FRIDAY. JULY 10, 1925 help expansion p of the poultry 1 industry in n. c. . ? North Carolina Division of Market ! to aid Through Establishment j of State Accredited HatchEstablishment of State Accreditcrier and Hatchery flocks 4 (From N. C. Market News Edited By Miss H. M. Berry) The Baby Chick is the entering . wedge for building a great poultry industry for North Carolina. The > eyes cf the farmer are gradually be- . inc opened to the fact that qouitry'. can be Trade o^thtir major industries L and that much of the trade now gcir.g to the West from '.he great consum- ccncrs of the East car be divert- r cd to the South and North Carolina . in p?rt>cu'ar' At resent the State . is importing large quantities of . pou'try and opgs and *.vc are not get- t tira nnywhrre r.ear our share of the bvsine n 'he eastern market?. The , on .:gcncy which can do more tarn cry other to drive the mongr? 1 flecks | fr~ri the State and lay the founds-!. t on stone for the establishment cf a NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAX ! SALE i r tnc purpose of satisfying the !, taxes lor the ytar 1924, due to the ^ T : Mur: hy, X. C., the undersigned will offer for sale to the [ highest Id ider tor cash at the court- ' hcu>v .! ? i i:i Murphy, North ' lina, - ' he 3r i day t' Augu-,[ st, 1925, the flarcels of land her?-1 * inaftrr set of the person or persons acaLnst v.horn said tax charged in the am-i;nN shown: ( Beal, R. T. 1 lot 5.40 ' B , L. F. 33 acres 35.:'.'. ' Cherokee Company, 9 lets . .1631.36 H C per, Mrs. W. T., 1 lot ....29.25 Davidson, S. W. heirs, 1 lot.. 5.40 ' . H. G. 1 lot 54.52 i I in, 1. L., 21 'i: lots 79. Fells, Gilbert, I lot 9.25 s Hasty, Mrs. Edna E. l lot ....33.75 1 Holder Bros. 1 lot 34.90 1 Highway, i?r. S. C., 10 lots. .39.47 i Hickcy, S. 1 lot 2.17 I King, J. L., 24 acres 6.72 King, 31. S., 1 lot 2. 70 < Letherwood, P. H., 1 lot 8.75 ; M iy, Mrs. J. X., 1 lot 33.75 j Moody, J. N., 3 lots 57.10 j Mill saps, Fred, l lot 10.10 I Mints, B. H.t 1 lot 4.05 m Montgomery, 1 lot 1.35J] Mercney, Dr. B. B.,2 lots ....81.00 | Martin, Bryan, 1 lot 25.63 Millsaps, Earle, 1 lot 9.90 J Murphy Garage & machine shop 1 lot 10.57 , Pcindexter, J. C., 1 lot ....... 9.58 j Phillips. A. C., 1 lot 16.65 Sudderth, Edd, 1 lot G8 , Sou. Appalachian Power Co. ..47.25 ? Hayes, Mrs. Anna L. 43 A..27.00 . Millluiiif, W. l'. W. T. 1 lot.. 17.39 ? Wallace, s. W. l lot 4.02 Wilson, s. W. 1 lot C.75 ( Carter, Boat, 1 lot 5.00 ( Fain. Mary 1 lot 2.02 { ferry, Hannah 1 lot 2.70 1 Sudderth, Carl 1 lot 2.97 To the above will be udded the 1 costs of advertising and holding this ( sale. D. M. BIRCHFIELD Tax collector - / NORTH CAROLINA? Graham County In the Superior Court Martha Car-ringer vs. Sam Carringer. NOTICE ; The defendant Sam carringer will ' take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Graham County 1 North Carolina, by the plaintiff 1 against the defendant for the purpose ; of obtaining a divorce from the defendant upon the grounds of aban- 1 donment and separation; and the said defendant will further take 1 notice that ha ??? wmniMit 1 at the office of the clerk of the ' uperior court of Graham County, at ' the court house in Robbinsville, North 1 Carolina, on the 14th day of July, *925, afad answer or demur to the 1 complaint In said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the 1 relief demanded in. the complaint. This Sthday of June. 192K. A. H. COLVARD, Clerk of the Superior Court of Graham 1 County, North Carolina. I JWw Mo?h?r of Five Healtfay, ChiUfaro K?P. Fit Bcccham i Filu P*-?! ** w< Idm. md ' ^fiSSSSSBSSLi?BiSr eal poultry industry is the cr.large* ner.t of the baby chick business.' This will also enable the farmers and poultry men to greatly increase the > si2e of their laying flocks without producing their own chicks. The success ?i" the baby chick business depends largely on the character of the hatcherymen thensclfes, Since profits from poultry depend upon good stock, it should be the abject of the hatchermen to supply stock that will prove profitable. In iome instances in the past, hatcheries rave used mark-it eggs aneggs fr.