FACE SIX PEACHTKE? mews Mr. and Mr*. I* > C -rl > Wilbanks 'cfrV'- n. (j:. C spent list vrw-v ad ^ i !-. 5udderth's parent'. M . and M. - rl Sudderth. Mr#. W . ' ":.v "-Ir-.-'i ^ of Andrews are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Horace S'jddnth this week. t Walter W *t ' I.c-mon City. F!a. v ' a visiotr here. Mr<. O. T. Slayton is v-vine her r sister. Mr-. Fred Goedert ir. J.i.-k- 1 ' 'hr. F?a. Mrs. Goedert expects tr a'.-company her m me the first o: June. G c Manney v nt to Ashevi :lt> last week to accept a r. si;i<.n as lookktcper. "" r. ?.. R - r. -a-f. h r 5- c." ? f And -.v? P v. - - Plan: n.?. - 1 am: y : T_: - -see Tue.-ay. Mir - - Ma a i M Cart:.- or H::> ... here last weekt-:nl. Mr. M. T. Si. I-rth and - n. " and Mr. Billing- f Athens, Term. FARQUHAR SI | |J s lily ?^ \ j LFfei i %*& x* Write for Literature and ?ric steam on ?ireen slabs on a rj WOODRUFF MJ 92-94 FORSYTH STREET . Louisville & Na LOW ROl SUNDAY Round Trip tickets will at rate of one fare plus stations where one way S6.00. (Minimum Roi cents.' Tickets limited t FOR FULI. PARTICULARS CONSI j The Golden -Rov For the Nex v | Is Making Ppmoc I T * * l\/VO s MERCH; % 1 These Prices are 1 Dresses, Dress Goods, Hats, Hosiery, Etc. It will pay you to c< We will take pleasure making prices. Ccmi you buy or not. i G. R. & J. | MURPH1 ^ Grant Bldg., next do* V jM8|ed hert !a?t w. ek. Mr. and M s. Georv !' of opperhill visit d Mr. nr.d Mrs. H.nCrisp Sunday. Mr. A.W. And*-- n Y-?rk !' . h guest f Mr. r-r.d Mr". -J ?. 0 Satur :av and Sur.d.y. Mr. ard Mr-. R. L. Robin.- n. F1 >. anil Wiilar.i Sud ierth m *<:r-d Topoea on a camping trip la-: Mr. and Mr-. H twer Ferguson ar. jtav the birth a son on April rh who has been given t:.e name of I mer Jackson. Meb Sndderth has a sev re case f autr.ps this week. WEHUTTY Mrs F.irma Hut-rr. of Crandali. *rent last we i? : with nor fa. Mr. A. 3. < :: r. ? ! .s Mat'if Wil: ::r wh> fca- hi-. : h . nt GraysviH.r Ten-. ha? beer, -i: rsr h.r jrrr.r.k: :h-r. Mr.*. CalK :-:n- .n f-v a v.-- k. She " y for Tar. Fia. -Ir. r;r.'i Mr*. 1 at Sirr. inert* htr.wn u-!f ir. WehBttv ABBVRNEm SAW M2LL& cs. The only Boiler thai will liny day in the winter time ICH. MFG. CO. ATLANTA. GEORGIA HBBHHHnMBBP shville R. R. JND TRIP rFARES be sold each Sunday 25 cents, between all L fare is not more than jnd Trip Fare 75 , o ciate of sale. JLT L. * W T!C!C?T AGEnl. P]dp Ptnra van's t Ten Days Very Low | 3n All \NDISE f -I, Unusually Close on I Ladies and Childrens I I >me and get pi-ices, in showing goods and ; and see us whether | D. Rowan I (, N. C. | or to Murphy Bakery ? I THE CHEROKEE SCOI \ Sunday. Vr. T.i i- ri.'on- - and dauehte Sa. ie? were sruc- f '-It*. Cilvi- i ( iv Su: d..y. Mr-. J. R. Wilbur v. r. 1 en 1 Gray.-ville. Tenn w":*h her fi.'.zzhtere a: have ; cm in. - 1 tl eit ' i ?m-r-' r.c - :r.* time a: her h;me ir U\-h try. Mr. C.aud Gut. her a-: family of I Duckt ?wn were visitors in our section Sunday. Mr. -T. R. Wilt.jr who i- working Jin F1' ia b-- -ert a nh? -- graph of ' him- f h -j: an alligator in h:.? hands a- i hint-- thr.t i* "?' -y n^ h alive. However wo ro--TvjBB the right t w?:>n judging by . whu: -.v. vcv. id d.. eo:l:ng springs .* v i : young f '.k- > - - wh S-tJ aft no.-r. sirgirc: f- ~ Mr. Stewai i nathy. v. h > still .-on : i- z'-.xir.z _ . We r.r- havinc: a ao-^d W * :v f < : Idf """ " ' :ic I *' l\:\ y Whit ;? wry Jjir--. Willi- Sre d ar : Mr Glenn t of M rvrfll T mru ire veiling their parents Mr. r.r.d Mr* . >. . . . thij piace. Miw Jane Mutkey *pe::t Sander :th :: AL : T' :; . ' The. v. i'i \>? -:r.a:r.