PACE FOUR 2" CI)t ChcroKcf ^?cout The Official Organ of Murphy and Cherokee County, North Carolina r ""PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY K ? C. W. BAILEY. Editor-Manager i MRS. C. w. BAILEY Associate Ed. 1 B. W. S1PE Associate Ed. Subscription Rates One Year $1.30 Eight Months 1.00 ' Six Months 73c Payable Strictly In Advance Legal advert kente want ads. reading reikis, obituaries, cards t } thanks, etc. 3c line each :n<erti- n. I * "ay and ' - tract rai?s fur- - d on r. ;ue<*. Al*. ccnu.o;niv;;f.'-as be d : by the writ r. ih-: v. - they will n t J be accept- >\ "I ,:.n. N..: cf the writer ."! t ' p-f a>h. 1 ur> ' less so specki-'i. a*. we mu.-t have the nanre f t'r. a- \:<k v.. of geed faith. Entered in M :r; hy. North -i. -d matter ut. r f IS 70. I f. Ut; THF \ ; -\Ti \ " Band Optimism KAfc ut * ' nth- ag the Mar- * phy C * Band a with a n: .. . the prrdkti^n +virb\vL- i J months it \v. ; d t\\- : ?r iese. j The prtdk t: v was pes-i-' < rr.istic. and v." : - it v.-a- n. meant f r t a boost, i: v.. y fcav , ;n that ;i manner. F,r it: . ,n_- vr the a<- \ tions f tre Band t r pa>t : J months y. :: will ste that O: :rni-m \ is the passw Mm - by < cert Bard. Instead of the ?- : ' -k:n it ! ping t< tw? !v- :t r - c creased t*. twenty-: :h " , tion i'<r r- \ mh-ii-.' r k. P which wil linalh _:\1 - .. :nil Band. Only tv ! nv - v.. ince tin ? i ank: : 1 both of their, had vit:.! au-o ! , Which -d * f .. Instead. 'h facts. ' MM ' Band and rk-ir I Air. H. Kngleman. Ida - n<l .1 a that ta: dition ha-- nl\ ' a possible th -Meri < the co-ope-ation :h. , ? * f Murphy. T-> . Working a: ! _ . : . ! :r | support of it hits given th- b.*rship ot the Mui ' ' : Band the Incentive - v. . try to merit T~m? in them by the cit n: v. So lorv as this .- itniiiion 1 d'there car be nothing for an in-1 i- : at-.. . ngCSt way ardtSk-orti-i!:- .. ,-r.i- ; with .. l-.'.-r * ..... other known meth .1. fidence in Mr. K-. a contr : w to act as its T':. :. Everywhert \\ favor-1 able comments tit Hand. 'r in its! ^The Railroads, in the it a -Ai _ of Weather ^ Daring these beautiful Sp when the sun is bright and t warm, remember inat the rail country rendered exceptional passenger service all during when snow was on the groun passible, and weather condi pered every other modeoftrar . "* A great many Americans *' to look on the railroads as s< be taken for granted, and to ciation of the extraordinary dered to the Nation as a wt each individual community, 1 rail transportation systems, /a .: r ,i . c_.. vpciduit^ 1 vi nit: {jiiM iuu property-investment net ret over one billion dollars ihar ed by law. the railroads of t are delivering a more etficiei freight and passenger servii than ever in their histor They deserve bothyourpatro nage and your good-will. nc-mbership aril out, ami a? Jong as his cordition prevails there can be lothing but progress for the Murphy b ncert Band. Letter To The Methodist Congregation When are we gring to v y ft out fhurch debts? These cbl: itii-r.s r ;:! i have no- n raid lone r._ . It vas .-aid sometime r.go that the mem* )t rsh n i the church could pay what :.i :rch w. ! and no one would w- g- hungry < r cold. Are we ; in; to pay our pledges? We -aii vc would! Bibb- - ys "Wh- n thou vow r t v ant God deft m * n it for He hath no pleasure in i ol>: !' \ that which thou hast" Za< h. 5 i). tter it is thit th u Kimehtr. when you j.