P?GE EIGHT Letter* Endorsing Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Week (Coetieurd iron cacc !) :>rd*rly ssrrcan dire* a - a i :r. ileveolpin? ar.d m*irtar r.z ?elf r-.sd. Sanra". :r - ' art- :n c.r- jr.: ricr.y J Clean Up and MUSIC UP 1 REC If you have not got tt you don't know what missing, Every p'nor.c: have the records in his Death of Floyd Co I Cir.-jr- irg Betsy, j Never .Miss Ycur Moth Papa's t y Goat. Glad My V? u'c' in Eur Nine Hundred Mi cs F Be Kind to a Man \\ - e Tom Watson's Special It Ain't Gonna Rain T Alabama Gal. The above records are Fiddlin John Carson, very best records. Doi B Sacred Records sung a Family of Atlanta. T cords: Jesus is Coming BacV Be Any Stars in My Ci for Jesus?Jesus is Ca We deliver the above own home by mail at 75c each, we pay the p or lers for any of the a any record you want. 3_ou quick. Please sen do not charge records. Can furnish you just want at 1 Oc per packa< W. D. T Complete I Peaehtree St. Clean Up and Paint U I Q I opecia :"r There are hundreds of 4I m X Stylish 5' Dre.ses | 1- 3 & kjim I JHT I: ^ 1 15 new Silk Dresses, a"! colors? - i Regular price. $lft? ? Special. ? . -- ; V Cartair. Scrim?New pattern* $ " Decorated and Plain Color*? ?-4 Just received new line Broadclotl ? M new patterns? ^ Yard ... SC i: FOR CLEAN UP WE SCRIM. CRETONNE :: WASHING POWDE CANDLEF : Phone 53 * *? ????0? frfrfrfrfrW-O-M ' - a cleaa r.msa *.y necessary. i. The a - araace of well-kept : y-ris and it eets ?di to the >.r&sures : r. and :n if-nity ' - >. .r...t?ran t.: - - and clean - >rduet. rz:cr. :? ylr.*singf to ourseivts, ooi r- ar.i aur visitor*. Tr.- clean up cimpaif a is an e? rr. v-r/ar: toward eain:n. . -T eat fits and sh. uli have tfci Paint Up and WITH NEW ORDS ie records listed below good music you are graph owner should home: :11ns. er Until She's Gone, ope. rom none, n He is Down. c. More. p aved and sung by ar.d are some of his n't rail to hear them, nd p:ayed by Jinks and hey are wonderful rec Again?Will There rown?Shout and Shine lling. records right to your the regular price of ostage. Send your mail bove records, or in fact, and we will get it for d cash with order as we the kind of needles vou ge: 3 packages for 25c. OWNSON douse Furnisher MURPHY, N. C. ' 117 _ _ 1 1 * . . ^.i p ween, june 1st to Oth -i?i? >*h,,H-X,*K,^CK CANDLER' ! Clean Up t r.iher Bargains equally i . len's U.:icn Suits , at ;| I Men's Athletic Union Suits? 5* i.; Blue Chambray for Shirts anc 1 Waists.. 25c value te* Yard EK SEE OUR BIG I S, SHADES, CURT All R AND DU TCH CLE, VS DEPARTM MURPHY, N. C. THE CHEROKEE SCO ( whole heart.-d co-operation of everyr| one of us. T. L SiSSsT - ?* : * - ? u: Clean Up anl Pair.: UP Days ha-. - Cried in Murphy and have bee ; . found effective to a greater or !e~- : degree. and I believe a real iiv,C'.ean Up ar.d Pain: Up campaign ; w _ 1 help greatly ir making _r z city .me oi the cleanest in the Ur.it- i ', States Such a campaign trill accomplish: Safer home? and business house?: )? sanitary home? and buildings; a better kir.g .-r.raunltv; a spirit of greater s 1 f - r?- -. t. and higher civic standard?. I war.: : give rr.y endorsement t -> the c riprehersive plan to make the Clear. Up ar. i ?.? r.t Up ar.-.paign r the t.ggcst muri. pal events A the y:ar. I'. H. Rlninehart. PATENTS INVENTORS ? your IDEAS -r w;.I. ABSOLUTELY FREE OF HARGE. Seir.h the records of the ?_r-r.t Off .r ar.d re: rt to you ur p;ri - as : whether or sot you .ur. * -in a pater.: on y :u- invention. V- have assisted thousands f invert s DEVELOPING and PERFECT IXG their IDEAS before fffiag their .or. r.t.:r. paper; :r. the Patent OfWE CAN ASSIST YOU Tuk:- advantage f this FREE Offer Wr te T day f r VALVABLE INFORMATION* GIBSON & FOX . --V McLaeh n Building .-? f: m t- ?:neiand Scho 1 f r Girl? ffrrine a -ne hundred dollar cholarship t- . re girl fr .nr. each unty : - the price cf board ar.-! only. Th* - hrAi| inc'.u.lea year - w -rk at c. lege. and those interest :-d are requested to sew M*. Mr.rtir. as .- : as - ssible. so that ar: : utiors car. be f led promptly. Th United State* Engineers with Mr. Crawford C. Anders r. ir. charge ar-: snaking a water p ?wer survey of the Hiav.assee River. The* company reposed of eleven ter.ts are camped at Eayesville. a:carding to word reaching here t.day. Mr. W. A. Hasty of Copperhil'. wis r.