- St th church 11urcl h use very Sunday -n m I 2:30 o'clock. Everyb \y c me, , Mr. v of M .rph.y w.. -1 | vi-itor here Sunday Mr. O. <\ l?: v - Htid Mr J r \< of Murphy v. : v':-... here >i nday. \ y.r. R -ey Rho.i ? who is worki mg at RobbinsvilH spent tr.c werkltd at home. An ugly cut ? I MENTHOLATUM J "k is antiseptic and M LIGHT FOR HENS IS RATED HIGH *ft:r Ten-Yea, Siudy 01 SuDject, Cornell University Endorses Idea With Enthusiasm POSSIBLE VALUE IS GREAT Pre! Ja:.. ' E Rice. head of the poultry department at Cornell University. sums up the result or a ten year investigation of artificial illumination in hen houses in these words: "I would no more think of undertaking to handle poultry in this latitude ' without artificial light than I would undertake to keep house without this modem convenience.** Basing his views on many experl- j rnents and a thorough practical analy-: sis of the subject. Prof. Rice added that he did not sympathize with the view that artificial Illumination injured the birds by producing an unnat-. ural condition "We are firmly convinced." he said, "that an exceedlnglv important factor in overcoming the unnatural conditions to which fowls are subjected during our short late fall and winter days Is the practice of lengthening the days by artificial light.j Proper Use Essential "This has proved remarkably eff^c-1 tfve in causing an increase in ega pro-j duction daring fall and winter?which, is the best possible reason why this j potent ally of the winter egg producer i should be used with caution and in ac-j cordanco with the physical condition of the fowls." Careful Inquiry Into methods on farm? where artificial illumination has not proved satisfactory has convinced Cornell University poultry authorities that in these cases the lights have not been properly used. It Is declared that the t important single iactor! in the matter is that of holding tho; rate of production within the hen's! natural laying capacity. Reasons for Failures ~ Prof. Rice says that experience' proves conclusively how easy it is to! hold the percentage of erg production' I within certain limits for an indefinite ! period by tthe proper use of lights. ! which increase or decrease the h?ns* , working day. Rut some pooltrvm?TJ. j finding it possible to boost tfcoir eg* | yield from 50 to 70 per cent, give their' / Honor Kci; Murphy Graded and Hi?h School For Apf-i! Announced i and High S : A; r ' a- ;?n" " : by Pr..f. D. W. Kar y. folGrade 1 Marina A!:-. M: Fat- !'ar. :'-'..r:-". B! '-T' *'. I IV. IEdmonds^:.. Ruby Lmthicurn. fetir.ie j - " * S: Harry Deck?. r. Charl-. I*. ndley. Tr v Hariptor. Grade 1 b Terr. Ax y. Jr.; Alvin Bowles. :\*r?r.c t let-. ire. -I ; Que ".tine T.>\vn r.. V. .i y Watk us. A:.-en Hanpf* r.. a':-;. K;ng Mali or. e. Mary I?: Evelv Snte.i. Mary Gibson Grade 2 a ?: . F . e-Gjg-? ieGib son. Chloe y F:.l-. .' - " it ' R ^n-ey. Willard k,, - Een GarGraJe * b T Ax.--'-. Fi Barnett. Har" 1 C :?T.. .?!. ma. Will " - -. Mary Catharine H r. - Paur. M CU:re. H. W;.rn?t. R bie Wilt:-rv n. Grac- 3 9 ' ::;a M;: tin. Ma 1 P.:? > Fva ;; r-. . G- v.i I ckry. Bit! l.:ntkicum. Grad- 3 b 1 Cr .c VC ll Bel!. Gride 4 a . ...lu- C Gr?d- 4 b \ : T n - - B.th I/, yd. N ' W^e. Grade 7 ! 4T Grade 9 Rllli P. .1 Palmer. ? Grade 10 I"; Wash. Wi f id Burn "County Business" Carrie Article On Cherokee County The t-. l oving was : k? n fr- "i "C ur.ty Bu.-in } ;:! ): -hed in Atlanta. Ga.. a ?emi-r nthi. in th< inti' !'-: of state ar-l ? .inty highway construction in Alabama. F1 rida. Georgia. Kent ky. Mississippi. North Carolina, S ith ina, Tennessee. Virginia a:..i West Virginia. It was through the efforts rf Mr. D, S. I! the wide awake S - *.i v of the Cherokee County R-?ad C -111mission. that the article was published. It follows: Choi k < , .r.ty. Murphy. X rth Ca:elina. h.iskiaobl g h'trar.aiiam. HartMand Ontis. Toledo. 