FriJtr. Mwrch 20, 1025 M. C. B. MINSTREL $ PROVES riUGE SUCCESS ? (Continued from pag? 1) + : way / popular w ith the so- : ^ darktown. Hi- naratioir tt-^^H}ppenings down i the t farm, ra^Ely th?? *itrht of th. c.; C etabie^^ich Alfalfa fell :.i ^ with Mis ushmellon and sought Pon ! , Corn's consent to marriage, w.-.-- v unique, and humorously pr? > rued. F Jake Palmer, the Beati Brutr.nv ! ; 1 the chocolate colored youngfr ><t. rek ^Best feaihtred, hut whc-n I^Rnto the rocr.i "Love" i ^ wir.'k w P have much to say, ">.;t demonstrated the old adage of "saw w -J ; J nothing" when he rrc.val . .M ' carry an object around the Mock with i ( ut -1 iti"i: it down, and that h- coulJ up as "a good nigger." The dancing .?* La Me J qnb n. Jim K cter atvl Lige Snecd were : 1 2 n.'ur of the program, attested to. by t: cmuruous ar.niausc for an ?n.*.r> . and the dancers practically ex- j hrust-d themselves before the a enct we.!d consent to letting irum, rutJV _ 1 T?-? duct of Davidson art! D I - "How Do You Do." pr-.vtd very * ' ular and quite a hit v. *h the :u<iicncc. e'r.g cne of the best trim-1 } crs on ' program. The M. C. C. . t'ui"iPO?Ci! 1 I idr C, I I. Polbs, Gricc ni.d Kceter. v..- r. very ptpu?:r combination, 1 the J audience called for oncer ? which L w< re responded t<> with differ nt n im; : "I ular every time. The singing of the ! I |l gist homo-talent hits every given in 1 I Mu- hy. -ordinir t n numlv r ' " 1 n wr-s hop?. . n continuous upr ar of |' gA laughter and applause, some laugh-J?! B B ed ail. it was a howling: success. B| Th who took par: in the mir.strtl : ^ U ' j^Muer. Misses Martha Candler. Pauline 4 !- f Andrews; I'aul'n- Martin. 11 iBMrs. K Malloneo, and Mrs. S^tmre 1 ^HChr hoi ; and Messrs. Ira McJun- ( ^Hkin. Kecter, and Cecil Grire. iBBThe - gemrnt of the band exj^Hpr<><si appreciation of the so-vices c IB: "h .ipart from the band for the v j in making ine * I ^^ u:r.s:v n success, w I th i'Tcers of :.hd hand arc: a. | " iV. M !ver. presitlent; Fred D'ckcy.-J^" rice-president; Dr. Edw. E. Adanvs. '(; If. Engleman, n ircetor and manager; J. W. DavidDn. assistant manager. | The roster cf (he hand includes .1. . Hall, clarinet; W. E. Studstill, akes Martin, T. I.. Sasser, Tom Mc^ Jombs and J. \V. Liavntsf saxnHhoncs; Fred Dickey. Dennis Harnett. W. Bailey an/1 Henry Engleman Br., cornets; Dr. Edw. E. Adams, Lyle 4 Blartin. Frank El lis and Burt Sav- } Bice, n!roj?; Spurge Cbr:-l"?:,!v. r. HVh- ji ^Ud M -nr?y. -Tnl;* Pe'nu " a ul Vir- s Bl J.Fr-3on., trombones; Orrrl ^ Btritone; P.-.vl McOlure and J.ok Elbasses: Toby Fain. A. W. McBer and X^il Sneed. drums. ? w The minstrel will be given at flkyesvilk- Friday night. March 20th j Bder auspices of the Hayesv:lle Boy j Mputs, and its popularity is attested | Mthe fact that quite a number who , Br it last Thursday night have ex ! K^^nsscd their intention of going to Sfcesville to see it a second time. A ifeber of requests have been made j 4Mthe management to give it a sec- | iM showing here. OTATO PLANTS?Orders taken ~""1 And delivery made about 20th of pj|ial or later. Price 552 pe r thous4 pfin or later. Price $2 per thousad postpaid; grown in county, any ?! Ind, see me for your potato plants U* spring. John Floyd, Vests; X. C. JQ,,Pd? __ _ _ ft \EHaw C'lEnil T,,j >1,000 In Prizes For State Gardners Raleigh, N, C. The garden runt', ft1 egun in North Carolina by the l '.visions of Horticulture and Home j >emon?tration of the State College Intension Service has received added' npetus by the announcement from j he Southern Ruralist of Atlanta, | Ja., that it v. :M (five $1,000 in rizes to gardeners n the South.' 