friday, may i, ims aged wehutty WOMAN DIED LAST , THURSDAY NIGHT, I WEHUTTY, April 27.? Funeral ; services for Mrs. Josephind Cotter,) age 77, who died suddenly at herj i om? here Thursday night from heart! ailure, wire held at h r home Sun-'day, conducted by Rev. George Pass-' mere and interment eras in Zion Hill cemetery. Mis. Cotter was well known throughout this section, and the . many friends of the family sympathize with them in their bereavement.,: survived by her husband, |i A. J. Cotter ten chldren, four boys i and six girls: Mrs. Alice Cutchor, ..f Etowah. Tenn.; Avery Cotter, I.a--; llette, Tenn.; w. D 1 tter, Ki ville, Tenn.: Mrs. Mary Bryant, Blue ; Ridge. Gn.; Mrs. Malicie Pack, Dab- i r y. Ark.; J. S. Cotter, Athens, Tenn.; Mrs. Emer Duncan, Crandall, 6a : .lohn Cotter, Athens Tenn.J Mrs. flora Simmons, Ducictown, T<nn.* Mrs. Lucretta Cottc, \Y? hir y. N*. ales a large number oth r IrOUGHS I Apply over throat and chest ?swallow small pieces of? WICKS v Vapohub n,-,r . - Million Jut, Ufj 1 5 SliiL[1I_I>' ^ r cr* (~;t*f ,r* Paregoric, Teething mf prepared to relieve Infants in a jjj Constipation I Flatulency 'i. Diarrhea /lids in the assimilation of Food, pr I# Natural Sleep witho To avoid imitation*. always look for the Proven direct < ??-?rh package. P I Valet Th | AutoStrop Sha? Razor CC!| [ ? Sharpens Itself FnrS?i? H ffij Brighten Yoi S SB Wi*h Cooledge T TAS your bathroor B XJL cracked and worn? BB Ba ^ lost the shiny whiten UB tractive when new? |B|H In a few odd moments original beauty with a c ^BB En^nel?very durable. RS soaP ar,d water. Moder BflRBjv | Also uspvd foe Staircase ^D|^H Furniture. BHJH Ask for free booklm?m BRjtTTAIN & IN HHK BuiHeri Hardware. P Murphy relativos and friends. "Tis hard to break the tender cord.' When love has bound the heart, , 'Tis hard, so hard, to speak the [ words; Mother, wc must part. 'Dearest Mother, we have laid thee In the peaceful grave's embrace. But thy memory will be cherished, < Till we see thy heavenly face." , ?A FRIEND. MARTINS CREEK A large crowd of folks .young an i' old were entertained with an Easter i <upper at the home of Sheridan Stiles on last Saturday evening. Af. tvr the feast was over everybody was Full of good humor and boiled tggs. i The nee we proceeded to the horv f Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sinior. \vv .ve enjoyed some rer.l in1- w Mrs. Simonds at Uie Af: the music all i ar: r-ici :,nrn mrilh musical i .ir and pet tts sa . Tied. Mr. ^ -' n S up of Young Har(' i ? c visited home folks the weekend. Miss Madge StaU'up spent the! Easter hoiidavs with honv* folks. ' Miss Clara Cunningham of Farner H uh School hu? returned homo. Mr. '"lnvcnee Voyless of Farner li"h School, Farner. Term., was a ! WRjgX r v m a is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, rms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stoina'-h Regulate Bowels omoting Cheerfulness, Rest, end itt Opiates ~ signature of C&ts^/y/o&LAL: hysicians everywhere recommend it rwsvr"? T-TmucHBaai e Sale; Ba~or that * petu *. ^'va Oiadas 9 hirit if <v .^ r^.o-T Sj i ! All Staret SdliiM; Kamra and lllaiiet I (( wut ij i \jvjui mi ! White Enamel n woodwork become B9 Yellow in spots? Has HSj ess that made it so at- ^B you can bring back its H oal of Cooledge White ^B ind easily washed with ^B ate in cost, too. i ^Bj s. Mouldings. Doors, B t and color cards. 1AYFIELD & aint*. Oils, etc. n> .i' t scoui " ~ ! CATARRH Ce'-.rrh l-i a Lc-al disease rreatly influer ed by Constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE conlitu of an Ointment which Rives Quick Relief by !o al application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts throuph the B'.^od on the Mucous Surfaces and assists in ridu.r.g your System of Catarrh. Sold by dnifplcta for over 40 Years, r. