r PACE TWO W WHAT'S W I ?L . HERE 3 A furs'r I ^ ^ WA5CT H?(3S-ACte i * ! QX I ^ ^ ^C.-5 -A3 H:<5 ^ X / /A uVjBj l ,, ^^X-^W-M-X-X-X-X-X-W* / | Call P /' ? AND PLACE YOU! | Colored Easter | FANCY WORK A I EASTER BAZAR :j: Dinner and Suppi -:~ Loca/ an i o At the I' t Th- .:: March 21, .< -re H. i: "Br wn the N rt:\" - \ n ?-l f ? "1 Fighting ends. ami "T Rider? I'l >'" > :ir* of the wide- ; pit. .. a , i * :r w action. Adn.i.->ion 1* nn 1 o^c. One of the brilliant events the social history ol Mu- 'hv wa? reception Mrs. Ft ark Dickey en: tained last Thurs.i v aft-rr her home in Fast Murphy. Th s he tiful huim i? well i-lnp'td t taining. the ! wer fit r v a< thr? together and wa< fx autifully dec ated with howls and vases of spr flowers and potted plants. A ct scheme of \vilow and white was i ried out in every detail. Mrs. Die! received hot guests wearing :i hn some black lace afterno n gown : was assisted in entertain ing by bevy of young girls and matrons. \ low anil white brick cream and c. followed by eoiiceunii mines w served About sev nty guests cal during the reiving hours. Ann those pr >ont were: Misses T Posey, Fleta Christopher, Linn bright. Hattie Axley, Lula Fain: > dames f. H. Phaup. \V. A. Br>>or., K. Bay!..-.-. A. J. Martin, Fred Jo son, .1. \\. uavni-on, l-:. d is a c,r camior: to :r.g mother-. I have n reached ;.vrv and am still pra ir." Dr. Put.- Favorite Pr-scriptioi - Mrs. Farcy L. Pyruni. Io40 tteim< Ave. Do not fail t ? take Dr. Pierce's I rorhe Prescription in liquid or tabic All dealers. Send 10c tOUTH ? r p>?-?-^-vl ? V . 1 p??;* hone 1 34 L ORDERS EARLY FOR and Cakes ND FANCY CANDY APRIL 9th AND 10th Misi nary S : tv list Church er Served Both Days ^Lersona/ pphone 20 ay. Mr. C. L. West left Welnesd: f n :: ing for Jacksonville, Fla.. whe he h will join Mrs. West and Charl 'ho Jr.. and they will make *r.?. .- h :i >ry in Flotida. ith Mr. end M -. J. N. Moody rctur c-d Saturday r.irht fr -v Rr -i thin where Mr. .Moo iy had legal busine tho They l' ft Monday morning, a?;er -hd by Mr. Ralph Mocdy, for Rr :>ir. v lie J to be in attendance up au? 'he sunerior court oi Graham er- *y which is in session there. wn or- FOR SALE?One ? c.nd hand R ing i net on typewriter, in c od com dor tion. Apply t Scout office, ar "(y Mr. E. A. Davidson and Mr. ' Davidson were called to Atlanta 1: week n account of the death of M , !.outse Davidson, who died at a p? \ it sanitarium on Friday night. T ' J funora! services were conducted Sw ' I day afternoon at 3 o'clock from : jMa'ifs M. E. rhurch. Tr. .1. , n~ Mitchell officiating. Interment \\ om ... . ... ^ ni West \ lew cemetery. Rev. II. H. Hydi. of Ilaycsvi! " ''L-.it several lavs here this week, hnTii. -cgular monthly business pi rvam meeting of the B. W". M. S. v H !PEg5fa?r^S3^^gtffi?B?n?lFirnlggraM?Jl*q T ' rem a* t!i church on next Tu day at 2 o'clock. An interesting p ,-cn, ! .: ! is b. injr prepared and ail i women of the church are urged , ' ! . attendance, her. N*Ori'%E?All who wan; cmd su : spray for tomatoes see me ' , v.-ri:.' card. Have the best on 1 ( * 'market. W. H. Hughes, Mn'-phy, >r'? jC., Route 2. (31-2t-p ^ ! The Oak Lane Knitting Mills sh ^ ] ped 2400 dozen knit garments 1: "Jwcek. These shipments went to ma ' parts of ttie United States, includi the middle and far west. Mr. E. B. Xorvell retumc <1 the 1 iter part of the week from RaTep where he has been during the p: | two months as a clerk of the Su I Senate. i FOR SALE?Anyone wanting to b . a niano, good as new. see Mrs. All Cornwell. Murphy. N". C. (30-3t-p Mr. 1. H. Dillard was a busim visitor in Atlanta during: the week. } j Mr. C. K. Hoover, manager of t Coca-Cola B ^tiling Plant, returli i Saturday night from a week's i jsencc in Louisville. Ky.. where he ; : tended a national meeting of the S< Drink Bottlers Association. ec- ! " V Babies Love It ne. re For all stomach and intestinal troubles and disturbances due i-. to teething, there is nothing r." better than a safe Infants' and Children's Laxative. l;s Mrs. Winslow'i hI Strup THE CHEROKEE SCI I T SEE C._3 ? J DiDMT I TELL' JNN >G A contest TO \ NOT POLITE To :LECT A "MISS >03orT < \ATM a ooac fOV NOUWMERE and n mouth ? A-l .