rACE FOVK ~ ~~ ? m Che Clitrobft ?>cout Tk? Official Ot|bi of Murphy and Cherokee Couaty. North Carolina "PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY * C. W. BAILEY . Editor.Mana??r ,*r MRS. C. W BAILEY. Attociate Ed. W B W. S1PE At.oc.aJe Ed ? Subscription Rate-, Ct>e Year $1.50. B!grh: Months .... 1.00 i Six Months Toe Payable Strictly In Advance .? Legal advert cements, war.t ads. retdm.g r.o:ice?. Mtuar.tcards . f thanks. etc, lir.t e<. - insertion.* Payable .dvar.ee. 1 >rlay and cor.- " tract rate- furnished as ? .idenci cf good faith. Entered in the ? f us n ears t?rve u-. h'ur- pt - ir< W -r i.\. I'\< niual.v f but wf'v ray r,..w?, ? LThtK a touth .. :n :. ! a1 st-.k -alf?rt ..n . t rt v They .a!! i* %} .*< trulc* ??e. aust-' it'.-', usually h-?ivK?.. i w ,*h 'he i-.ck S nu weddir.c don't ;.-t mt.vh ]org>. r than *h?- rlnu of the tveddinc bolis. What'? be m? . ,v?* i.wfui \v< r'dcatastr^pht Hindenr-urc's elf tin: was t?" b-ir.K about? Of ourvt America . j*rht * irr< w her ( wr rubber! It's what we live ? n tr.cst f th, time. What be**r demonstration :* a firetass k r we need than the modern h( u?e servant? PThe ea*.e?t job - n earth is that i being a philanthropist. So easy tr find the poor and tht needy. "Mr.. Co- 1 djr. Nearl Run Down By < ;?headline. They just i can't t c* t when Oal w.,. up it Boston. Tht G?\ernment w? uldr.'t haw minded .fudge Ktn:t- \V Teap t Dome dot n so much f he hadn't rubht-d it in. We ?: I ..? tr. America' dollar for shrinking. !. k at - me of the awful thine? they try t sperd it for It . -t- >14- "T a y?-ar t. ducata a high - - figure-. Wait t? r :"ath*-'Sar.ta Barbara oueht not to I. disheartened. Tht id earth ju>t had to shak. th? -lust ft its feet before that Tennessee ev.,Iut.i.n trial be . pat. X-> Sherman anti-trust law .v. ? i' he invoked t break up a t.-th r* t f loyal, forward-looking, clear-minded men and vomer. o.n;eratir.g " put their home town . n th- map and t?.i keep it there. Ore tre* will mak- a millin matches; or.t- match can destroy a million trees. A thousand people could make a thousand knockirs if tach ne developed into a knocker. Or.e kr.ocker. if ht- knockt i i np and had enough k could put th. git ?.w :n:o a thousand boosters. destroying '.heir j Ian- and good works. The Golden rule can never be improved upon, but it can be enlarged j upon with rrofit to ourselves and mankind. How about this paraphrase of the subject: Do unt.- vour community as you would have your community to do unto you? Your community is the sum total f yourself and your neighbor^. If you would find happiness, tranquil home and community life, prosperity and the emulation of th unselfish spirit, support local merchants, local hanks.: Jocal newspapers, and home institutions generally. Too strong a state-1 ment you say. True, it may not bring about the community millennium, but it will place you in a strengthened attitude of consistently boosting, for the home town. It will give yoc i poise among your friends, courage in your own business adversities, hope j in your job or daily task, respect for! what your community is trying to accomplish, and a satisfaction that you had a -hare in its growth. EARTHQUAKES I .-< than 20 rersv rs l?**t their :i\ts :r the i^anta Barbarba earthquake. Kvery 'ay in the year ..rt av?, race f 30 l;v?s ar? snuffed out by the autntibib r- . . a t. tal f rtr?on* tut accidental death tr? m ail causes last y?;&r accordinp to c vtmrr.ent figures. Immense property damapt r suited :r< m. the shuke-ap. and eve*, cae life i- : jrecu . s t lee-. Put oa-thouakt* are peculiarly n* tab!, becnus^ f their ur.carnintss. No place - the plobe can claim immunily from them. They're say:mp New York City next! Mieht as well say Lowell, cr Knox or Portland. *r Mobile, or Mur. phy. N? - r.t knnv?. After dista^teps come pteplc ory . -Wt v.