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. visitor to Martin's Creek lest week-j end. Mr. Will Donaldson end family visited Mr. J. B. Martin l;.?t Si Jay. Miss .. rt; W.vnt .' Hi. v S.nao -; cnt v.. . .... i Iks. Mr. G yon v"si :d our com:rrjn-| -iy ti e ; .st -. ek. Mr. Sheridan Stiles has beer suf I t ; r.y Horn a severe ease of mumps. ? WILL ROGERS ADVERTISING WRITER When Will Roeers' bones are inches beneath the sod hi? stone will' bear n new epitaph. There will h i.v niv.iiiuu ui ms mme as cow pun-' her, no praise of his gift of hunn r ' no eulogy of his career before t Follies bright lights ami Kleig lights. Its going to be an original epitaph, the one and only one ! in the world. It will "lead: WILL ROGERS "An Honest Ad Writer" Will I; out his shingle "n th advertising profession by agreeing' to write Bull Durham advertising. For the first time in the history of th? printed word, a copy writer was! given carte blanche to s:iy \\hatver ht wishes about a p- >>'ice. Rogers was t<, write as h felt. T? first startle he gave the ad vert sine world was to write a testimonial advertisement about Bull Durham, in which he talked of nothing but c ross word puzzles*. "Everywhere ymi go. iv rybody is figuring out a Cross Word nuzzle. Nobody i - working or even exercising. America will the next w: r but win the next puzzle cutest. it's the greatest crnz*- that has hit the duntry since Prohibition. "People savs to me 'Why Will, you f 11 n't understand. It".- an education. It learns you more ways to say one word.' If you know one way to say a word, what do you need to knew any more for. Nobody is going to give you something for nothine-. I /!??? * care now ntany ways ynu lor :t. This puzzle ha." done thing. It has learned us which is horizontal and which is vertical." This paper is fortunate to bo amone thoca in which the Bull Durham advertising is running. The next time you see an advert'scment headed "Bulls Eye.,- read it. We guaran tee it will m??Ve yru laugh, nr. tor if you're su fit ring with chronic dyspepsia. Or.o hundred farm hi-> - . f Cumberland county linvt exp I n desire to join one i f the agricultural dubs being organized i 1 ' hat county hy fatm age it N. B. Stevens. -e .. and/l ev > >> t? ;f th eottcn. seed will germinate well. There will be 140 acres of velvet beans planted in some cf the peach orchards of Richmond county, states W. H. Burton, county agent. Tom Tarheel says his baby girl seems to be in better health since the home agent started the serving of hot lunches at the new schoolhouse. The boll weevil will do heavy damage in North Carolina this season unless proper measures are taken now to keep the post under control advise agricultural extension workers of State College. No Account Generally Mrs. P. D. Nelson, of Lake Charles, La., writes, "It was along time before we found out what was the matter, I wanted to sluep all the time, suffered | with my eyes, backache and headache. Had no energy and was no account generally." Doctor examined me and said I had Bright'? Disease, but could do mo no Erood. I took Hobo Kidney and BlndJer Remedy and was healed." The Hobo Medicine Company, Beaumont, Texas, guarantees a treatment of six hottlcs to give entire satisfaction or they will refund the $f?.00 Price $1.20 per bottle or six bottle? for $6.00. For sale by all druggists. r, MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF ELECTION |tl K At an adjourned meeting of the | ' J5i regular ue? of the Mayor and Board A Commissioners of the Town !tr of Murphy held on Wednesday, April ( 1, a municipal election wa? duly or-' dered hold on Tuesday May 5th ^ 192'. for the purpose - r lec-tir.g a; Mayor and six *n t..!