Friday. May 29, 192S r "1 WHAT'S CH FEE-LI*., VMM' leu FI-E-EASE TAI. m PlCTuOE ? ? sa^i @ tS g krJ") I// ; $ i eJ * y ( J-.occz/ arte) Tf'\ p'.n SPECIAL at Bonita Theat'C, M :r. phy. X- C. at 2:it0 P. M. Saturday, July -Ith. A fret show to all. Everybody invited. Financed and put on by F. O. Bates, Manager. Boost Murphy for July 1th. Mrs. A. C. Cantiell of Smyrna, Ga. i spent several days ths week with Mrs.' C. II. Mallonce. Mrs. B. B. Grant of Andrews is visiting he mother, Mrs. J. M. Harnett. Mrs. E. (". Mailonee and children will leave Saturday for Cincinnati to be guests of her aunt,* Mrs. Robert Hughes. Mr. E. L. Ballard cf MarM" vns a' visitor t<? Murphy one lav last week, j Miss Ida Moody Johnson will -nvc ' Saturday for her home in Cinri. :r.ti. j FOR SALE: One Shetland Po- | nv. 7 years eld, black and white spot-; ted.Roach mane, heavy tail Gentle and safe. Price reasonable Also i saddle rind hridlo. it H. P. r. HYATT ' Mrs. N. W. Loviingood and Miss Ella Simonds are visiting friends and relatives in Coxton, Middleshorotigh, ami other Kentucky points. Mr. G. H. Cope spent last Sunday in Newport, Tenn. with -on. Galium, who underwent an operation for appendicitis thoi". Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Maneval <?f Asheville spent last w '?*kcn.? with Mrs. Maneval's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Axley. FOR RENT: One siv-rooni apartment with private hath. Terrace Avenue Apartments. See Drs. Adams or Kill. Mcssers. J. R. Lovell and B?ni?*? ntnylock at Blairsviile. tia. were v e i' rs in Murphy la?t Friday. ; sr This Am the Buyers know \vh: higher cost. The i It is recognition is not even challet "ESSE HUDSON-ESSEX, WO E. P. THE USE T A [ BUT 1VE ONLt GOT . f UC J I C*E FILM LEFT IE Si y v . ' V ID SEr fm 0 ^ i -s 1 i qj . I; ' Z ersonal | ( ?nc20 ir. Albert Mathat of Mill Sorinc. .\.C. and Miss Thelma McClure ? Murphy we:c married on May 22::rl at I the office of Mr. P. ?. Nelson, Mr. 1 Nelson officiated. I r mediately af- ? ter the ceremony the couple left for . Mill Sprirgs where they will make . their home. . ] Miss Pauline Martin spent last J weekend with relatives i:i Copperh !!. r Miss Leucine Wells who has been 1 teaching in the Canton School returned home last Saturday. Mi.-r Wells was reelected to teach there again next term. i f Dr. K. E. Smith spent several days ' last week in Ashevill?. Miss Hattie Palmer who has been taking a business course at Asheville 1 i.turned home this week having coir.- \ pleted her course. i ' I Miss Addie I.eatherwood who h> :: teaching in the Canton School j rrturned home Inst week. . \ Mayor and Mrs. W. M. Butt of Plue Ridge, Ga. spent several days h? re this week as guests of the hit- < tor's parents, Mr. "and Mrs. Allen J Fain. ? . T. 1. Butt returned t her' home at Cairo, Ga. last Thursday after spending the winter here with her j' d::ught<v. Mrs. \V. S. MeComhs nrnlj family. Mr--. McCombs accompanied : her and will spend several days. Mrs. K. G. White, Miss Winifred . Burr.s and Miss Carmen King were among those that attended the grad* < uation exercises at the Mary I'. Wil lingham school at Bins Uiidge, Ga. this week. \ Miss Mary Brown of Farner, Tenn. was in town one day this week. t \lra_ -lokn -Owwew* 2f spent several days in Murphy thi* week. wt isr ^ azing Essex i Result of Val it Essex gives can be had elses great Essex sales record is due I of a value leadership so over X GOACi FrwiMht and Tax Extra tRLD'S LARGEST SELLINC HAWKINS, De Murphy, N. C. ? f. scot L-l-fAC? sake \ f vusu. v^-otig b* 1m.s | i all (??6h ~AEE - 1 WAMT ) O ONE TU VT~^* |" I ||^ | fSs * M . A. C". Barton cf Birch has m a visit with her s'st'r drs. Dr. Taylor in Charl'Ve. end laughter. Miss Gfclea P.. . n In A il!e. ? ! . Mattie Taylor has a? her . - for the summer months Miss ..1 Frown. Miss Mary Agn-s MjUt and Mr. Albert Macy t Tanya, "'a. Miss Fearl Drown is teacher in he Florida School for the ceaf ;in'! )lind at St. Augustine. All Th laving gone to school at the in*e fceii c scho 1 <>^ *- *i ray,or FOR .SALE: 0- r .hp- ? r, .. '-u .d . - i t , . p: U. . t-H P: C; HYATT M . Mrs. ; "> n : n ' iul Mr. and Mr*. 