5 WHAT'S n WHAT AR* TwOSE, ^ ffTJK. ^ **L**TTO Pu?>4F^^/ I ^ ^ **" c T I v ' <* ' V=M HW^-J-^X-t-I-HX-M-^XK-X-: ?.oca/ ant) < Irlrphc m^W-X^rX-v-X-K-XM-K-W At tht Bor.ita Theatre tonight. MarRion Davie? ir. "When Knighthood was in Flower," a super special full of romance ar.d court intrigue of ancient kings and queen?. Proceeds di-; Tided with the Carnegie Library for the purchase of books. See this pic-' tare by all means. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Parker and Mr.j and Mrs. F. L. Brownell motored t? Atlanta las: Friady and spent the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper of Tan-.pa. Florida are visiting Mrs. Orsce Cooper and Mr. and Mi*. J. W. Davidson this week. NOTICE?I have for sale in Clay County larms from 40 acres tip to 1 649 acres. Also timber on 40 acres' ? in Cherokee County, N. C. Will sell for par: cash and balance on time. R. W. Coffey, Brasstown, X. C. <34-4t-rwc) C Amorp Andrews visitors here this week ar*: Mrs. A. E. Spears. Miss Clara Ashworth, Mr. J. Weimer Jones. Mr. G. Lail, Mr. T. J. Bristol. Mr. W. ~ T. Holland. *0 y Beauty and Health MRS. BEULAH WALL Gastonia. N. C.?"Dr. Pierce's Fav- ; ?rite Prescription is the lies: tonic j and nervine that I have ever taken and I would never hesitate to recommend it to any woman who is .filing or nervous, i was weak and nervous after my first baby came, would have dizzy spells and backaches. I also had functional disturbances but ' after 1 started taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription rr.y system became regulated and then tnv pains and aches disappeared. I took several bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and was just a-> well and ; strong as a woman couid tvish to be." 1 ?-Mrs. lieu la h WaM. lUJ S. Ran- j pom St. Regain your health and improve ; your looks by obtaining th:s famous ! "Prescription" now. in tablets or li- 1 quid, from your druggist, or write | Dr. Pierce. President Invalids* Hotel in Buffalo. X. V., tor free advice, j This Label 1 THEE ^ w w logical ^R thing to do V ?to buy your 1 Used Ford Car from Your Nearest Authorized e ^ ^ IE USE ???? / Tmo5 i* ^mAT wf cau w, b*JT f MrtS on TWie MOof^> ** * v^on ^ y/aoe-ZSZ *rATC< * IKS' : * -NHil Personal >n* 20 X " The many friends of Mr. A. W. Melver will regret to learn that he '' will close his studio after Monday ' April 27th, on account of his health. Mr. Mdver's htalth is such that this w became necessary and he will leave ^ shortly after that date to enter the hospital at Johnson City. Tenn. for treatment. a Mr. I>. \V. Munival <.f Ash* ville was a visitor here this week. a Air. and Mr:. B. S. Grant of California have recently moved to Murphy. They have bought the S. W. Da-i vidson property in East Murphy and contemplate making extensive inv- f provcnienta. Mrs. John Hall acted as agent 111 the transaction. y\ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gray of Havesville were in t wn Wednesday of this 0 week. 0! T Mr. C. C. Jordan of Hend^rsonville. State Oil Inspector was in town this wcekon business. n Mr. W. F. Gurtis of Franklin was a visitor in town Tuesday. Room and hoard in comfortable private home in East Murphy for j(| married couph by May 1st. Garage spac^ available. Rates reasonable. VV.-it.. K..v >.: ? i i? k The friends* of Mrs. Walter Speed u will he irtad to learn that she is re- ^ ported better. t j le POTATO PI. A NTS?Orders* taken s and delivery made about 20th of J Aprtmi ui Suivr. Price *2 per t'nous- < Aprin or later. Price $2 per thous- f. .:nd postpaid; grown in county. any kind, see me for your potato plant* this* spring. John Floyd, Vests, N. C. j, (31-ftt'pdl S* Miss Hattie Axley left thi* morn- ^ ing for Musk Rat Creek where she has gone on business. jv Among the visitors from Rlairs- m vi!!v this. ?rck were: Miss Mary Uur- J g( lis. Miss Jane Waldrop, Mr. J. W. Bo. \ ling. Mr. L. O. Henson, and Mr. ^ Lush Erwin. : oT Mr. E. E. Ellis of Bryson City. Su- jm perintendent of the Maintenance Division of the State Highway System was in town this week. , ! Pi ORDER YOUR PLANTS DIRECT !'* FROM THE GROWER Genuine Improved Nancy Hall and Porto Rica Potato plant*, grown from potatoes that produced 508 bushels last year at 82.00 per thou- : sand. YES THF.Y ARE NOW READY AND AM SHIPPING F.V- j ERY DAY. It will pay you to plant '10 the best. Tomato plants at 20 cents ! per hundred, $!J>0 per thousand. j VICTOR DEES', Alma. Ga. !" ,:i';-7t-v--> z Protects You p> CI ffEHf PBr W rhu Label U your 1" Guarantee inj Ford Dealer ???-?_v OBHMSnHBKMHBmHBHB a ' Hn THE CHEROKEE SC BtL. lO?