-er ' n Bo .rd I of Com. . s. sa: I r, to be ; ' : :i * r- ng the VJ f r ld!n? said j lee .. ' . iluloiiee is appointed ' i'.tg . :.nd Sid Perdley and Will ,} ?. ^re appointed judge?; of saidjfJ .-lection. Th-: regis!r^t: n hooks of ?1 the T wn of Murp.-.y : < rd.r<d k \< ' y, opcr. fcy 'h Reei-' : r -T. W |?j 'Davidson's . re for the ' < gist ration i :* A c.II rsons entitle .i i register - r April IS - tr 25th incln- v:. , B\ order of the Mi'.yr and Board |t. f C o:v.m. ?<k r ers. H J d B. to* SIRE. IJ t' Treasurer jjJ EXECUTOR S NOTICE n | > Havir.c GUui. i * i as Executor an- tl der the vi 11 of the Estate of il.-zc- rv kiah Thurman Ilamny. late if Cher- !' okee County, North C#o!ina ?. : n-.tiiy all per n having claims i it ..gains* he Estate of the said Heze-'y kiah Thunnn Harnby, decet.?- d to'n "hlbit them to th' undersigned at t! : y offi( In Murphy, Cherokee t( , Coraiy, N. C. oa or before the 12th d [day of Arrii 1920 - this notice will e . j leaded !r. : < t" their recovery. Ail per- r.- indtbtt I to the said cs- y late will ; lease make immediate i! payment. This 11th day f April 192.". T J. H. McCall, ts Executor of the E-tate of Heze- b k'ah Thu-rnan Har.ihy, ? .cased. t! ?30 Gt-Mo) NOTICE OF SALE UNDF.R DEED OF TRUST b mult having lr_? n made by Magtriv Moss and husband. San s. in payment > f the indebtedcdness secured by a deed of trust xecuted by them to th- undersign id. as trustee, dated August 28th. 1328, and registered in the office of thi Ren inter f dcids of Cbiokee County, in llook 7 J at page 349. and also in Rook ' ngo 3 .VI. the undersigned will, for the purpose of satisfying the sa d indebtedness. ffer f r sale at public auction on Monday June 1st. 192."?, at the court i ? door in Murt.hv. V C. at 11 i. A. -il- the latiiu rnnwi <? <J. described as follows: The said lands brine located and situated in the Town of Murphy. and on the East side of the Public II ?ad that leads to th?* H- s rvotr of the Town of Murphy on Fain Mountain, bijrinnlr.j* at a locust at the turn of the road about three hundred feet c,..r fii.ii i?-, m. r'.; >? ?!> turn of the public rood and runs with the meanders ?.f the roar! in a South West direction about eight feet to n hickory stump on the East side of the road; then in a South East direct in: with the drain of the hollow to the line of N"< . Six; tli -n with tin Number Sis line North one hundred yard- (more or less) to a locust p? st to the corner of 1?<>'? Palmer; ther with B<'? Palmer's line hack to the beginning, containing ont acre, more or It ss. This April 30th. 1925. I. .E .BAYT.ES. Trustee. (38-4t-pd) NORTH CAROL!N \?Cherokee County Superior Court. Before the Clerk Wofford Terrell Co. vs. W. C. Dills. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. To the defendant, W .C. Dills: You are hereby notified that an action n l'? d a- ihov tha h>-en begun I?: ti e Superior Court of Cherokee County to recover against you me s:in? ''I ^i-o.u-j wiui micros; from August 1, 1023, unitl paid, the <:ime being amount due for goods, wares and merchandise sold and delivered by plaintiff to you on your order: that the summons therein has been made returnable on the 30th day of May, 11*25. and that an attachment issued a? the same time as the summons has been levied upon all your right, t tie and interest on a certain lot at Wesser Crrek in Swain Count v. formerly occupied by you as a mercantile stand, and said levy having bee. duly docketed in the office of the Superior Court of Swain County, which warrant of attachment is also returnable on said 30th day of May. 1925, and you arc notified that unlcs? you answer of demur to the complaint within the time allowed by law, which complaint will bo filed on or before the return day. ic relief