WHAT'? ALL A the J ^about?/ ^Hjp ?v pmi L~oca/ cine' ? Teleph< ^ o-^-c-:? Theatii Monday, March th. Douplas Fairbanks in Marks of Zero."--Tut.-'.i .; . M:.r. h " !<:. Ma;;. Pickford iv "Lilt v 1 Faun'h roy." The t<'llowing a-n<> iru.nu a ...peared in tht Kt: yv.Ilc .loiyv.:-.! .March 24th: "M . ;.r.c: Mr?. George Edward Sugg- ann :nc? the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter. Ulio Marie Cooler, to Dr. Edw. E. Adams. . Murhy. N. C., April 1: J " . nt Ki wille. Tern." NOTICE TO PUBLIC?We Till have to postpone the buying ?if dogwood tinilx r until next fall on account of the sap rising. Hawkins Brothers tlt-h) On Sunday. March 2i>th. at 11 o'clock. ther?- wiil be preaching !-y the pastor at Tomotla M. E. Church. At 2 oM ok th< r. u 11 ]. preachinv at the l'eaehtrc M. K. Church. At Theatre Saturday. March 2Sth Richard Bathc-lmess in "T.'Table Pav id," with an all-star cast, an adaptation from the Saturday evening Post Story. Don't nibs "The Riders of the Plains." the picture with action. First part will In repeated, and second part also shi.wn. 1-V and 30c. Mr. I.. I.. Heaton spent Monday in L'naka on business. Mr. T. J. Lloyd, of Young Harris, Ga. and Warne, N. t'. was here sever, al days the first of the week. Mr. W. A. H a s. f Ranger purcha- d th? i_h John II. Hall as agent th? A. H. Well- prop-, riy and the W *t. v i-T- rr. . C unpany property lc-cated in the old Methodist Church st-cJi >n the rst of tht w ok. property .nd nu.\o here sometime soon. The M vphy Hardware Company's* floor wa- ' th w. ck and replaced v ! new flooring, ar.d a number of ther minor repairs made This building > owned Jointly by Mrs. F.. A. Davit! 1 Mr. R ' Matt x. Superintendent J. F. Gaffnty. i the South.' Railway. . th h.-a i quarters * Ashewd . as i;- the; first of the week. Mrs. C. M. W :'f-e i : rmd ; t week a!: - having nt s ra" weeks in Marietta a: i B..1 Gv Ga. Mrs. H. I>. Smith ivn. l th latter part f !a from r,! visit to ' ! Sprue i 1' ; X. <*. Mrs. A. C. Ik ! ; : ' nd Title daughter. lvrurn^.i :->i we 4: to their hoir.e in Ash'. ii Mr. Richmond accomfanied tr. in home and returned lo Murphy Tuesday of thi^ week. (bake it) . rHEUSE f A TELIA JUST SUPPED ( ON TME ICE and SliD ( \OPPEN BCiDGE/ ' Personal I *j: >ne 20 > Mr. and Mr-. John So-< :? ? of Andrews spent he weekend with Mr. and Mr-. J. N. Moody. Mr. and . Mrs. Noah l.ovne'od <\ ert stvtral days this we k in Atlanta. Rev. Will Brown of Varne. N. C. was a business v.-itor in town one day this week. liWsitihL. ' in *<".vn one day this week on husini Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Smith hnv moved into the house owned by IV. Htitfhway in the M^all section. HOW'S THIS? HALL'S 1'ATAKI1I1 .MEl'ICiXE will ivlm( U- clnira : : rM r system f < atarrli or Lh.-afi efa caused by Cat.'it rl?. IIAI.I.'S CATARKH MKIM'MNE - fts of an Oiiun rit which ?jun U :i?.-ves the cuiui ri -.l inflammation. J.ml 1 . Internal Medicine. a Tonic, whh :i 'a.-ts through the is; <>d on the Mucous Si:*fa?.? thun assisting to restore r.