FRIDAY. J'J.iZ SI :r.S Cl)C *Ci)C!'^6CC 3>rout The Official Organ of Murphy and Cherokee County, North Carolina * "PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ' C. W. BAILED Editor-Manager MRS- C. W. BAILEY, Associate Ed. B. W. SIPc. Associate Ed.'. Subscription Kates j > C.(e Year $1.50 Eight Months y ... l.oo Six Months 75c! Payable Strictly In Advance Legal advi -t*sea;ent.s vrcnt ads , reading r.oti obituaru . cards of thanks, etc, 5c lin. each insertion, -| payable in advance, pi-play and c?> ;J tract rat..- furnish* >! on rr?p -t. j.. All communications must be signed i ' by the writer, otherwise : y not " be accepted for r.uhli a* a. Name i !i of the writer will not published un-|t: iess so specified, but we murd have: the name of the author a- evidence" of good faith. _ Entered in the postoffic . ! , liy. N-rth Carolina, as -i matter under act of . IB." 'J. ' i For- pn Aortrti?m? R ? (wntiHvc I THE .K ? .. ivi v- < a ; \tion_j A Letter i i f Editor Scout: Please permit us a \w lines i: your p.per. Wt are -ubs?.rihers t ? the !' > -out ami have been I'T some time, .is we feel that we could not do with t the dear old Scout. We wish to say a few wo d.? in re ? Row I p rinrk'a ioftor wtioVi lppearcd in th Scout dune the 5th. we of the Boiling Springs Church have detived guod and lasting benifit i r ii the pre.u hing ? ?. . .r \ -w K v [.. F. (" Ciiiil .... N C. Brother Clark has done a great1 work here which will liv. in the h? aits' , and minds ot the people f r ages to' ccme. ] We wish to thank R oth >* t'l.-uk I. for the Compliment j; .- < I. It ha? been the greatest pleasure f our lives j j to have Broth* r Clark with us during < the past yea . And we truly hope, that wc may mploy him as .mr past - ! for the coming year. With truest wish* MRS. TIN V OPEL!.. (irundview, N. C. GREAT DEBATE TO TAKE PLACE IN SUNSET CITY President Of Science League Of America And Editors Of Religious Magazine To dacuts The Question Wethtr Man Sprang From A Monkey Or Wa? Made By The . Power Of God Mountain View, C..1. N -.ota .-ns : extending over s"vcr:tl months 1>c-j twet-n Dr. Muynard Shipley San.l. I rancisco, pu-ident of the Si ion. i League of America, and . dit r> of ? per hour-383 This gruelling test proves tl outstanding superiority of Fir stone Full-Size Gum-Dipped Ba loons. With practically no chanj in cars and drivers from last yea and over the same rough, unevi brick track, laid sixteen years a( ?Firestone Balloons racing undi a blazing sun?beat last yeai world record on thick-walled,hig pressure tires by a wide margi Of the 21 cars which starte only 10 finished "in the mone ?every one on Firestone Ballooi V -*Gum-Dipped by the extra Fir BtocP process that adds ext; ||lSTY GUAR AMERICANS SHOULD P fa* "'Signs of tne Times " a religion ournal publ:shed her.. and id ;hrout'nout Ameri a n?i many oivi-zn countries, with i f -nee ; public debate i* San Fran , - ? ? r he question of evolution. hav? be;n onduded and definite arrang i . at? lave been made for tee I-";.*. * in Native Sons* hall, San Fran >. < n he eveni: _ of June 13 and 14. Th- proposition t*> 1 e d~.--i.ti 1 the list right, June 13, is 1* --lved h.:t *!jc ' r. all li: i to the r.-y?K of ovulation", Dr. ( -hudey v.:.l -,'e::k to the - . In . liv . d r v. F. D. Nit?I. i dito. < . th * Signs <.i th Y r, : ill the negativ-. The foil w r.g night. June 1 !. the deb . .... e continued with a ?ii cu.