FACE SIX I BOILING SPRINGS We had - let Sob imj a sf which Tra, srreat'.v ne- :e-i Rev. N ,ah H L r.? - j and R. C. C t.i- - r a;/ here Sat;-:.-.; and S jr.-jay, Apr ! ls-2<>. Mr. *2 - -1 Ker'-.ir* :? (?* ' Cre < th- * ek-:-r.d v.:th her mother f this place. Ha:-. M.ikey f Ardr **. N. C. wa? visiting relatives here '.a.-: week Mr.and ! !:- ' T. Dav.- ar.d Mr*. Mary Dav. A. V and Ev-> Minty f place motored . Martin's Creek Sen iay Mr. W.! M y :.r. ; IN ...e of O-A. ? ----- -A :Te parents her' >.r. day. 11, A~,r ? M ^+e? . . rj P ktry - -r jr.Sunday if M : - y. ' turned -- - fr rr 7?c . - -. ih. .7 r.- Ha?- : :y : r. Wl -V it' - i -iV- Mis?"? CUftcn. end Err -: fcjjyxt f OwJ Cr*e-: wi.h n S'isiiy S:h WST' * : O*: c-- k h - a - arty t ar.-i - v. jj acy Sunday. Shippers Can Now Route Via Southern Atlanta. Ga.?J r.t ;h- - : frorr. a iare r. .:n ; *' ' f Am?r; an E.v;r-v-* r rr.rar.. f?c? of Sontk?Mtern .:re?s Louisville & Ns LOW RO SUNDA' Round Trip tickets wil at race of one fare plus stations where one way $6.00. (Minimum Rc rente * Ticksts limited FOR FULL PARTICULARS CONS | The Goldeii ?Row :[ Is Making V A A IV^O \ | MERCH T1 For the Nex i These Prices are Dresses, Dress Goods 1; Hats, Hosiery, Etc. It will pay you to i We will take pleasure makinsr Drices. Con | you buy or not. G. R. & J. MURPF Grant BIdg., next d ,? Get Rid of that Backachi Murphy Prop.? Are Fir.dsnj Th? Wa The : ^:r.;ng <4? * -. : . The wtw::.'--. tre :::c: f?e..r?a Hevi-n.-hes. d.'r - > -. rer^ras--s I/istr-j-.ng j - .nary di5-orders? Are ;f:en s.gre? . f :a:.ing k:dney And too ^er.tus :> neglectGet - i of :r. - : re tabids! Use Doan's- P. -?a stirruiar. diureci: t; :r; k treys. Hosts .f :? ;'.e r-:. D ? r' Th.s ;5 3 *. : .: j.. 35-. Mr.- C. M W ar 2< Centra Avcr.-v A>h-v;li?, N C says. "My back *a? sore 3rd .: I I c.'u.-dr**. get up without ass:-=tar. Mornings. I "**-.? a.", doubled up : : :.:r. Aft : r.r Drar's P..L-. r. - - z; str * - 05 ir;r. ..r.i r." r., r--i - ?; ." : r vent ry II. II* an .. 'i? -arj :: : .'21. . fid It : 1 -: Tnr k:dr.ey- . c . i ir.- I 1 - 1 - : :r. * r: i'.. - r. v.. . ..." : . - T *: Jifrs 2.ff_ N. Y.?Adv. r.Ti-.r -hec ly tfc^ :-.v. mpar in . r.f - ;ty with th-. P't. r. *h Ir.:-. state C rr.rr. r .e C mr:-'::be. ante eff.tiv c Wednesday. Murth 2i:h. Shippers i .-.r-.-.e : e'.v- 5 th asttfa ;:s . bsal - -z thr -z'r. W k :;? r., R -i. C :.na* L - -v Cair - - . Savannah M ia.i sow d - by #;- i* the : -:~.d a r sr.. luted th:- S-uthea?Urn's tttfr _ 6tilde Which has beer * i with the ir.t-ratita C .rr.n: r-.?*; - : placed at dis t' a. f = tni : . -rs expr- -- traffic. TV Rojtir.e Guide ' -ntair.* lists f r- Fbrida. New England Y r- New Jersey. Pe.-.nsy'.var..; I e are. Maryland. District o ' r Oh... Michigan. Indiana I - Wis: M:aa**o:a. Ivwa Nebraska and Arkansa fr - h the shipper may rctste hi BiiAff the SCBtlttltin . t the a< birr.Eted sr-. teway. In an* unr.r.jr th.