PACE SIX ' NEW PLAN FORFtN ELECTRIC I Eastern Power Company Wo Methods, Based on Nii Mile ? Succesj for electric terries oa the tarm that yr?e proa!** of pre Tire satisfactory to both faraer aai power ooenpnar bar? been established by tie Adirondack Power sad I_gh: Corporation of Seheaectady. S T. These rates. which are so: say iad-.oattcfi of what may or ait rat be possible :a ether sections of the country. ?eea: ere?be! ess :o be a, rjal ;c::r.bat:ca ?owa-i tie solstice of this pressing cuest'on Tn ibe :i.v e' tb- Adiposd s<-k coaS3 be der?:ty -f pop-tla- 03. ti^ b?nr#r of tb.e eeuat: r tie k ad af f*rai? = -Ttd . ad 'be res: -f ats'.eJ *i .v: - ap-1 t'r 5a. . < 1--at: ?r:=r ate ?*? " : *. . rtc ;:.r? to .'A?as T-- 'arsner - p-o-. ? *r ret ?!e. :ri = a: * - - jtb ta taai- : ? "t Th- a:.: oatpsa * - ? .= tsott't the t/i-w ? a: i ?~re --at * afford a fa.r -e: _ " ?a -.c. :a? t_! n *w?d Nc D sareeiet?e-ts S= Fa* "Tie Adirondack plan s tie culmiaa "txi- -' :*o '-in is^avT" study and arcc ;.;? :e ?fBeta_s of ills rout pas ? oc A**- Ias t?: brwo*V :; :t; : a::~r: ;: wh . :h *A~ = r: i>- la*-:: :ur-. of under lie provisions of its frrmuh: In fact. tie ecayttf now stands read? to -Mend serrica 43T*i*r? within itfranchise are*. Tie reply -We *-'. exter i service if so nitr sigaatur-? are sercured." etc. so :oaa;a eiti wtility rompan!e? to Inquiries Jnr tee j now changed by tie Adirondack Company to. "We wf'.i g!ad.'y ritee-i service for yon. and tie terms 'will be sc and so. in accordance with or mr!T regulations." Tie cn'.standing feature of tie plan, as "iled with tie New Tor* State PrbUc Service Commission, is a table frcm wbleh it is as easy matter to determil the terms of any rem! -rteasKon Tils ( tm tie mis loan monthly bill and dtrpoalt necessary, according to tie number of customers per :n:'.e Tie p'.an provide* for two ways of fearing tils expense, a flat minimum monthly bill or a lower aiaiasa aoatiiy bill p'oa a cash deposit by the customer. Ferns# operated by "enacts where the owner would hesitate to make a oaah paymect toward tie line, and where tie tenant wockl also be reluctant :c make a cash deposit to secure electricity for a farm witch h? me it vacate in a year or rxp aiala* tfc'.s -jb!* John L. Haley sAti$;r of the Adwoada.,* ro=ipa.-y, poottsd oa: that irt Kn- ' it ?- n > Wber? :h-re are foer farmers u> tk* safle. lie aslaimom bill would he 11. : pmeided the easterner does uot desire ! la share at tie exteasloc expease. la ceas be **. there are three *?yi -apea to bias. He eaa deposit f ISO aed crept a =!:!sia bin of IS: deposit |KS aad aeeept s a-aicecm bill of $4: ?r deposit J?4 sad his ntaisasa bin wiB be bat *3. Kerb farmer's case Is treated individually?that la. oae farmer ia the PMfra-Eile eiteasioa caa ajrree to a | .sdhinss bill of 14. whereas his neighbor caa deposit fit* sad hare a mtaft- j mam bSl of tt . Cjty niam ?v fmrmmrm Berries supplied to eastaaiers frees i thsss rural tees will he charged for j at Che reyalar city rates. This b aa- | tea differs fro* others, tt belay the { -emnpaay's bsBef that with a tow price I Ac fD^np A? farmer cms sceaemieal- i II ow l tB terra qaaatitiea Other .oempaalee have fait that they mast j chin* hiphar rata par kOawmtt hoar j fhaa obtains ta the dttaa or that thay mart haw a oerriea eharpa ta addS- ! ' ? ?? oo mart par kilowatt hoar far | all riacUkftj seed. The Adirondack | the tan as low aa thay are ta the eft? ftnatr caa aeoarcaiesJly aaa | gJmlfc easigy ul that this pteeadsat an of ?"tea wfll mafea It I p>l llhle for (be nmpaay to Utal Bp