FRIDAY. JULY 3. 1925 " LEGA1 P.TH CAROLINA-?Cherckee C .r,r.. In the Superior Court. U < NOTICE. jwl; i ' May Concern: Tfca* nt the next regular meeting ' :r- ' 1 of County Cotv.nrs, < : County, X. C. in Ju. :h P a.d will consider hot: r not it will make an ord r a!;:r - ";,o Si ?k law to take cfA-: fal!..winc ' jn-la-;- -f nt P rd:;m T vn-hip, ( hereto v. X. C., w'-.i.-h was v ? : in< Ifst- ; 1 < ck law in th said b--\ ?t iry e hereby notified to be are->t me? *.: g 1 ; \ -hall TV ; 1 t day of June. 192". T. W. AXLKY. ?n of Board of < canty. 13-o-co) Ccmini- or.v; - Cherokee County. NOTICE OF SALE. V !er and by virtu ; a j'dgtn r.t f tr.f Siija ri-T Court of Clay ?Vun\ X !th Carolina. entered in ;h *'<'d p;o?'? edire entlt'-d Annie 1 and husband. K. '. dfovd. 31a:ve Davomi ..t and *h.-r? M il law "f Marcu- ?">:?v* it. cea-d, the- undersigned ...mmison?: will, on Monday, the *>th day r -luiy. 1925, :it ??m (I) Yb'ih p. .. : the couit house ! or in ay?-vi!lc. Clay Canty. North Carina, sell to the highest bidder, lor sb, the following described uucl land in Shooting Creek Township, lay County, North Carolina, toB L: try No. 329, Grant 151, Beginr.g n a sourwood on the line of <>. 2't82 and runs S. 20 \V. with the itl line passing a hickory corner of, id ntry at ISO poles t?? a black i nr.: thence N. 15 E. with -aid line ? poles to a locust corner of the; 5t named entry; N. 25 W. ith the same TO poles to a large J me . Sri] ericr C-.-rt Martha Carring t vs. Sam ringer. NOTH'E 1 The defer. !.int S.i ii e r inger v. i-1 take notice "hat, an :.? *; -? : *1 1 ai abov. has been . rrr.uMu I n i<' uptrier court t uhatn C rrv.y N-rth Carolina, by the ;-i . 1 . against the defendant for the :.:rp f htaining livnc fr? r th dend;.:.t n the 4. - ' v.n i >nn.en4 : -?! I a i r,; i V ail d-:f rdant v.el farther take 'a tha? : :s re:;U*.r- 1 to ;?. ??-a: at the . i ? the ! rk of the r I I f (?vak:-m ty. a* r?n ;? D~w: ?' WMUJ.-.-Ilt, -N'.rin Carolina, n th* I lth ! y of July. 1925, and answer or demur to the v rv.r.laint in .-aid net; .n ? the , r ; ft will !?;>r?y to the ?urt f r the reii-.f demand I in *he complaint. This *thday f lane. 1925. A. H. COLVARD, Cle tk -..f the Superior ('curt of Graham County, Noith Carolina. AN ORDINANCE. Be it ordained ' v the B 1 : Commissioners he paid before * vhibiting, and if ni t pui? n .very firm, per? a. or lpoiatior xh.biting within the t wn of Mur : y r within one mile thereof any Cage r th-atrical Hav. skbcht <>i ! \ perf-rntance, road;:. tamhlin-, wir- dancing or menagerie, "i'te-n dollars for each day they exhibit. Ui'-n rv exhibition for re " .vt i-1 curiosities in the town of Mm; y. i within ne mile th:i-a. *-i\ of fifteen d> liars, to h-.- raid in advance. 4. I'pon . ..h or hall used r.s a ; the at: .. ( ho ;--- a tax of $25. 5. Upon c-.a-h :".m, t il!, or tent used a- in? vi: a : ctu: sr. w. or vaude vi?11 .-now. tax of 525.00. 0. On all carnival companies, travel, ins circU' ! shows of like char> actor, moving ; ietart and vaudeville, -how*, museums, menageries, merry' "ur.i!.', ferric *.vh?o)*, nth?i*l iiko amusements conducted for profit under the same general management and filling week-stand engagements, whether under canvass or not, a tax of $ 100.00 for each we* k or port of a week, said tax to he paid in advance. 