-in-d the hur h th-.- preacher asked y< u this "Will you be subject :< he discipline o: the ?'h ::iv: a.ti-rd lfion its ordinanct s and =upn? rt its nstitv; -?"* V ur answer: "I wtil iW< an plainlj tt at 6<d ia- abundantly blessed 'as. If we hail ",.'ep ::v. -v \-i-.vs. w ha* * h . r. ? But It -h :'i s.-.y -1 J ! i-r. w r.r.t vr- v. are. Depart fr* n- all !?). I.'. * us r-ntemV-r ur v w= and pay ddg.-s. "Ren*eber the L?>rd f ; * - i. for *t i' He that tb#? wer to get wealth/* lb : 1 - 1 jikJ has n> re than givi n t:s phwe-r > _ V. 'th ' pay I!'. n ! plenty to;- for v van:-- and these our fauiili* Wo ire giving only a cup of cold water, vhen w. should giving f --tir 1 \indanc y Are > c ? lot the d women l' ;r church ray ur hureh debt* bv having: suppers and illinjr oyters, cakes and pics. Or. ire -ve going to lit .r children pay >:t th- >e debts after we are top*. We don vt to nay ff the-, r.nrch : tits that ur n \?y , .e nothing t\. do] but it. ; s pay he in w. may hav? a more important work for < ur>- lv. - and ur hildren. I.vt us '-e .. King Ilavid. war red and warred with other nathen n ode p.-a, with all th nations so that Klfii Solomon, his -had nothing to do but work en he great temple. We need to do neater thines than build churches. ?o K-t Us -. * thost d- v- -o'l ur [lands s 'hat we msv be l- ady to -tart a ur iter work our Lord. We ne. d m re than ew .. in the .v.irk hurch. Let wnkf up: t us 11 : ward! Let us nbi ie lv :ho text of ir pastor a few sabbaths tir " Aw::!:e th -u that sleeprth ami arise from :1k- dead and Christ shall ji.e Iheje licht." Zeph. 5:14. Let's t these debts off so that ?? can i., ui:. creator v. rks and <> our present nastor. who ha? labored so f a ithf ally: ta_r omnleto our chureh. see, i; pais for and dedicated. .May our pre s. nt past.:- us .rated <ut daing gi eater bines i<<v -r L rd and M i-t; " \ MEMBER gl??? Run Every Day \d in All Kinds J \ iring days, he weather roads of the freight and the winter, d, roads imtions hamisportation. have come amething to lack appreservice renlole, and to bv the erenfc irS THE CHEROKEE S< HOTHOUSE i TVe arc having some r? ' r.ic .weather at this writing. Mr. and Mr?. Lucius Burger \ at Mr. AuburnV Sunday. 1 The grad:nc of the highway r. th Fra.klin mountain sure is * * Inic. Mrs. Cs. M. Auburn of JTenn. spent Saturday night : i day with the f< rrner's parents. Mr. . I Mrs. >. D. Auburn. M:?s Verdi- Townsend imv.'.s at Isabella Saturday. ^ Ir. Vergil It. - has puj. -i If Ford. S me -if the young folk- f * : plan attended church at Mac-d.-ri t What Y Y X ? ARE YOU A P American Prote. you know that s trained, have rul man-made gospe swept along by t ;1; Do you know th shells of their fo tantism was acli i started; and thai We want to reac j net read a churcf secular paper. IV believed in and t! grief and sorrow liberals do not b< knowable"? W OFF THE BIBL fight for its intes only sure founda Then vt.u ni l iru re-t. .1 i 2 It i- this, THAT A NEW X lutwten .ai'h and imlu :. *:* H't more nw>. It is tiv.ited by the great lead- :s .