>t>A Y *T S MAM f VJWY WE CAN DERQJl I GOow MOST EVERYTHING" P>G? ?'r \T ?y WERE IN RJLK county ? CPA'SCjES , ?ASANAS. CFLfC I STOA* BEORJES, GRAPE TRUI \ Pineapples. WMIS^IIPS AI Mr. W. B. Pas* of Hnyesvillt* wa- > visitor in otwn last Saturday. Mr. .1. M. Vaughn sptnt two day? I I tnis week in Atlanta on business. tl Mr. Charles Upham of Raleigh. ^ nginerr over all tth roads in the . 000 post paid.. St'ong. a I thy plants from potatoes which ere State inspected and ohenvcal-, treated to prevent disease. I alhave Globe Stand, and Acme toutfr nloi.*. 25c ICG, CGC Dc post paid. I guarantee good ants anil full count and prompt lipmcnt or money refunded at icc. So you run no risk in giving t? a trial W. L. McClellan, Adel (la. Fii*lav night, April 1st, Jju* Senior ay of the Murphy High School will given at the school auditorium. Tt entitled "The Country Minister." is replete with humor and dramatic luations that cannot fail to grip any indience. The management of the Bonita heatre this week cut several additnal windows in the theatre building d added another suction fan, and I ade several other minor improve- I ents, ihch will aid materially in help- I g to keep the hall cool and comfort- I >le this summer. ? The Quarterly Conference of Mur-il iv Circuit will be held at Tomotlal! hurch, Sunday afternoon at 3:30 clock eastern time. All members the churches are urged to be preslt, as there will be Communion. The fourth Sunday Service at ^achtree M. E. Church Sont'n will held at 8:30 P. M., eastern time. Mr. P. A. Mauney of Kins.; wa a *itor in town this week. fl | Mr. D. M. Allison of Sylva was a i ntor in town this week. layesville Talent Renders Good Program Tues. Night Quite a delightful program cf read-j zs, piardogues, and a little play: re rendered at the school house lesday evening by several Hayesle girls. Miss Jessie Mae Adkins.: graduate in expression fr?tm the lyesville High Scnot! was *hc prints. _ OUT. MURPHY, N. C. rvu? ~1 "\ wh4t s r-?r m*n \ Ht < IT DCXNG 1TufCt ? / I Ffl I I "'??> i /%is~ % : 3 ' V tt "lilir ,jQ0^ ipal i?'*inber of :"r<> paiiy !k-: a fadings were spkndid. *?!: > Mai rie Passmojc accompanied M =? Adins in the pianel?pu<>! ii lis* Pall appeared in several v? cm1 net" and tools a leading pa*t in the Vi-character pl< y. 1 Whiie the audience was small, ve* | was appteciative. The trirls ac j :j juitted themselves well. )rdinaticn Service Second Baptist Church The Sicond Baptist Cfiureh of Mur!jy requests the mernbi rship as w? 1! ; < the pastors ar.d deacons of the turchis named below to meet with v lent in the community church build- r ie in Kactorytown at 2:00 P. M. ^ i vr Sondpv when Bretfcercn Frank! I'leman. W. H. Corn well and Frank r lembrec will be ordained deacons, irst Baptist ("hutch. Murphy. Batereek. drape Creek, Hariri pit I>< jr. v laitin's Creek and Peachtree. The rdinatinn sermon will he preached y Pastor C. K. Martin and th?- I dartre t. G' rge Finrhcr ami on. Hohart. \.;:r wi:*- :.rd child. I I 11 of Ccpp-ih.;3. v.M pleasant v,?? . tor? htre Sunday. The work on the highway through fothouse Township started off in ice -har e Tuesday morning, startng at the Tenr.t.-stt- State line. Mr. E. Gairtn o. mar Mineral iluff visited his I rot.her, Mr. John Jarren here Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Hyatt who has been err sick for several weeks with heumatism is reported to be in a I, try critical cor.dit;. r.. The Rev. II ban Kiii filled hi^ egular apj ointment t<> preach here Saturday right and Sunday. Mr. J. K. Hyatt > r.t the last' veekend in Murphy loved him, yes we loved h.m, , Hut angels* loved him more, i||| And they have sweetly called him To yondtr shining shore. gftn ^ t The golden gates were opened Sp A gentle voice said come, g)||j And with farewells unspoken ?fi>| He calmly enter* d home. fj||j ULLLVIEW NEWS Mrs. Ca:rie Cathey is visiting Ixr^H mother. Mrs. S. S. Hatchett. |j|fe Mr. Ernest Hughes had a I'arrtr Sunday. n?| There is- going to he prayer m ettsg Hn at Notla Saturday night. Kvetybojf H come. Bjj Miss Blanche Hen?on is leaving for Banner** Elk the last oi" this week. ?fi Nine sheep-shearing demonstrt* tions have been arranged in North H| seems to be in better health since the H Carolina this spring by C*. P. Wil- H liams. sheep extension specialist. M ?11 ^ 5 1 gains Sheets, 72x90 with Seam. 79c 36 inch Cretonnes, all NT- v Patterns and Shades, regular price 25c yard 19c Curtain Sscrim, Plain and Decorated. worth up to 20c yd? Yard ... 10c Diess and Apron Ginghams? Yard ?.... 10c Children's $1.00 Dresses, sizes 3 to 14 years , 79c wa..,. w*'-. ii * - n " = "?uw n|iruiiis in um^' II hams and Percales, New Styles?Each . . 69c See our large line of Women's Silk Dresses and Coats for warm weather. Silk Dresses 35.25 Up -. ?i. STOF& -1 / ' , A