7. Upon every exhibition of a circus, menagerie, wild west show, dog and pony show and cv ry show not licensed in the proceeding sections, a tax for each day or part of a day as follows: Shows transported with wagons with side shows. $10.0(1: shows requiring transportation in trains of fifteen cars or less. $17.50; where general admission dfoes not exceed fifty cents, on shows requiring transportation of fifteen to twenty-five cars on train, a tax of $37.50, where price of general admission dors not exceed fifty cents. S. Upon every traveling theatri| cal company giving exhibitions or 1 performances in any hall or tent or other place not licenser! as provided , in preceeding sections a tax of ten | dollars for each day or part thereof, j 9. Upon every merry go round a | tax of $5.00 per day to be paid in j advance. hi. Upon each show or exhibition of any other kind, and on each concert for reward, and on every strolling musician, and on each entertainment or exhibition for the purpose of advertising salts of medicines or other merchandise a tax ten dollars per day. 11. Upon each itinerant merchi ant or peddler selling or offering to I sell in the town a tax of $25.00. 12. Upon each dog kept within the corporate limits of the Town of Murphy a tax of two dollars, and upon each bitch so kept a tax of | three dollars, and said tax is upon each dog or bitch kept within the cor. porate limits of the town of Murphy between the first day of June, 1925, and the 31st day of May, 1926. and if the owner of such dog or bitch fails to pay same on demand., then it shall he lawful for any police officer of the town to kill said animal. 13. Upon each automobile for hire a tax of $10.00. 14. Upon each person, firm or THE CHEROKEE SCO MENTS 1 r corprratkn manufacturing >r ih'.- : - tiing Cov'a-'.' ! i. r ale, i other J I like di nk?, end preparation-, a tax j of $25.00. | 15. Upon each nv.rcban', shop, j keeper, or dealer, wh > shall k<- p in stock cr offer for >a!e any pistt 1 or r? vi_.Ivor, < r any pistol cnr.ridic s, a - thu'. can be u-- 1 in a revolver i pistol, a tux oi $5.00. 16. Upon each .iea'er in r ctt?s a tax of $10.00. 17. Upon each c-in aut mo 18. t'pn h ... .er i:i juilk, < a.-: ? |10. J. I :-1 n i' :i I:*,j. p.;rs n. ? * 'nr a $10.00. - > V ?n . - : ! mul. ' r. : ! p .1 v ; r ..v.ty, a ! : . - >:' <25.00. I..... i h > and] :: .! ul.r Is. V.g r.oil an I * ! v rty. j a of i 23. Up>n each and t-v.ry ?spany of gyjisies or strolling bands . : ' p us trading horses or mules or| rev iving rewards f pretending t = v !l t *rt .n. s, a tax of $100.00. 22. Upon each person, f;:m or! (;.- ration running or perating .. jj. : 1 for which a charge i 82. a i' day and upwards is mode : each jiest. a tax of $ 10.00 and f r oacr i 1 '-t-1 charging less than [day a tax f $.",.00, :.:d n ach land every boarding house a tax ofj j $3.00. 23. Upon each person unning re.-'auan: tax ?.f $ 1, j . 21. Up n each ;cr-??!i running a j-? sa fountain tax >:' 81".'-0. 2". Up each ]n' .- a ? r icurii j. | 1 : li. iiing laborer- f - oa:;:l v\ !*. at < s thi -tate a tax I S10". j 28. It n each person, fliua ; ! c..?:r ration engaged in the 1 i?d* plumbing, steam ei gas fito >.