%\)t Cftcrj^lSrc^cout Si Tk? Official O^-'gan of Murpfcy and "] Charokcc Covjnty, Not th Carolina PUBLISI^TDIEVERY FRIDAY c. w. B^lLEY. ... Editor-Manager MRS. C/'Y. BAILEY. Aaaociate Ed. B. V*J/tPE Aaaociate Ed ?f J P? -/ Subscription Ratea ev OlMf Year $1.50 be Fight Months 1.00' co Six Months 75c Si Payable Strictly In Advance i CC "" ' irv Fat Man's Corner w s< ' in /Artist Schram?1 have decided to1! be present my latest work to some' ^ charitable institution. Which tlo you in suggest? al Friend Roller?The Asylum for the Blind. '* Gladys?He's so romantic. Whenever he speaks to me he always say"Fair Lady." Edward?Oh. that's a force of habit. Hh used to be a street -car conductor.?Yellow Crab. Xewed?What's wrong with the pie crust? It docsn's half c-.vcr the pie. Mrs. Xi wed?-why. dearest. I askyour mother how to make them *< s wit you and she said to make thej | crust very shi rl i; ston Thans-j cript. Albertson?I told my wife ttuit if she bobbed her hair 1 would leave her Gold?But -hi bobbed r; and you'er still living with her? Albertson?Von bet I am. I'll show hor she can't bluff me.?Houston Post-Disputed "Now," began the scenario writer.! timidly. "I'd like actors in my picture who can behnv- like ladie- and g- ntlrmen." "No. sir!" snored tl director. 'It wolud nev r get by h? com- ?Legion Weekly. Westerner You "a: i j. nd rattlesnake in bed with . tt morning? Why didn't v. kill it? Easterner?I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought I was unseeing it??Legion W . kly. Maid?I hone, mn's that >ou'er not superstit1 us? Mistri s-- Ni t n M.e\ Wh Maid?I hoae. n. . that voure cause I've brok. a/t-* mirror Davis?How'- hie ;n thi* lake? Kcber?The br^r I n. v r saw anyone else ui tl; world do niuch fishing as 'hey >i< .hen . n pn portion to the fish th. y Uch. Wilson Eveiy Evening. Jonny?Why did \?u quit working for that mcmoiy xjurt " Willie ?a b.-i-, : :i? 1 . iho remembered t: . my randmothers died Legion Weekly. Old J rn, cusJ..-l:i >( the hath-i house at a famous -vt, was it rh.-i habit of entering Miss Augusta's compartment befcr. -h had completely reclothed I: !:. One mornin* > aid to him: J "John you ought t c I 1' ic you i come in. Sonje dr 1 might conn-' in while I was undiv >d". To which honest 1 .Khn replied-, "Lor" bless y u > danger of that. I alius pecks t. rough the knot hole afore I conies in." Dayton! Journal. Prospective Empkyvr?Put can I you grt un in the morning? Maid Applicant?fan I? Why, in my last place. I used to be up and have all the beds made before any-j <>ne else was up.?Lawton Times. Miss Davis (to applicant for ser-| vant)?And why did you leave Mr. Seaton's irn! \" Marie -Well, i? was like this: he j came <1 awr.s: air t h < oth c r morn: n' ; and begr." to hunt high and low under soefss. chairs and tables for the! east wind and a couple of dragons, and. Miss Davis, I'm not going tc work . /or no lunatic. She had kept the salesman busy j for nearly two hours and had not; P bought a thing. Finally she said' pompously, "Well, I must go now. I j see my car at the curb." "Just a minute, mariame," said the! salesman, "and I'll unroll a strip of carpet across the sidewalk."?Bostin | Transcript Distracted Wife (at bedside of sick "husband!?Is there nc hope, doctor? ] Doctor? I don't know, madam Tell me f?rst what you are hoping j for.?I.ord Jeff. tate S. S. Convention ~o Meet In Greensboro April 28, 28 and 30 On April 28. 29. and :$0. Grecnsro is to be host to a large number Sunday School workers from all rts of the State, representing all angelical denominations, who will in attendance upon the annual1 nventior. of the North Carolina j inday School Association. The mmittee in charge of the arrange-1 ents are of the opinion that this j ill be the biggest and best Sunday | hool Convention held in the State recent years. Through the Greens>ro Committee on Arrangements, it is been announced that free 1 :dgg an?l breakfast will be furnished 1 delegate# to the Convention. Greensboro*# part in arranging for ie Convention is in the hands of tb-1 dlowing Committee on ArrangeIke BULL'S EYE "Editor end Qenera/ Jtanaqer WILL ROGERS J I Annrhcr 'Pull" Durham advrrilir- II I mtni b? Will Roitri. Zic;tcl J jfl Follaciand tcrcvn ?tjr. .?n?1 Ic;i.!