pace srx List Books PoweLson Donation Announced B The Trujtev " *.r f Li brary annc orcec '.a-*, we-a" "-he -eceipt or .. n:-. ber : - -r. Mr. W. -j V N. I' -A - . V . :ty as n- trv The v ?1h.-.-e or r. ..v.-. . j?j ar.d placed n :r.- >r-." :.r tr.e bene:'.: 01 the een*r.?. The-e books are a valuable add a t the public library &' 1 *r - c mmunity should fee! tr - ' >-* r weL- -a f;r h:s eer.- ; Thv donated by Mr. Pow- j 1- a... be a .-curve enjoyment to : -.-.unity for many ye3r= t. t: l- and r.l- generosity will b-r rer: ...r-.-ei and appreciated by ea>.h ? essive reader of ar.y . f th*. nr. Tr.e ..- rarv has r. - -rce of Ir.c :>me. t.rerefore. making :t ijop-'Ssible *. pur- r chase b ooks. It - d-.pendent utvr associations ar.d club- for a':, vclurr.-: adiec t :ts shelves. Mr. P<-.v r's % -< t "e v - !; - at\ re ::at ' Mr. r- ! b rr as : Pr Car. r.uTennsseee P.wt - 1 ; . d" -electro plar.*. . -~r. I largely at.- the .j'r*- n *.'rv Hiaw;A'Te . .? Murrr.y - - r. i has under**--" Sar- : r th veloprr.t-r.t f the :v-r. Hr *: -at r y *y-.r.y Murphy citi H s 2. ft . * - '<? n.y .t >ther evi:-n.r : h;> intvr-.-t in th:- ?e;t: The ..St f ? 1: oWf : B.y :r. Maine W >? < arter B v 5 >uti in G > :tr Park? Far r. \ B.y Sec--:? in C j- ?Burritt. B . . j:> ar.-i Otr-r St:-ties? Davis. B . >. u:> I?i-rr:t S-.vsmps ? E .t r.. ? y S. in G'.fe r Park? t in. , B . > :* Lai Sr-.t -?Wilson. Athletic Boys?Ol.v-.r. Young M'nutemer.?? h- ;>tv. , Marching Again ?-t the Tr : -? T miinson. Warrington's V ung A ? T' mlir.s n. Camp-fire < :" M.-.-i Anth riy? T< rnlir.son. Musket Bov- L'ndiv Wa-hingtor ? Warren. An Ar.napoli.- Youngster?Beach. White Fang?I.nndon. Over Ther.-- with the A.u?tra:::sn? ?Kngoett. Blind Lion of th?- Congo?Whit-j ney. - Tir You better take time and drive and Jet us give it the once?over, i ?s quite possible that we may det? t paired now will save you a whole lo will help you to control your ten^p-r *ay i? reasonable, won't you. T1 and protect yourself and your poc < Cherokee Mo1 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Authorized A Star, Flint and ACCESSORIES A MURPH1 . J. ning the Colors?B:tsford. With C:v-r in the Black Hills?! i=ach:Il. Hj" r- f th- H:".;- A ? - the Bat:- Hurse?Pyer. Three Year- Behind the Gun-?i ladaie. Captared -y At >?Prenf.ce. P r. van*e? Ways jf Laughter?Beg-: ?. B ...i ?5:? .neer. I .r.?r- ' Raffle Kav.-- I* y!?. Gr- vt. Flag?D y'.e. Orange* Yell * Diamond? Hetchrr. Rayn. r-rrlade Amalgamator. ? rletcfcer. Par.-, iMystery?Fie : he-. Bora .-22 Treasurer?FletcheMidd.e Thins*?Flevh-r A c th- M- j.v.-. i ru.;?* ttigh. P. the R -yal M ---ted? hr.-r.: - . Vr. Fir-?B*. Wh : A.or?Gr-? * - . - ... \v Gr ? r h Bc-i. r N . . th- N -r:.*.?C ar-.v i. \Y H j :tre?tr*.v . Ba.c*. r. ? Kazan? -v. . 1 ;>? r":y.. - Yank?:?F\-;h:. T1 M in 1 the F- rest?Gt sy. U. P. Tr^il?Grey. Wild-tire?G-y. Ethel 0;e , the D>or?F Tr. Wh.t T r ?'A hT-v. }. : Xyster. >us L:?"t?Har-^ My-:-'y f Ha-ty Ar w?Gr r. Ripplir? Raby?Flctther. B \ Br O; - ^eirn. jgfair Next Dv ?Grcca. M Mystery?Lin. ?ln. 1 iI ^ ? Turk:nzt -n. : :t stone. V. - - For Wk' Bau'.-i' Im Lantern?Dailey. Ur L> r?W Tr.- V 'jn.' A:..-Kan on tne Trail ?H ^ V ^ Mar W Fell Thr -zh the Fart". ?Well?. ri.