-.-i > o. he subject "K i?lv d thu: th- i -.j igs oi evolution should be d-bar. ?. . "i tax-s inpor' I hools. K k. L. Baker, associate edit r of the Signs of the Times* will -;<< k r. fa- affirmative side of this question ad Dr. Shipley will take th' ivga :\Inter sting Subject While this from of public <) -i ?n of interest to all thin' , as been used to an ?.xtca* 1 he last as in the . . ' tie- n otter debate n New York City, hi will he the fir.-1 debate < " th i.-.d to ' held on the Pacific C a t i> h< lieved th-t it will attract cry wide attention and have an educational effe.t. The S.'ltnn leoioi . of whi.h T? hp.v is president, and . n whi ? ?-".d ar? well kn v. n s.-ien ,1cJ !. ttitten. !. i:h i Itur'nar! . Edj*. r i .. ll< a tt. ii i r j ?. s i. rganized early last fall following th | s tation kc;;me more or !?tatewid fer...-ein?njr the ? a. hinu V l-.iiinp v.. the public h - f 'uliiornia. jgi ri hail ;r . f .1 - fiat came fr- m s< ithefll Califi r:.: rd result <1 in a heat in-- rep* * ur both ides of :h? ore : ?n ' f pUJ-iit r Join 1 *!? and 14, in San Ft:*:- i- o. -\*v|. -Herald, San . <'alif? ; ia. t li SALK I. n vt-' -went at plants, all varieties, $1.00 per ,.M ... il.t-, T't. J) : 1.000. r ani.: shipments. Dorris I'lant ?!> A ij|k Win llHi ?? At Indi HH Setting s^a" Mark o! ) Miles withom >e strei Tllr. FIRST TEN Mte je MONEY WINNERS Ca ?Rju on rfatft?? FuD-IIm lrL in , BalJi ? AVERAGE JO "on Driver Miles Per Hoar mile ?r 1 Dc Paolo . . . 101.13 " 1 L-**r!s ffS!. . . inn k* * Tl 9 3 Siiiier-Mortoo 1CXX1H p^j), h- * H?rtz .... 98.80 3 MUton .... 97.27 grim fi Dwraiy .... !>6.91 com d 7Dc p?hM . . 9&A5 7, * Krrt. .... 9A33 tl0f* -j9 | lo Bar?Uno h.75 i ^har e- ? mac ra MOST MILES PER DOLLAR near AGE AND MA MURPHY, N. C. roduce their own rui Hillpp i3k TT?- CHEROKEE S ' c e. & -. St -v To Op;-. I Ju'; W ' f';rvv- . -t r'ri ..hv R i'. iirg -1 ' ,-n V- r:a v.!I! ,? -iur: * y. . ?re?: ; . an' .--a -.t h; ;:-t- - :ir itt-nu :tnd bu.-'rc-- ho.. . ..Tins in s'itu !"a of .1: * avj. it ai?o pro vid?s an ca.iy a.:4 - yvo /.r.i : ... . ~ ; the a .va.r.ajr - tat ; . .. ... , 1 .... .... . , i.y try " . r*r- "h? w. rk aVe: !. It : .' -o'-jtely sr.*. -v .i .r. made nrd.y < n M- " re 1 c?t-t >n!y "v. !>. '- :" value of 'hi- . ropertj^ "> ! 1? ini* .J ' v i. ?rca: and nsu *sc5 2. M ra y paid in -n - -.iu if lef . . :e!v sx ; c-r cent and i- no.: ixable. >. The .-hare- can b r.r*. paid for - n *b- .. *>' '. v.-. ; lan. A -h;u . i? \.. at ?! '? an j end ft :t the rtte f 25c pel week. it is an easy way i *.h t :: .. . ?man without ir.ea - t- ' r< i ney t? build a houc. Only .-hare holder? may borrow of to. - cir 'ion. The r-.r.t thai vary art nay'n. i'l buy a hotis tr.r ' Ituildinjr r.r.?l I.oan A: It provide- an y . i . rcian working L . a v> Vy . >> save. st >ck ;: th. iv:;:i i_. -r - ' h t .? h ad to oar tr v- -1th an? the stability <>;' our . ii:r : . . I ybe asl^H IjnV'-^JiiTate tfttfiyBuiKT"i : L.r it ion ;'nr', 1 : !" . * ? tnk ? 1. w1.' n the July . ' i* made I Cwenby Receives Second ShotLc Cwcn! y. Mar; y R ate 2 f\\ <1 : > . h. : i * iu i iu' a T;u -Say v k. Hv ni y was -?von i . i on S:. May >l?t ; v- * ..