FRIADY. JULY 17. 1525 NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAX SALE F> r the purpose of satisfying: the :sx?-s lor the ytar 1924. due to the Town of Murphy. N. C., the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder lor cash at the court\ ,.-r door in Murphy. North Carolina, Monday, the. 3rd day ?.f Augrc192$, the J|arce!s of land h- reinaftcr -et forth, following the name f the person or persons against whom said tax is charged in the amounts shown: Brill. R. T. 1 lot . . 5.40 Beal, L. F. 33 acres 33.35 Cherokee Company. 9 lots ..1631.36 Cooper, Mrs. W. T.. 1 l?.t ....29.25 Itavidson. S. W. heirs. 1 lot. . 5.40 Elkins, H. G. 1 lot 54.52 Faih, J. L., 21lots 79.00 Fait*. Gilbert. 1 1 of 9.25 Hasttr Mrs. Edna K. 1 lot 33.75 Holder Bros. 1 lot 34.90 Highway. I>r. F. C., 10 lots. .39.47 j Hickfy, S. (V 1 lot 2.17 King. J. 24 acres 6.72 king. Mye., 1 lot 2. 70 I.tiherwrfod, P. H.. 1 lot 8.75 Moody, Mrs. J. N., 1 lot 33.75 Moody. J. N\, 3 lots 57.10 Miilsaps, Fred, 1 lot 10.10 Mints, B. H., 1 lot 4.05 Meroney, Dr. B. B.,2 lots . ...81.00 ( Martin, Bryan. 1 lot 25.63' Miilsaps, Eorle, 1 lot .... 9.96; Murphy Garage & machine ?hop 1 I t' 10.57 | Pnir.dexter, J. C.. 1 l??t .... 9.58J Phillip?. A. ? i lot ir,.r,r. I Sudderth, Edd, 1 lot 68 Sou. Appalachian Power Co. ..47.25 Have?, Mr?. Anna L. 4:t A..27.00! William*, W. T. W. T. 1 lot.. 17.30 \ Wallace, S. W. 1 lot 4.02 Wilson, S. W. 1 lot 6.75 Carter, It. at. 1 lot 5.00 Fain, Marv 1 lot 2.02 Perry, Hannah 1 lot 2.70 Xudderth. Carl 1 lot ...... .2.07 To the above will be *%dded the cost* of advertising and holding th'* sale. D. M. BIRCHFIEI.D Tax collector NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is h? rebv given that st aled bitls will be received at the office f The County Commission at out P. M. luly 2oth. for the construction of ftpproximately 5.7 miles of r?md in Heavt rdam Township beginning a thousand feet west tit the village of I'naka and running to survey station three hundred, about a thousand , feet west of Mr. Ihivis Run ell's house with the following approximate quantities: Excavation unclassified .'t."?rt0u cu. yd Borrow 2000 Cub yd*, i drubbing 10 acre* A rubbing 7 acres Pipe 15 400 ft. Pipe 18 400 ft. Pipe 24 .wf.IH.2on ft. Pin.. :to 150 ft. I'ahhlf Mas liiO en. yds. Clu fin ni>ti pipe. Each hid must be accomtiaimd hy a certified check or bid bond lor j $500.0(1 made payable to I). F. Russ- . ell. Sec'y and Treas. The success- , ful bidder is to furnish surety homf | to the amount of ten p.rcent f , work. By order of the Cherokee County Road Commission. H. I>. Smith, County Engineer. (4X-2t-.rm APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF PEARL HALL ( Application will be iuadt. to the Governor of .North Carolina for the pardon or pnnoe of Pearl Hall who was convicted at the .Ianuary Term. , 1922, of the Superior Court of Cherokee County fpr the crime of Man' slauphttr and kentcilccd to the State Prison for a term / of Seven years. All persons wm^ipose the prantinj. of said Pardon or Parole are invitew, to forward their protests to the Govrr nor without delay. This the 30th. day of .Tun:. TO:!' (2t-pd) W. P. IIAI Banks are urpinp the motto. "Don't Fpcnd it all," upon us. Well, it is at least pleasant to indulpe in the j . presumption that we have it all. ( Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tall you that "Perfect Purification of the Sys- < tem is Natfcre'/ foundation of | Perfect Health/' Why not rid j yourself of clVipnic ailments that j are underrainlhg your vitality! j Purify your entire system by tak- . ing a thorough course of Calotabs, i1 ?once or twice a week for several ! weeks?and see how Nature rewards you with health. | ( Calotabs are the greatest of all i system purifiers. Get a family ] package, containing full direc- 1 tions, price 35 cts.; trial package, ' 10 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.) ? ; ? NORTH CAROLINA Ch*r kec C an. *yIn the Superior Court Carl M. n.vkty, vs. Anse T. Max n. Mrs Ar.