j Om of ?he errata* otetadn ta lie?M dap bra alacullnttea Is Chat eta> aa aatwaatea la daairad aat aC Cha illIhSf plaaff (ha proporwd Baa Btseraeta^arwtha eywoa. Thpa. ffto a he hasa miihiI as irpiam aad (ha Baa ta C i* Had. Cha athar* sB uk flv aw ill i ?ad (ten to aa ST ta 1 BttaaitfcJ.,-: itW *i inifri ii lin n ANCINfi LINES TO FARMERS rks Out Table of Alternative mber of Customers Per iful Thus F ar i Minimum Bill or a Deposit, As Preferred This la the table 5? minimum monthly rata*. with the alternative lepoeit. according to tbe number of tarms per mile. *atab'.:abed by the Ad.rosdack aab Lagbi Orporasioa of Schenectady. N". Y_ i'.nroughoui :ta territory: ?sytoaer? Minim zm Customer's Per M.e Monthly Bui Deposit (3 X | 0 04 7 S a 3 -30 I 30 Li. 30 f 4)0 0 W ! .. I 30 130 3* iJ 4 34 0 ? 4 00 SO 30 S.M 1>0 30 S 4 SO -3 30 4 30 ISO 0* 3 30 S40-30 ii i >00 47 00 4 00 174.00 too a:.;o 4 ? 1M - 9 00 .. 4 ? 145 00 1 00 40 0 >0 IS 4 ? 9.0# 40# 11500 5 O# 247 *> 4 i)0 142 #0 4 00 Ml 9 00 4 00 1(5 00 P 5 4*10 50 1 L2 00 J 00 i 4 00 t 0? 00 ".3^ 4 T:a:aqa bill "?f 13 per monthLater two more rarmers within the ua? aide desire service. it then be oaw x six farmere-uxhe-aile Use and the difference in deposit originally male ind that repaired by the new , cocditims is refunded to the ungmal ^ :oer cummers. Mixed l_me* Allowed For 5 II s customer discontinue* service, the deposit or minimem hiT. for the reI ma: mag customers will be determined o? the tta? basis as tar s new extew Aon. Adjustments on (-"posits or am bills wiE be determined on 1 December 3! of each year. Consideration is glvea to atrwer Tights or jdustnsl uses 3f electricity, sucfc ss mills, etc. In lguring the sember o! customers to the mils, each |100 xnnmai revenue received frets such -scs is considered m equivmlent to ?ne customer unless such lights yr mills require s srectal type of lias ! "_he mils isiac electricity and a mill may be -j'jx electricity br-.nciac ta JIM a year^-seane:. The six farmers w*T. thea be rated os the -cht-ens:omer?-u>-the-mile basis sad thereby < be sieved a lower miaimam bni FARM U6HT1NFMDE0 Idea* in G-E Farm Book otr What7: J Lights to Use and YVhgre... j ^ to-Put Theai 'i | ! aa attractive publication recast- ; ly tnaed by tbe Osneral Bectrfte | Company, the G-K Farm Book, a cem; plate plan tor liahttn* the farm and ; the farm baildthcs by electricity la etched Nt Not emfy the farm fboose. bat the barnyard and barn tt j self, dairy build lac*. the stable tor ! horses or cows, the sOe aad graaary.! 1 the hay mow. the |tn|s aad tool 1 | shed, aad the pool try bo ass ere tacladed fa the simnaCnd method af j electrical illaminatiea. A dtaaram af aa stouite Bjhttost system for ersry Boar af the hrs baase la shown. Thrns la also a ton- ! cram snoestinc bow the eeatrel off the l'chrs at the harm, peaftry houot aad la toe barnyard caa be n*ifitnad from the farmer's dwelling hoaaa. Oa to sbeiBlsii af Wlree "IB wtrtac farm befldtacs." says atk <111 to atorri. Wfclto tton a mo TTHttoto at two wttk UnlilH .I.LUfc ilm. auto tar* ar taaoaU * *\j roc (ha tasoiariott. rmhbmc, latest walls may It, caoslaa Itn whoa to ho spoaai "To avoid bcemkaco of lup la M. at tho. ?: choto mC ftaOtt floras. wtro gmards ema ho cmC. tm dairy adttla smarcms harms, or schar , hmlMt? ahtra stock la aBsaid ? roa loaaa. rwttehos Mi ha ptscad at laaac da teat from the tor, am that tbo stack cmaaat strike ?mo? CWat It Is W* ta fames ovor thorn s oeato hornlike cersr with an root fraasai as satxW arm sematiesos it t toaat ??. to t m?n . .?? ? milt uW wf? ttof " ? ?? * *V7j?'