- FRIDAY, JULY 24. 1925 tcommend Tax Ord:nance of Town Be Amend id ICCS!:HL'KJ frcm r?rf 1) > that t should I .. n< .ltd. \ ,jijrir. J-t'd ' , ! ..-' t up and :epcr* to *ht u . F v. M- is *..*.? ;* . . r . ft ' - ? " rrertdati* n. J-iy J>. '.j: on?.* -day ' i.r.il ?i i.- ) : : . I Lionels, To?vn *.i .il^.rhy. it.: *- n: W. the ~r.d< r?L-r.' . ;.riirt*to ?. T.-ider anl : .o:..m :.<J :e a: r <:i-p c: >*:c. j!. . ;re Tax rcirv- .! :h*. Tcwr ; r:;. : r Ac : : :'.k end ji said sc. .ion th I tr.i? - cti n shall net be j tr;." :v:.ir.it -r.y pi?.*. f?r:r. r v : *a? . wh< <r offer. r * -Is trtiiltj * things * A -:r. or its production. *. . 'hall <; ajrair.sft the r.eont < { such etc ,tr who i* selling s.-.nv fo jih : re ducc-r witho ut a : : f It ti in id?:.-*:' n fce Riven by the Tr wn 1 : the inspection cf beif that p citertd lor sale ir. the town, f Respectfully submitted, I EI?MUNI) B. XORVELL, Chm. i PAYNE. GRE ENE. ? < V LOVINGOOD. RRINGER, M JOHNSON. K. W. GRAY, Committee. Singing Class Has Profitable Trip To This Section (Continued from page 1) The conceit was given in the school luditorium. Rev. T. 1.. Sasser ??f the Baptist church made the invocation. Front the first i?? hist there seemed to b? greatest interest. i n Tuesday morning Messrs. J. A. Richardson, A. .1. Burns and J. \V. Davidson were very thoughtful of the children and took the Class over to the next point. This was most helpful and it was very greatly appreciated by the entire Class. The Murphy proceeds were $11440. HAYESVILLE Tuesday, July 1th.?The trip over tq Haycsville. Clay County, was made ever the splendid highway that runs up the Hiadrassee river. The scenery is beautiful, passing in sight of a number of peaks that left their heads t_> suimthinir like five thou sand or more feet high. In Hayt-sville Bro. W. T. Bumgainer, chairman, U. \\. * !rav\ rd, J. H. Passmore ond others repres nting Bro. Geo. A. Cherry, the newly elected Master, met with the ladies cf the O. E. S. Chapter. Mrs. Sallie Ketrhn, W. M., Mrs. Maude Killian, P. W. M. and others ot the Stars, took the members of the Class to homes as follows: Mrs. Sallie Ketron, \Vill Hunt, Dr. Jim S. livan, Paul Scroggs, Eudie Hyatt, Henderson . JIaigher, Mrs. Geo. Thompson, McQueen House and Scroggs House. Even over in Clay, we found that th weather has been very dry duri 1114: the greater portion of this year. I: is a short drive across the line into Georgia and the friends took the children down to Hiawassee, Ga., so they could say they had been out ot the. state and into Georgia. The roads are fine to the state line, but rough alter crossing into Ga. The mountain scenery- grand. The trip was too short and too hurried however to tell of the different mountain peaks and other things in detail. The concert was given in the school auditorium. A splendid crowd greeted the Class. Hon. J. B. Gray presented the Class and gave a very warm welcome to nil the visitors, many coming from Shooting Creek to Tusquitly Bells and the sctions rounJ about. Following the prayer by Bro. G. H. Heighler the class gave the program. Bro. A. F. Padgett and Bro. G. E. White assisted the Com mittee at the door. Bro. E. B. Cotten of Albernmarle was in Hayesvjlle and contributed $90.00 to add to the receipts. Bro. Cotten never over looks the orphanage work. The members of Clay Chapter. O. E. S., and the Masons there, have been very thoughtful of the* Orphanage children and have shipped numbers of crates 6f chickens, apples and other good things that are very helpful at the Home. These are greatly appreciated too. ^^^^^^^^^^ndebted to Messrs. Stock Company A Solid r 5 m I 5 Marie De Gafferlly, Commedien which comes to Murphy for engngel The Williams Stock Company will i ?.c to this city Monday for an ? nuatr ment and will erect their famou $10,000 tint on the lot out i-i the open on Valley River Avenue. This company has just completed successful stay in Montgomery. One cf the loading newspapers of that city had the t Rowing to say in i re cnt issue: "During the tveek past local the at"i goers have enjoyed a treat in the way of theatrical fare, which bids fair to continue indefinitely. The Williams Stock company appearing nightly in their b.autiful canvas theatre .have during the- past week offcred plays of real merit with a cast of a? tors of the calibre not common with tented organizations. One has hut to close one tyes and Broadway seems not so far away. "Featured with the company are i .Miss Marie I)e Gafferlly and Miss M:n Blossom Williams. Miss De Gaftrelly has a marvelous sense of methods of evoking cyclones of lnughj ter that after the first two ininut-s comedy values and is so thoroughly I at home with her ultra successful I one iust rests and laughs and experiences that fe eling of trust and ease j that cnnu's with the knowledge that I ihf situation is in the hands r\f a ma I ter craftsman.' i ".Miss Mae Blossom Williams does i tla emotional and ir.genue leading I:t?les in the same capable and rej fireshing manner bringing to all her ! work a rare an-l sincere touch that j snakes h( r n genius rather than simply The Poultry Industry fcntf'glk. o-'-sffila aii v^idy county In the true sense of the word tin re j is more clear money made oil poultry in Clay County than any other industry in the County. In th- ca-e of poultry heretofore there has prae' tieally has no investment, the labor i ex| < nded in th? eaie of poultry here, tofore has been very little, j An industry that will pay so well i in its crude stage should have