FACE TWO ' WHAT'S nI i ? *" ': x-7>X ' 'ir f i i \ \ ' $ C-' ^ ^ | ^ i j % ^.occil anc i T r-k-c" >-.? PCk ! - . -i. - - -..J 1. - Biiirairm Ay*-" - TS; ; ?H-. H, I er. n-.' av.T-.: - " : A. L. I "El... / \ i-' T-* Hfiv r *2 . : r . v ?*** wr-: nrietb . u ; per V _ B I r M ' : K Britain - - - att< n ng . : rerurr* : h y--' T- - e W&5 y :f ' - v. . ..... ! . -?ri :rrr.r. nturned her; >' h ? e H - ? -rings ;h.- wee!-: after, v:?:::r.g frier- p.r : * !ativ*c on; ' Peachtree. A. . - . :.! -M " rr.d C. T. Sa* iers and Sirs. ( > F x f " Ga?: - . ; - ; - r;:* -t r. o.e s * " - O having attended tee funeral of Mrs This Label P P thing to do ?to buy your from Your Nearest Authorized f IE USE ;r:? IK ^it /Personal % /. A ~ r. : ?' nT r< - t ? - . ; - - * : v r_- ? .* - : t*r H I s: ~ - r : '" * T " ? -?*.. ? .r. f I G . Mr-, h 1 I- - : ? F:r B. h :< y :,r.i m : y f Murphy w?r* nttrM at : M * : Mr>. T. L. r -r r. A; : " _ "h Mr. - . - r Mr O. M re ' -i " ~:ay r.k'ht if:, r an ' - * * their !?fhter in F . ; .. .-x - " affet . Mr . L. I ----- r 23: . '.t. h : or f their rather, Ir. A. B. I-. x, rr. r feeir.g : rth :y irr -rsary. The - i v . Nrtti r- k-y -Mr- W. H G '-.zz'.z'r* Mr:ckev jnSi her - n wi-h ? RDER YOUR PLANTS DIRECT FROM THE GROWER Gevvr- Isr.pr ed Nancy H . . arc YES THEY AP.E NOW FAI V ANT AM SHIPPING KYP.Y I AY. I: v ... : v . >: b* 7 ir.sv j-Iants 0 cents -r r v .. per :r. .-ar. . YKTOR BEEN. A: ma. Ga. v-Tt-vc ? rotects You V w rrhis Label is your Guarantee of Value rora Dealer THE CHEROKEE SC< Br * v ^ ZA- 'L. IX ?9f A- ZJT =**:- **G ?* :v ^ ' X" "-: 5is>** S*.tf __ ^ ?> ?* :>" 'i <' >: % : T. N B.r- f PaaspMr. V " * - Mar-: t- - - w D i -T-.. r. v- h:S T- : Vnakt. -i Mr Tr. -as H M:P. * : ' -r-:- N. '7 are -* : . - - T.?.:r-; nneci - - bis duties s = r - i : ? >*.-* - H rr.-sray " c = y - - i ? ' Orr' -" . Mr W mx : l. Andm r f H vjile war a - ss b?m vfcitor I- t * H T V M . W I - - f '.* H '! " N * r.T - " Lu . Mr K v. M - ' V- s cl#; !r. Ls'i r G.f: r ar. " v : h r.., f ;h ' r-ra in : > ; O. 1. w i. it ktr 1 a- . Memorial Coir.s To Be Put On Sale July 3 A-.:?r.v?. Ga . Arri: 27?Dstail? :f the : ier w h r. - tha- v ark-- :r. .-"tat- - . - C. r.r at? Mer H. E'' liars, recently ntlnted by the United j J | State? G-. -rr:r..r.t. were anr. arced , revri..'.;. R- t r. Ma: : ' 'hair-. - r.us : > .'her. Ban - - ' remittee. - -;r - ifigh' tr.L r .: 'the : I Sin-.ultsneou? release o< the Mem *. . : ::r.- r:..-. ! > a", v-.r the i Ceiled Slates r. th rnsng f July j ";.r- . mete in*. "ranks : - r-ratn ar- au\- rized * r- :n rr:if:eate> f Hi.fr -rt.f: er.tit'.'.nz their r:-".d.r-= >s r. at a *. :.anks :r m. July 3. i Ir. a ir:ular addrr = -eu : *"> heads f all S >uthern Banks, the plan is out- '. '..nee. : "Previous to July 3rd there will be : iters ifc'the ?' .r.federate Merr.-riii". :r. every city ce t ,t-;? en*..: -.-p the hilier. r r .. to: July rd. t an equivalent nu:r.': r > i the yU-j-.: C:r-. 1. r-h*. 