-r T *'rs- NOTICE OF SALE UN PER I . UTION By virtue of an ** .t :ed to the undt r.-igned from the Superior Court ot Cherokee C :ntv. N. C. in the above entitled action, I will on the firs: Monday in August lit heir.August 3rd 1025) between the h ur* of 12 m. and 1 o'clock P. M. at the court house door of ("n- roket County in Murphy, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the said execution all of the right, title and ! interest which the said Anse T. Mas..n and Mrs. Anse T. Mason, the defendants have in the following de-i i'ned rtal estate, to wit: It beihg one hundred and fifty r of land in IHstrict No. four in Sh ?a Creek Township, Cherokee County, N. C., on the waters of T\ rsimmer. Creek adjoining the land of Thco Sanders. jV. C. Lcdford and others! and bounded on the East by Theo. j Sanders; on the South by \V. C. Led-! lord; and on the West by McMichcns ! and others. This being the prop- rty fhat Abraham Mason and Wife -lulia j Mason conveyed to Anse T. Mas* n and wife in the year of 1021. This the 1st. day of July, ll?2-".1 B. R. MORROW. Sheriff , Cherokee County. North Carolina. By W. M. RAMSEY. I>. S. County Fair Plans Gotten Under Way (Continued from pate I) on the ground. (Jypsi* ? and fo:tune tellers, questionable shows, roulette wheels and gambling games will r.ot ht. allowed, according tc niinut' - f the meeting of thr fail ??ifi The following frf attractions \v?-re decitled upon: The Andrew-' Caval-' ry Company for daily exhibition?.' singing contests, |m-sibly a lor*d choir for one night, an Indian ball; gani?, horseshoe pitching < on test and! other possible attractions oj like nature ate being considered. The ? .ght count ic- adjoining Cherokee will b? invited to place exhibits on , th?. giound-, these exhibits to he shown a- a unit and to compete against each othvt for a sp-cial |ir?n> ium offered or these county exhibit -. (Irowers and prwlu*crs f'??m other counties will not. however. In allowiums for which Chc-ioke< county t*cl to K-mpet, foi individual pr? n:l'c?p!i will compete. Children under fourteen years of! age will In- admitted tree. Others | will be charged 2-'? cents. It was thought that the age limit of Id! years would allow practically all1 schoc I children to enter free. Report of the condition of TL _ r?i l D |_ i ne v^neroKce dauk j *t Murphy, in the State cf North Carolina. ?? ?Fr r!c== =? bttsEnssr- J June 30. 1925 RESOURCE:* Loans and discounts.. $11>;.!S3.:H? Demand loans . 2.1 J7.90 Overdrafts unsecured .... 419.58 Furniture and Fixtures 5,72s.67; i'ash in vault avd n?t amounts. due. from hanks. hankers and trust com] antes 124.637.~S> i Cash items held ov?v 24 Taours . 1ST.IS Checks Yf or cleat ins .... 5m8.27 j TOT \'l .S2.y>72.f??I LIABILITIES . Capital itock jail in / 17,500.00 j I'ndividep profits. 1. current expenses ansd taxes ^aid j. . . . 1,551.09 j Deposits Idue hntjas, hanker! anty trust Cq?vpanie|, . . . J. 6.505.27 Deposits spbjecf to check ndividual : 167,617.37 | Demand cdj tJTicatc-s of deposit 56,386.68 Cashier's checks out standing 7,311.65 TOT.NI $251,872.66 State of North Carolina, County of Cherokee duly 13, 1925. I. J. 15. Storey. Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement i* true to the best of my knowledge And belief. J. B. STOREY. Cashier. Correct Attest: E. A. DAVIDSON. W. DAVIDSON* FRED MOORE. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of April. 11)25. J. D. MALLONEE A Qlf for Dental Gold 1 Platinum, Silver, Diamonds, magneto points, false :eeth. jewelry, any valuables. Mail oday. Cash by return mail. Hoke S. A R. Co., Otsego, Mich. iM CHEROKEE SC Weekly Cross ^ I? P~F fs? tfc?hi '8 ^ e - ' 1 "iflrr PSScfci- BP ff^hrhp wwm t <55 Kfc 1 frn Mil iSi.6. Wtvtcra N Horizontal. X?Famous fle?-rt b?Waste plar* U? First tcurden 12- f ...b IS?Mntijer IS-l'a'.hT JS?Cncc.ked 27-I.a: a-uns l^-r.ncountered 2c . <-r.?s (or* IS?Sun F'kI SS?O.ri's name a?Space 2S?On? who ??-?s the brttrht side of life US.:. .?> :r - ; and fi .wa on one f-.?t 54? TTr:?' 7. i 3S?To rend C -?> vn? .t .-an ?' 'fart f : t.?? ??J.-.f > f oiliest eastern unlvers'tJos <?T< f> r- e of en ?f>- r <:^-Iiimrnrt of cloth 50?IT.'iif i.n en-. SI?Through (prefix) rc?An.. :.r { hr 64. Seventh note >f s.ale ST?K.r-I of rubber IS? Perjurer r.S?Al normally email creatures 55?Chemical substance Answer To Last Week's Cross-Word Puzzle I N JJJiRnpPl * I T'S! NBft R'E A SBC.E A R-6SIH b oSnewtIr a veSla] "l N ABf"L.y|AiC ESFiA o ail sis'i ushB I 'acq, n o'ma die's pIst siis hBMa' I JffA'BHO R J U n'TIM i SBSVA'T E R EE KBB r'e AOSEv'E'n o o'eBa l eMl'o^Bea'r weSa l a sMa r i a|Boo N|Ea E*s" tBdI I r'ceHb Is E l'e'ctMc.10 TlH e; K tcTnin'Tiin v Rtv. Neal Rwi'c preached a very interesting sermon at the Factory- i town Church Sunday night. , Mr. C. S. Patton is very ill at his , writing. j Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newton and i children are visiting the latteis oar- i His. Mr. and Mrs. B h Da\i*. Mineral Bluff, Ga. 1 L;ttle (Catherine Colt man is on the i siek list. 1 Mr. (lien Vandiver motored to t Robhinsville Saturday. i Mis. John Zimmerman and i-t Edna Haw- II .0 Etowah. Tenn. are ; visiting thi.'r moth-, i. Mrs. .1. E. j Howell ?*f this ;>lac . Mrs. Tilda Withdrew was the truest i cf her mother, Mrs. Mary Mason at Ranger, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vandiver wviv , guests Sunday of Mrs. 0 B. Sloan Mrs. Addi: Rich is very sick at this writing. Murphy Welfare Board Organized On Friday aft moan Jul.- 10th. representatives of the Missionary or Aid societies f 1 h_- Baptist. Method--' ist and Preshyte; ian churches and the J* Woman's Club of Mury.hy m tin tie ; of fice of the County Welfare Depart- j' mer.t In the Court hous$ and organized the Murphy Welfart B ard. The movement or plan for this j Board was made at the last meeting j' of the Woman's Club on May 13th. Then, following a talk by Miss Anne- 1 Ruth Medealf, Superintendent of Cherokee Count v Department ofl Charities and Public Welfare, on co-j op* ation in welfare and charity work, a representative from each Jr church was appointed by Mrs. L. P F Kinsev. president of the Club, to take the matter of this Board with th? irrespective Missionary or Aid societies At that time Mrs. T. L. Sasscr was named as representative of the Baptist church. Mrs. E. B. Norvtll of the Methodist chuseh and Mrs. II. W. B>, 1' of the Presbyterian church. The ladies chosen later hy the several organizations to represent them as permanent members on the Board are Mrs. Ed. E. Ddams of the Baptist church, Mrs. E. B. Norvell of the Methodist church. Mrs. J. B. Storey of the Presbyterian church and Mis. OUT. MURPHY. N. C. -Word Puzzle b-!^ [1 ? | [FC j sa? : . LJ jgjgae U9 rtc 11 1 i&e V'llTT UMOD ) Vertical. 