-'.' tebuildl" The pioneer A.-.. tuajM the", is in very human breast a desire '< nt - tua-:- r is ;. c. urapo-us heat? t' battle bravely acainst certainnqds. but v.r.'r tr.t wi?d1- w gait, making r.o elf' t t . .4 ; iht assets of the place for ihi i- netit ? f th( public. Hut Her.derscnviilt may i>e tailed a new town, for it has got .-.way from Mr n Street.'' It is the at of the .V1 -t intensive activities in development wik :r. all the State. Thtre has tv en *.h? greatest record in trar.sr-. at n at Hindersonviile that i? to he found in any part ? t N< rth Caroina. for Hvnd* i sonviile has built new re-idential sections, new hotels, paved ii..f -tr-'*:-. established one <>f the finest mil! settlements ir the utitry and has been the ^at . f tremer.dous investment by outside peo; 1 thi* development work Florida - taking large part. The rtgiral cm; :jy that was content with a small settlement out from the town. :s r.' w >\ershadowed by Florida investi: nts en a gnat scale. A large j n ?>: the money we hear atM ut a> flowing into Florida, comes tight link ir.t North utolina in { em.: nent ir.vtstment. Th? r- has grown up around the t.iwn two residential sections which correspond to Myers Park and Dilworth. in Charlotte. One is the Laura Hills development, the othtr the Druid H..:s home settlement. For both of these the- tii-1 groundwork was paved strtels ;.r.d water mains. The latter wt-T9 readily ava:ia'. e. btcause ?-f the fact that the city is finely provided w ith a supply, drawn from Pisgah Forest, to assurance oi both abundance and purity. Then Cel. Jake Wells imt ;.b-n* and provided the town with a hotel f the standard tourist .-la? Tha Terrace. ;? hotel which -fills the bill" for Hendersonville in the same manner the well-known, hotels at Ashtville fill the bill for that town. The scale upon which Henders.onviMe is being developed necessarily .alls for money in major pr portions. The Observer did nut stop to enquire where all this money comes from ?it was sutficent to know- that Hcndr'rsonvi'.b has art! is putting it "Ut lavishly, but n? : recklessly. Hendersonville is making its development money talk. Particular care has been exercised in providing parks and swinimi: g pools and in establishment of golf link- and amusements for the | ublic. The Observer was profoundly impressed with the advancement the city has nvadc in the construction line, so nuch s?> io justify, in it< judgment. *he present measure of publicity, for nenai-rsonv:iie is now admitted to he the renter <>f the greatest activities in mountain dev. h'pmcr.t n?>\v going on.?< hatlotte Observt r. WHY MEN GO FREE William Darling Shepherd went free. It i-- not surprising. We were not at the trial, nor did we follow the press reports further than human nature and a battling morbidity enticed. We know little of the details of the case, and accept thc verdict ol acquittal because the jury has spoken ar.d because of the cardinal principle of innocence until proven guilty. It may be interesting, however, to speculate upon the reason for th< i_ THE CHEROKEE SC< jury's v?rdict ? ( acquittal in the tav? : of the fact that a state's w.tress. "Dr.' Charles Fairr.an. testified tha* he sup-plied the defendant w.tfc typhoid germs with which T. ir. . slate BiUy McCIintock. tht r. - re ward tf Shepherd. Tfc? jury < : ~ * believe Fain r.n's >t- ry. The;. tr'-ct decided that he told an "-itru'i: ' the stand, or their confidence :n his J teat tr.tor.y was shaken : *r_ \*e* ; that a reasonable deuht are>c : tht r , ninr.', which is sufficient : sr ' acquittal in a criminal e;>e. We htar a ! t front stipe r -e r." mental people about circatnstar.v.al tvieier.'