1. S. Evans ar : ii'r.-' motored to G:.i tes'.i I cturned last Sunday. Mrs.Hardy ' it ' ' :]le :.< ' n the truest < f Mrs. A. C. vessee. Mrs. C.lvard will h< ; lens* mtly remembered htrt as Mis?? Lb s )ewco?se. Mrs. S. S. (- !- rd tittle '.r.utrr.t* r will l ave next week for n isit with re-1: tives in ICnoxvillc. .Mr. ar<l Mrs. r. M. Butt and littl laughter of Blue Ridge n: : > ed over Sunday and were spend-the-day nests of Mr. and Mrs. J. If. i'haup. M' s. N. P. \ dams and Mrs. Edw. E. Xdaivw snent u day last week i hill, tin gu-vis tf relatives. Misses Flore run Lovingood, Mary I .? and Clara McCombs of Peachtree t 'ruled tfcc comir -ncenunt tseici?e>I the Hijrh School. .Miss I.? :la Posey has returned from ^opperhill where as the truest of Mr. old Mrs. Hayden Dickey she was hv.wn a number ? ,' social courtesies vnile she attended the graduating e:;reisi s of the Conperhiil High School, dr. Bernard Dickey bein?r the Salu?ri .a i:i a class of thirty. I.ittle .Miss Frances Hhinehart is letter after an acute illness. : Success lie vhere only at far :o no other thing, whelming that it I *895 J 6-CYLINDER CARS :aler t, murrhy. ncrth carolina btlf.vm 2-)n \ ??ll, of il r I fel <hctjse oi y lsjo fell* cfctainit took tme ^at dcs5' p<ture /*s me tman ""x requested. i ' ' t*** . it i i? |* w^"-. developed. _ m jjajj? showed ,r j> ^ ' his v=e r j : r- . a? s. cic 7. pa j* " j from trh'.l an s. "r.iivr? v>-.t < TV ff-.r '-Ter- ! ! C?r ~ r . wh ] T."e 'or S?t- "s in TV::-V"r.*-to Ithi* !: ths w.inj 1" h S rn V.'hf ' s'.'e A-f-'.Mati- : :*r. -J Mr-. !. C, 7.Y::-- b Wednesday morning for a visit t i yar-vnts "n G ' : Patr'cia :: ? of Knoxvill > - -i*:r h V. e this we--! I -* r I! retarmd .tf r v. Yr ; v.nur wit 1 ti BffH? ;.f Ca:rc--"?i!5e?Gil I.'-. R. y.; ':. : carried i y i . < I! : i:;:l In Knowif Sur.tiay treritmcnt. !! ? - " : :.i- ! !v Mr. J. A. Fib h t -N I;*'! Mrs. M Mr. 7;"?>': j, y nivl%*. T!;. ' v:i! rem?in v.-th r It; :n .Mrs. .McIMnnVt. II. A. :.r I 1 M rio Mr.ttex will lo:tv S ttarduv fKs ixvii'" to be with then* fath Among the visitor.- here fro Hnyesville this wec-k were: Mr. nr Mrs. W. B. Pass, Mr. TV. R. And< rso Mr. and Mrs. O. I.. Anderson, ai Mr. I. 13. Gray. (' l. Jos I. Pratt of A-h? vil spe-' - veral days here this week ; the Re?r:.l Hotl. Mr. Pratt has dot a groat deal to promote the miner and water pov.-er of North Carclin | i Savage- Brothers. Tiinhcr Comjvnn Murphy had a nice exhibit at tl Southern States Exhibits at N\ York City which closed last wet They had on exhibit Ruby Hod Ga nett Manganese, Brown Hem tite iron and evanite nn?l n niimKi of other various minerals. The It pal Blue Marble Company also hi a nice exhibit of th?r white ar blue marble there. Mrs. T. I.. Sassor left Thursdij morning for an extended visit t friends and re latives in Brookhave MlMrs. Frank McDonald and Milt. II. May of Knoxville are visi inp their respective parents, Mr. ar Mrs. It, ?' M-n'.ox and Mr. and Mm I. A. Ri. ha c! n. j LOST: I.r.:ge pointer dog, cob 1 n and white, answers to Nan . f Itex.. $25.00 reward if rc-turne to E. I'. Hawkins. Murphy, N". C. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Bell and chi dren left Thursday for an extende visit to relatives on the Pacific Slopi i Their itinerary will include th I Grand Crfnvon, Yellowstone Par Mr. Bell will return in a few days i and points of interest ia Canadi order to be here for the June ten of court. Summer School students can gt room and hoard with Mrs. A. 5 Clarke near the s.hool House. Miss Martha Candler left Tuesda morning to attend the closing exet ciscs of Sullitis College at Bristol. V; .