FACE TWO i thejea; C **. ,<. I C*' CHACjC" ? fi>0 $ ? A i j qj) i ? h| @ ' 'M I^oca/ arte Y Teleph Ihtratrt tcr.ipht: JacN Ftrrin in "Coy.>:t Far.g>." also (' rr.edy. B l.y Wt?t r. "TV. Lin* :* Bu<v." Satur. csy. t;- ' ! . : .r. a_-. : hati-r;. n M. Gu:: c in 'Tr. Shiek * A rut y." V- Tr. ." No. 2. Th- re "a . .. : t r the puh].c s .-iatf M> r.iay *.\tw rc at 'ck k t r.< M ;-hy t'encert Bard, and : meeting : the member* i tr- land - .fed : >r at the library, ar.d ?- .- rt :: '. r is urc-d tar.c-. ..tfvitir.- -ach r : the "tar. i be ?v.*. >>ed. Mr-. \V. H. G:*f:thswh ha- beer, urderj. nje treatment .it th- \V?Kj M*rr. H r Atlanta *' : th< r..-* t?v-. k?. *. trr e?: W?-une?.iaj rich* . r ; v- d n h. a'.th. Mr. a*td M*?. A. 1. War.ir p several :av? th - wfi/i-k in Atlanta and K r . x Mr. nd Mrs. ! \V Mareva %rc f children of Asr.*-\ i'.b-. f< titterly ci Murphy. -: th : hi week \\ . t r. end-. ? ) Mr. V.. P. k r.g t Topim ? \is;t< r hire S ;r>day. Mr-. Ge . : Martin." Creek v\ a - "perat- d at- tr f.-r a? r- r. ti:. :* - *h- ' ;tl !: -t :tal W. s day nv rrinjr. The * Mrs. I' ? Sherri 1 of Graham ' , jrity. will be clad t? learn that .-r ha* ?mpr?.\ed enough to be d's har>rcd from the hospita' She i- - rr-tinir - t:*r.e w.th h--! daughter. *! -. I.?-r:?rd Palm- r < r their farm thret n:h* :: "tr* Marnhv Mr. Bruce K.r.a.- T. : ' . Injured rotim* ac.> ;?t Repal. ' ft ^IHHHIIBI the t.::.. f hU v;;':e>cence w.th rt !a* -' - 'her- . Mr. X \V Xbernathy : Marble was a bU'ir-vi?.:..r In t?.wn Tues day. The vi -it tr Andrew* th week were: Messi*. .T. I.. Arrow... ?] J. C. Parker. Z. I.. Whi taker. P. H Montor.ey, and Dr. W. Morrcw Weak In Back j| and Sides j "Before the birth of my little girl." sayg Mrs. Lena Vfc' Btai-cU. of R. F. D. 2. Mat- ^ thews. Mo.. "I wa? eo weak In my back and sides I could S|r not ro about. i was too weak to stand up or do any work. I felt lixe my back 3^ VB! -was coming to two. I lost ^ 2 weight. I didn't eat any- /?\ wr thing much and was so rest- S?<C leas I couldn't sleep nights. (Sh "My mother used to take ^ jSk - CARDUII I For Female Troubles ? X go I sent to get 1L I lmw proved after my first bottle. 'Jg* @ Cardui is certainly a great help for nervousness and ^ W weak back. I took six botties of Cardul and by then I Gp waa well and strong, just W did fine from then on. Cardul Vj* helped me so much." ra) g**, Thousands of weak, suf- XL fertng women have taken ? Cardul. knowing that It had @ P& helped their mothers or their jfsi ^ friends, and soon gained Hf strength and got rid of their ^ P Cardul should do you a lot 3^ ? of good. ^ All DrugflA** g.,,^ I*HER HEADS 1 CVktLL 5ECOND WAND ^ J * C*N1 D-CT $*C revN Mj 5 - - %ES GCT ve SO ^ .? **"**! ^ Personal one 20 A r..r-> f y .~g r^.ple. c'-aper - . A. Wardrej. - t-.r -d Cher -.ee dan; M.nday r.igh -* : yec & r.:-l r. r.c Tr.-y tctr. : *!-- - Elizabeth Ford ' - ? M-r r.*-y. M...;r:n- F.-.in. II n ist H Icomb. l.u..> H .1. E Far Margaret Sr.-- !. ( hristine Bowks Fv.:n H:*.l. Mary Be.l. E: cvr, Ax">y. A .tr? r. r..r :- r.. Gaurit. - r-. Mrs (Jarr. Maneval, an H- ward M? dy. p War ir*p. T- . Mc-F. nib*. Arthur Cr.w * rj. Allen .kru-s. Porter Merur.ej W M;. ..r.ty. < ":? Grant. Ex-Rtpreeertativ* W. B. Pa?? ar. C -jr.tv Ai.tr." W. H. Ar.o-r- r. -tr 1 an; r.g tr.t- Hay y\;.! v - t r- t Murtry this w< Mr. C. .M. W. :'f. :o left Surday i> M r .... : - rr " v.