therein demanded will b' ranted. Witness E. E. Davis, Clerk of the uperior Court, at rffice ig Murphy, lis April 29'h. 1925. h. E. DAVIS, C. fc. C. J8-4t-I)-H) s'otice to Tax Payers Of Cherokee County Tax listing time is drawing close. n. fart the various tax listers for the :.riou? To-.vnships have their notice? ut stating the time and pin - they :?! meet you. We if putting this notice in foi" l-cnefit of all tax payer-. The iw provides that every man or woman mt has personal or real estnte our list taker tit one of these plac< pat is most convenient for you. end has been the custom and it is grow jr very rapidly to neglect thi' matM* end go to Murphy to list your ixes some time later. Now th< law ocs not make this provision but does rake the j.r'\*is:on that "en man fail;g to list h' tax - he committed a :isdeir>eanor and is subject t>> indict icm ana neinp auunie tax ?!. am! this ear we ar- going to be governed oy he law. To fail to li^t your taxes ith these list takers, creates an ends's tumble to some man. not just jerely listing your tuxes but your list -t then be kept separate during the car and a tub kept of this which is o little trouble and uncalled ! r by neindividual. It only takes one tin) do this, therefore you are urged to o this and by doing you wiii save xlra cost to yourself. There will be no taxes lisied this ear except with the list taker - ai.d hat at one of these places. T have been appointed by th loard of County Commission- - as ax supervisor f--r this year, and have eon instruct'd by the bonrd to give he public this notice. so moot your M&M3 Mhl " 1 *** 9 i JK"5 ?-..! ^ '' -77ir 3tew.icihtj li h o i FOR LAt AND! EIGHTEEN HF HORSES WEIGHII 'OUNDS, AGE 5 1 BROKE AND REA TABLE FOR FAR' WORK. NOT BKO VIRGINIA HORSE CONDITION. WiL FOR OTHER STO< A. C. NEi Call or write G. T. I PAGE F"-^ WOLF CREEK The "sprinp" showers of the las!, few days have received a weleom here, a- it has been very dry lor some time. I Mr Thad Ha ! t*n of Belltow: . *;buried at PleasanthiU church Sunday afternoon. Mr. Haton had been in poor health for -i-verai months. He leaves a wif<- and four childr. r to mourn. Mrs. Maltha Hyatt b ill rcry iir with rheumatism. There ha been a 1 ' < i I'm rid fertilizer hauled to our sctii n this spring, indicating that ou iarmet? are waking up to th' r : ; in f the soil, even in our section. The statement in Inst v.eekV v' m" that the road *hrough 1 'thouse started off from rr State lin< houl'f have read "The Krankl.n Gar." The Kev. A. F. Burns of I'iu.i rville, preached at 7. -rnhiil '.ircf last Sunday. There wa- a ?' f "fl ing" through our s tion Sunday. Mr. Charles ;?!? rjran has an infected finger b - ? iuscd him a lot of suffer it r.ii 1 h - relatives no littl? concern, i the last few days. Mrs. W. < . ItaI. -w who ha- been . ooking foi a logging camp in NorthCarolina for s.-vc-ral week-. returned home last wet k. I ~~ tax lister, and list your luxes with him. A. J. MARTIN* Tax Supervisor, Cherokee Co., N*. t" (37-3t-co.) dc.C :o Ssrvic J ||j r--:1- T rmfit the * C pt ' -I : . ' ' kJ-v . I- u\k i Ml : .i " : 'e ;d li i'is, lyi pr ' o . . . * . I . id*-, i 'ir 7 . . R5JJ ' | Cert t!i: c'- * r-i ar.i t. A n^dur: . fag :2 crvrT" tc Ti-;.tl pr - 3 i, i the one material y. u Jk-; / ?e f it every t;. pe of con- g|. >* aooni thehor.v. orfat in. y i/L r our rr-il ' m. iba Sf// rrnivriaidealer can ? ' "? gvjfls \ :is hoi k which vi I fSTjjgjj build v. i-A!.. and v.\ ii. mA&]W itifod fctiwthti ...Ji <;.i' iw/o atuuunJL" c.SES SALE AD OF MATCHED MG 1200 TO 1600 TO 7 YEARS. WELL nv Trv *i7/-vr?LT r?! TI U1 IV WVKN. 3U1- I VI AND LOGGING NCHOS, BUT REAL S, ALL IN GOOD L SELL OR TRADE :k. \L & CO. 'osey, Andrews, N. C.

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