PACE SIX [ LEGAL notice of : : lv^d ro GET ASSETS TO PAY DEBTS r > ti(.T - - - i - * - - Co jJity. N'.rtr - * r: a pro-. : M. S.r crftds, A-;.", r Eat at* c: I M . Mr* I Nota CstberiM - ; a Hdta> tad J Mn Lt 3a .* . ; E - at - - 5 i~ M. Ada.- - ; d. late '.f Cr>' * Ootmty, N. C.. ^rr.e be v tr- ? f - . - * . r e'r - ::-.v Apr . tth a*. 12 ?c a. rr. . at the wrt r. rr* - .r. M.rphj, i C N C., offer for sale t * idder f r a-h r.- - - - : .r. r. - ^ -.retr.a- > day - that -tair c f .a*. I lying - t-r - f Potit ' - L. >1 Ada*r.d -* ' r:. $ kea:. bargain*. ? One i" : r m h< i a- i ? 1 i " v 1 I an a tr 'i r. y arj<: } i ' r:.. . S- ? ... % Y t ' >orr.' ne that a r - I X i n sro?'??" NOTICE OF SUMMONS lr. r .r: ?-f r- Tr C'.-rk. At. X- :f ri ar . t .r ..EC , Ki.,?; : .... - ; r,. * ^T-V. ^ K v.- VHa'. *' . C :r*. . ^t.. ' which lands defendants have da; int - u heirs at a* f Mar u ** . lSTATEI,d I; ' for Sale d are Goir.g to Sell, See ? Once. x ; d d f e? X ' _r ,ra. 7" ^ ir^y - i.' . . : .1- the *:* ? >;, ' ; * ; - ; >r !- { bv K nd t rnt I . - - Wi . take ? t * v j. - A r. rMi] x d. . r:; and A tr :r; * . li .?>. I have X e:J. n re u e ' than ? . f - v.;tr. a pail of wa*V < : v' it, w.l! tak- a Rood X Ford < -r on it. X ! I.HALL 1"; y, N. C. I A,. jgH?J ? N. pan priv claii _ 1 ant ? *-. >T ? " -7*1 ybody can't repair. Don't trust '?*}l t part cf ;.our car. You have a c*li,r ave realized that some day you folI< une so we nave planned such a lave saved sonic folk.- tho necestheir radiators by inspcting and v,>e unable rate. Why no# let us inr that the cooling system in good t r ( -at.. N ;*.r. Gkrv..* : Kay?. N . I tb April, l-I'.. : r r Jemnr to the tr.; plaintiff V tr - -r. ; : :h r? ". V. - ha*.-i. th- * w L. mathes'W*. r: *--.**.. ; iy . -r.t; ' 1 )31CE OF SALE UNDER M R AGE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE **" * : a.- : A -*.'*. a rtt. : rtasf- -i *= te ; t - : f March, 1024, ?x it . J. Bri-t-.i, IT. il.-apv. J. C. .' awytr and I. -I Sa1 -a.: All that cert, tract r nar ii .f l.-.nd i-f.nt nirii more of less locati-d, 1 ar.d -inu* i' Hayisville Town>r. iy C North Carolina. ? .! ir.ded r. the- North hv lands J. Bri.-ton and CI. C. Buckner; ? K. t by land.*- of G. C. Buck e Garrett. Nei> -n ht-.j - and H iJsapa; on the- south by lard- . ( . Millsaps, 1'. M. Morgan and Rii* and S. .J. Bristol. Vl? the- entire- st?-re furniture ar a- Haye-svillc Drug Companj luted and being in the building o> ied by Hayesville Drug compar hi Masonic Building in Hayosvil! y County. North Carolina, "his the 2Jrd day of March. 102. L. K. BAYLESS ignce of J. M. May Mortgagee. - it aftg. Official Notice. Andrews. N. C. March 22. H?2<" tor Cherokee Scout, rphy, N. C. r Sir: lease* print the following notic fconsecutive weeks re*d by law: o all pi-rsor corporation-, rai companies, electrical power con ies, and lumber companies, o ate individuals, or United title or. ownership to 22.80 s of' land entered in the yea ') by my father. James Tayloi deceased as p--r his official wil recorded in Murphy, Cheroke nty. North Carolina and filed wit Hon. Secretary of the Interioi records of deeds of Cherok* nty, Graham County and Cla; nty as per affidavit of my fathei iea Taylor, now decesed. whicl pubis1- record, which is due noti? 11 parti's in possession or claimini title to 22,800 acres of land claim and owned by my father, Jarne lor, now' deceased, a Ch>.