-{ I stalling electric lights and lighting | fixtures a tax of $10.00 i Upon i.ah ?.d every .-vr--- . party doing business in the lawn r : e our ! peso of engaging in lK transfer -.1 i packages, boxes, crates, trunk-, ' freight, express, and thi like for gain i a tax of $5.00. 30. Upon each and every shoe repairing shop a tax f $3.00. 31. Upon ? and every itim ant jeweler t liver smith a tax of J 10.00. 32. Up n each . d every larl> r j shop a tax of >2 f r each chair I used, for tin- purp -< earring n i said trade. 33. Upon cad and . very ant dcal< r iri patent m-.i. -in- - i tax! of $10.00. 34. Upon each and ever d ale; i fresh meats, fish a id ovster . a tax of SI0.00. 33. Upon < a eh end .\eiy vender of iee cream a tax of $5.?>o. 36. Upon each and every pu>s-i ing club a tax of $3.00. 37. Upon each coal dealer, or per- ' son, firm or corporation ordering! ooul for publ:>- distribution, fore purposes other than for own use. a| tax of $10.00. 38. Upon every tel-phone < r telegraph company doing business r. the town of Murphy, a tax of $20.00. 39. Upon each and ev -ry oil, naptha. or gasoline agency, a tax of $10.00, wholesale or retail. 41. Upon each and every firm or corporation operating retail gasoline pump or tank, a tax of $10.00. 42. Upon each and every dealer in fertilizer, a tax of $10.00. 42. Upon each and every ag-. tft or dealer in lumber, a tax of $10.00. 43. Upon each and every garage or machine shop, a tax ?>f $10.00. 44. Upon each and every real estate agent, a tax of $10.00. 45. Upon each and every auctioneer conducting sale of real estate for profit, a tax of $20.00 per day. 46. Upon each and every dealer or agent in sewing machines, a tax of __5.00. 47. Upon each and every hank or trust company, a tax of $10.00. W. M. FAIN, Mayor. li. \\. sift. l own Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. Be it unanimously ordained by the Mayor and Board of Commissioner?; of the Town of Murphy: That the ordinance regulating parking of motor vehicles adopted September 25th, 1023, he and the same is hereby amended by adding a section thereto as follows: Sec. 0. That it shall hereafter he unlawful for any person operating a a motor vehicle to cross the spaces designated for parking of vehicles without coming to a complete stop. Any person violating this additional section shall upon convicition pay a fine of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 10. That it. shall hereafter i be unlawful for any person to oper-' UT. MURPHY. N. C. Weekly Cross I1 r r~Lf r r i ! $fc I ,7 ^ EHK zj S j RaP |3' 25 " 29~ r ? Ejipi W~3?~ m 5ii B 71 i riEl "c. . ? j. W.-itrn i Horizontal. 1 ? n! h 11 " ri 1 nrong ir.m ??Gra:.. I 13?Knot 14 ' : r h *T-?Hni.i.* t" KloO !?? ! to be" IT?? it! IS- -Brilliance 2"?S'ri;:- : ker 21?Obliquely 22? IT'.. . .1 r. ,:- rnciish lubt-r t ?Kx r- ..:i ?(ir.-'li letter : '-Ami im.'Mlor tl ? Fate A pessimist ?K?Far.-, ned I"?111 ?- ii point 3S?Behold! I'J? Mlrsi.-n r. "1 ?-x:i*. scene of a 11..:-saire In ;vi?; 4'.?N-rvou*! '-' mmotlon 4 l ? L-ratf"! 4S?I'r.ty ;>uet 4 ?Etiour.t. red 11?San Horizontal -2?Prep -iti?>n -Pr-position b4 - EkvI'I ' -un ^ u 'f. -Mun -ban one (abbr ) E.