>.:- o R u s -*' ' \UI'-un Jar* l/atd Yvariy ^ # vir i Battle Tires aaajjclss, May 30 aMewWorld I XOl.13 M^Ses Tire Trouble igth and flexibility, and elimis internal friction and beat. ill at our principal branches spect one of these Full-Size i>ons that travelled the 500race without a change. wonderful Gum-Dipped oons that stood this terrific 1, will give you safety and fort?and thousands of addid miles?on the worst coun oads ?in daily conflict with p stones and gravel, worn-out adaro and broken concrete. See est Firestone*dealer today. CHINE SHOP 3BER . . . . COLT. MURPHY. N. C. ? L5BYT2P!AN ZY:- " L CLOSES Y *-sgy > ' - - . y i' - ..." v : ?ro. i| : " y. i* adui sr t?. . .... , .... . . I t ' ' - " at ' servi on 1 'i . ! y : vl vv : - : - . . h : n I r-:\ y it. v. *iK : . .V- to v., h. -'.TVl . '!r : have ' r. ' . thdir faith. T . ^ ' - I, ' j i. :i 'u ,,i :,y Mr. : , Chi v. :< V in? v.-;. - r ! 1 :.:v? ' . a i' ; i h .. !. Fh j ' iy :: iv von:;! i; h.iv : .r, ? its ":r Rt ' :r m:> l ivi.I.. .1 : . ..IS the h.ivchc-:: ..t the : 71- ' h< will i "tinth: v\ >ut t vlJ., the vlvising . i. - I. -i r"? June If: i. The pa-t .r r.n. ;n n 'his we;k ths n county, as soli el tor] i' the 2<)th judicial district, beside ' i number of oth*v offices of tni -t.i 'i has been prominent in democratic i i le- for many years. Veterans' Pension Checks To Arrive About The 15t': The checks uuuk preacher (will be ordained to the ministry. The church extends an invitation to I' all the churches in the Western North Carolina Association to meet with it or. thai uuto ami from the presbytery or council. /wA snuffy cold^^k IMENTHOLATUMI clears the nose ^ --r-.t ! - V. p a~T ?" S. : i.* ?. -5 I lae : J. II n " lI :; ' n-: h - anpd . - %>, : > . ..... -.1 ; riri .M. ! t . --! nth- in:? r -t In - ' - T >in:r.-_ :h?? " '" ! "r. - - : : T .. . - . I iV.'. 1 ra . ' J. If. \ ' ! 1 T ? '' }>: IS V " . . on 1. 102 - r '. - vv i." ;r ;-.irx!n:st* ? 5:-. J : - - : tv*rjrf.n : :i jr.; daiil Upon the* < : ;'i?i h-- "c tw hundi* a <1 " **? d-'Ihu".-' nunt 8''Comp;;r - . r; y for -.-nit-ring inti. c nt-ai in - vent bid aivonted. It right 't? < : '< fi . ' . fl * 5p: j Varnish Mas a A BRUSH, a Iiti Varnish stain, a M ?that's all it will t: Hj table or chair look n< Hjfl And the cost is triv can be beautifully Hygrade Varnish Stai ngH Mahogany. Walnut. ' Cry natural finishes to chc l&J booklet "Putting Be* Kjj foe the asking. Eg BRITTAIN i Builders Hurdwai H Murph; p\cr five The, ?CS aqzinSt the OIL They're long, longer than moi' of us ever realize. Heat, dust, dilution, pressure, speed, and tiny clearances are just a few of them. But we'll bet on "Standard" Motor Oil, for it's a thor oughbred. "STANDARD** yplnrine MOTOR OILS -Based on ever 50 years' experience , | isery?-:l. Add;! ?>nal in . n can "t' Muri.Ii v, X. C. i b. w. sirr t-?. :.rk. i (4i-2t-t) !/(?"" -'^N --^5-. ' A \ At'*'.'. rh . . :? -,Jr i.UK.V--/. TV. '/ I I :^rii i -. !r'"' - Q;thf'itT3te for ' ij' | mg Drops 1 Sooii.hig Syrups, ? arms :.n I Children .11 .tges of' 'i. > S\\ v n Siomach P!iy. iciai- everywhere recommend it. nc In The Home l&j tic sandpaper, a can of gj^j] ike to make that old bed. EjJjjSf ial! The brass bed above gflSl refinisbed with Cookdge [f*,Golden Oak and tix other * ' ose from. Color Card and Ha tuty in the Home" yourt Sc MAYFIELD e? Oil*, etc. I v, N.C.