.e. but it i? sometimes -:r- : c: > r and more corvine.rg then or per-- nal "eyt-w :tr.? .< it *t.m r> Tr.t rt&sor is b?trnces by their \?. ry Tv> why act';;' c -.f-s*ior.s -re I murderer* must be :*y ritual proof of r . rj delicti 1 ' ?ti-n of court- Jr.-.: : n; ri r et taken arl!:.;.r \ . 'upon which t senttnee and !a=e punishment. Juro.-s kr.;w th. ;n neno? to ?rr r. the fr&i!ti?s ?.f Kumar. spoe? r. and t thought, the flight* of ir:.:>g:r r.. , Thty sit, they hear. tkev f>-r? j doubts, ard they acquit. It the right syste i or the best system' humans know; but it is 1 *h a pro- , tection to th? ir.recent a ! i shiel to the guilty. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE Op?t.-.. x. < , Jul> 21. i; Editor Th? S? < ut. Murphy. N. t . : Dear Editor: I Si'ii*1 there- ha\t been u ..ny :teis , and articles published ir > :r valua- , ble paper in regard to the r- ad qu?sti? r. nd th? pr? p?>e willing and ar- j xious to givt. "bleeding Beaverdam.. her share of notice. Wu agree w.rh Mi. Stikeltather in his suggestion that the people f Cherokee < ounty settle this matt* r by a vote 1 f tr.f people. Any who is willing i>< ii T :? mniorit*- ?.f T\r...or doi iil tr\\- . question not autocratic, but if they' ; will not hear the people then, they: become autocratic in their methods, j i and we certainly have some of this i type in Cherokee County. \\\ und--r>tand that Monroe Coun-, ty is already building a road to the ' Unicoi Gap under a promise of this 1 >tate and county authorities to meet i j her at this point. If such promise* ! was made it certainly should bel | complied with. i As to the natural advantages of! . Beavcrdam Toutc: It is the most! j practical route of the three. There MURPHY. N. C. ;> r.*e of ro.Ji all a! ng the j r< t * -e. ->?ar>. n ?ur- 1,1 f:o *c :r. ro? rear th* Tt-r. .? * J r- , a: ch * .'J r.- t r . ! he ra?ht d. Tre "in i l uck at. that .hey a:- so proud of. and " jvernaT - h> r: Jv: cl the H athi u-e r- ate \t* nt. they -*e n : 3 1 tfc- fa : That Beaverdare t ct- thi- very \t:r > f < v pptr r u" l*r akc. Even a creek re:.: I'aaka 1 : < ;-a> that ran ? Cttper Creek. h The B uth E;.-t. ar i W\-t. T ! turn the Tourist i y Pucktt v. n, they . ' tvtr -? .uurpny, ;,ru . -i: .'i- 'vt cannot r?ceivt and ac- nmmodtt, visiters vihr may wish !?> h? come ru-rmanently ideated, our O unty and T ur,> cannot prosj er, and i: we arc ; r 3( ?f '.re .iunpltj. ple;.se > nd ' t. G? d Str.aritain around anyway, f- r it wij! take that before Cherokee an prcspt:. Heaver dam has a briphter future :han any part f :h_ C< unty. although has been neglected the past, < The B-:ave rdarr. route wi.l traverse he canteur !int of the pn posed pow: ! plant f the < ?r iina-Tennessee i'-wei Company *- : Z~ miles. This Power Plant will bp a five million iillar t r ject, anil therv is no doubt .bout it i-ginning w?-rk in the near , utuie. and when the dams ..re c mplet < there will be eltvtrii Smelt*, rs luilt develop the n it-.s which are j?l?niful in Beaverdam Township. Ail h.ise will attractive besides our eautiful sceneries which are unxcelled ir. th< United State?, which vili naturally draw people from all arts of the country to build homes ind invest their wealth. As Mr. W. Y. N. P wels* n. ? : - : *nc err< :s which I -ee ir. f sir.?. Ore . f ?r.?r: i* -.he -tstemen; of Jr- Arp that tk-r* wasn't over tw ry-f ve fan : es . ving n the Beaver- f r< u*e fr- m Murphy ?.. Ter!:? > ''ains. This is an rr? r ar.d mis- t eatiing t> :ht State- highway auth- I 1 :ec-i sure these are five hun- ' ireti families living on and .r r a< r. I f the Btaverdam route. and a- to I he _v:.t p int. We oisirht n?>t di-puts th* non who. unintere-ter. measured th?