-re v. r ;ae?i.-y f this week Mr. G. R. R van wh ha? be-n vi?. iting ir. Black Mountain t*>r the ras* j tw week? returned hem'. Wednesday. S | bargains I as good in our store. - ~ ? ? - | lb .- . 35c i MI r - Shirt?, specially made |! : sell for $1.00? 2 Special 65c > 200 pair? Women's and Misses* 1% White Oxford?, worth up to $4.50. X pair ? 98c *> | Cretonne??Novelty. Floral and jr j Bird pattern?? ^ 35c value ..2 ?#c I Women's I>re?? Hat?? V J Special. 98c y 27-inch Amoskeag Gingham?? :Yard ? 12 He ii 36-inch Sheeting i SP* I I Yard wide Sheeting?extra good < ! quamy?oniy :en varus lo a custo- ; ; t mer. vd... *3- * line of curtain :: m poles, soap, anser. ;; [ENT STORE Free Delivery ? >IT. MURPHY. ?t. C. PRESBYTERIAN REVIVAL SERVICES BEGIN SUNDAY . The series o: evanjr I.-*., --rv.ee? .ec'.c Sunday rr. rr.;r.^ a*. the Yebyterian Church. :n a.. rdar.ee v-;:r. the announcement by the pastor.' ?lr. E. G. Clary some time a* . Rev. . Rauschenbere. -superintendent : "-r..- of the Ash-:i"?r Presbytery, Biltn-.ore. has been secured to d> :he preaching, which w.l". b- . rduc-' i twice daily at a. - art r- thr ugh June 2 4th. Rev. Rauscfeerrers: is quit.- an esertainir.e speaker He delivered the, irnua! rnmer.cement sermon here' as: 5ur.day morning and made elite1 favorable impression upon his hearHe is a graduate >f C. iurv.bia The * u..> mir.ary. and has a r.urrie: f years : practical bus:-; vx;-rrier.ee. beside- having * - -: tr : years exnerierc- t . hist ?.-.dit as a professjr o: phi.- - ?phy . Hr r-v, evj'ge.-t an i -up-rmten.' ten: - h me mis-. n> f the Ashe-' .pte-bytery. with heaiqu irters at J B.:tir.:re. Tr.r l.,al Pr-;sbyteriar# are look;r.z r.ur i : > a (pea: meriir.?. and it exrected that ther chur.he.* : v : -A-n and many ; r ; - fr m the - -.-.try round ar> at w:.; a ?;; them-j - -- -- ~r - - ?: rttsr.ity hearing! Mr. Rau.-.h-nberc ar.l c.-.j yirg the -"iritua! f-.a?t that pr?:m-;-d. ?CLEAN UP ANI? PAINT UP? 'DO YNU MIND IF I'M SKINNY, j ? I By Dr B. 5 Herben. A Southern boy wa sleft ;u airx* of friends for a three week-* res: la tae Adirondack C3tnp Oa the 5rst evening, the hostess t?. k the little .ha; upstair# to bed and. that he tr.gh: r.;t feel lonely, supervise! the preparations. Suddenly ;n the mils*, of undressing. the seven-year-oil exclaimed. "Mistis. you do not m;:! if I am skinny do y a* The puzzled hostess fumbled. Y : cant help it. Jackum? and we shall jv?n make y.*a fat! " I don't mean that D you mini ;f In: 5k.any? Do y u mind if I i at have anything on?" But *he thins we did mini was his "sSinn ae*s He hai ha i pneumonia aai the flesh and strength were slow in -omlng back. We were anxious about the child How alarm.as is such low re5i5tence to all inf-.* especially to tuberculosis, which are all around us and? ao matter with what care we attempt to guard our child re n?so menacing to them The A55 > a-i n for Improving the Coal:-.on of the Poor an 1 a prominent lire ;c-:ari2v> ..a?c- - study of conditions am the chi.i ren o! New York City an- it is estimated that on* child Out of every three is undernourished. This atiuation is duF'.: atrd everywhere. The?e little, too-thin b.-dies are being c nstant'.y bombarded by bacteria of all varieties and be-.ng menaced by diseases which are serious. The child who is of normal weight and who Is healthy in other ways as well, ha^ a chance to ?S-r -" * enemies. The youngster who is handicapped by undernourishment and all that it implies is the one who generally flghts a losing battle. How many parents think of these thing** How many parents could answer Yes 1 care!" to that question: "P:> y- ! :nind i? I'm sk.nny?" Haw ab^ut the boys and girls under your -re? Do you look at ihe matter at all? Do yau ever think of the meaning of the children s diseases? Do you know that measles and scarlet fever and colds are more severe and more dangerous to children who are undernourished than they a>-* to the plump, rosy-cheeked and bright-eyed child'' Do you realize that the foundation of happiness and health in the adult years is being built in childhood ?right NOW? Those who truly care will consult the physician, learn the underlying causes of the child's poor health, his malnutrition, and take the imperative steps necessary to correct the condition. Those who do