-roke< an by blood who died at ? larc e Indian Territoiy, now Okla . . January 1 Jth, 1907. Now. 1 n M. Taylor. Jr., a Cherokee In i by Mod and Attorney for th >win^c named heirs and joint heir -aid property expect to fib sui er section 2120 U. S. re d statu*s ir. the Unitei :es Court of th We i district of North Carol na a evilk. N. C. for possesgonand a rovements thereunto now erecte he above 22.800 acre? of land a rated to my father, James. Tayloi the State of North Carolina i .'? which claim of the United State ernment was pendinsr in the Ur I States Court of claim at th th of my father. James Taylo pased. As per affidavit which is c < a! record of above named coui where said land is located t JOLT. MURPHY. * C. Isrrarted by 07 father Jsr.?? Taylor. : --%? : t-M - ; r? - ^ha:| rMitJed th. 7 MP - rfth. ?' * as ^ra>-.-r entitled to the pdjscss. .. .-~-rti . :r . - * jc lar.c except myself ar.d five r...irsr. * hr M 7 . y r. Jr. Wilaai T T y r 7.*. L Taylor, V---. Rocker and Addle Msthm wis are ia year : tizens f the ' her fcee Nitio: y - . residing a: ' r- Iriisr. T-rr " :y. ar.d ' r- - f 'r-s ssTi liable V - '.r.i. rr.y - J hildrea for lamages Jar- - Tav. I ha. appealed K r Wj. urn J. E . " N. .. arer.t ? for myself an i the abort named b< :rc 7- Tey.vr. cc-ioa.-s: Ma r. on the aboved ramc-d count!?? a cert : -* f record? r abstract of b< * : : affidavit a? * - - - ** - 7 .- r. unty. N. ? . P. : .r.svTe I Graham C xnty, N C. and HatwviDe 1 ' . y _ r*.y. N. C. ; JCHN M. TAYLOR. q.. -eai heir- r rry fath- Tavl' r. d< a--:. P. O. R" 1 r- Clarem Okh. 1 r- h-:r kee C 'VNTY noptii < road AND BRIDGE: BOX** ^ j - . Bos ' : Co-aty C *:. i?s.<,' lie " Cr.o- r . jr.ty, ::: th jr* ' h in Murphy. N. C . : r tr. purchase of $200, Road and ridg . r.d- of rh saic *' tint;.. Bonds dated Aprii 1. 192": maiu' .. m Apr.: 1, 1L'2". w .. . * ti'-n ' . f prior po." ?:? nt; dvr.' : Si,-' - fiOO: principle a-d inter O. mi A| payable at the Hzr.<->r Na-. nal i Bark in New Y City; < r; r.1 B,r.ds; general oblp-.t. r. ur. r.;t . - td tax. ' B r.'i- wi' awarded at - ' *' pri offered, not less than par and .in.-rest, f r 1-west rate bid upon. ir. " a multiple f ne f urth .f 1 per cent. in rot exceedir.kc 0 mrcent. Preparation of bor.ds bv Ferrbee i C mi pan y > And:- a N. ( apt r vir.j; opinion f ' M?-?r>. Storey. Th rndike. Paln.^r A: Dodge will be furnished purch'ser. f Delivery or. or al ut April 29. 192". n a: : ..? t of purchaser's ch i??o. r- B da must be cn form whi.'n w.ii be furnished by said County, and must be inclosed in a >..