- op-nine f th< thr :rh route*, president J. E ft N f - . gontWaM. :?r?at they ha J 't.e*n work d out b: ". : tw corr.par- in an effort t r.vt -'ip7>-:rs the benefit f th n. ; editious r utes f >r moving the i tr:-.ffi ishville R. R. UND TR!P Y FARES 1 i be sold each Sunday 25 cents, between all ' fare is not more than und Trip Fare 75 C iu uaic ui saie. ULT L A N. TICKET AGENT. x Rule Store f Y ran's X Very Low I on All ANDISE t Ten Days 1 * Unusually Close on | , Ladies and Childrens | :ome and get prices. > in showing goods and J le and see us whether S D. Rowan ; 1Y, N. C. oor to Murphy Bakery : - THE CHEROKEE SCC * ' V " ^ ai/fB?c\ OTTAWA O f "/tuT K?y>#? en ll Gl?f'i /~ Mxme &?!?H*C/*sti /\^r^r^^/rrjsc/. J ^ . wfMCHti / \_ r/rw *M J r*isi/*ieTT/Q ^proic/M3US srw I / ln*rtrt*/> a* j CMMltSTt. *-c/*c'*/sr*r7\ . ' \ aiafeto b, j, \ vrrr'ftrtli.eA \ av?Vt/AmT qleiihgto" t^p7 \ ^3/7/3 TO/lF"" \ %/? y nf/cri//uj * C\ q a+rj/*r/rr,sa/i/>a a o -cnn t ~*?nro mmrtfut i /~ r^t/rmwgh jn&f33*rr*s*f ri/.rjrts-ccu'o " \ kr no*7&crf?a& jff i /r/y^hius/m jyz*r/r/?'k//?sv j) ^ j Tjgp^ zg^wo/?l?/> 1 F? pa dHOT S CEISL z3*y \si/ roscoe j --V.-C oprr.**? 1 *e*t*wo*. 3~ ?y>nVer>ftl The Appalachian Scenic Highway, showing the route traversed from Quebec, Canada, to New Orleans, by this great international artery of travel which will soon be ready NOTICE I To the people of Murphy : While I appreciate the consider^ atlon of my name in connection with I the present town election, yet on acI count of pressing business affairs. I ; l*ej5 to withdraw my name. W. P. Odom ; PW. HW EH B'YP W >UT. MURPHY. N C 1 I ! \r"lS??Jc<>L??j wis I pOC^^yajtU j tie it*,f'C'vy^V. 1 10 VI TO"*} ' \ I S T JCt)rr I Sf' 1 MCUJr/rJ} ' 1K uw. FflL^.s<*&jcc* SfiCi / -l-.J-O rfeBfi/iY / ,/nvrc^ -C2?*mT/4*p,< ,UrS$C "YtfL^?"? 9***lM / \ \ *f4 r^/vfc */cftr*iOHZ>s + pKOA/VfiKE fWC#*/J T/AsyJOuftc y &1/L&5 K / A r ^ ?*g>#ic'CH pc neer/o o ono f/VGOOAfj MAfO/V C/ TY lOtt?~ ~/i 7SHEY/LLE f c.'Tyj\cOLurr?<* rxc^cc/vy/c L ? Jif 9/if LLC is' v"C/JCCr/l-LM. \. \ >9 TLfiNTfij&rt -j^.^CiJ/y *j%v C on del e q *v* j | n*L | OM^LDOSr* I rfc**s*u!&*s y ~ Ty^QC I ' ! i"V ta SJV ' &*. T TV- - *Vl ^.-^9* TjsIMPfl& * ST. P?T?XSBV&i ay jrvQ~s fw& vui-a rosso. FlA LACHIAN IC HIGHWAY ! r r-i/tftvet.. P*r?s I i rn /aw. /iJHevi-usc- t I throughout its entiru length. The' route includes Murphy, but ns yet its * location has not been entered on the map. Commencement At Cullowhee Noral ! May 27th to 29th, Cullowhee N. C.,?April 27?j I The date? of the commc ncement atj i the Cullowhee State Normal School. are May the twenty-seventh to the j I twenty-ninth. However, the annual j sermon to be preached by Rev. J. T.. Manjrum. hastor of the Methodist Church, Waynesville. will occur on 'Sunday. May the twentv-fon^h i?..r before the final1 quarterly examinations. The annual address will be delivered by President John E. Calfee of the Asheville Norman and Associated Sehols. f*1 A CLI "or Dental Gold 1 Platinum, Silver, Diamonds. majrneto points, false teeth, jewelry, any valuables. Mail today. Cash by return mail. Hoke S.i?. Co., Otsefo, Mich. