD MURF THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. MUR New Way to Quickly Stop Dangerous Cough It is almost criminally careless not to properly attend a persistent cough, I which by seriously weakening the system lays you open to far more dangerous infections. For by a very simple treatment you can stop the coughing spells almost instantly and of ten relieve the stubbornest cough in 24 hours. This simple treatment is based on a , remarkable prescription known as Dr. King s New Discovery for Coughs. You > simply take a teaspoonful and hold it in your throat for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing it. without fcHewing with water. The prescription has a double action. . It not only soothes ami bcolisutcrtuud irrt1 tation. but it quickly looser*rndrti-^TTSthe phlegm and conge, tion which are ihedj^ct enure of the coughing. The prompt relict of ! the heaviest couch seems almost tragical. The prescription I* hiuhlyrtoorr.raededfor coughs.chest cofchhnti*.'-eg and bronchitis, and i* wonderful for children's couj.hs and spasmodic croup?no opiates or oi her harmtul > drags. Eron?r-cai.too. as the dose won", one teatpoonlul. At all good druggists. Aakfor i ? (jr- i"" Valet The I AutoStrOp Sharp. Razor COM" :ustome Are Cutting The Bott< : Spring Business Off Rigf 3ur Extremely Low Prices 1 March 5th, I Men's Blue Chambray 1 Two to a Customer, Men's $2.00 Caps, eac nn n * /-> n z.^.u uenim wveraiis, on To a Customer per r All Men's Suits Ci llll? IMI II I II ! ! I III ! Ill Odd Lot of Mens' $2.00 and $2 50 Dress Shirts 98c Each ? NEW SPRirs Best Styles and Colors THEY WILL AL Now is the time to Bi AT A BIC ?ramxim II Ladies' Silk Dresses $4.98 Think of This! Men's $4.50 Raincoats, 1\/1 on le tlio Titnia 1 1U?? IO 1IIV. A illlU Ladies, now is the time t We KNOW you want we KNOW we will . s. You Will Find Many B ; To Be Just As Advertise ;r the date and Last f< part of the barg/ ING RDY GO hy, n. c. PHY. NORTH CAROLINA ] SINGING SCHOOL AT ROGERS CHAPEL TO MEET MARCH 9 The singing school of the Rogers Chapel Methodist Church will meet I at the Kinsey school house at 6:00 P. M-, Monday, March 9th. The pastor requests that every pupil should bring j pencil and paper, and endeavor to ! make this school a success. I A Good Thin* - DONT MISS IT I Send your name and address plainJ Iv written, together with 5 cents (and tuis slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa, and receive in return a trial package ccutaining CHAMBERLAIN S COUGH REM EDY for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial, "flu" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS for stomach troubles. indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, hilion?-ne8? and constipation; also CHAMBERLAIN'S SALVE, needed in everv family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles and skin affections ; those valued family medi cine* for only 5 cents. Don't mics It. For Sale by R. S. Parkei, Druggcst PROF. MAUSER TO PREACH AT PEACHTREE SUNDAY In the abcsnce of the pastor. Prof. L. E. Mauney will fill the pulpit at ' the Peachtree Methodist Church Sunday, March 8th, at 11 A. M. Safety Razor that ^ ens Its Own Blades I XTE OUTFITS . JO & ?5 po I JNITY RS Dm Out Of Some Of Our it. We Are Net Going To On High Grade MerchanTo The 20th * yfpf^nm?gim j Work Shirts, only \ each 45c ? L V 1 AC. E II 1 .tO ilv two pair pair__ $1.29 at To The Bottom! I I Ill I I i HI Illll'l II I III I ABSOLUTELY WWW CHARGED EVERYTHING SOLD FOR CASH! IG DRESSES i. See What We Have. ,L BE REDUCED ay Your Spring Dress 1 SAVING Men's $1.25 Neck Ties 59c Each r t*.t* f< i 111 van? each $2.48 I r? Buy your Spring Suit o buy your Spring Dress to SAVE MONEY and SAVE YOU MONEY argaiiu Not Listed. Come d. or 15 Days UNS AT ODS STORE 3 SEW UP THE HOLES IN FARM POCKETS NO FARMER CAN REGULARLY BUY FOOO AND GRAIN AND PROSPER Atlanta. Ga.? (Special.)