- . H . v.:r. Mar.ttta r y Mr. . , K k.? 1 and * - : y wfc. ac.n .. .d tf. y - da. 1 Mit? R? R.'r.y- f Fitzjrt raid ' Ga. i- the C : S thiy Wtek f Mis Mary s-: ith. M - E a ai .i F> :ty Kit .Mi?. tetnrr ed th - week fr? : t -it t th? :r yiyt<:. Mr-. Ed. L)a> ? n St. L Mr. Flv. . l'av i?- n St. Louis " relatives here this week. K. . A. H. Sn ;:r. Marble preatr ' *?J an -Un: mm*on on th?- dutie : va. n a: the Baptist rhurv -t Sunday rv.orr.i-g. Mr. H. R. I. v.nc cd f Grandvie> v..- a business visit. : in town Tue? . day. i M - I R. M Hard and S..r ra t-, nr.. vi-iting Mr. MoCelland a T; y n this wee k. i Mr. and Mrs. Garris n M. neval o Abbeville spent the weekend witl . .Mr--. M.srival's parents, Mr. and Mr; John Axley. Mr. Maneva! returnc n M uday. Mrs. Manevai will re main for several day?. Mr. ard Mrs. I.utr.er Axley an children returned Tuesday from v - r- lat'A ts in Ash.vilie. Way nes Henie-sonville and the points. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickey an children are < n a camping trip th: v. k at Cherokee dam. Mr?. Martin Weils and children . E ky M ;n* \isiting Mrs. N*. V> 1. vintra, d. Mr. Arthur Hasty f Copperhii spent the weekend here. Mrs. J. W. Thompson and Mi and Mrs. C. K. Hoover chaperone a party of young folk? on a weine roast at Cool Springs Monday nigh' Miss Hettie Kate Akin of Raleig is spending her vacation here wit | relatives. ^ Mr. J. W. DavidsOfc iv ft W<dnes day morning for Morristown. Tenr : where he has gone or. business. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ed Davi<lson an children <>f St. I.ouis are visiting th lattor's parent?. Or. ar.d Mrs. W. 5 McCombs. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brown o Atlanta are guest? this week of thei parent?, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Browr Mrs. Callie Hall is On a visit t her sist?s in Asheville. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. M < VCL. OOMT HAVE TO WOpBI ABOUT 'HE MC - 2 c*-< *eef theh jp too ? c T NEET* A ;?.E l-KlSs-' DCNE 0^ XyT ExPECr TC or A WOIIS-WCCE ~CS ^CE DO TOO ? t " Jk j /ff\ I \Ww y> r- E. *. I : /.. ar.ti 'ittk- > : Edci.r. f Mi.r "... Ga. are on a %:>i" her b ther. Mr- C. M. Woff ; a. . -;-tcr. Mr v. p. C. Hyatt. J I r-thy GaiT f>f Wayr.esville. < ? . -Kuth- Do>i- r at the I : - H! -t. . Mr. P. H Ar.dtr-.n of CuHxr-on wa.- t. \ -.t_r .n town Saturday. Mrs E. L>. < no : Hickory whc " ' a v sT: to her parent*. Mr. and MrE. Lone a*. Harper, visited r? iat.ves ir. town Tuesday. a Co.. R. L. Phiilips of Robbin>v.lie j wa- a lu.-imss visitor in town T i?-? day. Dr. and Mrs. Graham Bare ft > : Wilmington wert puests last w?. *-k :u - in. and Mrs. Kdw. E. Adams i; Mr.-. M. Bsd of Copp.rhiil is " ' r.p her brother. Mr. A. I.. Ma'tin and family. Mis? Lucile Cooler returned * hit r home in Knokville, Tenn. Sunday after having spent a week h? ro w ith . her - -t*-r. Mrs. Etw. E. Adam-* Mr. 7mj C;ve: of Priladelphm v -it np" fri-. no* j-tid relatives :.-rc this wt*-k. s M -< Mi.dr-d Johnson ?f Bta?i: -r-i Fia. - spending awhile at the I' key House. M.-. H M. Smith Athens. C.a. ; turned h-me Sunday after < p n<iinp sometime here as the puest { Mrs. J. H. McCa 1. . Mr. (i. S. Met all of Marion. N. C. spent several days h?-r? lust week with hi? brother, Mr. T. H. McCall. Mrs. J. B. Storey has as her guest !' r several weeks her sister. Miss k Ruth Whit-head f Commtrce, Ga. Dr. and Mrs. \V. D. Shepard of K j Commerce, Ga. spent several days ..(here last week.Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Broyle? of At!or.u mc epcu?iiuK a :i* days here at tnc I)iekey H< use. >t | * . Dr. W. R. Ware of Forest City will preach at the Methodist Church i Sunday. July 20th at il o'd.ck in 1 the morning and 7 .?