*led er.v ! p-.' marked wPr->p? - .1 for B ?nd-" and aooresiivd tr. the undersigned. and must b act- m.panied by a certified ,;m check (or cashi to the order of the; ' unclai-icnc-d upon an in rpnrated ; c" bank r trust Company f - S4. y secure the county against any 1 -ss re.u'.tinfr from the failure the' bidder to comply with the t- r:r.s f 3- his hid. N hid under par and interest will be accepted. The right to . {reject nrry nnd nil bids as rcsirvco. A. M. SIMONDS. Register of D. dMurphy. N. C. NORTH CAROLINA CHFROKEE COUNTY T?? A. M. Simonds, Entry Taker for e Cherokee County: The undersigned Fred Stle- rf Cherokee County. North Carolina. I- enters and lays clarn? to the follow- i j- ing described piece or parcel of land r in Murphy Township, Cherokee j - County, State of North Carolina the j 0 "irae being vacant and unap.poriat-: r ed land, and subject to entry. v z: Being in Murphy Township on the' U waters of Notla River, in district No. e 3. Beginning at the end of a culvert j , h on the R. R. right of way; thence; % easterly direction about 60 feet to j c the river; then with the meanders ofj y the river about 500 hundred feet to a( marble rock corner; thence about 1 h 90 feet back to the R. R. right of i e way, thence with the R. R. right of g i way to the beginning corner; con- j -Staining by estimation one acre. ! (Signed) FRED STILES e) Entered this 25th day of March i i oon Notice* is hereby given that a war- j [. rant of survey will be issued to the! - j above nair.ed party on or aftc-r the e 25th day of April, 1025, for the nb-v s described property if there is no , t j protest filed ir. this office before, -'said date. This the 25th day of d* March. 1025. s j A. M. SIMOXDS 11 Entry Tak?.r for Cherokee County, ' ? NORTH : -Ch ?.*-rt. B ! the- Clerk Thos. J h ' - txat r f the estate - Mr - ' H . d Tr J. H.i. I- i. -.: .a ... vs. C. B. H>... :..v ,:-s Pastell. vnthia * N H ! O.i' nr. : H *. H :i. WiJharr H i. Bertha Berry. W F. HI!. E. A H A L. K: _-y Shafer, an f J. N*. Hi'.'. NOTICE OF SUMMONS Let the abovt nart.-I dt-fendar.vLaura. P .-tell, E. A. Hill. Wiiiia Hi B rtha Berry, \. L. H. I ar.d Mary r- i & that a sr. c.'ii r: ding entity ; as above has fceea beg-un in the Su: -?. _r Court Cr.Tt k*e C unty : r the purpose r* - rtair lar.: ft:.- ?urriu? air.' n? r.-r-i and defer, dart*.'hed Ir two crtain deeds . ?I :n Cherokee- County ..* Bock "il a*, page j2'>. and in ho k' N . 2*> at page 290. .Said <: are r-uu:r- : * appear brr clerk 'of the Su.-rior Court f Ch-r jf>- County at his -ff:ir. th. c-'urt h use in Murphy t the 2:*:h jay of Apr.:. 1925. ard an .- d'-rr.-jr to th- ptt.tion. T; th- 2"th dav f March. 1L'2" E E. DAVIS. Clerk Sureri- r C .:rt Cher kee C >unty. 33-4t-tjh> NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. P.y virtue f the ptwer of sale : in a ' tain deed f trust ex- jte y. the un-' br-igned will offer for sale. ->i pub-1 aucti r. for ca>h, on; April 27th, 1925. at the court house r Murphy, N. C.. at 11 o'cl ck A. M. ->n s.iid date, the foil wing: de-.bed lands, to wit: Ir. Eiaverdam Township. Cherokee County, beginning on a pine on : : the ridge, the j- seph Almar corner, and runs down the ridge to" C .pper Creek to a spruce pine and a WHOLE BODY SI !N 0! Morse, La.?Mrs. L. P. Lam-, bert, who has been a popular' school-teacher here for several years, recently told a visitor of j her interesting experiences with ' Cardui. "Jiisi before my . . . came on," said Mrs. Lambert, 'T would ! ache all over. My feet, my toes, i my arms, hands, head?my whole: body seemed to be in one awful pain. I would grow so nervous that I could not hold a cup in my hand. My husband would have, to hold my coffee for me bo drink. Last tall I was is such abad condition that I had to spend about three days in bed every month. It seemed to me that I was on my last go-round." Then one day, 6aid Mrs. Lambert, she happened to read about Cardui and the experiences of some women who had been helped by it. "I felt that Cardui might help me if I tried it," she You will be needing new Sha< Have just received a big shipn dise. Rugs?ail kinds?Wilton' goieum and Grass. Plenty of Linoleum tor the kit Wihdcw Shades, all kinds and c< W. D. T Complete Hou "EVERYTHING FURNISH Friday, April 3, 1923 rock; thence up the creek to aTta? thence S. 105 feet to a stake; thence N- rth 105 feet to W. G. V. Robetft ;:ne; thence with W. G. W R,berf, B tfc Pat ton land; thence w?$ Patten Und to the beg.r ning car. B r. r, containing 35 acre*, more or leu. B% 'I , b r33-it-w) ?g MURPHY BOY I MAKING GOOD A i FT. BRAGG I I- many frier.;- Clyde I M Jur.kir: . Murphy b.y who i, H : .* F- Braep.'w pieaj. H ed to know that he is one of the I champion basketball players of the I Y Brae? team. T* f --v.:.;- a t r: f mar* H -.-a me as recently r .aycd at Bra??. the -.,re be;r.~ 20 to : ; fav r < f For: Brajr*. lr. which M 'jr.'.in played an important part: half was a one -i-i af. and is Memcd that the entire p vt uld be that way. For five .:e- r more neither team could - -re. . r. showing excellent def. en.w w ?rk. However, McJunkin u: rk-d re :f his left bar.ied shot* r. after and pave the observation Battery the first -core of the zame. 'i : r. K .rrmagt made two y-lnts and . - m t C- : > p't the first point r the " and ena tne scoring for the halt. * ^ I r. .: r Ga f featui . i r?t 01 ervati n Batt ry. ?f . hich he n mber. t FOR SALE?Qne three room house and half acre lot near Fate King rr : . N tla River Power Plant. Ore -'r. rd down* balano in 5 an i *. 2 n nth-. Apply t. J. M. Vaughn, Murphy, N. C. ?34-lt-pd Tuft's Pills Induca regular habit, good Cigestton. Relieve the Cyspeptic and deblftated and tone up thg syvtera I AGAINST MALARIA EEMEO UC JLWrill DAIII ik Auiul mm continued, "for I had been suffering with similar troubles to those mentioned there. I had heard of Cardui all my life and I kr.ew many women who said they had feces helped by iu xne very next day I began to take it. "Very soon after, I began to notice my improvement. I kept on till I felt like a different woman. I gained in weight from 98 pounds to 115 and felt better than I had in years. I took six bottles right along and found it a splendid tonic. My suffering was partly due to a run-down condition and the Cardui stimulated my appetite and helped me to gain the strength I needed. ... I take a bottle every now and then, even now, just as a tonic to keep up my strength, but I am in better health than T 1 1 ? ? i iu4vc wen in ioi* years." All druggists sell Cardui Try it House Cleaning rri 1 ime is , Here! des, Rugs, Linoleums? lent o: this class of merchans Velvets, Axminsters, Conchen. Several nice patterns )lors. ownsbn se Furnisher I ED BUT THE GIRL"