= ; A S*ACE STACy ^? , IBM HUn/i f IV. H. N*. \\\ Is returned from V Rale:gh the Iatti r part of last week V where he had h.en on business. FOR SALE?S. C. Brown L< _ ' rn .'f I-.'tres. per setting 1 - prv; a:-J v i .nr. el pes v. are iroin pure ... Fred O. S r jtn, Bw?1 wn, & X. C. 31-tf-s5 2 Mrs. C. K. H nt the we?k*% end in M r an with he r.-.nther. V Miss Elir-.iibith Brittr.ir. entertain ! ed the bridge club Saturday nig t t I-I the tea r n.. Mi-- Linn An -..eh* Y won high s re. The e,. >r , :.e.. c of green and white, in kee*>i:.g with St. Patrick's -e .son. was ra: ri d it !? the .. ad and ice courses. X H; v.kins 15: < :hcrs. < vnt-rs and <>: ? ? rat.'is unn A: Company, pass*. d through ho Murphy last week enroute to Ashein villi*. This was Mr. Baldwin's f'r*t St. visit to Muri hv in twenty-five years. B. and he was much impressed with as the imptovemtnts of the town. The following* item was clipped from the Lakeland 0W | / "*ALK I ANX 9ET7ES f / [ >>OjS if" ^ i jit : Stfdlo Scene at KOA. General El A ;horou; ?;> p' l- nittc study is i pregre.-* or, the ? - h l.imi? at ll*> Wins which are now fnily P-ctril This study w i:i ST, to tublish *.h real economic basis winch electr service ceii be g:* 'he tartner s that it will be p; : able \> o??;h and tiie power company which t-r ides it. Alabama?Ten Lines Operating The farm electrification study w'nic Is being made in Alabama i> part v larlv extensive. The ten experiment transmission lines established five farmers are scattered all ovi th? state and embrace all types , farming Co-operation from the far: er? has been readily obtained: in fat the principal trouble ha? been to !% up with the farmers, who are report! to be anxious for electric service at pleased with the results Cotton raising, dairying, poult raising truck farming, genera: faring and small gardens are all rep: sented in this farm electrificatii study The number of farms on t difTerpnt lines varies from two three to as many as eighty In t: more suburban communities. A special Investigation ts pome i at the Agricultural Experiment S' t*M>n of lu iee:::i:e i Ft.tute as to the use of elect ridishwashing ref- ccration rn-i t raising, household i k tire dsn r w.uer-heating hay r'..!2. sweet | into curing tract-j w.^k ad ta: sh-'o aork Mr. O. C. Shields. ..f Culh is? was in town ? !u:si?:e sev.ral the first -:f the week. WANTED?Two hururtd head cattle, young mules :.nd h-r e pasture and range on g d range the Apnle Tree Place. Price; vt teasonnble. Address Rrts Dttv; Xantahaia. N. C". t3l-2t-; MARTINS C.lEHK Mr. Roy Stalcup of V ung Har spent :h? weekend with homefolk? Miss Carrie Stalcup and Miss Gri Chastain were the guests ol M lane Stalcup Sunday. Mr. Will Chastair. spent the wet {end with Mr. Glen Stalcup. I The Forest Warden has been vc uu>y iu mis section I or me past we, ( Mi. Oscar Haney and family w< the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stclcup Sunday. HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE w do what we claim for St?rid your eyste of Catarrh or Deafness caused I Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE co slsts of an Ointment which Quick Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, at the Internal Medicine, a Tonic. wht< nets through the Blood or the Mucoi Surface*. thus aasnstinK to restore no ma I condition*. Sold by drujfgiup for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. XOTLA Mr. W. H. Haper has returned the hospital at Knoxville, T? nn. Mr. A. K. Bat ton has gone in the sewing roachi * business. Mr. Jack Ha'i i?ft last work i Akron, Ohio, whe-r? ho v.il! res:d*. Mr. Ton-my .1 < hi ; !?rcn si ering severely frt.m a felon on ' finger for some time. Wake up Birch, how can you si 3 so sound when old Xotla is stirrii around. ? 