< in th? ever.inp. di Rev A. B. Smitr. : Marble and Rev R. L. Randolph of Bryson City are engaged jn a meeting at th. d Peachtree Church this we*k. a Mrs. J. P. Hampton of Younp r Harris. Ga. was a visiter ir. Murphy Saturday. d' Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Roberts and - children : Green Bj?;k, Ttnn. left Sunday for their honve alter spending several days with friends and if relatives in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davidson, and sen. -John, Mrs. Stansbury and Miss il Sarah (' ok spent Wednesday in Biairsville, Ga. Marriage Licenses w- re issued this c week to Air. k. i.. ttenry ana Air?, r Belle Stewart. Mr. Albert Rice and Miss Maggie Stanstli. and Mr. Bobert Forrester and Miss Edna Gregory. h Mr. and Mrs. Elliot'ana Son. Mark of Peachtree. Mr. W. Elliott of Murphy ar.d Mr. J. A. Elliott of AnGHIGHESTERS PILLS .1 DIAMOND brano laotzs i A.k GnwM for CffKRW T** S A DIAMO'.D 1'kANI) FILLS to *?o r ?cl& mr'i'.'.ic bom, prV.rd with B'.anO) JLtNlE. Taxi KO OTIIS. BtrtXfnr v/ arocvIM tW oak f.r rHI-CHM-TCBI V BIlHOtD RUtKD PII.l l. for (wrntf-6?S year* rrftrdfl ? Bnt.Sifrr' A'.wxrt Brlitblc. ?, sold by all druggists everywhere L'RPHY. N. C. ^LF.VMZAI *?*?* * : r*."' wf*.' -cs II G f CO-C^i I *S VJCH AS * -X. C<?=s*w.s6 - - I "So r -Via* /s*BT o* ~ T - * : ? ^ -.oE'-ES Ai- -? *>"? " *-5 i| hhf lr# j___ .i;-^"/,W*-';-c.-:1 r-%v> '..ft Tut.*day for Gainesville, la. to vi?it their brother who i? ill. r* v ?.:: ai> -.- * Atlanta. Athens-. A der. and ther Georgia point? hi-- away. Mr. R. H Aiuxv.. .! . Mr C. T. ^tory J:., and Dickson Story <i .It ffetson. Ga. s; nt Inst weekend with Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Story. Mr. R. L. Shrfver, of Atlanta, da. was empb yed last week by th? town jr. : deputy clerk in the abs nee < t Mr. B. W. Sipe. who attendinc summer school and will be absent f-> -ev?rul wet ks Mr. Shriv. r assuniec his duties -r. the lath. He - a brother-in-law of Mr?. Alfred Morgan | : h< and M:s Shr.vr are makiat r hwith Mr. at 3 Mrs. Warne: ? the Id Morgan home plate on th< Belleview road. Mr. and Mrs W. H. W linn-.- n a: children. Frank .mi Wade Hamptoj ?t Jvfftrs. n. Ga .. and Mrs. Fre? j N'orthcutt. of T a. Ga.. are spend r.c the \ve--k-e: d with Mr. and. Mrs i B. Storey. Mis. Williamson is t or* Mrs. Storey, and Mr. Wil liars * s edit't of the Jackson H? r aid published at Jeffe:s."?n. FA TOFYTOWN Mr. and Mrs. I.eano-n Satt.-n uor tht- guest* ,,f Mr. J. r. Gibson Sun ' iav. Mrs. Martha with-of \V. ' 'M'reci. spent one day this Week w.t! Mr?. '! da Wither w. Mr. John Young f I'-ppeih! i jtl.-it'ng relatives and friend* her. j this \v?ek. Mrs. Sarah All n ??t Gastonia t d through Fait ryt wn Sunday. Miss Mable Dav > . f Mim al I5.uff Ga. spent last we- kend with friend: and relatives here. Miss Ira Hedden Miss I'.v > Rich were th guest.- : Mi-. < . F . Rich Saturday night. >ir?. .Nvai .Miiisaps >rtrn :n.CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of CAP ? _ ! HOME! jX Our Big j We are ol ; at Home at Home We are ol , weather. :j: New Bar; X * | Candler' =_ ? Outsidi DO IT MTSFlf -w?i_, SC ? V2S.T r?ECHANCS *5<xr GOCD ~i TA CK The ?*CHO(S?APW VE?? TCO G VES. ?*" ? I (Art Put rr r ftD The V JIT WASN'T A! The vacuum -I? Mad>onvilL. Tenn. July 11. i Kditor Cherokee Scout: i Will you h. v. rr.t- --pace in your i napor to write < i a ievent anionic i bri,- Mp which I mad# . toeetner w.th f ny family. Mr. O. O. SI , and children. Among: the many f trip* *hat 1 have Taker, since < ? mfnj: to Kast Tennessee. this pattietr'ar trip was perhaps the most int rest-| , inp one. We left Mad'-onviMe, driving > n? rtheast by way ?