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS '( Hay"sTill*. X. C.. Apr I 24th. K*2" a Ntice Is he-re* y {riven that tfc- Clay ! r C* .ir.ty Board < ' Education will re-1 bid* a? its ff :e in Hay* -vi>.! N. r . until 12 'cl' n' . May 25th. j* IS25, on the- construction * ? *tar- ' dard on* ?tory brick ver-e- : -* tj I The B ?rd of Edi: ? - r -t-rv- ; 'th:- r:?rht *. r- . ' ?-.y r a! .i- -u ; j i nvltted. I This 24th day tf April. 1925. Allen J. B?l* C ttCty 9 operlntendent f Seh fa.. |'35-4t-cbc? AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING * THE J?T/ANCE OF TWENTY 1 THOUSAND DOLLARS. SIX PER ' < TNT. STREET IMPROVEMr NT PONDS OF THE TOWN v ' OF M* RPIIY NORTH CAROj Una. PE IT ' RDAINED BY THE BOARD . Of* COMMISSIONERS OF THE T >\VN OF MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA > * r. l. Thar i r the pnrp'-e j i or v: th wl icfa to in- -rove the streets of the Town of M ;r: y a* :.-z r. : I - r - ?:s feet to the width A the concrete oaverrent to laid or the State | Highway No. 10 from the Louisville & N .- ' . . V. .td -.-pary's :? the cor] at- I mite of the IT *t at its X rth Ernst rn B undary - 'r.1s Id u- T own f Murphy to t ant i Twenty Th' f l.ir-. thl It i b Rds to ar interest at the rate of six per ent. payable semiannually, and to cat ire serially in the maximum per:* r-.vor.ty y- i.-?. ih u.-and i.-lAr- ?f -aid h ..-.-is to each year. 'ginning three j-.ars after the lit :* issuance. ?.m sixteen years. 1 ind two thou.-ar.d dollars yearly * "h -roafter until the ectre- amaant nf 5 :-aiu Unu8 s'naii nave been paid, and * -aid h"?r.dg -hail bear such date an 3 be ;s-u*d in su.h f"r:r. as th cavern b-dv of the t ?wr Murphy may. y r- solution, d-termir.e. Section 2. That a tax sufficient t pay the principal and interest of the >a:d b:r. i* shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of [the mU yi li>? said municipality | I ha- beer, filed with the Clerk of the municipality and is ouen f r public inspection. Section 4. That the probable per-' :od f us-.;illness of the improvements for which said bonds are to be is twenty years. Sin . That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its ! 1 first publication, unless in the mean-! i time a petition for its its submission ; to the voters is filed under the provis- t ion of law, and that in such event it i shall take effect when approved by the voters of the municipality at an S elect on as it is provided by law. c The forejfoincr ordinance was pass- 1 rllllllllllfli Chills, & Stoi VfE. N. A. SMITH, of 6 lTJ. Shaw, Miss., says li he can't remember being without Thedford's 1< Black-Draught liver med- o icine sines he and Mrs. a Smith began keeping V house, many