\: poor flocks, and those have been advertised and sold in st: h a way as ta ead the purchaser to believe he was :et::r.g something better than the pongrel stock then on his farm. Any jrcss misrepresentation . tacts along this* line should be t* ty ped so that he hatchery which desires to do r.r tonest business and to aid in building j ;p the industry will not have to bca. re sins of '.he "bootlegger" in busitess. No permanent ha .h y busings can be built up without recognizing he rraduc'icn of good chicks as ;> fundamental principle. To Establish accrecbted Hatcherie*. In crder to meet this situation r.J to encourage the hatcheries ir ico trie fc*a:e to xa:ntain a high standard of quality for supplying the breeding stock ? the State as well as to help >uch hatcheries to become recognized utHde the state, the North Carolina Division of Markets cooptratin with he Department of Poultry Science ri the N. C. Stat?- C'-lIege of Agriculture, and the N. C. Poultry Associatoi!, has worked cut a for a rditintf ?nd giving State recognit-i on to the hatcherks pro^ac'nK good stock. Inspection Option*! The inspection of flock and hatcheries is not compulsory and no owner iced feel that he is compdied to have! the inspection; but the plan is offered to those who desire to hav< ! 5tate inspection as an approval of luality on the chicks they offer for| ale. | Those who desire this inspection [ hould apply very soon to the North Carolina Division of Markets, Raleigh S\ C. to as to be included irk the tinterary which will very soon be 1 worked out. Flock owners and hatcheryiuen :hould note that in order to be able .o sell Grade A chicks the flocks supplying the eggs for hatching must be pronounced fr?e of Ancillary White Diarrhea. The test will be made by he State Department of Agriculture. Rah igh, N. ('. Proponed requirements for the Grade of Hatchery Flocks. All flocks supplying eggs to the Accredited Hatchery must meet and maintain the following standards and requirements: 1. No breeding birds other than those recognized as meeting the desired qualifications shall be kept in there flvC^o duiing the hatching season. 2. All birds must be purebred and anly one variety be kept on the farm unless ample provisions are made to Iceep these varieties and their eggs separate. 3. Each bird must conform to a reasonable degree of the standard for the breed and variety as set forth in the American Standard of Perfection (no birds being decidely off in type and color being allowed to remain in the flock.) 4. Each bird must conform to a reasonable degree the standard for high egg production as set, forth by the Department of Poultry Science of State College. 5. Should disease develop in the flock during the breeding season, the affected birds must be removed from the flock at once, and if the disease is apparently contagious, the State Department of Agriculture must be notified. 6. Based on date of inspection, the birds hatched the previous season should, with reasonable' care and attention, develop full growth and maturity by January 1 preceding the hatching season. Breeding stock to be mature should be hatched not later than May 1. 7. Each bird passed will be banded with a sealed, numbered leg band furnished at cost by the State Department of Agriculture. 8. Eggs delivered to the hatchery must not be lower in grade than U. 5. No. 1 and should be as uniform as possible in size, snap? ana tmui. Eggs must not be more than ten days >ld whe*i^ delivered. 9. All flocks must be supplied with male birds in proportions'no| less than the following. For Asiatic varieties t 3 10 For American and English varieties 1 : 12 For Mediterranean varieties. . 