'his south-wide contest will Tun fron% ; lay 1. 1... to May I, 1920 and; ntries wi 1 be received by the ! -v list up until June 1 of ih's year. | Vnyone living on ? farm in the ! oTith may enter the contest by! .iting to the Rural - b- !' ? *'nb ale. The -V' c-y will he d'stribut * ! a- 1 : First prfce $500; id' rize,' S200; third pr./ . $100; five r'zc? oj $20 each and ten prizes < f| 10 each. I The rales this c-mtcst j ,cic prv:-::r--d '-y a committee -f j our southern hor i-ultuiists <-fi l-hieh Pr :. C. D. ws cf State j "oKege - a member. The . >r.i -ill made by the same commit a . L. MARTIN CHAIRMAN NEAR EAST RELIEF (Continued Iron pace I) .-ry effort will be made toward j ' is end/' " n 1V2'\ the Near East Relief /n*i t: um rphanagis nearly1 trer.t. thousand children," continued Mr. "Ten thousand more .re graduated in 1924, and this year .ill s<e still othc thousands gradlated. We simply must stain! by iur guns until the job is completed intil ever child now in our orphanges has attained the age of 16 yturs, ..ten they, too, will automatically ruduatc. "The call issued to the people of he Cherokee County is one that j hould have an appeal to every cit ,:* ii alike. Shall Cherokee, by say-1 ng, we can give no more to this! ausc, regardless of its worthiness, nd by so saying and acting, make it j ecessary for other counties of the 1 talc, and possibly for some other late of the union to take care of ur charges for whom wo have labord during the past six years? $125,nn I? -,ho nuota :or North Carolina, ml is the- quota for Cher kee ounty. This wiil assure them life, irotection, a new chance in life, an p port unity for them to become real itizeus. Cherokee mu.-t nut fail? .ill not fail?in my humble estimator:. Whu arc there sntsng us v. :: .ill say unto hinvsoll. 'I have plenty nil to spare, but fur those little christian children in the Near East iking to us lor life itself, 1 have othing'?". DHIGHESTERS PILLS I DIAMOND 8RAN0 ^Tr1; ^1 LADIES I trie j oar i>ru?*f?t for CTTT-CKEfl-TIJR S A >iamo;;d ukakd pills iq ri-.d 5r:r.o tacl-Uic bo*M. #ralcl with Blue<*>> Ubhotl. TaKS NO OTBC!t. nayofywrW Imrr'.i *:>j a.k fjr CHI-CUKS-T* *: I V iiauok :? nii.iv i? ri i.i.h, for trmt?-llie ? ro-irilril n? Best,Safest. A1 way a Reliable. . '3LJ BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ?? ?? her j an education She will have the right to vote some day and she may be the purchasing agent for a family of her own. j Between the two she will j need every ounce of education you can give her. A j Provident Mutual Educational policy will guarantee an education for her regardlessof what may happen to you. :Provident "Mutual Life Insurance Ctrmpemj qfPulaeUpttia.1kujta Penland & Killi&n INSURANCE Davidson Bldg?Murphy, N.C ^ . THE CHEROKEE SCO Weekly Cross-1 wni>f ~y i ^ - v ' i I m HiS" I Wj s~i ^ hr? \^\ 1 lrI __L__. ^*^1 j mil J tafeJL'-'.- ' B?a l&j. UH. V.c?l?rn Horizontal. i?An abrasive 6?It'-fleets 10?Wander 12?Kind of rubber ?3?Take as one's own 15?Li rue body of water 17?Pertaining to munit-lpal affairs to?Method 21?Paintings of ?1? :ru ? "t n?s 23?Roman tyrant and tiddler 24?Part of verb "to be" 25?Imlfr.tlon tarlns 27?Stem 2C- Sufhx meaning like J:- -Tabte ln?Owing 32?Southwestern border*state | (abbr.) ?Annoy 3 1?Before tpoetic) 35?Printing measur.s 3*?S'.f.g for ;t single voire :'j?for junction 4f?Yon and I 41?Seorch 42?Wood sprite 4 4 ?H'-verentlal fear 46- -Number \f>. r twelve 47 ? i'art of verb "to be" 49?Observe 51?Atmosphere 52?Paternal parent 53?Vat 55?Ideas ?'"