years aso. t m "When we have chills," b a^J ays Mr. Smith, "Black- n J* Draught is what we use I SB and we find it just gplen- . M| did. 1 had a bad case of | M| stomach trouble I oouldn't t B at enough and wu very a weak. Everything I ate ? iTT hurt me, formed gas and I J spit up my food. I would m fed stupid or staggery. I D M? didn't feel like doing any " EB work. I knew what Black CZ Draoght had done in colds J, 15 and T began taking small ? B1ACK-DI FRIDAY. MAY 1. 1923 ^ or the 16th day of April. 233? tr. i was first published on the 16th Ly f April. Il>23 Any action or proceeding question, r.g * r validty of said or: r.ar.ce - n wi -1 aft?r fir-t publication. B. W. SfPK. ' Clerk i'-'MI I j NOTICE OF SALE if a c ertan . . igme* - i ir the office of the ? ,^-jj Superior Court of CVr fcee . fcy in Judgment Docket !? ? [>atre 316. the undsrsirned r t.tos. r..-r wiii offer for sale at public ; . * " - - the n -- ' .(j. - "he Court Do< r ir. Mar. r: N* C.t at 11 A. M.. or the 22r.d 1 i tr per'y, tr-'Kit: .. \ :air and ngh*.- f xay .1. r ' Cher kee County. leading ...-> *>p of fiie mountain itearthe 're . e between Cherokee and 'jr to the Southern . r ear Marble, used her- v fort A. T. I? -r-cy Lumber C >. and the r getting out hug. - - . - : : ?r ducts from their - p. a': i th 2 -i day f May. 1925, nisi nor wi offer f .r sale $ the highest bidder for ca=k, at pubr.. at the Court House coor K vi. < . K. C.. at 11 A. M.. fee f 11 - described property loated Graham County: A r" an rai'way and rights o! - r heretofc-e operated and et by the A. T. Lumber Co. r . e Brys a City Bar.k. ir. getting - r rr :* * fr rr their opra r- :n Graham C jur.ty. Tr th 22nd day ?.f April. 1925. FRANK S. HILL Commissioner 37~lt?SAC) Allcock] PIASTERS A KhoumiSia, l W\ l\ Lumber. r Get cotton seed from ? reliable reeder when y >u are asked to pay he prices demanded for pedigreed red. Much worthless seed is heft ri in North Carolina nowadays. sap ut. ?c.~ Y. Winters, p'.ant hraedins- aeror mist. GHIGHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND ORAWO U/jP S***ZlL AO t?r I>rVT-s Reiia~-?. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS vjr/f, EVERYWHERE xi-J. You May Win 51,500 If you are able to make the most ?rcrds out of the letters contained in , he woris "Toilet Necessities." A to* al of $3,000 in cash prizes will be Awarded to competitors in this Great Word Building Contact for circular and rules. AdIress. Sheffield Laboratories, Dept. 12, Aurora. Illinois. (35-4t-jws) fvssmrmjH aach Trouble g lose*. I certainly jot to- 21 ief. It did me lou of jood. 5S "When I jo to town. I ^3 J x)k first to see how near Itt nf -? ? ! household remedy to raOaea metipstioo, biliousness, hsdtsttion, ssd man; other simple W1 ilments. "A doas is (fane ivss nine." A doaa of Fjack- SI Tsarht costs only use teat. 1 a I our shelf. Buy Sat roar ?1 I ore. I Gat a pacts ire today. SI I (AUGHT l j