-.Tinal ? ndWIOtis. SnM ty timesl-cts for V. r i> \ earJ. F. J Cheney &. Co., Toledo. O. Mr. W. Savage, who underwent an <;p* ratii n some weeks ago at the Kn< kvilie General Hospital returned home this week. $25 Reward for return of Sunburst diamond set pin lost about two weeks ago in vicinity of Dickey Hotel. Mrs. Nettie Dickey, City. FOR s.AI.Fi -S. C. Brown Leghorn Kggs, Si.."(I per setting by prepaid par.el pt.-i. Egg.* are from pure -.e. l:. Fred O. Seroggs. Rrasat nvn, N'. C. 131-tf-s) Us M Invest a little eac for this summers "i delivery of a car. Urn practically any amount convenient. Almost bt 165-000 families have a Authorized Ford Dealt the same. See him tod: Ford Motor Mnil me full par ! Name ; Street | Town MAKE SAFET THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. X HE LANDED ON MIS HEAD ON TMAt PiLE CF CAiL COAD ~ES DOWN v ? f Selfe .' "" ^ fc Mr. and Mrs. Mack Carrinpcr havi nu?vi 1 in: thiir home on Peacht.f? St. ,\n:ort<- the Hay -ville visitors t' Mi:: ; : v "his v.* .-!; wire M'sm-: McG'i:r* and Gi.r.oireiu Mi and M s 'V K. Ar.'!crson. N. M n >Rcrs. T. ' - r k?? and Mr. Ashe. Mr. B. L. Frar.klin ?>f Franklin, N (\ \v:s a busine*-* v - it < ?r to Murrrv this week. Mr. and Mrs. I.. E. Harnett arw family returned last Friday at: i having spent the \vint? r in Florida. The visit rs from Andrews thi week tru iuded Jvnu> L?>. Frrter. Pauline Ketchel; Messrs. .1 W. Walker, G. W. Cover, W. H Milton. .1. A. Bristol, R. W. Pari s and .T. C. Walker. I. H. Pillar I and E. \. Privid- r left Thursday morning for At'ant: where they have pone on business. Mrs. Emma H;,!l who h 1living at the Patton II ?u-?* for months left Thursday for Pall..Texas. Mrs. Eliz< aheth Mayfield, and Mrs B. Y. Dixon and M -< s Fix n v expected hi nu this week from Aiban Ga. wht re they spent the wintet. Mr. and Mrs. Eft on Christophe art occupying the old Ahemath homestead near the hospital. Babies Love It For all srornach and intestinal doubles and disturbances due to teething, there is nothing better than a safe Infants1 and Children's Laxative. Mrs. Winslows Syrup ^eA/y^irc/iaAet^ >Vi x\r/?/?V Plan now for n .11 WCCa car {or fishirfe /acation for Sunday pier ments our of e,r ier the Ford Weekly Purchase ' you want, and make deposits ol :fore you realize it you will have ilready purchased their Fords in tl ir to explain how they did it and ly or write us direct. Company, Dept. N-2, Dotri tlculara on your ewy plan for owni Slnlr Y YOUR RES J IL'RPHY. N. C. By L. F. V?n Zelm j NOW / O \ 1AT I fcrrruNATE rrT^':llf Wednesday aftcrno?'n. Mrs. Fred _ Johnson entertained a chiidrt n's party at her home in Fast Murnhy in h n r ?>f the third birthday annivcr - . her little son. Frederiek John. T:. F ring fl v rs. th i fresh i - ? : Jy -urj.;!'! : o\ i-nii?V. cp. wen i! i in dec: rating The rece; "inn room*. ' white b'rthdnyj cake embellished with pink lose buds and bearing three tiny c::iui'*s fanned :lv- central ..Me decoration. Pink bask-ts r'illi-d wi-h link and white candy wen d'stribu ltd as fav?e.s. Pink ami white br'ck 1 cream and cake w? re serve 1. Those r pres-nt were: El- ::n.?r C ver. Virginia Dickey, Mary W : C ?oper. Frances Ckristophcr M::ri n Clark . Mildrcn Hi !. V-vginia I Franklin 4 !.r;ui?- JehsSOH, Elirti* 'TV;rk?'