?.klns utensil f.o?English boy's m hoot 62?Olrl'n nam63?Absolutely nothing 64?Antitoxin -y's name 47?Automatic reglj-terl: irivtrun-.eut fiS?Fait."ii -i prehlst -rle -r.'.-n 70?Flesh 71?1 i.ider 72?In a heated manner -oiurfon ?%itl appear Answer To Last Week's Cross-Word Puzzle (Tin f'i."a mz.!d1 frtd | In Jn] fe!TiE)BBF B.A^WO E?F I LjEj Li CiEiPlloRdT' It |w i D Ej jr o'TMt'a'pmmac Ej J o a NMCMt O.MIE' p'u n ymfruibwn:o a h1 V?>|EmS h;E|L FwB R a T| [TjAIL CWD UE iO!LO)BBNA a. Itf1 I ' l'thu r nj LC O OL I IO G Ej inio'i is e d! j* l a N Hiir ons w pi* f EJOLy CiS? as $251 vcnir h JK&''''' A WORLD of paintmfi has been crty owner did not hate the re job and then when the money w; that the unpaintcd wood had ret M metal had that it wa3m 0 tcr and a tinner before the work o jffi Now you can avoid the heavy cxp B too long. Have the painting jo' - dc on convenient terms later. That |g new and modern time payment p B introduce into the paint business, 'it The plan covers both the ccst of t applying it. You get the very bos' B to make, and the painting >an be uon fp The long standing reputation of ' K for good products and square deal. m See a Foy dealer, call at our store, BRITTAIN & N Wholesale and Retai Foy Frodut Velvatone Flat Wall Paint . Topax Varnish Stain Roof and Bam Paints Ai Stucco and Concrete Paint fl Porch Paint V," Porch and Garden Furn PAINTS UT. MURPHY, N. C. Word Puzzle l' L y L Li H^l Ha r f'f-J ?r i rmrr : fTT^r m t | j F" ' ! i \ It lm' rrji~ tt; i ; i *>p.?ier Union.> T Vertical. 1?Wear away ll 2-!i?- dull and niilrltlem wrrw- 4?liuom (abbr.) 6?Skyward t! 7?k'. tn hllko part of animal oi Plan: 8?Ireland f poetic) K 9?Conserved 11?Olosa 12?Combines 14?Hoat 15?Fl* C H?1'nrt of verb "to be" ( le?Persia 15?Annotator 2l?Space 23?Finish o 25?Number below seven 2"?IlrinK IcKal action against |L, w-LccSs , mimrb ?i?Ash ^ 3.1?Co.ntend t, 34?Period of time 35?Female lamb ' 37?Heavenly body 2 4: -M.irsh 45?Idles away 46?It Is (contr.) 4?Silent 50?Indefinite period of time 51?Some |c 52?Openlncr In the ski* 54?Affected with ennui 56?Number below 14 55?Aged 59?Trivial 61?Naked 63 ?Ardor 65?Encountered 6 7- Same as 63 vertical 4; P ?- Point of compass 7n--<?nuthw?KtcrR state (abbr.) In nrit Issue. FAULTY NUTRITION Many of the ailments of proven people may he traced to faulty nutrition. Well-fed children or nanus withstand weakness better than those who are indifferently , nourished. Scott's Emulsion supplies the weakened child or adult with food-factors that | other foods often fail to furnish in needful volume. Not a great deal of Scott's Emulsion is needed?but a little regularly often means restored vigor and strength to those who are rundown yVf j in vitality or who are weak, | \ 1J iwnt. Blootufield. S.J. 24-24 mtic t 5 y&eeh, sting* ousel put off because the prop- jEfy ady money to finance the itfr is available it was found ted and the unprotected f?.ccessary to hire a earpenould be done at ail. mw> r.r r\nlntinrr wic at once and pay for it ife is possible because of a * Ian which Foy is first to ^ lie paint and the labor of C paint that it is possible c by any painter you select. *3? the Foy Paint Company ;;; ing is behind this offer. . or phone, or write us. IAYFIELD 1 Murphy, N. C. if Screen Paint Floor Paint Do Fast Auto Specialties Permaduro White Enamel Shade Cloth Paint Varninhea iturc Enamel ? FOR EVERY W PURPOSE, * MPORTANT ,l ROAD MEETING IJ HELD MONDAY , (Continued from page 1) >r s?v(ral month? on a?.v unt of th. ? >ntest between the various t is been resumed. Fifty thousand. jllar.s is to be -lent on \\!iat is j 5> rtown as the B ave:dam roud;rt \enty-fivc thousand on the Shoal J ret*-: Notla. w n ; by r ni: twenty- v v. thuusur.' a ib-> H :hr ad r ad tv/c ty fi\. thousand jv *r. c ndrt v. - -A quo re toil I addition K v. -ty five thousand ! II an will I jert on the bfldt^ th< . rd fifty th<and dohats v. cpended on the r;aJ t > the JYnn'see State Line that ti St.