*?Wind st- :n tl?Tw. lfti, - f a foot I." ? D'.oirine r fate iTheoaophy) 6 4? Stinglnir insect f?;?Piece of ground tT?."-nakellke J1-h v ?Pamphlet (abbr.) 7b?Twice (musical direction) Tl?Flags 72?Height ( lullun will npprir la aril lasue. Answer To Last Week's Cross-Word Puzzle j Bf ! F Epn?O S A Rill 7.Sd"A a I MCI M Y e rjjE t aHii s^B Kn'osE'jHv R|n $s rw"S;e a rh|f r a! *H'u n R i E O l xMZ |v A s F ntbi L ;.: .1 motor voH '? within the Km- , vf Cue t.-wr.- V.t' Murphy ni'uwuv t the si I v hearing a state lis r plate. Any person violating thi- - ion shall up. n conviction pay a t:*s. of twenty-five dollars. S? n 11. That it shall hereafter h. unlawful for any person to, park an automobile or other vehicle j ? v thr grass on Peachtree Street be-1 twee- Central Avenue and-Valentine Avenue. Any p r>??n violating this section -hall upi i: conviction pay n fine ><\ ten dollars. postkll Mr-. Virgil Allen was a visitor in She;: Creek Sunday. Mr. Dorris Voylt 's baby is serious ly ill this writing. .Mr. and Mrs. O. 1*. Taylor and children, Glenn and Jewil. spent th, weekend with .Mrs. Taylors parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen. John Mason is rapidly improving from his recent illness. Mr. Marshall Hantby left Sunday for Murphy to attend Court this week. Mrs. Jane Mason visited Mrs. Hilar Hogsed Saturday. Mis. Sopha Jones and children. Willie. Sue and Quinton, visited Mrs. Marv Stiles Friday. Mrs. Josie Swanson has been on the sick list tht past week. Mrs. Emily Adams it- on the sick list. Frank, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Swanson has been very ill but is some better at this writing. Mr. Clyde Stiles made a business trip to Ducktown Tenn. Friday. Mr. Lush Craig and Sister. Miss Icy, of Harhuck, spent the week-end on Shoal Creek. Messrs Cate Stiles and Birt Mason -Word Puzzle ! !P ^ | J * itfH r I Bib \ib EjH"*o~J I i *1 i n 'h~: " Svuevuptr I'lilaii I Q Vertical. f 1?Walk faltrrl:i(.!y ? 2?T- point *?Humble i? Thus * 5?Stout 6?Coin jg ?? Ht uvpnly body I?I-.or book * &?!' r < \ miplc <*bbr.) t 10?l-.r-. bag ^ 11 ?1*?. rsr?d of lime p :2?' rru; t Not,. r mu-dcal scale 23- S.riKl- 21?Tinted v.* : l h.*\lng ?;ime rr.canJni; as another 2S?M.i -. ?. Institute of Technology ) ??B? The soft palate 20?You (archaic) 32?Kin 1 ..f melon I 33--CI* II < :n- r.r rnhbr.) 34 Mi fh !! ' r. a . .lendar : r,?Tti i tity-four I: i ; r* 17?On l.. tl- n ( animals <1?i U ate 42?Ignited 43?iT t r,sn?p vtatU n abbr. > 45? 1 i l Cr?'>.- ial>l>r.f 46 ilr.d 47? Utdo 43?litl.lo* 60?Illkes 53?Gift 56?Make allaMe for 67?!'? rf? rn.s 53?Near (abbr.) 60? I'ntbiil.len 62--I'reflx n ;iDirig not ff.? Man's t?tl?- si 6" 1" 1 r \ in.; > (abbr.) 63 ? Exclamation visited Mr. ) >hn Mr- . S.:day. B M-r- rs wi: 1 O f d. Ai.- n and SI Mvr ' v.- .? l.n : t n lie. \Vi!l.c, >1 My11 ..nd ? " .: Th >n .--.n and Loyd ( \vd? r all mot v.?i t?? Iliawu-.-cv kiv i a plcni-ulw. trip Sun- !; day. Jp TV. y f.i.?.;? f Mrs. Mary1 Hiil will he u d to lam :ia.: she .- j\ iniprovi'K \\ o . The dry wi.i'h. r -til; . :;t?nuos in j? H.. .-a ction !! lIvi'S W i".:id bei IV.ore .veUonie than jr-. : rain. Robust Mother of Five Healthy, Happy Children Keeps tit with BeechDm's Pills "When 1 N-tl r Ji?v hradachr corr.infi CD, 1 take one or two bcecham'a Filli. "I am 33?a hcutthv.T? Ki?? nvtherwith five ? bppv chiiiirn.