' FACE FOUR ' Che Chcrobre ?>eout The Official Organ of Murphy and Cherokee County, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY |< C. W. BAILEY Ed.tor-Manager j MRS. C. W. BAILEY. Associate Ed. ! - a W. S1PE AuocUla EJ. Subscription Rates One Year $1,501' Eight Months 1.00 Six Months 75c Payabtc Strictly In Advance 4*.T Legal advertisements; want ads.' reading notices, >bituaries, cards of thanks, etc, 5c line each insertion, payable in advance. Display and contract rates furnished cn requt -t. All communications mu-t be signed by the writer, otherwise they will n ' be accented for pub.'icati n. Name cf the writer will not published tin-1 less so specified, but v.e must have the name of tb author as evidence, of good faith. Entered in the post< :t at M r;hy. North Carolina, a? . d cla-s il matter under ;u? of .Mar. 5. 1S70. IFcinpi Advcniiini Representative t THF , v.\1F H :C VN \ ; ? - .SSS t VTTON j To CorresDondents The management ? The Scout , endeavoring to giv? the new of th. different eemmunitnes of the county ' and this section though its con p? n-, dents, and wo shall continue do s . Htjt tht persistency of som* who would !ik< to h( correspondents, and who -ign cry ?id name to a letter, [l is getting to be quite common h re < i late, and what they wt'tt at face value appears to The St t ut a? an "item ' of news whtn as a matter of , fact i- n /'.hint 11 ? than "joke". Then fore, the < at is ad- ! r opting thi line it hast res;st-: c?. and ' hereafter no items from correspondents r Kali be printed ui.lt ss written on specially piii.tcd stationery which will be furnisht i t.. regular authorized corr? spondc t*. The correspondent's >:gnatui\ ami addit s, writttn in his u'n handwriting, must be filed with us for ur r ? = ! !- In * re -.n 1 can be considered an "a ttborised correspondent." This is now in effect. ^ Sasser And Fain Exchange Letters Relative To Fair President W. M. Fain t'h r kee < unty l air 5 Murphy N- rth Car :ina j Dear .Mi. Fain: \ As a i/.en interested in the { tconomi^ and moral welfare of Cherokte ( unty, I am ..fftiing a *: suggestion relative t- financing andji conducting of one f?atute of the 1 2"? -jj Fair. ' i - - F ^ -3 -T~~ !j I ih r.k f three possible sources ! jj income: !. (late l ro itits.il. Gilts bv i *5 public spirited men or corpinations.j{ men or corpoiations, :t. Sale of .j o. Sale of concessions-: (1) to busi- 3 ness concerns, and (2) t' carnival amusement tompanbj * The primary objective of the fair Ijj i> ecoia.mic industrial develop- j 5 inert, whyh includes moral develop-1 \ ment. - ? ? ks to reach the largest [ possil/?- number of people, and it- Ij suc^fss i- largely dependent upon the *i ^ often da nee. *j ' ' Amusements help draw tlu crowd-. ^ Jt is a well known fact that not only Ij some amusements i f no educational J or moral value, but even some J violently injurious to moial charac- ] ter are sometimes tolerated in stmei.j places and instances, in consideration I } of the money the promoter? pay for!?i privileges and the crowds they ap- !; parently diaw t :?>ugh the gates. ^ The companies can pay liberally forjj concessions because what they pay I * comes immediately back to them I from the people who patronize them?M in other words, our home folks?whom! J the- fair i- teaching to make and save[? money! Moreover the carnival com-!, panics make much money but -pud,) comparntiv. ittle of it here. So the patrons of 'he shows etc. 1 < indirectly pay for the concessions and i i directly pay for seeing the shows, ) pitching at prizes, turning wheels of J; "misfortune" and playing various !