* meat in the "new R- : n X bigger than any d.n- r. nation-wide scale, ft : ihd v and philoso: hies, ai.d : .... ? BI.E! That is th> X to rely on wht t ?' I TO KNOW .* | :: EDITOR'S: JO ;; BRYAN, forme : Episcopal Churc School; CLARF. i U S A MAR :j: in the world. Se ? gland; L. R. SC ? ROACH STRA' j ONi TAFT, Pres THOMAS. Min ? tributors of note X j This is not a Or ^ less, hut not t -nne'.y progress ' > One- of the pa *;* iv-.u will still X Send y?.ur order to i Th X (Please do not send posti X and address very plainly 1 COUT. MURPHY. N. C. _ Sur day. fi r; Jay S - vr c* !y at this place. ?] Mr. A-T h::?on v.h. is i.ttondinc school nt Copptrhili spent the week-! t ad with homo p >!>- MaeJoh - f C. Prerhi:i visited r- iativi s here Sunday. C rn nlartint time :> v* r re. Mc st all t.h- .-!??: ? < haw :'in. ii ished : 1 intir.p. Some of the people from Ducktown (1 v.vre < :> v r<n S ?Jr. A!> *i::a Ga?i ife fc:s>- par- hast.' J For 1. ? Tr*. v i'l hr : ..!- n at Mt L M. :i . M. v 10th. are the Pr Chur KUltSlAIM LMUKLH stantism is fast slipping fr cores of theological seminc ec! out an infalbb'e Bible; t 1; and literally hundreds of his ever-ris'ng tide of "mo at this country today is thi rmer selves? Do ycu knot tally threatening some tim t we are in the great crisis h everybody that calls him i paper, and they are legion len and women, are you in lat your mothers trusted in , that gave them cheering ;lieve in because it belongs ill you join us in saying "V E?" W:ll you help save th jrity? Will you. too, deny tion upon wh;ch our feet c it the that \v? art n<>\v ab'.t i^nvt REFORMATION IS ('OMIN'ti' Then l i tw.t-n true religion and fakt scienc I. A GREAT GENERAL MAGAZI enn-t-rvativt Protestantism, wnich i: it atn" movement, anil which i- hla;:injz it has nothing? to do with this sec ir-citv of JflK Bibl.-! It fa bore to jtlJ inert- nun! Avd it is hert an n a:: ', worn* n wouM want for tl .. v. .A' - bt'irin to strike t!n i. feet. w? a WHAT IS GOIN ON IN The tbhOK A Monthly Magazin Representing the N against Modernism Recognition of the S HNi CLOVER MONSM/ r L. S. Secretary of r>tate h. South; LE/\NDER S. N'CE EDWARD MACAI k A. MATTHEWS. Min attle Wash.; GEORGE \ \ARBOROUGH. Preside! rON, Minister Calvary Ba ident Northern Baptist Sen ister First Presbyterian C lurch paper! It is unlike anything you rude. It i* powerful in its true, deep Uve. per's greatest features is the Practical i ma. It's unlike anything else ever i need your lesson helps) and yet son actioally like never befon. "Practiea ? right to the* heart of every lesson. ORDER THE NEW > cent- per sii.ule i : BUT?a trial % 50 c el NEW REFORMATION I igje stamps. On account of the large i , So that your order can be handb d witl >-xxkk-x*v~:~x~x--:* x~:~5~x-x-x~x-:* ; Mr. and Mrs. We Lvdtv?r<l and Mr. ar i Mrs. Avt>?y f Copper: i:? visited ; Mr. A. !.. ilrown's Sunday. Mt. B:!i Cross ' I:..l-? I!.i. Torn, was visifintr in ir :: -rrry S n! day. Mr. Ernest John-- :i \vb< is attending school ct Copperhii), Tenn. w . a visitor fcomc Sunday. Mr. Fr*d T wn- ! spent S-rr.'ay ; nsgrlit with Mr. Allen Bail-;,. Mr-. T. S. jSimo.': is of 1- V-ila \v Valet Tt AutoStrop SJ,ai Razor co g Sharpens Itself FcrS&i< "otestant ches Corn MEMBER? Are you