?Sarah With-wpo-n. Rath S:i?. ed . Mary Kathryn Axi>. v. Mildred aril Martha Akin. Kai: y:i \l?ernathy Kr-: ria I? w.. - . ' . P. rton Akin. !< Miller Klk n>. Richard Mauney \ Richard Mclv- ? J-. -k ?"aristoj:h? , T in Kvans Jr.. l.? ? A\ ? y. !.. A! c'nathy and Mer-cr En! dr. FOR SAI.K My h -i ? ::nd ! > . < r STRAYEf) f; " niy Tarni near Cul! i s; n, \. C.. or. extra l.irg; Mack and tan female hound. Was "Wising v March Kith. Will r.>\ re:.*o:iable reward :.-r her. A. it. Dickey. City. ( lt-pd > v ... ? i ui:u i . \\r.> uiiu'. rvver.t an < :). ration some w.iks aj?o ir. a hospital at Ht*adi: u, Pa., returned to Mutphy thi> \v:-ek n.aeh improved in health. On her r.'.uin '!/ v'sit.d friend* in Phi?ad> Iphia, Pa.. .. d -Ash villi*. N- V. g WBurns and bruises?'A I MENTHOLATUM J cools and liedls. J q?? (afV ext July. You'll want a for trips to the country, tics. Small weekly paynings will soon give you Plan you can start with any size you lind most the car paid for. lis way. Ask the nearest 1 how easily you can do I ait, Michigan j na an automabile. j j ..;.m : COUPE 520 j R una hoc t . .$260 j Touring Car 290 . Tudor Sedan SSO J, Fordor Sedan - 660 ^ On optn car* draount able rim* and flatter are J8S extra All Prices f a. b. Detroit *; P O N S I B I L.I T Y i] Fridar, Ma / ] \NW ( SUCE : I Gotten IF S?^ ^ T^_T j^l ^ Mr. -I. A. R;'harden. " "j } : -' ? in a Knoxvilic h -I tak np treatmcnt for th; past :-.n days, returned r home this week. ( Miss Alliro R:<h:-ds* n .-!> n* -c v j era! days last wetl: n Knoxvil .i* f hn putst of his -i-ter .Mrs. R. 11. t May. Call ph n i::; . ! nlr.ee your o~- ' ' r n:- ::es. - ar.d c >!nn-d ? r eggs. ( Remember the Easur Barr.r Apr:' j Pth and loth. M. E. REVIVAL TO CLOSE NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT t (Coitinuf'J f r ~:n papc t) they lived, and urged th - who hrd , th it 1 tter in r. diutant ch. : ' ? church in the c mnuit itv in which * <>r at home in the i . r > ! ring i' ] forth and plnce it in the church ??f j their choice in the community n I which they lived. \ "Being I'orn again.** <" mtinii'd , the rpeakc:, "or rev. nerated is n j created act of the Holy Spirit in th> heart r,f man where l?v wr beconv ] partakers of n new nature and a n-w ( life." She 5aid that regent ration | was necessary because natural man j < >uld ret and would not enjoy the fellowship of tit d -r th- blessings , l* Hiaven. and h pave several | illustrations t? hear ?>ut h r t* ti . ntjny. Mo-. Stiedley aid "hut il f,V,t,r.t ( persons v re r g< tt? rated n different 1 - v <:i "1 : iv.c v. eonsid-rable show :t fading such <h '. and me in a ouit: : fnl inarnr , hut when : rr-on vims trolly and truly it genv rated, it >1.? l>e the lit". J j*,. axitl 111 ?\ n::?"'*e * , the pe:..en. j The speaker closed ? savin? thst I I God dots n-t ; "v.' II -v anyone, avd one mu ' v i v i.,.;.... ..iU:nu to a U Gad* plan, and the remedy was t ' Jtst.s and live. He r- she jrave an account of Mo-os liftinr it> tN* , in the wilderne:-; .vhorehy those of:r:i IsVnel who wore bitten ' v ti; snakes coukl lot 1: anil l?* healed and she ouot?-d ' -ha -i: 1 ! :; ?< l.V \r i , V. - r ! tin the serpent in thn wi! i . i cvis so mu?t the ?n f V 1 d -in: that wr. s. cv. . h(-!i ill Hm shhr.V i sh ' : ' e* -o.