*i!T7* *"1=22 THE CHEKOKEE SC.? -1 st prefurre f rr. each u w. H eaom that smSea "er her t ?h tr" "" th. wetT-r- :r. wr.ispertr.e* . v 'tis well with tne ?'.? pe- wfc ..?: v ?h us :h -- - . "f -:r that we 1 v c^r.r f .r r._: :r.e * : rr an"v- ir.-t! - srveet Juan ta y?ar frae-ar. : -v-?- * - r.a wr. rer -? *? in ?. r: e '- . The -ar.c-a.z- uaspok : - try heart than any love ken tact fr:eri* can ?part. V- - . Mr* E. E. Stil < and Fam : Tr.i . . r.. - a: Mr. M :riah the 5 r-t ; th; your* - p'.r attendt . f s*ir:rr.- nvent -. at Par.terjti? i ant r:r. -ted a erod Mr P . > Pay-r i' : family v !-> Pa>n '? Mr-. T. K. Col?, ast weekend. i ] Mr. Johns of Isabella ! ~::ed fcomef:lk? Sunday Mr. Lester Cole >f Cpperhill visit* d his patents a?t weekend. The Gcddist Brother* : thi* place pent Saturday niffc: n C cperhii' j rith their brother. Rev. J. L. Morrow preach at fc'oif Cr?ek June Tth. Everybfrij J one out or.d gix* him a .arce crowd. I I ? Qnnthflrn UUUlllUlil Sysl Sunday E 6. J -. x .! ^ Until September 27 th. Railway will sell Sunday from all stations betwe* phy to any station on tl where the round-trip ca returning passengers to midnight same day. Rate* for these cut basis of one fare pi _ round-trip. CALL ON YOUR LOC FOR RATES AND PA SCHEDULES j.H.y AsheviBe, ,t. miktht. w. c A Letter < EPITOR SCOUT May we have just a f- * It- - in rour little paper as Mf are always : id to have the Scout. A* many of _ ourf friend? i- Cherokee take the P Scout. I just wish to thank the good r r-e.-ole of Ha-gingdog and Boiling ?. Springs and aL- Murphy for the t! ? .ir.y kindne?-e~ shown us in the a pas: tw years. W have had much pleasure in trying to serve the good o people at Boiling Springs as best we b . ould a# their past for the past year e Should we rot serve them another f rear there will always be a warm c rlace ir our heart for them and we t ac highly recommend the church to r any one who may accept the call, r Fr.ey are a willing people to help bear v :he bvrdens their pastor. May God c S!e*s H.s people is the deep desire r : hearts ami may the churches , r ;r - r,i the oalmtrte t:!1 we are ? . . r >wned with His tiorv in the a -urcr.. With much 1 ve to all > we >ha'. meet a?air.. Rev. L. r* '".ark. Car: n. N. C. h > FACT I >WN NEWS J The R-v. Geontr W. Davis p earhed ^ ?-. ir.tfresticc -crrr. n Sunday riaht. i The s "Zir.c int- ><: .- - i-r.prav- I ,t.? here a? a re-j.* tw -:re:ne I - that cPrsed here a f~w ? ks I c >nduovd by Pr H M. Bali?** ' i nnoth r ar.e i? i- pr v^resi nw. Mrs. P. hereon was th >*e to trad the Decuratj.a at Snnay t?rov? . I : Mr. J. A Rich ar.j Mrs.C F R;jfc --r*e the euest? rf. Mr-. Er'f;e Mi'.I j r Sunday. I Mr*. John Newt t Fannin Co. 3a. is v:,!.;;r.e relatives here th:? week Mr. and Mrs. Frar.^ f A"-' :rrw* v:s:ted re.ative- .-.e:e Suttda" I Mis? Ev.:>n Rich and M;-? Ma:;e 3;ckey were euest- Sunday of M*5. Lrn? Johnson. GRAPE CREEK Our Sunday S -h - * i> proeressi c *irely under the d: recti on of Rev. S FL Reece. There wii: bei d coration at Salem Fane Tth. D:nner on the erouad. Ever-body invited. Railwav 1IU11 11 UJ xcursion 1925, The Southern f excursion tickets ? Asheville and Muri? Murphy Division in be completed on starting points before tings will be on Ins 25c for the j 1 AL TICKET AGTiT SSENGER TRAIN , Vood j Car Agtart N. Car. j ?_J! ZLay Farmers Raising Poultry, Says Anderson Continued trom pace !) roperly. feed them. and balance 3 ation. and also h :? ar.d well districted. which wil promote poultry ir ach locality. There we re 35 liferent farmer? that purchased these hicks, each farmer buying from one . eiefc: hundred and the av raee lumber that each farmer sot was four rur.dred. The dairymen a* a rule rere the on-:* that purchased the** h:?.k.