0.. $200.000 r :id :?" ! bridge bonds. Cherokee < .ty Board C..nmis-ion, A. Rice, chairman. I?. S. Russell, chrk. Mr. Rus-e'.i* rej rt fellows: "Concrete -urf:uv * <-w being - construct! i ? n Stat.. Highway No. 10. from Murphy to Andrews, a distance of lti.7 milt - at :i net cost of $430.u?o. Cherokee County Road Commission plans t. complete three road.leading fr ni Murphy. N. C. to the ienntssee siaiis urn. connecting wiin the Tenne - i> state highway system in the counties c-f Polk and Monroe at a cost of ?200.000 accruing from the salt- of bonds. One f said roads to bi !. . ..:-d by the Xoith t r.r:l'na OLD COLONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHICAGO. IUlncs. offers agents a wider field and increased opportunity by writing man, woman and child from date of birth to age Go -n th* annual, semiannual or quarterly premium plan, for amount- going up to ?5.000 as regards children, while for adults the limit is ?:?0,000. As the company writes als sub-standard risks our agents have very f w rejections. The Company will give a very liberal .' mr ussion contract (direct with Home Office) to a good personal producer. < M9-2t-pd) A QT I For Dental Gold 1 Platinum, Silver, Diamonds. magneto points, false teeth jewelry, any valuables. Mail today. Cash by return mail. Hoke S. & R. Co., Otsego, Mich. PATENTS INVENTORS Send us your IDEAS and we will, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. Search the records of the Patent Office and report to you our opinion as to whether or not you enn obtain .? patent on your invention. We have n>s;-t< <1 thousands of invents in 1 EYELOPING and PERFECT ING their IDEAS before filing their aplication j ?:>crs in the Patent Office. WE CAN ASSIST YOU Take adv. ge <f this FREE Offer Wr:t( Today for V AIX*A H . \: I \FORMATION GIBSON Sr FOX t '>0 i-\ ?.|; I.uchlvn Buildirn* \ '( . GHICHESTERS KLIZ DKMONO BSAN3 ?>" I & / ^ LArrr-? J>'. > - :>rir?l?t for CHT-CRF: 5 A DIAMe i? .:? iu > l- r. , ' O. Com BC ;! 'o t IM, es^d w?S? b. :< a. V -=n > , i TBE - Bjf ?r T ,?r \ / I?-*.r-'-t ml >ik ("f ? lil.lHtA.ilKi v DI AUoM) Bit \>!? PiLLK t *r 1*'^'.' 5tC v- r? tr-.??r !*'. ? A/-ar? K-':.-' SOLD El' ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ???!, Hi. h.-.v.-y Commission, as a state highway r?-ad t bc maintained - : :h. $50.0* v. in the hand? ! P ?rd of C?-jr;Ty Commission : Cher u-e County to bc appromair*;. r- : 1 _ <*..- .% C mmTssion- r? a- :* ; :rt.r>tuT road) I The rrvs.rt or t of arail:.'-\ i fund* to be expended .<v. the roads ir jCfctrikee C ...nty duriri:* y--ar 19 2". t. c- ther with that already in jc >.:nty. will net :s: t:nd Sl.OOO.C'OO.* ? r.u- farmers arc report* ne a 5cr I nun of jt wets in Nash CounH -tat. that they getting ?-r.ly f iftj ! i ercent u star. i. FOR SALE?Str-wberries at S4.x j ate. packed 21 quarts to cratf. . Murphy. Fit.ce your order at'.y. Write or see T. A. II unpt ?n Murj hp. N. C.. Rt. 1. t It ;.d School News j Ti:? fifth ar.d sixth grad-? crave jt- . .-. try eo' -ervation rr?-u :m; r I hapel R Monday morning. The v?l a forest and of forest product j v re emphasized and al-?? the i .-.a | :' nrd value of a fort>t. . Th High School Library i> r?