- v 1.stance. Ard also, as t<. materi- ' 5, I: The t Itaverdani route has a rive ront on the Gr?p? f"retk line to "naka where sand can b, nbtaivod ? . ith a maximum distanc e 05 these y r.iles Iron- the < od. On the Grand- p iew linp I which is another t o:..: ! ad- ? nt: from Murphy t< I'nak;.? th-1? are i\. creek- where urave 1 and -and an 1< obtained, also good queries of ^ rr\* cianiti and nrvd j;ranit,. ard lirt. Mrom Unnka t< the Tenro.-s-e in. you are :r r?:tch < f river sand for iirht t iles. Thi- will put pou in reach I" a >rru\el bed just v?r the -rate . im. which > the nne-t formati n I f vet saw. This jrravel bed a ridjrc f flint p? M le from th? -ize of a mall marble down to a -mall parle and it appears from the outside hat there ar? milliors >d tens < r it ^ n this ridpo If thi- can be used in ^ >lace of m reeninjss ' thi-- rout,. is j We ate sorry Mr. Prit.hess. our { dosed with tfc.cl material. n ?tate locating mpineer did not see n his route for himself before mo kin (r ^ :is n i'? rt. 1 think the state highway board if t ach stat, should hav, the facts on ,11 thes^. routes before making a final ecislon, Mr. Stikeltathci has said he could rather have th,. voice of th? ak payers as t?. the best rout, t<> neet Ttt;r.o--ec. Th - is as fair as a nan con offer. If ur people will I cgaily ?>k ..ji County Commissioner* o cull an electi n to ?ettl* this pu**ion we will irladly submit t thnice of the voters i t theCounty. We ertainly want connection over some oute to Tenne**fe. This County is almost isoaltttl. j by rtilrciil, fivoi business west | f us. We hop* the Highway Com's Greate [25C Frdfkt and 1 > HUDSON C ludson's long-time policy of giving g r, this is the lowest price, the finest Hudson ever offered- Only Hudso the famous patented Super-Si* pri e world's largest production of 6-c ale. By greater margins than ever orld'a Greatest Buy.w * orld's Largest Selling 1AWKINS D MURPHY, N.C. / FRIDAY. JULY 24, ]f3M ^9 vny. ask the County C, rkai-^B ' ' ^1 9 ? and this 1 know is f?.ir. 9 Murphy. N. < f :y :-.9 Editor Cherokt >? 9 In v card to the jv ; 9 he ter.nessee line, I ht\e tfc_*9 f the people of V.'t -t?rn r.a want a shoit : ree?9 ,market in tr.f S 'h. tk9 y Uraka and Tel'.iv P5?.ir.?9 ocical v-nt. This put* -,fl| 9 v Ducktowr. is 14?> ;-r9 he road over the Kin.-. v M^.9 wonderful r.u- hrchway, avel on thi? road v. ulj c try dengerous and very littj, r- ri tht- North and South each Murphy or vicir ty as ts i-ould follow the lee High kthens. It set that the Bta te is the only route that-? i -th viry much t< the pe Cherokee County. \ t y tri! j w. da: PEACHTREE Mrs. Lon Montcon.?-><,< ?j hi was the cu< t f Mr. a1* nty Ct isp Inst we. ... Mrs. Eliza Harnett t.nsr her sister. M-- Sallit this week. M- --is. \V. K. Jt-rr ?? r. G'v (Irisp. and M - - .lulv, lob and May Suddcrth all c la. < attended th. Ma-onic Pic h?-al Creek Saturday. ' \ A. B. Smith of Mat blear ting a s* iits of r* v.val h t thi IVachtree Church. Several people ot this place i < n att* ndinc the revival at I ,wr this week. CARD OF THANKS 1 s-ncert ly wish to thank tht J f Mutphy for their kindness empathy shown u- ..ivir.g tht . and death of my J-ar hut want to thank you r tht lea i.... .... ..ii.i f. r the mobiles vhetl; and for th, nwny o'.htr I { e*se? that helped t. liirbten I. envy burden at thi* --.id hour. I t May Hod bless and keep e?d vt ry one e?f you. MRS. D. S. GRANT ma a~r m^u* IB .^r FUSE?free-- h fiavoradB[/' KJlogg'i T^tlm CmorO y 0 the oc*in*l ^ od, made for m?i>cjMlu*?* FREE?literature o? > JANVIER. lac.. 4>7 C?a*l S? . t**9 19 i Tee mrr-'Y -* ** m *u t?U +* ? ? is t Buy ) ? Tax Extra . II oach | reatest value II Hudson, the |j n's exclusive 11 Inciple com- El ylinder cars | before it is IJ 6-Cylinder Cars ealer