-na II I Amencin humoritt. More ica- II |J Ins. W atch ior them. J| THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION A LA CARTE Order Any Amendment You Want THF.Y arc trying to pass an J amendment to keep children from working. Now ckd.ren didn't want to work, but they cot tired waiting for somebody el. t ? j do it. If they would just y thr< ugh an amendment t< MAKE ! grown j^ople ail work, there j would be no need to have this children one. Grown people stopped working without an Amendment or even a reason, so it will ; innrp-th1'! ftn-Ame:uliaent-l to start them. It will take a Mir.-J.e. They arc going to pass another I Prohibition Amendment, somebody mislayed the rules of the i ether one. The 19th amendment made Women vote, some amendments make us do something and some keep us from it. No. 21 v iil ive men with Knee Breeches the e. About the 25th Amendment v.-ill prohibit smoking and w hen j they do, Bull' Durham v ill k ot- | kg f'-r a dollar a r.n- k. (I kr.v.v I would get that Ad worked in ' there somewhere.) rflvLP. S. I'm going to write <oir?e more pirrrs that will appear in this paper. Keep looking for them. MORE OF EVERYTHING for a lot less money. That's the net of this 'Bull' Durham prop osition. more navor | ?more enjoyment j i and a lot more money left in the bankroll at !; the end of a week's smokingTWO BAGS for 15 cents 100 cigarettes for 15 cents 'Bull Durham Guaranteed by iNCoirtMUD ? 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City ' THE CHEROKEE 5COIJ ments, appointed some weeks afro at a meeting of pastors, superintendents and other Sunday School leaders in 1 that City. General Chairman. O. 1a Lee. Director of Education, First Baptist Church; Chairman Entertainment Committee. E. D. Yost. General Secretary Y. M. C. A.; Chairman ' Local Publicity Committee. F. F. My rick. Superintendent First Christ- 1 ian Sunday School; Christain Fi- 1 nace Cinin.itter. A.C. Davis. Super- : intendent West Market Street Methodist Sunday School; Chairman Hal) Committee. H. C. Marley, of the First Baptist Church. The Propram Committee have announced that the program has been planned with the view of malrinp it possible for all Sunday School teach-! ers and officer? to pet practical hi lp for their work. There will be pencrel sessions each moraine and even ing. when topics of interest to all Sunday School workers all ' discussed. The Aft* inoon session will be devr.ted to special department nl conferences which will deal with the problems of all departments of the modern Sunday School. Speaking in the general convention session, and in charge of th? different departmental conference-, will be the following out-of-state 1 Sunday School specialists: Miss Meme Brockway, Philadelphia, Pa Director of Children's Work for the Notihem Baptist Church: D. I'.rr. It. Hnyward, Chicago. 111., Y ung People's Division Superintendent Internationa! Count of Religions Education; Chatks Darsle St Lou .-. Mo., Adult Division Superintendent EASl I CANDLI N^w r. """ placed i Summer Union Suits 0 11 ?) 7 ;'H- -V : < 1 \ Elastic knit of soft yarn, special t value in lace trimmed >tyl< s Spring Sale. . . . 49c WE CARRY A BIG I.INE OF GROCERIES WE RELIEVE | THAT WE CAN SAV K YOU MONEY? TRY ^US? FREE j DELIVERY ^Cans Cream 25' ^ Ocfeagan soap and powders 25' CANDLE T. MURPHY. N. C. Stop That Bachache! Many Murphy Folks Hare Found the Way Is a dull, nerve-rackine bachache wearing you out? Do you feel older! and slower than you should? Arej you tired, weak and nervous; find it ( impossible to be happy, or enjoy the 2rood times around you? Th^n there'? something wrong and likely it's your kidneys. Why not get at the cau-e? L"se Doan's Pills?a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Thousands recommend Doan's Read what a resident of this locality says: \V. A. Brown. 13 Wootrow St.. Asheville, X. C., says: "When I bent over, sharp pains shot through my back, and mornings. I wa? lame and sore. I had dizzy spells and. too, my kidneys were weak and out of order and the secretions pained in passage. After using Doan's Pills, I was entirely cured." <Statfment given April 20, 1918.) On January 11. 