5 wiH the .. through. tw- ager. ies: "a?The C ?mr ercia". ' n each eomraunhy - p rating in this na-| lien-wide di-t:- ration. "S?-Volunteer crgar:r.t: -s f E ubl -minted citizens, whi it are to | he f .rr..: i sre-r the d:r- :. n f the >- -t v nu * . A>- ia; "i r. and the auspice? >'f a nationwide c-e mitter- cf trpon? r>. The ai] trr,*r.t cf coins to individu-' .".!? ar.d famines th-ruah the f*omrr. r a! Ban.-:- will b-cin l- - n &? these institution?! have forwarded] their initial order? and received their quota of coin? from the District Re-serve Bank, and have hem sappKni with the necessary coin certificate?.** ' Every Commercial bar.!-: :? inviindex of the sentiment, not only of the South but of the nation, the demand for the coins will far exceed the supply available a: this time, since a part of *he coinage lane i? beinjr reserved by the Association for future needs. I DL"T MURPHY N. C 1 - tc-6 s '- [ ~E C-:CD ^ : \\ f??? <*? ' J -I J^i ?> ?? I - ? i \ - a:: - ?ay t: r. a? a: Let FC Lufcric oil tha an oil I "Stand rerined with tl sistenc: the frc using i our o\\ it is he You wi you ch job of I "ST *Polari rSTAN r MONEYEvery Day is a Mo samples - I R . Pr- . An rpcrt .r.i is *r:v-n y:>u *. .--..-ire r;e of th?: reau'.if j: and useful Lamp? C " f:r r.\ :. ... .. $2 S Pr *. ? ?;ips in pat:err?? A ..6! L: ; Su r Vest- .. 1< 1 _ Pr.th < . :h< - . ... 1 1 iXSw : . n- White Oxford ?r* . . . $1.4 Spec':-.' Sale on ?.:! W xer..-, Mis'. e? and 1 New Sprin Hat?. Get Our Price? Before yo Buy. CANDL1 Phone No. 35 r JtSSa --1-~ ~ -i" V ' s / '*\ ^ i v * ? i _.- I f L j ^ T ^ - i ? US alien of the Ford calls tor a t reaches all bearing su'tace that fits the Ford car exacth. lard" Polarine Motor Oil i I tor Ford cars and none othe: le same care that has place, ies of "Standard" Pol. rine M ?nt rank of rcu tor oils. We t experimentally on private n fleets of Ford car-, until tter than other oils for Ford' II notice the difference immei ange to the new oil. for it doc: ubrlcating everv Ford it getfcND/ ne MOTO! DARD OIL COMPANY 1 handler SAVING ney-Saving Day at this ?not room for hundre HOUSE APRONS :y - AA 5c Zm \ ^3 W 1 10 Doz. prevr House Api.;i p j Gingham? ar.d Percale?, nice u Trimmed. Regular Pr:ee $1.00Special 6! ER'S DEF i ? FRIDAY. MAY I, 1925 It Had a Kick in J % ?A"Z-1 /" r?u* t-EB I / -E 0 ' ? ^ Cwt ocr ? ' ^: ! r k-^ - ' :' your | rice I free-flowing f E s. We have Jr Fords is { r. It is made tk i other con- H lot. - Oils in Fj have hecn H cars and on t\e are sure 9 iiatelv when BJ I thorough I a chance at. tRD" & n 11 5 1"'. I Veu1 JcTsrvl 5 "S SPECIALS Store. Here are a few ds of others Pair? W' *neas Oxfords Worth ?Tur? and Patent T.eath-r?: ?;.re*? V :t - . $2.98 A .rex i:ne : N?w Broad Cloths r. th- N'tw C - ! r? ? 50c w N Gin gl am and Percale Pre? . . $1.39 Extra Larce R n.-ant p- . - 89c y ' ^ ard? Dress Ginirhams? Yard .. 7c W noer.5 Belts, all New i*. Patterns ? . 50 and 25c \r ? 15 Xew Silk Dresses, worth nj> to 9c $10.00 ^ $5.98 r. STORE Murphy, N. C.