^ FRIDAY JULY 24, I92S K. ?T rtists Scheduled In Stock Ccmp; ?E ALLEN SOLOIST WITH SI TO APPEAR IN MURPHY ? /* mtS&mL ?KB?9 ' n- BfnBBk*^}* -4 i y ! *Wl?L LEE ALLEN k A GOOD SHOW A t remarkable not to end'-}.:? performance r f!:n g;vair. S. C., 10 lots. .39.47 ' )' > t\, l lot 2.17 1- 24 acres 6.72 M. S., 1 lot 2. 70 wood, I'. H., 1 lot 8.75 J. X., 1 iot 33.75 I X., 3 lots 57.10 n i td. 1 lot 10.10 H.. 1 lot 4.05 Dr. B. B.,2 lots 81.00 Bryan, 1 lot 25.63 Karlc, 1 lot 9.96 y ; i ;je & machine shop 1 lot 10.57 '* I. C., 1 lot 9.58 ?. v. i lot le.iis fth. Eiltl. 1 lot (18 1 rhian Power Co. ..47.2." 'i. ,\nna i>. -?:t A..27.00 ???. W. T. W. T. 1 lot. -17.20 *. >' tV. 1 lot 4.02 ' S. \V. I lot 6.-5 < I" it. 1 lot 5-0" 4 M iry 1 lot 2.02 l'i ' :ih 1 lot .2.70 "r. < ail 1 iot 2.07 ' Or above will be kidded the s - ivertisinie nnd holdintt this * D. M. BIRCHFIEI.D ' Tax collector T < AKOLIN'A Cherokee CounJ: a the Stj] erior Court , 11 I. Dickey, . n vs. ,?' T. Mason, Mrs Anse T. Mason. 1< 1 K OF SALE UNDER EXECU- o TION s i =Origi TENT L Under $10,000 1 B Beginning Ji THE ORIG! Williams Comp > > 40 People. 9thuj by MONDAY. JU :om? "-4is a FEATURI! T "i :?i Marie De Gafferally Willian mii- | VAUDEVILLE BETN uch A 1 t.\- Admission vinthe Ladies Free 1 tist |rp CURTAINS 8:1! 7 By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court w 1 Cher kit County, N. C. in the above entitled action, I will on the first Monday in August ve named will akt notiee that a summons in the ibove entitled action was issuerl ngan>t -aid defe dant on the 1 -1th day .f July. 1025, by the undersigned Jerk, to recover against you the sum >f $.120.52 with interest from the day of 1021. the nme being amount due for goods, .ares and merchandise sold and d Acred by plaintiff to you ??n your! rdcr during 1924-25; that the sum-! ii/in.. then in is returnable August ! 1>~t. ID25, and you are further noti-j ied that an attachment issued at tlio > a me time as said summons and has eon levied upon your stock of poods.; ad ail your ripht. titl^ and inter* *? | it and to >*.ur storehouse and lot: t Topton in said County, adjoininc; ho lands of E. B. Kinir, which said i vy has been dulv docketed in the ffi? e of the undersigned, and which aid warrant of attachment rs also ^ \ THE CHEROKEE SCO! nal W ' THEATR BY SPEC r * ti i cm i neatre a?y 27th I 'i , . 1 CjI ; Stock ^ any *? piece Orchestra , May Blossom M VEEN ACTS 20c and 40c Lvudinfr lady i Monday Hcpinninj? Mow , Oilcans; 24 \vt * p in Anniston. aHSHBHBKBOKl 1.turnable on the 21st day of August. 1 i?25, and you art- notified that unl--s you answer or demur to the complii:. i within the time allowed by law.' which complaint will be filled on H befotv Aug. 21st. 192."?. the reb fj th. rein demanded will be granted. Witness E. E. Davis, Clerk 1' ?ut>-j ; erior Court, at office in Murphy, N*.! C., This July 1 *?. 192o. E. E. DAVIS, Clerk Sap riov (50-4t-d&h) Court, Cherokee t un: I! BOILING SPRINGS We are having souk- lively -umin : weather here just now Mr. Francis Lovingood and family of Pendergrast, Tenn, are oi-it n; friends here this week. Mr. A. J. IIass and b>v- :i a ' .i ' trip to the mountains last v.i ck. We arc expeeti"g to how- a i viv. ! ) met ting hero soon and everybody ! invited to eome. [ Miss Mae Abernathy spent last week with Mrs. A. -I. Daws. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kepkart visit i <1 our Sunday School. \Y '.