1922, Mr. Brown said: "I have had no need to use Uoan s &mce tney cureo me. 6ue, at all dealers. Foster-Milbuvn Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y.?Adv. Christian Disciples Church: Dr. Cha?. W. Bmvbaver Daytcn. O., General Secretary Sunday School Work.1 United Brethren Church; Mr. Thos. Evans New York, N". Y., General v. taiy International Daily Vacati n BibU School Association. Subscribe To The Scout [\ER~1 A' iR'S BIG oods arrivir n this great i Men's Dress Shirts m i r"? ; f , A. li mtm i I! Cj J 7 :j Dr< - s Shirls on all th * rc'sv col..is, nil ,-izts? Sjrinjr Sale gCJc SPECIALS FOk EASTER New Spring Dresses, including the latest ensemble Dresses, Coats, in all the newest styles, some trimmed with fur Large assortment of New Spring Hats. Silk and Cotton Piece Goods in all the new Spring Styles and colors. See our large line of Silk Hosiery? Newest Shades. :r's depa MURPH ... - PERSIMMON' CREEK A larpe crowd attended service* at this place Sunday and Rev. J. P. Decker preached an interesting scr-J won for us. i Mr. S. I>. Stiles spent the weekend with Mr. T. G. Stiles. Mrs. Ollie Davis and children have returned from Georpia where they spent several days with her s>n. William Davis. Our Sunday Sen I will be pin th. first Sunday in April. Let us all a:-J tend and try to make this one of I the be?t Sunday Schorls that we have' ever had at Persimmon. There was quite a large ?rw! at-tended the prayer service- at Bro. .I.J H. Crisp's home last Sunday niirht. We feel that the Lord was with us for He has said that where two or three are gathered together :n His, name He would bo there also to bless and we must carry on the good works' of our Savior. Prayer service- w !L be held at Bro. I .aw son Simnnd's home the fourth Sunday night. i Everybody is invited to come and. take part. Mr. Glen Crisp was a visitor at this' place Sunday. Misses Hattie Mashhuin and Vera Johnson were visitors here Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williamson Targi r SPRING ig daily and sale at big hi Bungalow Aprons m & " 3 ~ * ^ ,-*0- W ?s jpfi : !<>'>.< - r.'-i-A /--J".. j ?$*;:-:Vife? i'ri ! li I \ > 3 j Every apron in th a assortment is : en ex-epJonal value; you cannot ! buy the material at this price? .Ml styles an?l colors? j Spring Sale . . . fi9c I 1000 V ; rris I'ajama Checks, Rood quality 36 -in wide? Spring Sale, yard . . 19c J Q00 Yards Percale, inches wide, fast color, finest quality, light and dark colors? Spring Sale, yard 18c 300 Yarrls Beautiful Spring j Voiles, all colors, inches ? * >a,u z&c 1000 YaHl~ Apron Ginghams, very best quality? Spring Sale* yard io< Wash "Cloths, heavy, soft material, hemmed edge?? Spring Sale, each Princess Slips, beautiful soft material, all colors ? Spring Sale, each . . 49c lRTMENT Y, N. C. Friday, March 27, 1925 were the quests Sunday of Mrs. Lawson Simonds. Mr. Clifford Johnson spent Sun<j. fl[ with Mr. Houldrem Payne. Subscribe T- The Scoq|I Stop Night Coughing I Thb Simple Way TVoplp who have BcraUtmt, ,/ H noylnK coughing spells at nltc:.? who throuKh iom of valuable mu*i H arc weakening their systems .3 lw laying themselves open to r.PoSz M infect Ions, can stop their H Iri.uM'- promptly T.y a Ycrv VSS H treatment. Hundreds m , hi2S Kv hard I > been able to rest r. -H fli |S cou" ; :nsr. havo gotten tfUn BE > uf.t s alcep the Very lirst t:?V The treatment Is bared on ? rs. HI markablc prescription k . ^ at ST Hn Kins'* N? ? : 'I 'covery tor C '.*t? K" You simply take a tenspor ?uf *: right before retiring and ) d It 5 H >our throat for 15 or 2" t- I?V? Ifo fore swallowing It. without 'ollowl Wt big with water. The Pre-t:bm* HI ha* a double action. ft ) t onlr H? soothes an?l heals *<>rcnes? i jrf/ Rtr latlon. tut it quickly loo**;., %nA K removes the phlegm and rom Rhi< h are tlie direct , ? J?.. K coughing. The result 4* t -?? KF usually sloop ar ooandly m . >,\hl Hk t v-ry f : -t night. ft:.J i;4r K ?..ugh condition goes in a very ?h0it Hp The prescription is hlrhlv re com. rr.< r.dod for rouchj, ch.-st mm. U?jL ) tips* and bronchitis. ? d , K; woi ib rful for children's rone s ard By spasmodic croup?no harmful ' B one teaspoonful. It is on sale at all K good druggist*. A.k for lfc$r \IN5 | SALE I . being 1 \rffams. 1 Women's Umbrellas t (IB A fW\ ?) 1 SF 1 ci verings in I lurabi nproof material? j I I . rette, fine qunl- I : ! V? wide, now I . Syjin;r Sale, yd,. . ?JQc I uinn v-.-.i- Tissue Dross Gir.?- IH k.r '.? ? ful quality, ^7 ! :i.hc. v. Mo? v : Tn , yard ... \%Ke $ ! QO **r ,;ul. loth Shirting, ' fi ii-' . beautiful patterns? Spring Sale, yard 6Sr II EROOM SPECIAL E ^444^^4 si' ' i Material and fine workman- ' ship, only ope to a on>tomtM| Sale Price it STORE y t

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