FRIDAY. MAY 29. 1925 ffiWSTATION KOA WILL SERVE FARMER Successfully Opened at Denver, and Will Include Market News, Besides Entertainment To the symbols WGT and KGO, *b!ch bare crossed national borders w flnd a friendly welcome In many foreim lands, there has been added g third trinity of letters?KOA. On December 15. KOA. the Rocky (fountain Station of the General Electric Company, at Denver. Colorado, projectod its music and speech-laden vares on the air. The Denver station is the third Jink m the trgnsconDABYS COLDS fj arc soon * nipped in the bud" W without "dosing" by U3c of? VjCKS VapoRub , T Ovtr I 7 Million rars Uted Yearfii r~~r~ r?? ciean up an FILL . Your pantry shelves wit! from our store when yo> painted up. Our stock i< we carry the well knowr tised? GOLD BAR CA1 GEIFAND'S ! THANKSGIVINC VEGETABLES, SANBORN'S S COFFEE, NATIC ELECTRIC LIGH Sizes. FRESH VEGETABL! When ycu think c CALL PH Prcrnpt Service, Free I J. G. GI F ancy G 125 Tennessee Si. II /"* 1 T T l ?t . T T ^ieun ana I? Clear. Up am Dre ArA Bring Theirs Dr Pictures i McIVER'S We have recently tak Studio and wish to anno we are in position to do of photography, and we Summer is here and y< LET US D DEVELOP _ I Good Work Mclver's H. B. Stewa Gvcr Murphy ! Tennessee it , Clean Up arc' Print Up I '?- ' tihental chain of broadcasting stations. Its sister stations are WGY. at Schenectady N. Y.. and KGO, the Pacilic Coast Station of the General Electric Company, at Oakland. Cat Towers and buildings of the new station are four miles east of Denver and command a hundred-mile sweep of the Rockies, from Pike's Peak at the south to Long's Peak at the north. Like KGO. at Oakland, the new station building, from foundation to roof. Is designed and built for the sole purpose of radio broadcasting. The building stands between the antenna towers which are 260 feet apart and 150 feet high. Two connected structures house the studios and the power equipment. KOA Has Two Studios The first floor of the studio bulldlr.g is devoted to the offices of studio mana^f*r and staff, and reception room. The studios are on the second floor. The larrer i.;; forty-five *eet long and twenty-two In width and Is planned to accommodate la~sc :: iups such as choruses and orches'r . . lr: the smaller. separated fr?>rn the main studio by the control root:.. ?o!o numbers and addresses may t- - v n By th-* use i.*r the auxiliary stud; > wjdts? > twecn d Stock up UP 7i High grade groceries j have cleaned up and > always complete and s and nationally adverMNED FRUITS MAYONNAISE i CANNED CHASE AND iEAL BRAND >NAL MAZDA T GLOBES, All ES and PRODUCE ;t groceries just ONE 124 )elivery, Goods Right *EENE icceries MURPHY, N. C. Week, June 1st tc 6th - - i :s Up the Kiddies 'vtnr <:o Have Their vlaoe At STUDIO ;en charge of Mclver's unce to the public that the very highest grade invite you for a sitting. ou will be kodaking. 0 YOUR ;ING Prices Reasonable 1 Studio rt. Manager -lavdware Co. MURPHY, N. C. Woek- 1st to 6th j THE CHEROKEE .SCO V \Women Enlist in j Against GermProvide Millie jt:. Every fly swatted at this season. of the year probably would have!; been the founder of a dynasty if I allowed to live out its allotted time. < } The genius of Flydcxn. the Na- i poison who will lead his armies, I laden with the deadly cerms to de- 1 Strcy the purity of milk and pollute I ' clean and wholesome food, is crawl- i; incr about the upper wall of your' kitchen today, a harmless, easily: destroyed youth : Swat him! With one stroke youi will wipe out g^eres and paces of! hi. tory and the millions of his oil- ; spring will he nothing but the might-have-beens of fiction. J Swat every !ly whether he seems ; to shew promise of a great career 1 Vr not > Talent tak--^ strange I twists and the puny little fellow they up for dead as a baby mav develop into a Gladstone., Crvsar was anemic in his youth? probably, and Scinio, as a child, ! had to hold on tight to the railings < \chrtn the wind blew. * 11 Swat the fly irrespective of sen- j numbers may be cut down. In the control room, located between the two studios, operators hanI tile the amplifying and the mlcro| phone equipment. In this spacious room are three stages oi speech amplifications. consisting of two 5-watt tubes and one 50-watt. A fourth stage Is installed in the power house. The transmission equipment of KOA embodies all the technical and mechanical improvements suggested by the experience gained at WUY and KGO. The anietiua. of the multiple bronze wires, each of seven strands Broad and Varied Schedule The power house is a oue-story buildlas adjoining the studio buildin* ami is divided into a motor-generator ri vi and the powpr room proper. Two : ' of traismitvin* equipment nave bnca iuniaiiiiu , of which can be placed in service. The i" ~ j Clean L Buy Yen? Dry goods, Notions In connection with the C Campaign we wish to aj t customers, and the gen ycu need anything that cail on us. We carry a complete lin Drv Goods. Shoes, H tc-Wear; line of fancy ^ I /"" NT.* 1 crepes; i\otions, outton laces. We also carry a full li Soft Drinks. Candies, ( the famous Sinsier Sewii Supplies and Fixtures. CALL ON US WHEN THING IN CUR LINE. T. N. E Dry Goods, Notio 105 Tennesse St. Clean Up and Paint Up ' T. MURPHY. N. C. National War carrying Flies; # >ns of "Swatters" ^JVI ^mentality. If you swrt at him and by some seemingly providential intervention of a swinging door you miss him, you may imagine that Fate has decreed he should be spared. Like a whimsical Caliban you may choose to let this particular fellow survive because you've taken a fancy to him. High purpose should know no sentimentality. Don't cultivate intimacies among even the most engaging flies. Swat one, swat all. A million and a half fly swatters are being distributed just now throughout the country by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company as a part of the health campaign o? their welfare division. Definite realization of the disease danger from flies is evidenced in this annual distribution, a A thoroughgoing flv-swatting campaign at this season of the year is fostered by private and public health agencies. It has many times the value now that :t would have later. Swat the flies! Swat them now. double equipment assures continuous operations shoul<\ difficulties bo encountered with one set duriug the broadcasting of a program. KOA Is operating on 323 meters wavelength and the schedule now calls for programs Monday. Wednesday and Friday nights at 8 o'clock, Rocky Mountain time, and roorriiui; ana evening services ouraaajr. su>ck SUBSCRIBE FOR THE SCOUT. 8W Nose stopped up?^t | MENTKOLATUM J BRH9HH Up Groceries from us dean Up and Paint UP inounce to our friends, sral public that when we carry don't fail to e of new merchandise: ose. Ladies' Ready