1 : 20 10. When banded birds are sold for market purposes or disposed of in my way other than for breeding purposes, the kg band should be removed by the flock owners and returned to THE CHEROKEE SCO the X. Division of Markets, Ral-.igh X. C. If sold for breeding purposes, the name and address of the purchaser should be furnished the Department of Agriculture, tfcgether v.-ith leg band cumbers. 11. Birds rejected by /the inspccter must be kept entirely away 1' the flock and disposed of within a reasonable time after inspection. White diarrhea . reactors must be disposed of for table use. 12. Flock owners must provide reasonable range for birds and us' ;.-?cde:n methods fc* housing and fiock management. Requirements and Regulalian* For | Hatcheries 1 Any hatchery operating witthin the IS tat e ,i Xor.r Co- shall be placed' on the N. C. .Stat- Inspected and A? r. redited list, provided that, up' n inspec tic - by an authorized inspector : the De: artnnet of Agriculture it is found to tn'.v' and maintain throueh. jout the hatching ?' : - >n the requirements and regulations as hereinafter set forth. Re-inspection may bemade at any time it is deemed neccs sj?rv 1. Only eggs produced by hatchery flocks inspected and passed by an! authorized inspector shall be used to) produce chicks lor sale. 2. All hatching and nursery trays of incubators must be throughly cleaned and disinfected after each hatch and every effort exerted by the hatchery owner or operator to produce only healthy hi.'h quality chicks. 3. Containers used for the shipment cl chicks must be approved by the Department of Agriculture. !ntrr?nstional y chi? k Asso :ati? n standards for chick container will he the basis of approval. 4. The folk wing records must be kept by enchj accredited hatchery: a. The number, variety, and the name and address f each purc haser and the date of each shipment of "standard" chicks. b. A complete list of their hatchery flocks, which have passed inspection. c. Number of eggs purchased from accredited hatchery flocks. 5. The following listed reports and such other special teports as may be found necessary to require must be filed with the Department f Agriculture. a. Number of Chicks bearing the State Trademark. b. Copy of all advertising in which mention of the N. C. Depart, ment of Agriculture is made. c. The N. C. Division of markets the Department of Poultry Science and the Secretary of the X. C. Poultry Association must be placed on the hatcheries' mailing list. 0 Hatcheries must li\e up to the guarantees and promise in their adV'OI f iiinw 7. Chicks from Accredited Hatcheries sold as "assorted" or "broil*, r'* chicks must be so designated on the shipping label. 8. An Accredited Hatchery may fill an order for another Accredited Hatchery, provided the hatchery that produces the chicks uses its own hatchery number of the State Trademark Lnb< I. 9. Accredited Hatcheries shall not handle for re-sale chicks produced by >a non accredited hatchery. Upon complaint of the violation of any of these regulations or when good reason exists to believe that there has been such violation of any hatchery upon the accredittcd list, a hearing shall be granted before a committee of three composed of a number selected, by the president of the N. C. Poultry Association, a representative of the Department.and a representative of the N. C. Division of Market selected by the Chief of the Division, and the hatchery shall be dropped from the list and the reason or reasons for such action published if, in the opin ion of the committee, such procedure is justified. Any individual or hatchery dropped from this list shall have no further right to use supplies furnished from the State Department, of .Agriculture, and shall return any such material immediately to the Department upon notification of such action. Such hatcheries shall not use the name of the State Department of Agriculture in any way in its advertising or any of its printed matter which it may distribute aftor such nrtfnn has been taken. And hatchery dropped from the accredited list shall not be reinstated for at least a period of twelve months. Trad* Mark Regulation*. The Department of Agriculture has designed and will furnish a distinctive trademark to be used on N. C. chicks produced by accredited hatcheries subject to the following regulations. 