?"For fifty yoara or more the generality of our cotton-growing farmers have been regulariy going around with holes in their pockets, so to speak, through which dropped any end all profits that could and should have come from their farm operations." "If the South Is to ev*-r reach any reasonable degr. e of farm prosperity, those holes be sewed up." said H. O. Hastings, leading agricultural authority and chairman of the Farm and Marketing Bureau of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. "I have been in practically every s-ato In our own country, as well as many fort ign countries. I have yet to see any state or section where food and grain buying by farmer? was th; r gular practice that did not show relative poverty on the part of those farmers. On the oth-r hand. 1 have never been in any slat" or section where food and erain was crown suf ficlent at least for home needs where (urm prosperity d'd not show. "If he would, the Southern tanner could be the richest farmer In the United States instead of the poorest, which he is. The reason be isn't prosperous is because he p? rsista in follow ing a farm system that has proved a failure the world over regardless of the particular crop gr.wi. "The South's dependence on cotton and the regular purchase of food aa-J grain from other sections is the rca! cause of the Southern farmer's iack of prosperity. And things on not go. ing to get right with our farmers unti they quit having their smoke homes in Chicago or Omaha and their corr cril 6 in Iowa or Kansas. The 1923 cotton crop is going t? be one of tbo most expensive to inaki we have ever seen. Food, grain, labor and fertilizer are all high. Every pound of food or grain needed b> farm family or working live stock should be produced on home acres, and that production started in gar den and in field Just as early ;is sea son conditions will p.rmlt. Home it. duct ion of every pound of fowl, grain and forage needed for home consamp tlon on the farm in 1925 will fop up ".he holes in the South's farm pocket, and it's the only way to 6top them up.' rMlse BEECH AWSPILLS^H for the relief of Constipation, m Dinousnpss, sick Headache and W M for moving the Bowel s. k Helps clear the skin. ^ ^ Ceafzhsm rs Ca!ss-.sS 3 Buy from your dr cisL 2Ec iiid 50c the box. .;,.;m;..VV;?^vv>V;~V-W~V..;-VVV;-Ky The Loy Of IV * A Lodge Is Being Orga | THE LEADING FRA ? THE V JOIN 1 ? It Pays a Weekly Sick ] X It Pays a Burial Fund, X It Cares for Your Wife | Separating Mother I ? i Your Wife Who Has fortune Through Lif i eration. Protect He ? in the Moose. | It Protects From the Ci i If Interested Drop a Poi J art, Murphy, N. C. j Call and Explain to ; X-J~X-X^X-X~-X-X-:-X~xk-X-< t.w. grower, be Kept y^HHBnSnny|^KH|EHn A. G. oih^HH^ra^BSgaggUM spec'list for the^^^HHl|HBMlBfij|B|M^9 Agriculture. Mr. Armstrong i^^BRHHBHHEM^BSKfl and pullets, on off 250 chicks froi!^HnB9ffigB9B| :\ .: ci 120 pullets and "' They ,"'-an chicks June and saved 20 pt^Hnan^^lHnM fr< n: this lot. Th< ( cvi^M?|S?BKaa he :<"^^BjtKlg?j|9 to : t ^ ens l.n'27 per nyr.lh. His t ta! im -i f r the year front this poultry v. - S764 1-' or a monthly i income of 863.00. His '.otal expenses were 84.77.74. or a monthly expense of 838.12. The total net profit being 8306.66 or 825.74 per ir.eirt*. Mr. Armstrong: says that the sal* of chicks and broilers helped out in the ah e income but the tggs alone w -;ld have made a nice profit. He secured an average yield of J5o coriJ during the year. Mr. Armstrong is manager of a mammoth incubator for the CwasU*? Plain Fa:.- A;:.- elation and one of the best cooperater new working vrhh eh extension division. He grows While Lcnghorn poultry. Notice 1 am closing the Bonitn Theatre from March 15th to 29tb, except on Saturdays, for the revival meeting which begins at the Methodist Church March 16th. I will have on ?t good show March 21st and 28th. < It I F. O BATES. Mgr. A CHILD'S RIGHT Just as a child's heritage ought to he robustness, so has a child the right to :-ound bones and i i- V- i - tccui. nvcrytnmg aepcnus upon the quality of a child's diet. Sceti's Emulsion is vitamin-nourishment, that should in most eases be a part vt the ivguiui m;u allowance. Scott's Emulsion abounds in those elements that have a favorable influence on the bone-structure and Vf/i builds strength. 4L!iL E.XJW1& i $ nized In Murphy, N. C. X rERNAL ORDER OF j: /ORLD : NOW Benefit. and Children Without ; :rom Child. Shared Your Mi*for- ! e, Is Due Some Consid- ; r With a Membership : i! radle to the Grave. ital Card to E. V. Stew- : Representative Will ' /ou Details in Full. <

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