>f Sweetwater, r crossing the H< Istdn River at Perhook Ferry. It is said that the ri\ : i is eiphty feet dbVp at th s j. in'. - From penhook Ferry we continued . to h' id a nort!|west course to Srrintr r rity. ?.r. the 4 :neir.nati S. uth-rn r road, ti th. blink f th. Fombailand Mountain and then. - down the* monu ain d . ' s- uth o\ei the I>iv:< Highway. W. stopped a' a larce straw, berry f.nrni and enjoyed a least of *:rawhe? ii ... after wh. ?. conllnu[j ed or a southwest. n rse to Hayton. which i> a miph'y : ne town a-d kn>.wn now as th-. monkey town. t when w? spent at? Ut two V. Ms and fifteen ; n :i.We -ft I)ay*<?n and < "ntinued northeast, .n-oirithe H"Nt'in Itiv* r acain. We wenI told that the rivtr at this' i r:t w; 2?- ' t deep which is about twenty live ir.ilts below- wher, w?* : .rst . *?m| it. After t av. ' c - m distance w? entered the county scat J town :n Mem* t" :t:ty. where th- y were - li:njr strawberries from the. .- ' Straw be111? - w. luinyinjr as hijrh! ,, a- .. . :t, ..f twenty four quarts Th.- coui.ty - tht. ny . ..unty in j _ Fast Tennessee that ha.--.'t a f t of . railroad in it hut we found at. decant i urth u-e and a livey little town. Aft-.'! ! cn line an r.oii ? r i tm?r* ihvrt*. w< * ..ntinue.l ...ir j.?urm y by way "f Athens. Enylcw <i- an.: ilium, hunt-, hai ir.jr born in f v. i . ..unties .,-.i four . .. .-ty ; t ; wn-. W? ni v.1 The . fol r ' H ! ! Robust Mother ot Five Healthy, Happv Children .vceps Fit with Rwrhnm's P?*!l? !*'Vt*>?c-TN I fee! a : headache eorrir.* on. 1 cake .Tx . t two beccham ? Pl.n. "I am ?* ? a hea>h\. r. Niar mother urjth ?vt i hajr* .t- ??r r-ee.ht-'* ! Jo all I tnt own t-.ouac* i ra roiJci ?e? mi. ?aan nc. bccire. car T., . t ".he eh Idren." Mrs. Albert Cmerod. Fall River. Maia. For FHEF ?WPIE-Write | B. F. Allen Co.. 41 < o Anal Street. New York Buv from \ oar drugc*! in IS and S#e boar* F.t c.-jrc- " -?.fi ?..l u?wfeci, jnd UVf dljtlfNt ...TX!U L.<f i Beecham's Pills jDLE ["OWN BAl July Bargain Sale is Still ( Ffering New Bargains every and seve money. Your Ho and save monnd a safe plac< Ffering special prices durinf It will pay you to come ai gains Be:ng Placed on sale E s Departme Murphy, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 24, I92S s of That Felix Is 0. K. WEIL, JUST G'VE ME SOME K? AP?BT AT^D I'LL SHOW TCU C T*TT:MG - YES, I Ccuat ,'ASMlN'M.^0 NE c l b v.A*^*EE> T? . frr GCCU A.M-YWA* -HD, HE.TKEQ P ,vav. the crossing of one of the ]ar. :?>i rivers in Hast Tenne; _ &r.d the nautiful scene y 'f the < r.t r'ar.d Sli.unta'ns. It was a most crjoya. ]?.' -.ri; . the distance teii.i: . a it v?-r a hundred miles, with t\Ln a ? ar puncture cr " -t mishap. Thanking v u. I main Voui> B. .%!. A BERN A THY Faces fine. ^Without flinchingf It takes a mighty good oil to stand the withering blasts of burning gases that whirl past the cylinder walls hundreds of times a minute. Long experience in refining has taught us how to give oil that quality. "STANDARD* Jsianju MOTOR OILS Hated on oyer 50 years' experience. WE HAVE MOVED! From thc Court House t-> The Second Floor of The Davidson Building 0::r Clients and Friends Will l lease Take tic. MOODY & MOODY LAWYERS Second Floor Davidson Bldf. mini KM *GAINS | t ^d see us. | nt Store

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