< devices that are very profitable to the ) promotors, but in a great majority > I the- eases very unprofitable to those ( furnishing the money. The purpose of the fair to develop the economic life is defeated at this point and the fair should look to the other sourc* for financial support. The carnival is net only a financial j liability and drain of the community, but those that carry gambling devices sometimes called by another name, but gambling just the same and their attendant morally corrupting influences chould be barred because they are corrupt and unlawful. These are two good and sufficient i - tnsons for having no carnival in connection with the fair: 1. Finincially jnprofitable. 2. Morally wrong. Bui the lair must have the crowds md I offer iw. suggestions: The r.usical oigar.izations ot the County' and section draw large crowds. The logic singing at the court house a tew weeks ago, the singing at Marble te-n days ago, and other instances :ould be cited. The second feature is an open form where live suggestions would be discussed or debated. Combine these features for two or three days and nights. If p per preparation is made and sufficient advertising of these items is done thi people will he there in throngs. Kindly deliver us from an exppensive and corrupt carnival. Give us some-thing wholesome and von>truetive and we'll all come. A- * his is a public- question, I am svndirg a copy to The Cherokee Be-.ut with request to publish. V- urs truly, T. L. SASSER R v. T. L. Sasser, City. Dear Mr. Sasser: I have your courteous letter oi the i'4th. ir.ts.. and hav. noted carefully the extents. I can assure you I liT'preciate your bringing the matter? outlined in y?>ui lctt.r to my attentand I n assu:o you I will pres :.t >out? l.cter to the ;xciUtivc ccffl.:littio \vh? n it meets Fr:day m rn;ng. 1 el that in acting in any capacity is .1 . i! lit- official that 1 am in relity a servant of the people and it 's n;y ea: >t desire to work with :hti;i. ther? i'. .? i- always a pitasire to haw -ucge?tior? from time to i:nt : Jiti i have conl't. renews in vhicb the ; eoplc car. express their ?*iews. 1 trust we may have . the* Suggestions and that the entire com-.umit\ will take lively int. ri st in the Fair to the end that we may tavi a Fair thai will be just what it hould be. With 't \v:1. FAIN* F'rcs. Chcrok? e County Fair Association Letter From Agent Of Clay County H'Av about Clay County chicktn>? COM I at t TENT TI I MURPl . / OQ One Week ( \ MONDAY i The Cooke \ [PROG j: Monday, "The Redemp i Silver Girl"; Wednesda k Hour"; Thursday, "The $ day,P'Go-ng Some"; S | Riggs". ? Good, Clean Vaude | Doors Open at 7:15 Admission: Childrei | See Jack and C I MAGIC M Always a Clean E | TRY TO THE CHEROKEE SCOOI some cf thetu died and some of thvm lived. Up tc date no one has been able to raist. them all and no one has lost them all. the portent has run all the way from 20 to 75 per cent, the average raise will run about 70 percent with a higher average raised i n the Leghorns than on the heavier breeds. Now how about this chicken busrie-s anyway, what is it all about? About fifteen months ago several people in the county began to milk cows a^ a rm diuni of revenue. The number milking cows has constantly increased until now the cream stati n is giving cheeks for about $125.00 per week, which means a good sum in r. run -! a year. The byproducts skim milk makes it possible to keep n\t . ! more hogs in the county, whi h .-v additional source of r?vmuc. T'v-e t vo additions alone with th pt<.sent e< rpning system is no: sjit . ii-nt T. r,v| tlir.,* ti?.n . lay by a surplus, which every ni:.n should dc. The third addition nn-t bo mail, if the farmer is to have a C" d substantial living and pay hi; taxes, mortgages and lay by a savings old age. This third addition is i' and in the poultry industry which fit- very conveniently in this system of fai :ning. The real out conn in this adventure in poultry has been. at the participant has learned that he car. raise poultry in a larger volume and make a good substantial if >mc from t. Not all the persons entering this venture have si cured, v. 11 :.il continue the poultry work. Th majority of these people are planning a build good substantial poultiy houses, get some good brooder- .v 1 really go in to the poultry busin<-s. Thesv are a few things they h < learned: First they must be prote t ! from radical temperature cha'go and weather from the day they c mi out of the brooder, as long as v .1 would have them to he profitable, See nd. they must he fed this entir? time com-, tlv Third, they must be gotten at the right season and be Puyinjr the chickens at this time tin-. . u!d !