-.' h ; 1ay Commission rei? f; ;vi!I b ith<r the Beaverdrni, H hoilurphy Xotla-Shou! he extra fifty thou--, - 1 <' !}?* .?. t e used in making the road meet' .a.e sp< f:ialinn?. Funds for this r.tiro v H >?i elived cs f--I'ov.s: T hundred lousand dollars worth of ' d> will e sold on th first nu. . in April, he County .v has - i .. y f!v t usand dollars invo:- 1 in - ic toivrshiy's sad :*tis. T" --e i.l he liy i:d:.ted.. As- . ;wer.ty-:ive too sand d.liars .ore now on deposit ' l the bark nf thi < untv th;s- will . into th> road and bridpo fjn.h i nis county yv-t- a *.v herrkc-e Ci.unty o::c f th-. st aunties in the State in ' * .r f toads. Nun ' r ;? : >t: ay passes through the county front iortn to Soutn. 11. . county hi :rv iy :> he bu ll will lend i::t- t ilrendy th'- Stj. I: hwr.y N 1 S. !cn iin- into ( "ay. .Mac .11 li - : >n, lead into this 1". hri.v.t Murhy. This will jjive tiu count; a ' lass rc ad system. It. Beecher Witt wr. - r 1 -~~~yJ Vv'hen you c< i j AT The louisvi PMPT nVPS' its debut this ing the 75th Anni' This magazine of ( and for the fifty od whose daily dutie splendid service re by the Louisville <? What the Frencl we call in Americ that's the reason Employes' Magazii know more about duties, L. & N. thereby; and this effort will be p traveling and shi way of more const service. 1 c c R sist arrinjter, r<o^Bn^MnnHM^H :red Payne, ?ain. H. L. * .Marry, J. Gadis \val^^^H^MHE9H? from Polk C 'Uiity.^^^B^BS^SE^^B m ec t i na^HflH^^B^BH Walker adVH^H 10 highway Iurphy an. Andrews, aboat d ., fcr con rete base WI"^ni for fiitum^^H macadam. Th. bid* received 1H !. .? ! . the type to be used. Relieves Rheumatism Mustcrole loosens up stiff joints and drives out pain. A clean. White oint*? ment. made with oil of mustard, it ? usually brings reiief as soon as you start x\ to rub it cn. It does all the good work of the old- j fashioned mustard plaster, without the blister. Many doctors and nurses recommend its use. Get Musterole today at your drug store. 35 and 65 cent"; i*? jar; and tubrt. Put up in a milder form now for b..bicv and children tip to six years; ask for "Children s Musterole.'" Batter than a mustard plaster NOTICE I l.avt s. v r ri n;y . inci-tiurt wftb hi Xsntahala C.instrui'tion Co., Inc.. < r'.n l treasurer, due to Ihc. . u of oth'.r i. I have on hand rh:~ .March II, 11)23. fS: n : c. \i. ncus, 1 " ? - ?' W; viusvillc. X. C. MX 1 r Cmi Garcia S ifi:c I* >rr.c in t he car u !J \vl?ttor ni-'U you B i - convcn'o n*e of aanuluct^rcd com- mt Ing rcaicrl-I den! r la \\ yon with f.tod ^ iratfes bo. ? of can- \ villi Atlas Portland IAS'IP ftwp f t/i a!! other nuitc-jwc measured " Zr .Issued v.for v ?lour. \ Bene At LLE & NASHVILLE MAGAZINE makes month, commemoratversary of the Road. >4 pages is edited by d thousand employes s make possible the ndered to the public s Nashville Railroad. i call "esprit-de-corp", a "team work"?and i for the L. & N. te. If L. & N. people their Road and their service will benefit added interest and assed along to the pping public in the nentious and efficient

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