-h: i th, F . ng ?ircu R:ckr. .^-ker. The a* f Go!i ? McNeil. L".r..ulai Starr.a.-e?Rinehar*. Th- " .-t Steward?Debar. Hav.-Se'.atine. b rtune"- Fool?Sebatine. WaT : f K : Lune - Brarnah. Mr. and Mrs. Sen?Bramah. S a: let H..- 1?Gilv.n. N >r*viand Tales?Boyeser. Great Hunger?Boger. Pi;?Hay. <i:-at Prince Shan ? Opp.rh eirn.* i j7 ""White Shadows in the South Seas ?O'Brien. Malory's King Arthur and Hi? Knigfatfc?SJallorytis;? The Voice of the Pack Marshall, j The Wreck Hunter-?Wheeler. The B >y w ith U. S. Naturalists? Whtekr. The Light Keepers?Otis. Twi? I.ittie Savage??Set on. Daniel Boone. Backwoodsman ? Lindsay. In Kentuiy wnth Daniel Boone? Wild N'eighb ?rs?Ing- rsoll. You /Bettors law me your car around to our garage It will pay yofi to do this for it some minor trouble which if ret ol' time and money and beside* . You'll admit that what we ben why not take time right now r-tbook. ' ' ? tor Company -OPPOSITE L. it N. STATION tgcacy For Durant Cars ND SUPPLIES t, N. C. THE CHEROKEE SCOCT. ! San. the E.e.-han*.? Mober; Co Woader Bw :<* ?f H?Bali F. : r.> -a C:_- ; ? Sald-wrlr ?. A;v r.t--*..* w r -r-fo-.-tci F ? Brain >: ry B < Troi- Murray N\.:ur ; -.cries Tel: Chi'dr ? W ,.j F* * r< Every Chili sh - i Kr. *?St.* a T-e L -i \ r?R. : Tr; 7 r?Gerry. Th Ra?- Mighty D? r - I* ?G .jer*;v Ar a:. B y,- Har.dy B can: H .-.v : V... Tl. g?Wiliar:-. iiur CavrTMt Dopp. B-:' Mr. Wine -ad Madam R^; : - ' - " Px-:.r C ttoa T-1 _ ?3 jr ? A : - - f < 1 r T . :? * Bur*---. A B. - r B ar?B. ffes.-. &, T. 1 : - : Prlrkl. P r-.. ? r?-._ - M r.tu - f Jerry Mtiskrat Bu~ ". Adv r.* : . - : U: ' P. --jr.? B " A : P. V :?B .r- vvv A^v C ?t>- r. H d : rr ! Purg A 1 v.* - ' S- -.rr.;* Jay?E-Aiv -i Grr ifath.r rr.?'- ?' ?Burs i?. : ' : A: ?ntures ? Johnny Chuck? : B- g---. I* A :v- - : Danny Mou? ? I*'-4* Bursts. T'v Ar. f Mr. M !. L Adventf 0 i Man Coy .,te? Burg W NOTICE OF SALE K dr By vi-tue '* a ce-tain judgme -1 A docketed :n the of the Clerk tefi f the Super: ': Court -f Cherike fum unty in Judgment Docket 1 * at rcsu Pare 51'" tr undersigned Comr-.'s- Hob -n-r will r ?ile at pu:' i action. ' %i?h. to the highest bidder at th^ ?' >ur: Hous-* Door in Mr- r phv, N 1 . at 11 A. M . on the 22- i dt * ribed pr operty, to-wit: eloc A - ruin flume and right- >f ^ i ^ thereof, in Cher>kec- County, leading jtej from the top of the m >untain n ar the i^. gap at the line between Cherokee and Craham Counties to the Southern i.inr Raiiway near hiarbie. used heretofore aft. hv A. T. Dorsev Lumber C ?. and the Bryson City Bank in getting out lum- jait ber and w .oi ;.r ducts from their operation*. \j And >n the 23rd day of May. 1925. v >l t. ?aid Commissioner will offer f >r sale g.., t. the highe-t bidder for cash, at publie auction, at the Court House door ,t vj ir. Bobbin svihe. N. C.. at 11 A. M.. enj the following descibed property lo- ., eated in Graham County: A certain railway and rights of way thereof, heretof re operated and used by the A. I. Dorsev Lumber co.; and the Brvson City Bank, in petting At out lumber product.- from their op- C? erations in Giaham C untv. This the 22nd day of April. 1925. FRANK S, HILL I :x C Mumi-.