<'o me to n. and everybody to -"oiik 0?vl Cre*.k is getting a li??l -no:. : 1 of us with her items, but It :, we come, s!?v. out sure. Mr. Mil Mrs. 1 T. D iv. weie ( guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Davis Sunday. Mrs. Tavie Oddl is visiting her j mother at Marble wh.. is very "? PEACHTKKE (Too late for last week) j, Messcrs Harden and Herman Ferguson and Misses Julia, Edith and , Claudia Sudderth motored to Jefferson. fia. on the fourth. ? Several people of this place motor- j td to N'eal (lap on the Fourth. Messrs. Dick Sudderth. Paul Mirk , and a Mr. Brewer of Spartanburg, j S. C. Spent the weekend with home- ( folks. f; M. ssirs. Clen Pipes and Clarence Hendrix who have been attending f rammer school at Boon. N. C. return- a JT. MURPHY. W. C. illiams E COMIN IAL ENGi! MAY BLOSSOM WILLIAMS vvsth the Williams Stock Co., appear! Jay night. A Smitlurn lavorite. 105 ks in Birmingham; 5 wi .ks in Montg ed home Friday. Mr. Wayne- Carrinjrer i v.-ti-ir ft it-mis and relative- in Brys'?n City this \v? . k. Mt. :nd Mis. 1?. C. Bury r and n ? v'sitins li t r >..n> \Y ; -f. -Sn mi this \ve--k. M's- < ":t idia Sudderth is visit in? i'.'ul fiiends iti Marble this Mv. an 1 Mrs. N. W. \hcrnnthy ??f Marhh \v?-i visitors here Sunday. Mr. M: M: r. us . :H-. pi di d - his In i . duly 'i d. Mr. Man;;- v. 11 .I?ty five years old. 11 I : ! ? ! n > !. I.at a f.-w .lavs i -vhon "l.. id nv Ho was a well ' v.n n i>f ih - ei.unty and will; ht i i ?. d * ;. his tr.any friends. Ho Teavt wife and a host of friends ti iitout' ;s i!- parturo. Mr. 1'. S. I'nett of Marhle visited his ?I;." M'-sdantes II. F. and W. II. Sudd ith. Mr. Carl Hendrix motored to; CJrecr.vill< S. C. last week on business Mrs-. (.: er.' Mauney and little- son and Mrs. Slay ton , conduct.?. by brother C. ! '. Martin and W" T Truett ? f Arcadia, S. C. MARBI.K NEWS Marble's hotel has a sign the ra lroad, and in view of tii-. on creted highway reading, "B uirdinu.' A tr . lain one night r<- , n*!y re ; shed things greatly. Mr. J. T. Hayes, Tore. tie. - i qu.ntly seen n the streets ,,f Marbit; .rid very-body is glad t - . "Jof J." With tk. 1 ig mixer tunning -?n nir ''ods; I he render, crepes. d his tricks, end a large numb.: of m n working the wat? r. cover cloth, and dirt, besides handling the "fe.rmrails," thine- have the app'-erav.. ??f business. Mr. Harve Abeinathy was mixi-g amongst his MarM- fi lends la.-r we k. Harvt is looking for a home- an investment. ant! things about Marble look good now. Miss Claude Sudderth. from th. Mission, is visiting her aunt, Mrs A hern a thy. Rev. A. B. Smith is engaged in a meeting thi- w< < k at iVachtiv e. R, v. K. I.. Randolph. of r > . < . ih.inir th,. preach inpr. Rev. Joe Ilouph, of the ?yl\;; !:: f hy N". Saturday afternoon No o\cr No. 10 Highway to ilelh: w. Mr. Jim Swans- :! and daughter Mi.-s Dillia vNite'd the formers t'atK-i, at l.? ving, Ca. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rirt Ma- m i: all smiles e ver thdr iv. w baby irirl. M1 art I'ayne f. :i Hot House s} I ' Friday night 11 Upper Sii ill !', v" k ?f i Mr. and MH : ry Underwood k ;:r visiting Mr-, m?? i : ! : I- . M mi Mrs. M. M. l.cdford. Mi- 1 .n : Taylor trio. Puck: .v:: \ i-iting friend- -at Skoal crwC. Mr. o 1? Tayl>i Suit. N C. visit d hi- fartlu riiiinw S. Allen Monday h w:.s on I A y to Kmuah, Athens and other points in Tenn. Dr. G. M. . uin^ ha- ' > n on the sick list f a oral days. Miss Kv . I n? - i- -pon-linu > few ?!: y< with Ah :i"d Mt's.i- iiX iU:i. Mr. and M:.-. Albert l\uk. and Baby ??f Plan*.- were vi- us . n Shoal Greek Saturday. Mr. John Mason Made a business trip to loving, Ga. last week. Mts. -lane S.tilrs ? t Gustnnia v:-ited Mr. and M s. l.um Stiles last week. Renew Your Health Any physician will tcii you that Perfect Purification of the System is Nature's foundation of Perfect Health.'* Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by taking a thorough course of CaIotabsr ?once or twice a week for several weeks?and see how Nature rewards you with health. Calotabs rre the Greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package, containing full directions, price 35 cts.: trial package, 10 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.)