1?One of the acai-< tu> 2-That man 3 T. itmos ? ?To palhfr a> cram 6 S *'; ? ? t for ?ouj Sr. !irrp!ace * 't' :.f!lU 2--Periods of time * T plant ?- Pri:,TmK mr*?urf !< Mrnarr It?Airplane ??-oll > 12-.v.-apon? lfr-Airo 21 >"'. rt xU-ep 22? Fnrml < French .< r 22 -Unoccupied ! 7j -Ueplon In nnrthe.-ist > recce - Maiden lovtd l?> Zeus ST- Sane as 2 hui.iMai ** To re I* upon X Tt? merit 3ft -To weep Z~i -Wr-tifli .r.g 3T??Orsan of hearing te-Too <Xkd 41 ?latin for queen a!f*> a ?r!r! h name 4<U \ an*al 42 S..rr.?- ue 2 vertical 4--To give f.?r?h M Kqual 13-T rjiake a kind f la-e Oi- father 62? Method of transportation <at>'.>r.) dotation will appear ta next laaae. 1 i Ha?ty i f th- WdmanV 'iui?. the irai'ting last Kr dry, Mrs. Fil I*. Adams was made Char man f i.- Beard, Mrs. Gordon Hasty \ ' hi ;rsr.a:. and Mrs. '. B. j > -T'tasurt . It *v.n ..isoi : .i ' Ti - i: it tit 1 n 1 .-> *':i\vn| I iiM.'J forth th- purpose and I I. tii i t ih^ Board. Thi? ronst'tutin!i 2v i !.? j 'jblishi-il later. Several! ; -* in town and in it< vicinity who] q .1 * ?' O nui t 1IU11' IO I f'-r county aid were p -nud tu the'. Board tor discussion 1?\ M:-- Smith. Superintendent f the County Wcl-I Far. Dopaitnunt. The Hoard voted to meit every other Thursday after-) noon at three o'clock until its work I is well -organized. The next nt -cling .vill he on July 23rd. The Murphy Welfare It. aril request* the co-operation of all citizen* in its end* avers to a Void d , lv.:tion in the giving of r? li* t' to the poor >t the community, to see that the worthy j. or do nct-ivc help and to investigate the real ni . d of :il! applicant for charity in this comnruniss !n order to carry out its plans and protect the community, the Board further requires that citizens refer to he Hoard applications made t?- them for help by phoning or writing to the Chairman of the Board. Mr-'. Kd. K.' Adams (phen, s<*?> the nn.uc* and idresscs of the ?person- - ielp. The case will thita S iv.v -ti ated and the citizen inform. 1 of the need of the applicant. Western N. C. Singing Convention The fifth annual meeting' .f the Western North Carolina Singing Convention will meet at Dtilsboro. laekson County, on the first Sunday n August next. This Convention ludes all tin te.iitory in North linn We t ?.f ara including Madson, Buncomh and Transylvania i.anties. All singer.- and music lovrs are requested to attend and make hi- th- greatest nueting in the hisory of the Convention. A number >5' professional singers arc expected j ncluding several quartets. AI! whoj ail to attend will miss a great muscat feast. V. L. EZELL, Pncsident. W. .). Campbell. Secretary. A corking; pood business this sumner is selling .soft drinks with soft* r irifits. SEW AND SAVE WITH Best Six Cord Spool Cotton PgESSMAKINC HINTS For a tilnabb book oa Arm iwli.rx, arnd Ac. to THE SPOOL COTTON CO.. Det*. C 31 & Fourth Are.. N?w York ? . ; lbes>on news <! '"r 1 - ? -. "7. rr.r - T rant f E* war. Tenn.. Spent the w w?Wi?d v it-, his parents. R. L. Caste* I f Washington. _ Ga_ ha- he*n his dau- a" ter. Mrs. Myrtl* M< returned home et! We inescny. J. W Hy-.'t attended a F'?-?tmaster - r>'-: ns: at Asheville Monday "a-; d Tuesday. w* " Mr-. Crra Keith of Bl?ic- Ridg". *",r1 Gp. has returned home after spend"t day- with her brother, tv. ''n A. X:- h' !s. '' Kcv. <"iark preached a very ir.- "n* - r?-*:ng sermon at the Methodist c"?r Cy . h Sunday. *u*' Mr .l, rn ( VtU. p..M i A tgum, Ga. were married last ' n_ Sunday. t^5'r Mr. J. A. Cear't y sp< rt Sunday fim< v. tk homefoUcs. ^ro' L? n Thompson of Chat- ^ tannora, Tenn. is visiting relative* a1 ' here. ?