-i ?ner Ove 1-1~-4:--SAC ? an - fairer sex bank They can make us foals or sap <; p, They are witches I implore. gl They can make us lose our wages, (['ash Or can make u-? tarn the more. a) ha They may call us slave or mast* r. tr. With the same n >cha!ant n id: Cash They can drive us down to Hades, They can lift us up to God. Chec They can make us bitterly weep. They can humble us like a child. They can mak us with preat joy Cap? le?P- Surp And turn our frown into a smile. Cd They can run for office. ^ And they can eet the votes, ^ But they can't harvest the wheat Nor can they sow the oats. _ m Dem I implo-e they are witches Cast And if we men don't mind. They'll be wearing the breeches. And we'll follow behind. CLARENCE VOYLES Coui DR. HUMPHREYS* J, , Zflr, | f * | ? | T "4 J me 1 ?URPHY. N. C. unty Court in Sess:on Here Monday general C - ' *-?r i - r. u ir sesherc r. M r.iay ; w=ek. w v: Ax: . - c i v ? v F 0. C rist - i;:.: r. r.^r the r.: r* it".; -t.r.t cafe? w-j- the Stat-- au~s " -t 7.: Burr the Pea htree a-.d -e t r.s wh was -harged with f. re t *- -x ar. i fields. . : that Burnf tt - t fin to w ar.j field- wfc: h burned - v-ral hur. iri ?. aze i-j : -- : ?: raeth.r.c like *: twenty th.usand d i'.ars. ?a- urd ffuiltv ar.i ?--li I four m aths - the road. ."h- ev ir.-. t - - _i - was r.y circudspSgtir'."* -a.: i?'.-.r:-t.-;-her the- lay. "but - f i.r. - w>rk i u; va* -v ry j ,:a:\ a- ; we prory r : a tea.- r.ab d >u'.; that irte:- iant ?z_ *; - i t be the first c nvic.r the a ^ t f putting i'tre in the county, especially In ?rr. up c r.v;..:, irrra-rd ; ;.v. - : c? appeal. \ Remarkable Herb H h - \ -n kr owr. a . It r.a? been mu.h used purifying quul;t> * in the .f Leprosy. Eru: :: >n> and >?%. Orwin ciutr-.i-nded it hitrh .e /ment ofWsortasij. *he la-* few y -ars this herb r. di-- v red erowirj ;n Ea-i and Western I.-ui-iana an i i* f >a?-d it- vurifyine ;>n?perv. almost - -iely iu * * it- ui r. the kidneys. :iu f -r th? interestirx ^>f dw *.ery. Six butties of Hobo ley and Bladder R -ntedy cost $G. mall price to nay f >r relief from ibk- pain and aifny. M ?ney r led if not entir ly -satisfied with !t> obtained. o Medicine Cp., Beaumont. Tex MARTIN'S* CREEK"2"^ - v. \V. T. Clark preaehel an instine Mrman Sunday at three <>'r. D. F. Burchfield and family vUfr.encs :r Robbinsville one day w?.k. r. Ernest Huehe.?* entertained a e crowd with a ssncrin-.: Sunday moon. ? -"r uvuikc ? wiuirmnan* spent weekend with hi- unolv, Mr. Geo. rs. Victoria Jenkins of Robbingis visiting her sister. Mrs. I). F. h: ield. iss Leila Martin of Murphy was -it'?r h- re Sunday, with his sifter. Mrs. A. M. Sids. Report of the condition of RonL of Murphy, in the State of North rolina. at the cloie of business April 6. 1925 RESOURCES is and discounts _ 278.828.26 drsf* - un.-eourf d. *71.24 ed States Bondid Liberty Bond*. _ 5,750.00 ir.g houses. $2,209.00; irniture and Fix.. .458 3.067.00 in vault and net mounts due from nks. bankers, and ist companies.. .. 118.622.22 items held over 24 urs . .. 1.500.00 ks for clearing? . 5.736.36 TOTAL 414.175.08 LIABILITIES fcal stock paid in 30.000.00 !us fund 15.000.00 ivided profit*, less rrent expenses and xes paid . ... 2.510.32 >sits subject to check. dividual 116.071.67 and certificates deposit ... 