>-ip I ient of the following book- donates J y the Woman's Club. !" . - >-f Patriotism by Edgar A I Guest K g I' With I.?7/.i. by Irvinf j Bachelor. SEVERE CRAMP PAINS IN I "My trouble has been periodii cramping spells," says Mrs. C. C Xlraper, of Atlanta. Texas. "Foi ssvetai years these have come or me so bad that I had to quit my work and go to bed. Every month I would stay in bed from one to two days. Tiie pains ir my back and sides were awful This went on for several months after I was married un til, one time when I was having a bad spell, my husband suegc-sieri mat l try t'ardui. I said I would try it, so he got me a bottle at the store and I began to take it. "It seemed like I improved from tha very first dose. W'ner 1 had taken one bottle I was very much better. I did not cramp sc hard the next month and I ate ; nd slept better. I was not nearly so nervous, either. I thought Cardui was fine, so I continued the treatment until I had taker five bottles, at which time I felt completely well. I had no more ?WgaMMMIIIII III llll ? |black o iMM HI HI IHlii?IIIIUI II?II Ml Going to buy also in car lot Rail f Henry Docl Just Across Murph FRIDAY. MAY 8. 1825. Record of Safe Travel On Trains of Southern A .,nta. Ca.. Ap 1 ?Of IT,, passengers whd rode on Sou. th. m Railway Systero-jtrains daring ' 1924 * one was killed in a train accident or as thi result of any failure or negligence on the part of the railv-.iy : r its employees, says a statement ;. --ued by the Safety Departs, at of *" ;e Southern. Of all this large lj number, the only one to lose his life ' was a college student who jumped ['from a nvivin? train, thus ign >rirg | thi ruled established for the i:\-ty . of passengers and the averag. haul both showing decreases under 1923 in which year 1S.:>10,013 passer.grr< were transported an average dlst ce . : t>s.~? mil's. "These figures show that the S -uth.has gone through another year without the death of a passenger as the result of a human or mechanical iT-irgeabl to its pmntv.fi . r i iu.pment," the statement con: .r.ui. "but th seems to be no effei !V safeguard agair.st tht acts of pa-. r.ger- who r:>k their lives by disregarding tr.-. i I'irraon laws' of safety .1 th?. rule.: which have been stabli.-hed f >r thir own protection." 1 Tht Three Marketeers by Dumas. ( - and K'ngs by C). H nrv. The Fo-ir Million by O. Henry." Cpti r.s by O. Henry. ? t F: -ck . - a?i*i Her Father's Daugti r ly Gene Stmtton-Porter. j Thai iren "f th Wild, a nature ! k Tht Ju^ioe of th. Kin^:. Fiction, a Their Friendly Enemy* Fiction. Wild Nc chb ?rs. a nature book. The Linn Hunter. Fiction. Pathf ders < : the West, a hi-tor ical novel. ! N w Creations in Plant Life, a na- i lure book. The k f friendship, Fiction. " The Wti k of the Giosvenor, Fitti n. ? ^ <5 On Friday May 22 the seventh r grade will give a play entitled "Tht i Winning of Latane." ING SPELLS, BACK AND SIDES .. viAiuj'iuj; apeiis ui an, anu my . | health was as good as anybody's, r I am feeling fine now and I give I aii the credit to Cardui, for I had been suffering for years be' | fore I took it." II Cardui is a vegetable extract, conj tair.ing no harmful ingredients. It is made from mild-acting medicinal herbs : with a gentle, tonic, stlengthening efi feet upon certain female organs and - upon the system in general. Its users have testified to its special value at [ the time of entering "t ' :i:-.iiunty ami at the time of the ' change of life. i For over 40 years, Cardui has been i tested in use by thousands of women who have written to tell of the great I benefit they have received from it. 1 For over 600 years, medical authoril ties have recommended one of the principal ingredients of Cardui in the > t reatment of certain female corn(! plaints. ! Ca.dui, the woman's tonic. tested by time, is today the prouder of many | years of experience and investigation. I It is manufactured in up-to-date laboratories by the most modern and sanitary methods of pharmaceutical ' science and is for sale by all drugi gists. ]?3 [led! a Ijr n a m rr /\IV DAKN off wagons and :s on Southern road tery & Son 5 The River y, N. C,

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