a om the rocky heights of tr iries, where your future hat thousands of minister; thousands of church me dern;sm?" ckly dotted with churche v that a genera! collapse t ,e ago; that a mighty cou r:ght now? ise'f a church member a! i. Hence this general ann favor of retaining the Bi! i, that was the:r hope anc visions of heavenly rest ? to the "supernatural" am /hatever you do, or don't e Bible for America? W modern scholarship the r an stand, in the shifting sa y to you?tin- greatest piece of news p art rumhl.i us everywhere of the nj iKtva .n Fl' \ DAMKXTAI.ISM an 1 NK is now beinjf published, for all the ft he e to keep ir- - promptly inf thf way to a "new Pr n-tantism*' ir t or that. It ; intft?len. tuinati'unl. cetntHMtblg i t- a i..r?- ;. I 'IVINK HltlST in thn he'Savioi in *t.v hour <i nth: that t! iy of travel. THESE MOMENTOUS ' New MAT10 ie for Ail the Churches. ation-Wide Movement and for the Positive ancity of the Scriptures V, editor -in-chief; W1L1 ; HORACE M. DUBOS1 KEYSER. Professor RTNEY. Moderator Pre is^er of the largest P TCREADY PRICE, expe rt Southwestern Baptist .ptist Church. New York; 1 i inary, Chicago; MA hurch. San Pedro. Cal ? have ever seen. It is bold, hut not . clear f.iith, but not bigoted. It is c< Comment on the Sunday School lesso jublished in the Sunday School lim? tithing that will enable you to grasp I Comment" is written in a snappy r REFORMATION TOE ubicription of three months (ordinari ENTs! , 5 North LaSalle St., Ch nflux of subscription orders we woulc i accuracy as well as dispatch. wwwt -x-xk-x-x-x- -x~x~x FRIDAY. MAY IS, 1925 vi.-iliajr relatives here Sunday^ | Some of the young people \ place attended the d? . r.-'ic? a* g House Sunday. Mrs. Dove Bailey r- ^ 'home from a visit in <; r^ia. FOR OVER 40 , EAKS HAUL'S CATARRH '! I : INE k be<n um<( euccaaatullj- :.? tr?ata f Catarrh. HALLS CATARRH MFriClNE ,!*?<? 'f :4n Ointnu-r* . h vm* Reii? ve? local appli " n. ar.i , Internal dicine. a ; :..o wM(|)? through - Blood o th>? j. faoff. thus rtduclnc the ! namfc* -j..hi hy all druggist* p. j chancy A Co. To>io. Qw,j i? Safety Razor that rpens It: Own Blades MPt-FTE OVTIlrS St V ing to? rare of the fact that ue Bible faith? Do ministers are being s are preaching a mbers are being s that are mere if American Protesr.ter-movement has so those who do ouncement in your bie that your father 1 stay in times of the rest that your d, therefore, "un: do, but HANDS ill you join in the ight to rob us of the tids of time? heralded : it a lontr tit'-'5, inron.-hine battle?the battle LIIIKRAI.ISM. And then l*r >i< :oininations, ?slnui : . iy new developi \m tun' The magazin- ilt : hero t? ficht, on a hut . IWMWtfgjfe..... ,j.? t DIVINELY INSPIRED 1*1 m'v Bible they would car' riMES, READ iN I L'AM JENNINGS I Bishop Methodist C Lutheran Divinity R :sbyterian Church, I resbyterian Church I rt Geologist, of En- B iauv ^^ 'innaiy , jwi in M GEORGE WHEAT | lRTIN LUTHER | -and numerous con- I radical. It is fear- I pnservative, and yet H ns. by the editor-in- B -not an exposition 9 the lessons and to R style, reads like a ly 75 cents fcr three issues) B icago, 111. B I ask you to write your name OH < H

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