-nc win go from there to the Noit Carolina State University to take summer course. Mrs. J. W. Ferguson Sr. and Mr. . | W. Ferguson Jr. attended the grai uating exercises at Agnes Scott Co lege Tuesday. They were accompai j ied back to Murphy by Miss Isab Ferguson who was an honor gradual j ? " tiiis voiiegc. Miss Ferguson wi ; vice president of the Student Go1 i eminent of her class, a member of tl Hlaekfliars Dramatic Club, a memb< I of Hoas Honorary Society, and I member of the Debating Council, ha ing debated on tlie interrcollegia team and received the award for beir tne best all-round debater. Mrs. Fe guson and Miss Ferguson are gues of Mrs. Grace Cooper and and Mr J. W. Dav:dsor this week. - TH;N6C/ TAKING A I -AMD BESIDE r M? ItKE TUAStf TOO j AT MV E?Pf HAVE TOUR MfRVE - WHY AND N'T LOOK ANY MORE I'Kf ? 5P M m tI m J: . ? I Earl Mi? - LtJ.oba Triplet: i> : * "' ; -r d y marine: for Y It : irp :a'. . i !'! ,Mcs?. j , Mr. J. E. L vkha t. >a<! ' r the & X. with off! at Er.wah. Tin::.. v.;. in : \n Tu -day <?i th!s week. 1 Miss Ella vho has In* n teuthii'.jr in the Andr \v:- school, returned, home Inst week. It 1 .1. S. Xiswonprcr. horticultural - specialists of Western North Carolina sp' ::t several days ut tr.e county this week. h n : W/GZ&&T4. mm */H\\V?\\N\\\\\\\\\Vv\\\\N A\\>Jgg^\vs ii-' MOTHF.R ? Fletcher*?; Casto r Castor Oil, Paregoric, Tccthin ' * prepared to relieve Infants in ?i Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea iy. 0 | Aids in the assimilation of Food, ] Natural Sleep wit! To aix.'io iniitaticr.'v always look for tl l*ro\en ?Tir- , .jot.- o~ lvgf_ Speed M/ SAFE i1 The Louisville & Nashville Railr well-earned reputation for s tfegv d .patrons and the public: at the san p velopingnndmaimainingadegre in transportation which permit: lt* celled freight and passenger sch Many L. & N. trains could run f n siderable running time could tx i. ?ed?but the element of snfety Y ~ been one of extraordinary eonct Management, with the result tha '1 ""la li'ic Iwion below the average of American i t : In order to get further speec 5. ; greater safety, this Railroad i=. electrically controlled automata nals. The signals protect agains open switches, broken rails, etc.. y same time permit running tr.s ; together than is possible with spacing system, thus increasing * i pacity with resultant saving of I ^ I The installation of these nuton o i signals costs approximately S3.5C When completed, the automatic ral system of the Louisville & I Railroad will represent an invc ' many millions of dollars. Such expenditures demonstrat 1-! of the statement that "it take PAG*: FIVE Appreciation S, LOOK ) f hhat 'S ; | I JkuSk Mr-. V. L. H-.rndon 1 ft Wednesday nor1 . ?tr for he: home i:: li t twell, G* Mr. J. !. (*!f"?- n. of the traveling freieht seivice department of the L. & N. Railway, of the Knoxvillc divis, ic-n, was here this week in the interest of frc'ght rate adjustments at this point. Miss Albright left Thursday morning ior her heme in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bronwell spent two days of this week ill Atlanta. ?g?g. >ria is a harmless Substitute for g Drops and Soothing Syrups, arms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, a-d tout Opiates * ? lie signature of Physicians everywhere recommend it, oad has a larding its to time dee cl" safety ; of unesedules. aster; con- | eliminct ?ns closer gge ,-jj ,J-v the time : track ca? mtic block Oi *)per mile. j" *?Ss??7 block sic- JS'-: jpff.5.1 Nashville , < jBrji ^ r ^ e thetruth /.i*}- - :CT-^I -/" 8 a lot of : 'Xmi lr"-'i road", and /*S ; ;]V; 11?/ e of earn- . /- ivg> s aro Jj' /y jf *~ "*^Wtt By ll??j v

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