1. Only chicks hatched from eggs produced by Accredited Hatchery Flocks may be sold unded the State Trademark. Grades of chicks are recognized as follows: a. Chicks from flocks which meet the foregoing requirements shall be called Grade A. chicks. UT. MURPHY, N. C, Weekly Cross ~7tfn7fii /4 ^Br I W ?| Z5 KT^ ' 29 ^?5|? 5/ HP3' fti 53 59 4C 6gp ?==bd?H <*? jap/ | "Hi rkl uX Utt. WMm Horizontal. 1?Ilnrt e?Braids 11 ? Lxteiits 13?Cogs 14?Ait IS?I.iz.ird ! 17?T.?Ik wildly 8? Nlo :;,_.;v;.s> 11 ? Erju-< lalljr tahbr ? 32 ? .-"esit.T 33 ? Appellations ?6?lU :.rder . 6 ? Altr.osphera 3 7 ?fc" wat 15?Stick with a prelecting foot pl? re *2?Fruits 40?Scorched 47?>Ild>i.? western state (abbr.) 48?Condition 61?To fonts f2?Staff of life 64?Level 66?Form 66?Peer 67 ?Piece of timber 69?organ of head 0?You and 1 SI?Too bad! 2?Song for single voice 6 4?perform 66?To throw off 16?Funeral song SI?Choose 9?Drcaa olattoa will appear < aeit lasaa. Answer To Last Week's Cross-Word Puzzle j | 6 a.^s day>;eTe-o| arfjgai^c ' IWWISM81IIAI h. Chicks produced from flocks which, in addition to meeting the requirements, have been accredited by j the N. C. Department of Agriculture as being free from Becillary White Diarrhea. These shall be designed as (trade A. chicks. 2. Chicks must be carefully inspected at the time the shipment is made and they must be normal. No ' delayed hatches, "help-outs'*, pre. mature hatches, partially absorbed ' yolk sacs, week, deformed, crippled, . fed and watered, chilled, or chicks 1*11 jured in any way shall be sold under i the State Trademark. 3. Chicks over 48 hours old shall not be shipped under the State Trademark. 4. Off- color chicks not representative of the variety shall not be sold under the State Trademark. 5. No chicks shall be sold for re-sale as day-old chicks under the State Trademark. Labels for us on shipments of eggs for hatching will also be furnished the hatcherymen and flock owners. These lables will be furnished only on request and at cost. Fee* and Ckarfes The following charges for flock inspection and supplies will be made to the hatcheries and flock owners desiring to be placed on the accredited list. The hatchery and flock owners are personal! responsible for the collection and payment of all such fees and charges incident to inspection. These fees and dues must be paid at the time of inspection. 1. The minibum fee for accrediting any hatchery shall be $10. 2. When more than one day is required for inspection, an additional fee of $10 per day or fraction thereof will be charged. 3. The hatchery, in addition to the above charges, shall pay the local hotel expense of the inspector and furnish him transportation from flock to flock. 4. The actual cost of leg bands must be paid by the hatchery or flock owner. -Word Puzzle ? 77 ? ^ E 1 ____ ?jpi^ 4?|?4^| g:T ? B mm Newspaper Caloo.) Vertical, J' 1?Native of Amrrlca 2?Herman for no >?Vaae *? formation 1?Small boats J'l ?Fruit T?Wash ?Part of "to be" ?Exists 10?Follow, as a detective 12?Mode 13?Clutch 15?Vitci-inhle ib?K nil of beer ]t ?o? 1?r 1 s name 23?1'rl. c for transportation 26?Boy's name 27?Employ 2#?Possessive pronoun ?I -jet ributcd 22?locations ' ' f 24?Recline 45?Chart ; . 33?Kind of leather 2??Woody plant 40?Colored p .id 41?Falsehood v 43?Consumed 44?Same as 17 horizontal 45?Place u, 41?Toasts to a dark color 47?Twist tl?Mixture of vegetables .. bt??Clothe 6??Explosion 52?Kind of architecture 56?Short for At. i :anv:.