-. a.- thev had plenty f w:r.i? ar- th- >ne? tha' isr.' the chick*: Wavae Wa droac >'r*. Iva Sander- n. Of. Wladroup, r.- Chambers. T. L*. Pawnor*. Ma-i Vea-. r. Fr- J Waij: ^. E :. '"raw rd. W. O. Anf-rs r. W. !. Prater V. J. Winchester. H. K. Pa:ton. 3.-: -edfcri. W. B. Patterson. Shad ,eather? >d. Mr*. W R. Anders-*-. Zi Mj ry. E A. Mu?t>. M. M. M Cr-. P. B L rari Smith \aud M Mrs. May Mo are. Je? : Andrew Gr A. M. Cole " trl Scro^g*. Mrs. Ed Rnr. r. if. D. O. Setze.. A. 0 3- 1 S. J. Br.*: 1 and Mr-. O. C Suckne-. u.i.r.i.u.r.'! min.iM.ixrx For All ! "TjTF. have used Black 11 Draught ever aino I we have had a fam ! ily and that was short!; ; after 1874," says Mr. E ! A. Brans tetter, of SI ; James. Mo. "It is my firs remedy when any of u ; gets sick. . . . We u s Black-Draught for torpii ; liver and stomach com ; plaints. > "When I get shiggial : and dofft feel so good, M hake Rlarlr.nnuiffht en you have to show me the there is a better medicin ; ? Re 3 If ire Kol The | BLACK-I Vegetable THE SOUTHERN ,Whose in the S isgn We who are dev service of this n ours. The investors ? faith and money efficient transp< they speak of it i And you who 1 goods it carries, dqmxh on its re and day out?ar call h yours ? We all have a proprietorship in afl of us that it great railway sy This spirit will b aae>?seaf l.:_ ^ SOUTHBtH Jt FRIDAY. JUNE S. I?Z5 Beloved Mother Passed Away On May 18tb Oar Heavenly Father in h:; love and wisdom called fr^rr. this eirtk to her eteVval abode on May the l^th, Mrs. Amailia Price of BeLrie* Mrs. Pric? was aeventy-sevea yearg of aire ar.d kept active until the last year, when her decline becarr:- notice* oly rapid. All means that - i be ] used to stay the ravage* of c:*?a*; and [ d^atfc were used to no avail. She had oeen iiguius wtwwu tat? 1.1 of the Grim Reaper, and had, r.: t uht, ' made preparations for the j -rr.ey, , long ag . She had been a eo--,;.-.?nt . and faithful member of th Baptist r -rch over fifty years and ha i tved . a sincere, hanorabie life, leaving a >f nir.e cfci lrer. ar.i a rum of srran ichildren to bless human- 1 ity ar.d k**p fresh irr trrmory her precepts ar.d exarr.p'.e. Ti? m ?ther's love that ever cl.ngs. j *T:s mother's !>ve that blessing bring* 'Tis mother's ve that guide* the way T) crrirg feet on life's high-way. 1 ?N. C. W. CASTORIA For Infants anl Ciildrra In U*? Fw Over 20 Ysars CL IMM.MJ.1.T.1 M.M.F.T MJ I-UJ i; the Family 'in Missouri. I think it is \ e fine for indigestion or for | headache. It is a splendid family remedy. My wife I 1" uses it for any stomach ; ailment, indigestion and _ biliousness. We never let 1 t the house be without it if H 1 know it. We aleo give it f s to the children for chil- t 1 dren's complaints, colds or , fever." h ! Keep s package of Black- . h Draught in the house for I all the family. h (j Yoor dealer will saO roe a ! mammoth paduM, contain my x lira of the regular-aum packC ayes. IVa oh a a par. member ' tffonfs, tr? N* Ri DRAUGHT ? ?*"' uwr mam : | SERVES THE SOUTH interest *.<-wciaiSa?T - "M* outhern latest? | otnng our lives in the lilroad like to call it vho have put their into it to make it an station machine? as theirs. travel on it, whoee and whose businees j gular service day m e you not entitled to feeling of pride and i vac ouuuiein, una n ] [ has come to ba the : I stem that ilk . I uild a greater South* j j