230.S33.93 tier's checks outandine 19.159.16 TOTAL 414.175.09 e of North Carolina, tty of Cherokee. April 15, 1925. I?. E. Bayless. Cashier of the e named Bank, do solemnly ir that the above statement is to the best of my knowledge belief. L. E BAYLESS. Cashier, ect Attest: A. B. DICKEY. J. M. VAUGHN. A. H. FROWN. Directors, ibscribed and sworn to before this 15th day of April. 1925. J. D. MALLONEE. Notary Public. K? . : V E* ITEMS Mr. i Mr Da atertaii- 3 - i a nurrv * f ir^ir rr;-r at an Ea-ter .. <.-r Saturday night. Bellv >? .V ;z-t ? u- : hud ? very interesting pr .t'jr.iay m jrnin -. ?? Mr. Frank A-.: r- f Sh-.tia? Creek in ai->ut t-A wevkEvery - - rry : hi::: :eav> Mi*? L'jci! ? Pa*, -n. Mr. Vr .r-.k Y . ne and a -*r?wi -f bay *fram Behv: a- rvi ie a t:i; t Bla:--\ i'.ie. Ga Sunday R V. T. N pr - I h-i at "he P : Sunday nieht. T -r- wa a iirgr - cr >?d oat r h,iLL NOTiCZ OF BOND SALE f T : - T : *: N rt>. Car ?:na *a . . ; :? - ,1> until th- -* : f April at nir.?* *. ! /.< A. M. for th purchase .f f.v- th ? -! i ar- x per cent street l^p'Tv cn-ient bonds. inter! _-*: pay-^-ru-annually. said bird' ;..* : ur.d r th?? nun: i"..'. (ntr.ce a a-d maturing serialiy a.* follow*: . r ? th u =:=.-:i dollar* ' mat ," e~ :h j .r. ; . nr.:<r thr. years ' fr " I-j.' f I-sua* > . f ?r x:?en y a--. 3 i tw > th .. and ci- IIir{yearly thereafter until the entire am* j.-t ' :* -ai l bond* -- .II have b en - .. Principal ard in:--- -r t> be in'., such bssk 2? rhs. 1 ho jo-JI '-isrnatei by the purchaser. Balder* trust present with their bid a cer-if?d check" upo- an incorp-rat' : bank r trust i mpany. payable t the order of the municipality, lor make a deposit in cash in lieu ; ther?.- .:. of two per ce:.t of the anv unt of -aid bond*. Bids will b. - -per.. d and bonds - Id ! .it A. M. A; r . "Jsth, at th ffi of the Mayor : Murphy. N C. n the Library bnildnu in said t ?wn. The riaht is reserved t reject any or Thi- April 16th. l.'J". B. W. SIPE. Town Clerk Murphy. N. C. \N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. SIX PER CENT. STREET IMPROVE, MENT BONDS OP THE TOWN OF MURPHY. NORTH CAROTIN \ PF IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD j OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE i TOWN OF MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA: Section 1. That f r th purpose of providing funds with which to imnrove the streets of the T.?u.-n ..t* Murphy by aiding not less than six , feet t<? the width of the concrete pavement to laid on tin- State Highway No. It) from the Louisville ;& Nashville Railroad Company's del?-i iu uiv tui|nuuir tttmts oi mv Town at its North Eastern Boundary there shall b? issued and sold negotiable coupon bonds of the Town of Murphy to the amount o: Twenty Thousand Dollars, the said bonds to bear interest at the rate of six per cent, payable semiannually, and to mature serially in the maximum period of twenty years, one thousand dollars of said bonds to mature each year, beginning three years after the , date of issuance, for sixteen years, j and two thousand dollars yearly thereafter until the cntre amount of ! j Pain In Ba "17OR A LONO J -I ?ays Mrs. Dora Payne, 4 of Huntington, Tenn., V 1 felt listless, tired and J worn-out 1 did not feel like g doing my work, visiting or afktrtllinM 1m MIIT uiaiK. ? 