<-se a third of their chick ns and then he in th. same condition UNG 4EATRE j iY.N.C. | "ommencing Q Q :> 'JUNE ' | : Players j RAM i '. . $ ition"; Tuesday, "The iy, "The Man Of The *| : Ace of Sinners"; Friiaturday, "Aggie and t X .1. II 9 ville Between Acts ? Curtain at 8:00 ;!; i, 15c; Adults, 35c | Catherine Moulan i [YSTERY Entertainment, So GET IN! ; I ghjuHp* 4 \ MURPHY, ti. C. . financially that they would have been in had they bought them at an earlier -eason and nut have lost any, which is entirely impossible. Under the \ best of conditions no poultry man can expect over t'O percent raised. Say wnat y u \vs!!, "A purebred cow, a sow and Hen will relieve Clay' j County's conditions as soon as time will permit*' It will r.< t only d.? that but will make it a piu-porous and progressive County. WILLARD R. AXDERSOX. C?. unty Agent Johnson Receives Letters Chattanooga Automobile Club Mr. Thomas Johnson, Hot House, Cherokee County, X :;h Carolina. Dear Sir: Th. Club Runs committee of this tcan'zation i~ planning a trip to Mutphy (iv r Kimsty Highway from Ducktown in tht interest of a connection between Murphy and Duckt'.wn whuh would provide a short t sci nic route between Ashevillo and Chattanooga. It is possible that there will be a great number of cars making th< trip from Chatanooga and we h ??? to be joined bv other cars along the line ? f travel. We have decided to make this trip 'on Saturday. July 1th. leaving Chattanooga early enough to have a meeting before noon if possible in Puekt< \vn and then continue to Murphy lor a night me ting. We hope that it will be possible to have a represt ntative of both the Tennessee and North ; Car. Una highway Commission present at thes( meetings and would like t?? knn'.v if you wi I co-operate with us toward making these meetings a sucAn eAtiy reply will bo appreciated. Yours truly. Thi Chattanooga Automobile Club. K. I.. PARK Secretary. Mr. T. T. Johnson, Culberson, N. C. Pear Sir: We are In receipt of your letter with reference to our club run over 8P I Evei : | The H| " A 1 i X the proposed connection betweei Ducktown and Murphy and we thin! you for your spirit of co-operation It is now definitely settled tha our party will leave Chattanoogi early in the morning on Saturday July 4th. arriving at Ducktown ir time for a meeting shortly b< fort noon and then proceeding to Murpb] thru Angclico Gap. We hop-, thaf you will give this matter some publicity in your section and have a good delegation meet us at Ducktown. Any further date that you ear give us which would add to the interest in this trip v will la glad lc receive it. Yours truly. Th- Chattarv - ga Automobile C'lufc R. !.. Park set m tary. Farm wac> have iner?:-a?< partm-n: f \griculture. ?rs*oSV*=-J Prescrv * Am, ??*!I K* fr ^ P^RTI "The Stan Ami Inj i UrfAA agca )mi< ry Sun IN Charl H Ij^H PRICE 5c eserve Yoi Copy Now +++++++*+*++++4M Friday M?y 26. I92S Ar Lips cracked MW and sore? % : I MENTHOLATUM 1 ^^quickly heals^^y i \ I I: clumps of pines d: from atta? - t the southern p .- beetle, , work the timber into lumb r at once' . advise forestry specialists f State ,' rolletfe. Outbreaks of the pine beetle nearly always occur daring 1 tvts' enemies the a! ,v t tsr.hcn storing roots, fl and fruits during the I lilchil* material dealer I rou r anv v.ay: in which rlhr.d Cement rr.ty be raj J tolireat advantage I the home and on the S of tjrenfer production 9 the dctelopmcnt c.f tho ! j o It* \TL.\r. |? cheaper to- Bjj rEAsL I LAMS ;iHEWT~ I v'nch makes arc MCiisurtd" X 8 0IM I ^ it 1 ? A