5t,QE , BUT TMAT'S /AMD I S A vcax EXPENSIVE LOSE A >?- os/>a ' 1 II I , B JT k ' sctric Broadcast.ng Station at Denver n market. produce, fruit red veg?.. tabl d and livestock quotations as well a k. weather fort-easts are read at 1 an| ie 6 o'clock every day except Sittmlai ;c and Sunday io Ii> *he use of broadeastine plck-u :n circuits. KOA. like tVGV and KGC o- will be enabled : > In l .de pr>erayp' public addresses, chnrch *rn u concerts etc.. which originate outbid the studio The new station w as the other links :n the chain ar aj under The direction of Martin P Ri?-. to manager of broadcasting for the Get er oral Electric Company. ?' SURVEY SHOWS DRUDGERY OF MANY FARM CHORE P d , id Condi! tons which electric servtc on American farms can be expt-cie rv to abolish, or at least to reduce, ai (n. reflected :n a survey recently made e. four counties of c?-i :ral South Dako' on i by home d-monst ration agents of tl tie State College Extension llurcau or This survey revealed that a fart lie er's wife works fifteen hours a day the summer and twelve hours a d: on ! in the winter On 61 per cent of t! ;a farms covered In the survey, wat in On >7 per cent there were outdo rv toilets Oil lamps were the iightn ig. system on 83 per cent. Or..v nr 3iv bath tubs were found on the?<- fav ^ rtu And S"5 per cent of the farmers h; 1 automobiles. WHOOPING COUGH No "cure**?but helps to r< due? paroxysms of coughini w n ***? "*? w VapoRue at Oct 17 Million Jan u?9ti Y?arl ;Y, ANNOUNCING Vanity Shoj Hotel Regal Room f Marcel Wnvintr. Shampooing. So tee Treatment, Facial Massac , H r?- Dyeing and Tinting. Manicurin Hair Cutting ant! Eyebrow Pluck pj._ HOURS: All Day Saturdays Other days. After 4 P M. " f Just A TL s | i n< jii h X Easter, of course, j J : r- X pretty things you want. { A line of the pret .j. to frame your face becoi X ter. \vif<. sister the girl *t* We would like for y j? and Coats for Spring an to X We have an attrac X and thr f;r.e cilnging ^ Y anything you need in st: ito ,? will trade. Prices are r 3. to see you and will take X and answer ?-g your que or 4' ,f- 1 : lis V The Gold* e? % GRANT BUILDING "i? Friday, March 20. 1925 B Not by a Long Shot B mould I n~=r be n j I < EXTRA I. FEACHTREE Mr-. G" rye* Coffey, 01 Atlanta \ i^it d relatives here last w .Mr. Sidney Zimmerman fJl a few lay ;ipi and hurt his hip. He if not able to walk vet. M s- Mary McConibs is in Kr.okviile this week. e a Miss M; Sudderth was a visiter 1 i: mmunity Tuesday. > Dale. Ralph, and Neil Sudderth; ( win <' rr.w.H. Vinson and I eWitt j* \Yi!.-? n all ..uvo the mumps this week. ? M Mamie an! Rudy Tru'l cf e Mail '-' are ? . tinir relatives hv re this 51 week. e Mr. D nlt-y. mother, wife and > n vi-ited relat vcs at Unaka last Sunday. Q Ida ar-d P??vd Ciia [Prompt Relief for] "tUMEEI. I round I 2 Corner I and we have just numbers of Hero are some of them: I tiest H its. You can find one ; ninplv. Hats for mother, douph- 1 lies and for "Tootsie." ou to see our line of new ' '^H d Summer wear. ; tive line of fabrics for frocks, >^3| veaves for underwear. Almost ^K| a pies. Come and see us feid w0 ' HB ipht. Anyhow, we wiilpjkglad Hi pleasure in showing you uinBoph. H stions as much as we arA*ble. Hk en Rule Store I NEXT TO BAKERV S ??? ?? ???? >????? ?>????????** I