1 suffered much pain in my back and sides. My 3 limbs hurt, my knees would ^ tremble without apparent J cause and 1 would have to ^ sit down. "1 was very nervous. ... ^ I would have a tired, dull M headache. I J "1 had read so much about' Cardui I asked my husband | CAF J The Worn* Hwiwrw FRIDAY. APRIL 14. 1*25 ii i bonds shall have been paid, an<1 iar such "late and - era dj ,y resolution. deterrr.ine. Section That a ufficit* I pay the principal and interest o! -aid vis shall He annually ley. i and collected. - n 3. That a^laterr. ,-r.t of l] ty - '. -er. filed v. :th |hc Clerk of tie .nici polity and is <%uen f .r public Section 4. That the or per. f ?r which -aid bond ire to be J i -1 twenty years. 5- *.i .r. ">. That this rdinanct -hall take effect thirty day- after its first publication, unless in the mean. V". a petition for its it- -u n;jssioa n : aw. ar. i that in - ach vent ft take eflVct when ap; - -d by - - f the murkipality at an - , . . Th f >reeoing ordinance \v;?? e ; 'he l*>"h day f Apr!'.. 1925, ar: ... ? first published on : l<Jtb .* .iv " April. 1925 | Ar act: n or proceeding qu<-*tioa. li lt> sa 1 . nanct must b- mmenced within thirty i.iy- af'cr its first publication. B. W. SIPE. j Clerk <n lt-tm? GRAPE CREEK * Th.- Sunday Sch ?>i here - pro. pr uressinir nicely under the :nan? nt : N. R. Reece. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Carroii hare returned from Gastonia. I I r - preach at Hiawa&se Church third Saturday and Sunday in Apri . Mlsse* Daisy and Carrie Carroll wei v sit< s at Grape Creek Sunday. Mr. H"a ird Peak has recently returned from Ga^t^nia. f Keep Well fi Avoid Sickness I m TAKE I IDRANDRETH; gli im. ma PILLS I g 0?*09 11 M Tia. I U tb* blood and k#?p 70a w?iL 2 W For Constipation H Indigestion, Biliousness, ?. ] M Vmm.takU. arrwiiiMMiiiJ CHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADTE3 I r I Aik 7 r i>n?|4i? for CH1-CRKS-TH S A DIAMO:;d BKA.ND PILLS in *kd aaJ/>\ Cold metallic tested wiU? Wx\W R.''' n. Till !>0 OTItL |m ?f I??f \/ Drwlrt ?.<_ uk _f?# year* regarded ? Be*t.S*fe?t. A'wtyt Rr'.l't&la SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE J?t3 You May Win $1,500 If you are able to make th? mart words out of the letters contained in the words "Toilet Necessities." A total of $3,000 in cash prizes will bfl awarded to competitors in this Great Word Building Contest Send stamp for circular and rules. Address, Sheffield Laboratories, Dept 12, Aurora, Illinois. <35-4t-jws) ck & Sides |f to get it for *. The very M first bottle seemed to help LI me. After the second .. . 1 PI was better than I had been U in months. I certainly can r| praise Cardui. U "I have taken three bot- m ties. Now 1 hardly wait, ||M when the sun shines, to IEI garden. I am feeling fine." M Similar results to those de- U scribed above have been re- VI ported by thousands of other K| women. Cardui's 40 years |F] of success should encourage U you to give it a thorough ?] trial for the relief of any M common female ailments. IE] I For sale everywhere. M idim! mi's Tonic B Trrrrti'g

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