PAGE MX Walker !s Principal Speaker At Formal Highway Ope:vng ^Continued from pa-e 1) is*.* over this r."V>ur.tuin highway, in the immediate future. The celebration be&ain at Nee'? Gap Saturday morning. This gap is about fourteen l^iles south o! Blairsville, Georgia, and was name J in ho:tor of the Gorgta State Highway Engineer, W. R. Neel, who has been in charge of Georgia ?*op.d program and is given the credit for th-: conquering of this monutain barriei which has bottled up this mountain territory heretofore. At thc Gap, Senator R. H. Stone. of Georgia was in charge, of the program which consisted ot speeches bv the Georgia governor, members f the two branches of the Legislator.numbers of the Highway Commission and other prominent citizens. There, as here. the lead that North Carolina has set in highway building and educat: >n was again and again referred t and the people of Georiria nlcdg. d thorns.-Ives th-f j-h their spokesmen to undertake similar programs during the present sessi ?a. Following the speaking at th Ga:*. a barbercue was served some sever, or eight thousand pe- pie who had gathered there from all parts of Georgia. Western North Carolina and East Tennessee. A thund storm at the Gay tended to dis ?rgur.ize the party and caused a portion of it to return home. However, the governor and probably half the members of his Legislature with some 2500 citizens from adjourining counties came over to Murphy at various times during the afternoon. The crowd for the concluding celebration here last Saturday was variously estimated at from seven to eight thousand people. Murphy's Reception committee received the visitors or. th public square, assigning ths governor's party and the members of the Georgia Legislature who were the special guests the town, roorv5 I ft the hotels and ho:-. ; the plc. Following supper, the del-gate* and other visitors gathered on the public square and enjoyed a band concert by the Murphy band, which then led the way t Chtroke* Park where the speakinu and fireworks were had. S-.ats wore provided f r t -.v huge crowd :,t the g.-nnstands on the park ar.d ir. the hundreds of automobiles which were -irk.-d on every side of the ten-aere play-g.-ound Upon the arrival th - park. President Don With f the Murphy Chamber of Commerce, ar.d Governor Walker. 1 -gislative members, Atlmta Ch ot Commerce officials and cth.i* exchanged filici tat ions. While Mr. Witherspoon was welcoming th guests a 6 by S fc-e: s'gn bearing the words in many Colors "Welcome to Murphy," burnI od at the opposite aide of jha nark in view of all. Immediately following the conclusion of the speeches a large American flag in th? tricolors of America was set off. Included in the fireworks display which lasted an hour, were hundreds of Roman candles, skyrock ;ts, stars, bombs, spinning wheels, and other special pieces too numerous to mention. This display was declared by mitny to be the most beautiful ever seen. The visitors wer pleased with the reception received in Murphy and many remarked on the hospitality of the Tar Heels and th? b auty of the little mountain city. Th. recetion committee was headed by W. M. Fain. Mayor, and Mesdames E. u. isorvell, h. g. Klkinj. C. W. HuiUy C. A. Hasty, and Secretary B. W. *?ipe, of the Ch.mber of Commerce J. W. Davidion. J. B Story. F. S. Hill. \V. D. Townsan, E. P. Hawkins. H. O. filkins and others. Governor Walker, the members of the Georitia legislature and many other visitors spent the ninht here and returned to Ft: r homes Sunday A Good Tiling - DON'T MISS IT 8nd your nam* and address plainly Vntun, together with 10 cents, stamps or com (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Cf?,, Dm Moines, Iowa, and receive in r-rfam a trial package containing CBAMffE RLAIN 3 TABLETS for stomach doubles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation: CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY for pain in stomach and bo we In. intestinal cramp, colic mtd diarrhoea; CHAMBERLAIN'S SALVE, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles and akin affections. Try tfiist valued family medicines for only 10 cents. Don't miss it. For Sale By R. S. Parker, Druggist FOR SALE? One mowing machine and rake, price $40.00; 1 team wagon the and harness, $125.00; 1 set blackl smith tools; 1 60-tooth section harrow and other farming tools. See me be/' fore buying. Harley Fisher, Route I, ' Murphy, N C. (2-t-pd) T"*' " tw. I C:te.. r ederal Act To Sustain Indians 1 -1. J - Tayi r. a vr. for Ch -rot; Indiana in their effort their cla::.t ? tfco .