not care will "do the best .they con" without doinj anyj thing Are children looking at you with pleading eyes? "I'm skinny! Do you mind?" Local School Closes Very Sucessful Year fv^ol- r.f the \fn? pby Graded School closed Tuesday evening. May 26th with eraduatina j exercises of the Senior Clss*. which | uiarLcu uie close ox one of the most j successful scholastic years ir. the histcry of the Murphy School. Those receiving diplomas wer Misses Maurine Fain. Beulah Barton. Fv#. j lyn Hill and Messers. Harv ey Akin, . Lucius Witr.ersp->or. ard H. A. Matrox. The annual graduating address | vras delivered by Mr. O. L. Anderson t of Haytsville. foHowing which presentation of diplomas was made. Commencement week was marked by one of the- most elaborate program? ever rendered in the local school. Commeiceme nt proper began Thursday evening, May 21 with the rendition by the primary depart aect. Friday evrsinjr th 5-verth 1 rrad* rer.d?r*d the play entitled *T=e Winning :f La tan r " with a .utnbrr of ar.d musi-t be:weer a: * - S-d^. . . rnirz r?: riven *c. Rr- Fr.*z. R-i-r.her.'-:rz f B.Itrr. re. N . -rr-i :h anWHOLE BODY SI INJI Morse, La.?Mrs. L. P. Lambert. who has been a popular School-teacher here for several years, recently told a visitor of her interesting experiences with Cardui. "Just before my . . . came on," said Mrs. Lambert, "I would ache ail over. My feet, my toes. my arms, nar.as. r.eaa?my wno.e body seemed to be in one awful pain. I would grow 50 nervou3 that I could not hold a cup in my hand. My husband would have to hold my coffee for me to drink. Last fall I was in such a bad condition that I had to spend about three days in bed every month. It seemed to me that I was on my last go-round." Then one day. said Mrs. Lambert. she happened to read about Cardui and the experiences of some women who had been helped by it. "I felt that Cardui might help me if I tried it," she j Clean Uf and Dt Your While you are cleanin: why not drive your c; tion and let us clean il up with our famous li GOOD GULF < aurKtMt 1V1U 1 We also carry a comp and Accessories, and c ar.d employees are al Ladies' Rest Rccm?; Air a When you reed a CALL F Murphy Sta 108 Valley River Ave Clean Up and Paint I Harvest CI FOR THE NE5 The Golden Rule Sta lew price* on the foll< Women's and Childr Summer Underwear, bed spreads, etc. We have two Ladies price $14.98 to go at One Spring Coat, for to go at One Spring Coat, for to go at Rock bottom prices < Sheeting. Prices rig] If merchants need ai will H to their i Come and get prices. The Golde: Grant Bldg., next to MUf Clean Up and Paint I Friday. May 29. 1923 ena! commencement sermon. Monday < renin* the Soiree Muaicale was rendered by the music department ! with Miss Ida Moody Johnson, director. M -* of the teachers left the latter part of the week for their hon*3. iEMED H AWFUL PAIN continued, "for I hid been .suffering with similar troubles to1 those mentioned there. I had heard of Cardui all my life and I knew many women who said they had been helped by it. The very next day I began to talc* it. "Very soon after, 1 began to notice my improvement I kept on till I felt like a different woman. I gained in weight from 95 pounds to no ana lea Detter than I had in years. I took, six bottles right along and found it a splendid tonic. My suffering was partly due to a run-down condition and the Cardui stimulated my appetite and helped me i to gain the strength I needed. . . . I take a bottle.every now and then, even now, iust as a tonic to keep up my strength, but I am in better health than I have been in for years." All druggists sell Cardui Try lit. IN it Us >,Fix Up ess Up Car g up and painting up, ir up to our service sta: up. fix it up, and fill it ne of gas and oils. GASOLINE AND rOR OIL lete line of Tires, Tubes >ur entire stock of goods mojo al juui 9CI flVC* Free Parking ground nd Water mything in our line HONE 46 c i bervice lion MURPHY, N. C. Jp Week, June 1st to 6th ean Up Sale CT TWO WEEKS re will make specially owing items? en's Dresses, Millinery, light weight dress goods, ' Spring Coats, farmer $8.95 mer price $27.50? I $19.95 I mer price $35.00? I do nc y*?""w >n Pepperell Sheets and tit on all Merchandise, lythiiqfin our stock we -.icreii U> see us. n Rule Store Murphy Bakery tPHY, N. C. Jp Week, June 1st to 6th j