- * Mr. an J Mrs. B. Turner have return?d home after spending several 14ft oays with friends and relatives hete.ipro< Q'J * a number ? f our yourg ccn' f'Iks are attending the protracted j eatl < eting ;;t Shady Grov* which is _ being conducted ' v K< Robert Bell. 'M Mr. A. Hi *. Chairman of thf Cher? kec (" unty Road Commission ' hoi was in town Tuesday. res? Mr. T. J. Sheart-r attended the road -v nweting at Murphy Monday. Kv. Gocd Feeding Pays *, i In Sw'ne Growing l;" Raleigh, N*. "Tarhe-1 f?rnvr* v':i will s? n e day learn that it pays to! feed hogs properly and market them wisely,'* savs W. \V. Shay. Swine *l": xtension specialist for the State College of Agriculture. j "On February 10" states Mr.J Sh "< unty \ - nt ? . Sheffield, ? ??f Ihtvid-on County. weightd nine' K pigs belonging to .1. K. Young of I.i > B I ? I FOR OVER 40 r EARS B HAL.IVS MEDICINE has Kt te.n used fully in th' treatment : W of Catarrh. ; HAI.L.0 CATARRH MEDICINE con- I ista i it an Ointment which Quickly Rclieves t>\ local application, end the . Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which ? ts through the BIimhI en the Mucous Sur- I faces, thus redu<vng the i..r!.itnmatJCn Sold by all druggists F. J. Cheney tk Co., Toledo. Oblfh ^ ciM$hC] &L * STANDARD G> ?V^. J? ' "^"'''*1 "^8 >$m *~Yr^. Tmrnari Cle< Good food } ere by no n asatisfactor jijimi ~ ial-cloarglas . -/ tT~ p-' < these, togetl ^ jj || J clre8i'e?* Y:ai i "^BllfTT^r^ri i Th*8 immf <58 ILJI'* I// I in the kitche mm erator "3 v.-el JzlL ' E^l * *?'ni,Pec^ ^ tions on any PAGE ? 245 pound |frj9 PH H| MHH 'ar.kap-e. R'd Do?. and eoni meal e mixed in wh-.r has been prwc-it the N rh ' ar ::a *xperin: nt ion as the best n t rr : the airemen's cf -uch piirs froni the ldpoint of both jra i r * and profits. At the expnati-n of * w ees" ? Mr. Shay, "the pijrs wer? ix-.-r-ln L?h*J and feed in differ* nt protiors was mixed f<?r another P-riot? f:ve weeks. This wa- < nt m;. ?f ire t< ur periods of fiv we* k>i. tho ford beintr 1 hantr?-d each . and all th* t:rr.?- amount ef 1 equal bv weight to the slop rr.ix f was fed.** ,s a result, Mr. SI:ay rep< r*s that, July 1st. th pi?- were ??>!'! f.,r teen <-ent? pi r pound, at that : thc-y weighed 1 ?:?! p< jnd< ;.n?/ .jt'hr >J.'lh fter pay ins f"r all th. other fouls* : 'u:.l i -t *h<s?? nirt- pips paid 11 per bushel tor th<- s:?- \bu corn which the. ate during this day period. If Mr. Young lured his corn at a u -t of ts per bushe Th r- ' n that n by his v - wa- S1 IY GOITER IS GONE' iained 35 Pounds. R-. laved of kins. smothering and ncarvous\n p-ration preV!fit-:<1. Irs. T arv. Pet rscrcek, . says she will *1 persi nally or letter >f her ! lit f l>\ idrupir. a c-olorbs-^ ijmjrrrr.t. She to sit up in bi d and fan t.i get breath. She had soitre nine lanufacturi d by Solhol t'oni.mny. haniesburs. O. Sold by all drug es. I.oeallv at li S. PARKF.R LT. CO. J, I FREE trrm ?n ttjtf dm> wJ oim FREE?from aha laoMt. Naa W Kellogg'* Tastelns C.uior Oil is the original iiurloi caxor oil, made for medKinal uar only. FREE?literature on raquat ?o WALTER JANVIER. Inc.. ?:7 Canal Sr.. Nn. Yort m*tr- ?j< W joc. w at sli teeoJ mcna. J goes Oft/ kSOLINE 'IfeTN %/) h~ 1; * lately in products and pood cooking loans the only requisites of y meal. Spotless linen crysisware and polished silver? ler with a clean and ncatlyiter, provide the finishing has distinguished L irvice. v iculate cleanliness prevails ns, storage bins and refrig11?and the public is invite J ese out-of-view acccmmodaL. & N. diner. i be enjoyable without pood service?no dining service . hotels or restaurants surafforded pAtrons ef this

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