(hanLt (? BtNhir'*, 1 Jo all ! ( ail- CS: n,: l. f the cFil Jfr..." Mr*. Albert Onr.etod. Fall River, Mau. ' For FREF SAMPLE Write B. F. Allen Co., 41'> Canal Street. New York Buy from vour J.'iiscut in 2{anJ SOchowi For oatutiporiim, bti'lfcrntneu, >?.. JTkl other ji(alne uiirutn;., ? ? Beectaatn's Pills - ft Prote * Jbr6QOl The management of this railro; ble for every employe, male or to insure liis or her peace of r tion afforded by life insurance i ation in case of fatal or seriou Through the largest single : the history of underwriting, approximately $150,000,000 in 1 Co., both accident and life in every Louisville & Nashville e the normal cost?the railroa< difference in premiums j employes and tho company The mi PP P Jaw |Sf this proi k * pp family" i IK cient ser ^jjjj PAGE & teaeastfifissag Frequent g | Bilious Attacks g ||j "I suffered with severe bill- jpjp gg ous attacks that came on two or three time* each month," 5 *ara Mr. J. P. Nevins. of K Lawrenceburc, Ky. "I would BP ? get nauseated. 1 would have |?i|l [1 dizrine?s and couldn't work. ?[jp |B 1 would take pills until I was Ejjg 5B worn-out with them. I didn't seem to get relief. . ? "A neighbor told mc of SSp flM-DRNIBHT 1 Liter Kadicine ? a IP ? and I began its use. I never Shave found r,o much relief et^L t. . it gave in. I would not ?P H be without it i r anything It seemed t<" ? ; r;.y who. g system and r. : r?" fee! Hi e P new. I w r.-a'.;. a few rrH gj doses?get rid of the bile and 3, have r.y us .:al /.ar head. If f '! full f : and could i ;.1 g twice . work." j| till i. :ii . -'ks ir?- "iT-?aW Fonril" v.irh many people. slP ? Milli r. 1 t ' en Thed- H,;m a- fcnVf- !>rr orb.: ward ^ bi off .:< \ !!.: ! the good ilP ^ r? reported j|jig| ~g= should induce you to try It. A:I Dr..sS!s!s- J# 2.- -? t>? ~ ? .-*. =*r f FSS rt7? rra nr HF= rZL I- ii . . 5 i- L & '/"a ww m ? i : :so\ The y enj ycd an ice . omo f Mr. . Sr.- ir iay night. ?Mr. N. >. a:. i.; v.o.-th, Ga. h- re tha vi- i; after his . in., rests. ..4 ? . !'.> . ..a MasonH has r.turned )r.v : in V ir.y Hiri-. Ga. where io has . . ii. y summer .ho. i. -? Mr. and Mr-. Hugh S;.. . zp of .i . tl Mr. ami Mrs T. (I. , hc-urer and l?r. ;.iid Mrs. \V. O. !a>. n Sun-lay. Mrs. Yirdk Rnp? r and son of r:.-- vvn v. . i reiativt - at this e Sunday. t?uite nun o\v our y. :r.g >Iks attend-.d the pit r:i< at Rang, r iVdnc sday. Mr. I.awrer.. V ;k i it Blue we i. .. :,h home i'.-lks. - eh i ! C< MMr.tttH- :,n-t Snturxy : r tin- pu:; so ?>t" -electincr teai? r : tn . >minu y-a>. n r h 'nu't??Iks. Mi- \V:!!:o Ovrnhy hn* 5 >vn on i ' li ". J ut hi'H r at this : itinp. Th ! wil 1 a Peroration a. anday. wFF1-^ ;%//i Ml ' CTION 10Employes ad has just made it possifemale, white or colored, * aind through the proteo and substantial remuners injury. v- t insurance transaction in representing a policy of he Prudential lnsuranco Burance are provided to mploye, at a fraction of 1 assuming n substantia] between those paid by se paid to the insurance magement believes that n tection to the "L & N. N vill make for more effi* l> vice to the public. ?