- .r. Ls f a re< of land in East Terr. so.', v r-"r. Carolina. Georgia. Oklahoma and Tt-xa.". was here last week He s t'y r.^ to get names and residence " ?f all In*} inns who are inch: led in the ced benefits at the act The Ml! as pass, d by Congress and | approved in June, 1924. is entitled "An Art providing for uisposiof th affairs ? the Eastern Band f Cherokee Indiana cf North Car Cina." Section 3 of tire Act says: i That in the preparation of said r >!I due c n.-ideration b- e ven o *. r ar.d '/-ts h f"*o :v. :dc jf the membership of said lata. : )?vther with ar.y ev: i r.c viicti 1 in the course 'f any investigations, and i to ail documents an: records ( : fie ;n ir. - i::. r.. r Me par: ? . ar.v c: ' bureau# r ::"fice*. The fact that th nam of any r.-on appears . n any such rod or list shall not be accepted t' establish ?r?.v,Iusive!y his right r that of his descend:r.ts from enrollment. That in the pr eparatior. of - ?*d roll :h act of the Stat.* rf North Cari Una of March 8. ISl'-V chapter 166. rtitl-d "Act t- amend chapter 211. law of 1 relating to the chat.-r f the rla^t m Band >f Chirokee Indians" shall be disregard ?d. consideration of tha right t rroliat of any p rsjn who? * name :\rs or. ar.y forme- r !i and hid i-r.danls or of any r.ame brought in any manner to !V attention >f those in charge of the onr i!:r.ent work , including the na:;:?s of those person of Cherokee Indin blood living July 27. 1868, in any of the counties of North Carolina, in which th roir.. Applications f r enrollment may be presented in such manner and within such time as may he prescrib d by regulations made by the Secretary f the Inter*, r. hut lack of arpilicati n shall n >t prevent con lan is of said band ar '. rated, or in any of the contiguous counties of that Stat, or <;t the State of Georgia uni Tonne esse . and if their i ?< . r?d:ints. CULBERSON M.\ D * ( de'i twelve year old ' tton by a dot; Sunday. Tft was kii. d and its h*:?i sent to R... tv: txununatU v.. M . K:- .-t Ra* of Xashvill.-, Tenn. hi- sister, Mrs. Mary Yoik List week. M T mas r\ a.-ley and family' of Etowah, T?*nn. visited relatives here lust week. I ! L. M. Shields made a business trip t Copr.erhili Tuesday. Messrs. T. M. Rice. \V. L. Bruce, ? oiilwus ?uu v- v, muiey were business visitors to Murphy Monday. J. S. Shields shipped another car of cattle to the northern markets this w eel.. J. R. Harper and sons are threshin? ir. our community this week. J. R. Hyatt passed through our town Monday. Finnlfl U'li.-.n cron i (a jPainer. T?-nn.. where she intends entering school. T. G. Shearer made a business ! trip to Farner. Tenr.. last week. Opportunity is Knocking OPPOTUNITY IS KNOCKING?For trained salesmen. Our Salesmen's Correspondence Course trains you thoroughly, in plain language, and it car. be completed in three weeks. You pay for course after going to work. Nothing paid in advance. Traveling positions guaranteed at $75.00 and expenses first month after complet?n cf course. Write us for information. INTERSTATE SALESMEN'S COR| RESPONDENCE ASSOCIATION j <4G-4t?sca> Bristol. Tenn. APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF 1 PEARL HALL Application will b? mad* to the I Governor of North Carolina for the pardon or parloe of Pearl Hall who was convict* d at the January Term, 1922, of the Superior court of Cherokee County for the crime of Man* -laughter and sentenced to the State Prison for a term of Seven years. All persons who oppose the granting of said Pardon or Parole are invite*, j to forward their protests to the Govcri nor without delay. This the 30th. day of June. 192' ' <2t-pd) W. P. HAr * THE CHEROKEE SO jThousands of C MImH W'llard R. Anderson, of Clay Cou ! bsirg a hard worker. His most reo 1 000 baby chicks to stimulate the j This was d me in cooperation with h County Farriers Cooperative Associi1 . were bought by each farmer parti.if , Mr. Anders >n is shown here with chicks put out in Clay County recen' j po;ltrym:n of the extension deparln | Coll ge of Agriculture and engm ?erir I Photo courtesy Extension Farm New COW IS SAID TO HAVE HAD RABIES \] A t . c-i*:n was r wed W i day aft-m By Dr. .1 N. II 1 stating that tlv. h ad of the cow sent to Raleigh a few da> - ago in :iI ^ that the animal was