-! V*>. ' v* v i";- o > --ok to Him if v w< "id h - '.:ed, >!'.e sa*?l At the v ulii-'uin of the s-.iv Tonsiutis Apply thickly over throatcover with hot flannel? VICKS Vaporub Oi'fr 17 Million Jar a Una J Yearly !:* NOT | To My Friei Public in I ? 1 have leased the .Vlurphy Mills I will endeavor to render the be { you the best quali y of goods. ^ j! bran and feedstuff, ;ust call A1, ai \ FREE DELIVERY TO AN MURPRY f. J. V. BRITTiA \ Phone 41, rck 27. 192S The Lucky Dog E M * ?i-OCK MEb \ H "Eto LANDED ON I HIRP RAIL J 'evera! went forward in rcspo: jf!| The subject for Tuesday ni?ht's I message was a triple one. being talc- ^B n from the {.arables of ti t Lost K sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost II Boy. or Prodigal Son. She bogan by B aying that each of these parable? B . presented a class of people. ||| The parable ?.f the Lost Sheep rep- B| -csented the class of people who go iway from God. she said, and scarce* y know they are goir.g. They go : y -"U'P by step, giadttally away from God, at firs -tayr i: away from church occasionally, and v.ally finding: themselves stay. ...ay with excuses for iv. t going and easier to find, i i ' al?!e of the I. -t Coin mething !<.st thrt someone posess <!? feprescnted fathers ar.d sr. ther? wh- ni God has given little chiM It en. or pteeious jewels. She ex laincd that some fathers and mothwi s<? bus. with busines and soial . i . of :? is world that they vete to - letting their children and letting them >lip through their fin !"? '. to speak into a world of sut. Here sh quoted the admonition of :he Iti; le t<? part nts to bring up their hildren in the way they should go nd wht n th? y ai old th y w;ll not depart therefrom. She also urged IKirents to train their children by preirept and t \ niple, as God gave them precious j? w-.ls aftd they should inat them so. Tilt paiable of the Lost Boy represented the bark-slider, she said. The pi t tligal >1.11 went into wilful sin. He i>kcd his father for his share of his fathei' go..<is and immediately went nut into tin world. Mrs. Stic Hey urged 1 ;s and . ' Is who ?nd good hem, s :;iv .. tin in. and st: sed i Ik* otis livimr. Sh-; ?:rd t!i d vil had nothing good to cffur. H the !? iritininjr it stunted -rood put i: tho o: d it i- nothing but de- .'.li.:: -i. ? i ' rs and evoria-'ing uir. Thi was the way with th; prodigal ?n. ho aid. but the beau* it"l'ut nari : tiic **orv is that ho did not stay then- when ho came to him* so!f. 7ho father was waiting with joutstr. tohed ana.- and gladly iv iv* od his son when ho returned. in i r. ban ion, Mrs. Stiedley urff* Uh iho50 wi-.. w. ru wandi ring i' sis t.> turn . id . ? back to God, a* lb is alway r. ad., and wiling to roocive thosi* v.!"< e.-nv.* to hint. Several as i t t"rrwari in response. ! OR. HUMPKREr| Prompt Relief for TliTOliT i r F? ! ?>u? m m v 'CHS ids and the I General I and will take charge April 1 ft. st service possible, and give ! Hi K lien you ate in need of flour, ?.d we will be on the job. ? |H Y PART OF THE CiT^ B < r MILlk I N, Proprietor. ffip Murphy, N. C K

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