- :ruFt| ci bo ruid by the hatchery or flock cwn C I Xcrih Carolina occupies a very ci strategic position georgrunhically so j :r far as markets for poultry are con-1*a cerned, being situated between the " great cities of the East and the gr:at p winter resorts of Florida to the South e We also have wlthi:: our-borders the a: gicat playgrounds laby Chicks Business To Be Recognized Raleigh, June 22.?According to ans made b>* the State Division cf arkets and approved by the Poultry e partment of State College and the orth Carolina Poultry Association cognition will be given to hatchies standard breeding flocks that ill sell baby chicks according to rtain rules and regulations laid jwn by the Division of Markets. According to V. W. Lewis, in large cf the poultry and livestock ction of the division, the State c ies a fortunate position insofar the markets for poultry arc con:rned. North Carolina ir between le great consuming cities of the ast ard the great winter resorts 01 lorida. In the borders of the State e the playgrounds of the Sand- , Is a:.d Western North Carolina^ is tssential therefore, for NortV? atolir.a to develop the |?r s.nt sultry industry to a much la gcr roportion. The baby chick industry is growing. iu?- at: CHICKS I'cmc oni eggs produced by pure bred andard varieties of fowls and that ley be free fro The idea ehfnd the accredited hatcheries and ntchery flocks is to have a supply f breeding stock of merit from which rospective growers may purchase i:cks guaranteed by the Stale. To & this, those growers who wish to i put on tr.e accredited list will have > conform to certain rules made gal by the action of the N-rth ina General Assembly. The Division of Markets states that, re inspection of the flocks and hatchis not compulsory and no ownr r.ecd feel that he is eomp il.d to uve this inspection, but the plan is ffered for those who desire to n:ake s-. of State inspection as an approvI for such chicks as they offer for tie. dumber Of Traffic Violations In Court Quite a number cf traffic violation1 ist s have annearil in th?. nitu . i fore the Mayer in the last week or ), and a number of convictions seccril. Officers cf the town are kecp g a vigiiant watch for traffic viottions, to the end that accidents* ?ay be avoided. The other week nic-f of Police D M. BirchfieiJ uhlished the city and state* ordinnces convering traffic violations,, nd stated that they would be eniored. fuberculosis Can Be Avoided anatorium, You can avoid tuln>r*wt5 Sanatorium.?You can avoid tuberulosis by: Net moving into a house r working where a person who has ad tuberculosis has lived until it as been disinfected by the board of ealth or your doctor. Fumigation' lone will not kill the germ. The1 rec- B of disinfectants. followed y sunlight and fresh air. and then rhite wash, calcimine or fresh paperlg will remove danger of infection rem germ-laden rooms Not spitting yourself or allowing ny one about you, sick or well, to pit where it canot be burned up or brown into the sewer. Admitting sunlight and air to every oom of your house or work pla?e, . I?u mcoc revilis ?s CIC?4J UB . ossible. Taking care care fo your body and hose of your family. Eating good, ropcrly cooked food, taking a warm ath once a week, avoiding late hours nd dissipation of all kinds, spending s much time as possible out of doors. Wearing loose, clothing that does lot cramp your lungs. Not stooping rour shoulders or allowing your.' hildren to do so. - * Not letting your children- come inr ontact with people who cough, beau so children take tuberculosis asier than grownups. You need lot be afraid of a careful, * cleanly onsumptive, but avoid the carelea* me and keep your children away / rom them. Sinple meals in summer are best or the family's health and mean less rork for the housekeeper, say heme lemenstration workers. GMGHESTERS PUit OtAMONO MANO Mi., 'flTi lV prsrt r*tr*rOrd flit S?IW1 alilTalfc SOLD BY ALL DPUBOISTS Jg-t EVEBYWHEBE jjfiSa,