afflicted with 'ht. ,, rabi >. The cow lac rated the har.i of Mr. Paul Piutt of O greet a a days ago when he attempted to gi\ her medicine as she a? peared While walking with her she beennv* frenzied and Mr. Plctt's hr ! , The animal died rath >r suddenly ar. . acting upon the sugg stiua >?f v.: of his neighbors that she might nftcted with hydrophobia, as .. ^ dog had been known to be in the 1 " v with the cow a few days before, M: j Plott had the head severed front the animal's b.dy and sent to the Stat Laboratory of Hygiene at Ruleig*: with the results as noted ab -ve. Also a few days age Mr. G. K. tj. Dickey sent the head of a d >g. wh:eh had bitten a child in the Culberson section, t the State laboratory i<? examination. The report Wednesday showed that the animal was ire.- from . rabies. ? Whiskey Car Seized r and Occupant In Ja:l y Thursday of last week Chief of police D. M. Birchfield and Deputy J. F. Beweese seized a ear containing lour gallons of Whiskey on the I highway v : toHayesville hear the] ' Brasstovvn bridge on the Clay Counyt lir.e. The oficers arrested Vance ^ Matheson on a charge of transporting whiskey and committed him to jail. ^ where he remains in default of bond which was placed at $500.00. An- ^ other occupant of the car jumped out when stopped by the oftlcers and made good his escape under cover of darkness. ! NORTH CAROLINA Cheroke? CounJ <> :tl In the Superior Court j .. Carl M. Dickey, vs. Anse T. Mason, Mrs Anse T. Mason. ^ NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECU- y TION By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior ^ Court of Cherokee County. N. C. in t( the above entitled action, I will on the first Monday ir. August (It being August 3rd 1925) between the hours n <vf 12 m. and 1 o'clock P. M. at the i court house door of Cherokee County Iin Murphy, sell to the highest 0 bidder for cash to satisfy the said ; execution all of the right, title and i interest which the said Anse T. Mason ] ! and Mrs. Ansp T. Mason, th<? d??fpn. r | dants have in the following described i I real estate, to wit: ! It being one hundred and fifty acres of land in District No. four in Shoal Creek Township, Cherokee County, t N. C., on the waters of Persimmon Creek adjoining the land of Theo Sanders, W. C. Ledford and others s and bounded on the East by Theo. Sanders; on the South by W. C. Ledford; and on the West by McMichens u and others. This being the property ^ tV^at Abraham Mason and Wife Jolia Mason conveyed to Anse T. Mason and wife in the year of 1921. h This the 1st. day of July, 1925 B. B. MORROW. She-iff 1 Cherokee County, North Carolina. M I By W. M RAMSEY, D. S. XJT. MURPHY. N. C. hicks For Clay J nty, has the enviable reputation of . ent accomplishment was to bring ^ poultry industry of his county, is supporting organization, the Clay "| it; >n. An average of 400 chicks t >ati:.g in the project, a -hipm -nt of th?* 15.000 baby t!y. "Uncle Ned" Wtidran, expert 1 nt of the North Carolina State ( ;g. is s^en standing at the right? I ________ 4 SUIT ITEMS Mr. ani Mrs. W. B. Dickey of lurphy vis ted M-. and Mrs. W. K. [ leNabb Sunday. ? ! Mas* - Auii Stiles < f Akron. hi.? v'sitirg his Grandparents Ir. and Mr . W. L. McNabb. Mr. Krn. it W; - r. is indisposed at ris writing. M . Clifton Dickey of Coppc-rhill ii nt Sunday with his Wife's parents. [ and Mrs. W. L. McNabb. M*. A. C. Beaver and farr.ilv spent aturday 'ight with Mr. L. E. Collins id family. Mr. !. L. I >hnson has b en w >nn' recently for J. F. Word. Mr. T. N. Bates of Murphy p?>s.d " trough this se.tiir. last Saturday. I Master Ira Curl:- f Athens, T\nn. spending a few days with his rand parents, Mr. and M W. A. u.tis. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M.Nuhb, o* opperhiil spent the week-end with r. McXabb's parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. N. McXabb. Rev. J. r. Decker spent the week 1 id with horn? folks, returning to j s singing near Ducktown Sunday. | Mr. Buster Mason and family acmipanit d by the families of M. M. i urger and W. N*. Anderson motor I over the new mountain road Sur.- ' ty afternoon. Mrs. Mary Henry has returned ?me from Tcnn. wither she had gone siting her sisters Mrs. YV. G. Sparks id Mrs. Martha Lappin. POSTELL Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen visited leir daughter Mrs. R. L. Peoples at \ uektown, Tcnn. Monday night j Mr. and Mrs. Wash Swanson from oving, Ga., are visiting their "son, Ir. Jim Swanson at Postell. i Mrs. Emily Adams and children ave been visiting relatives at Duck)wn for a few days. Miss Ida Swanson spent Monday ight with Miss Eliza Allen. Born to Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Young n July 2nd. a fine boy. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Per pies and Little daughter, Bobbie Allen from ! lucktown. Tenn. s^ent the weekend with Mrs. Peeples parents Mr. and drs. S. Y. Allen at Postell. Clate Stiles made a business trip o Ducktown Thuisday. Mrs. Isabel! Swanson from Georgia pent Friday with Mrs. Mary Stiles, j Mr and Mr*. Tonic Jones from | p-per Shoal Creek spetit Sunday with I Ir. and Mrs. Virsril Al)en of Suit. Mr. S. Y. Allen Spent Sunday with ii? niece Mrs. Mory Henry. Messcr Earnest Allen and Dewie | trewdle left for Akron, Ohio last ( reek. | Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Allen and children i'r m Tellico Plains. Tetin. iv.: visitor or. on Shoal Creek. Mioses Virnie and Ttmpa Jones and Lily Brend'e spent Sunday with Misses N'otie and Mac1 ChaDman. WOLF CREEK There was much rejoicing here last veek when the word reached us that he Tennessee Road officials had met >ur official anu assured him that they could meet us with a road at the \n- Jellico Gap. ard thus put the ast detail in working ord r tha* tssures the State ove the Hotriouse r?.ad. Evcrythinir was quiet in our imnediate section the -4th. bu: s veril were arrested in the Duck town >asin for drunknes*. A ftw of our people attond.vl ti: ionic at Epworth. Oh.. Saturday. j Mr. A. J. Simonds made a trip to durphy. one evening last week, m he lookout for his mar - which disapveared several weeks ago. which it eems was sto-er. and sold for $20.00 y a Will Henson. who has served liffcrent terms in Tennessee State risons and one hertf in this stat for itealinir cattle ar.d hordes and is now r. the Ber.:.?n Tenn. jai! for stealing 'atrie. but Mr. Sitr.ends failed to oeate h r. H ?nson ad nitted the :r:me. The grade work on th.^ Hot Hous' oad was suspended last ur.til l Stnto Eng. ieer conies to tjk * charg f it. MOTHRR ? Fletcher's Castor Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething prepared to relieve Infants in : Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, p Natural Sleep withe To avoid imitation* always look for th< Proven direction* a e.ich package. I Valet Tl AutoStrop Shai Razor - Sharpens It?If ui ^ TO" The con! b I I don't rneoi l^JLIv .v| covered wi 8 And the n H .1 w:?? t Cement. rw PORTi ^^thiStmuianlbyiuf FRIDAY, jtjgr 10. I9;i . DR.HUMPHREYP i SMr M Xjfl w , I " kv? *? 1 *-ca her? some days a*kir.g Mr. H. D. Smith. County Engineer. u. lo^te ?' the H ?t House road a Htt:- ,ow? r'; down the ?r? ek and thus eltrninfct* J?i some very obj crooks, secure jn a bettor grade f.;r both mountains, and shorten three community roads, r.; without Lathering the main high- or way. ??? tit A report is current here that Mr. e' Kayden Bell, a Justice of the Peace " in Coperhill, shot and seriously woan- 'r aed Jamts Craig after he had "bluff. n" cd" two o rthree deputy sheriffs and had drawr. his gun on Esq. Bell 01 Craig had ki!!i d two men at one time, >a few years ago. at Isabella, and had ^ shot another at Ducktown about a :e year ago, but hai not he n arrested far the -atter. He was tried on one :a: of the homicide cases and given ten 'n y ars in the Stat? Prison, but served o ah.'u; or.? year when h? was ' pardoned out. ^ f Ic continues very d-y here. Some f our old -it farmers say they have :e rov r seen the cern wile so before. 1,1 ia is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, irms and rhilfjrw all ?i?*^ of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels romoting Cheerfulness, Rest. and )ut Opiates ^ e signature of Cj?tj*/Y/&CAt,\/ Tiyucians everywhere recommend it te Safety Razor that rpens lta Own Blade* HITXT* OUTFITS v- JO a, SS.00 ^ All 3>w S.1W Sun uJ IkJ. I Blocks Son Cool I in and tho cool shorel 1 t ?-> often in the h iuM tic ct concrete Mock* th stucco. ian who pays th? bills 7 13K% of his annual lit of concrete blocks ed with stucco cost 2^j to 5", mora than j ws: and beKiden bein) i winter, arc cooler in They never need reind arc permanently i uildinft material dealroti the economy and chiesod in buiMla* I ith Atlas Portland fLASL atfflJffliHB .

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