some j development, to this end the work in j Clay County has been done, Clav J County farmers have been assisted j in improving: their flock by bringing I in better blood, there are many other stops that should be taken. The County Agent has been able i to obtain a Poultry Specialist for work in the county on the week of Aug. 17th. through 21st. This being the best time of the year to cull your flocks. The major part of the time will be given to culling the flock and care of thr mature fowls there is a very concise and systematic way of culling out thy unprofitable part of your flock. There will be staged m the several communities of the coun... 4.,n?Anct?otinn>! nt which IV CUMUIK the whole community will be invited to attend. The community wanting: to (rain most for this demonstration should select a centrally located home where all interested could gather and put on this demonstration. Andy F. Padgett, .Terrett Thompson, Walter Coleman and Miss Edna Bumgarner for taking the entire party over to catch train for the next stop. Thank you friends. The proceeds were $110.60. A QTJ For Dental Gold i V//iOri Platinum, Silver, I Diamonds, magneto points, false I teeth, jewelry, any valuables. Mail today. Cash by return maii. Holt* S. & R. Co., Otsego, Mich. THE CHEROKEE SO Hit In Montgomery 4 H^HBr ne with Williams Stock Company merit. an artist. "A visit |?uck stag, disclosed th ."act that her hais is really her i \vn and not a wig as thought, because' of its p election of color ,.nd dress, in p. True to her name. May Bios som. she made us think of just that. I spring and May blossoms as she raised her deep blue eyes from her | mirror to smile a weleonv and procoed to tell us not of herst If hut of her wonderful sister. We like <1 her reference to her co-star. Miss I)c tJafferclly, so didn't interrupt her. She chattid on pleasantly in an even.' well modulated voice and we learned from this youthful paragon that l fe is too serious to be wasted; that >hloves children and horses. She couldn't think of hoblng her hair, hut she adn ires it on some girls. Sht smiled at the idiosyncrasies of th< modern flapper and says she n? ver had time to he a flapper us sh,. went directly from school to her <ist- r's cc inpany and since she takes h* r profession seriously she bad no time to waste. Capacity crowds have attended e% cry performance and judging by that the Williams Stock Company seems assured of a long and mutually enjoyable run. Suficient to say, wo wish them all the success in the world hecausv the show is than, lree from anything hold* ring on the vulgar, or commonplace. A company of pintie men ami ladies with a baek stage atmosphere of ultra refinement and courtesy. Good luck to them and may they he with us many weeks y< t. ' i l.et us all look forward t the week 1 of; A ug. 1 th to 21st. when we will cull our poultry. It moghl b. further announced that all poultry culled during this week and the owners caring to dispose of them that there will be a system of disposing of them to a good advantage through a poultjy cat cr hulk sale of some kind will have the privilege to do so. WIl.LAIM) It. ANl'KRSOX County Agent, North Carolina's Fame Abroad Xorth Carolina is attracting the ,?vi s of the world. Xo longer is it ! "the sleepy .South." hut an alert and progressive South. The state's great; industrial awakening has opened other, cvis t?. the new opportunities ."n agr - j culture, commerce and industry which North Car-dine, presents to the world.! That distinguished English puh-j Miration. "The Economic Journal."! : edited hy England's best known ecors-; oniist, Mr. J. M. Keynes, has just j published an interesting nview of j Xorth (Carolina and the new industri j al revolution by Prof. t". K. Fay.' Here is the author's comment on the J state's present business activity. "A citizen of North .Carolina, that "old North State" of some 50;00o sq. miles (nearly the size of England and Wales), with a population of 2':f millions, slightly more than twothird white and less than 1 per cent, foreign born or of foreign-born parents, apparently can say with truth a-l these things: 4 My house, or rather the house in which I live, is made of wood which quite probably was cut froni the mountain forests of my State. It is lighted with the cheapest electricity in the U. S. A. My furniture was made at High Point, N. C., a furniture town second only in its output to Grand Rapids, (Mich.), and rejoicing in a Furniture Exposition Building OUT. MURPHY. N. C. Weekly Cross mrr Ti | 1 IV! I j ?vc* l*:i Wmi?m Horizontal. 1-To ^ mo!!pl ?O-u: uai ?.r*te of Iron 7 Ovum M?Karroocn j-_\\ ., ,<t.n support for broken limbs 1*?S i? r t ;fi?Amount 17?i:\Pt ]??Definite article l''k?15.f, ' > abbr > 71? Otherwiee 3? l-iry? v?f(> i t - collection -I?S? ! i te of t.-d.e 25? arrr ' f a lake 3?iV'leful "1?I'rint rr m<af re tl-e skin off of In u,to R(it<ch!rM>nrn 85?Aicitatil rf ? M in Inter* TT-NUado* 19?Km my observer O? Kt.riny 42?To etutter IoIoIIob will nyiir Answer To Last Week's Cross-Word Puzzle {SI^H|A|R'AjD'E!S"{ETgT| [umetd e'nh i r'o'_nb|h imaida'dirawiar i imejrjbp" i n e sba r e, e'r'o s1|r'jabb(e*m m a r'o'o'mio p t i w i s'fl we r nhh o pmm D e c l a's s ebt e,a r ea*r'ijbb i 'smyiave p r'J|s.e'nse|ra'g; 1 e 'nm? e'rwamtbsh InMp a'r aIl'TTrIn [dIw^rTfIsMyItItIrIi ia with nx acres ??t" floor space. My kitchen utensils were nuul,. at Bud<n, N. on th. river Yadkin, the second hit f. St \ I, , ..i - - ? r j'l.IIll l(i lilt* w i id. Mj towvls come from Kan* naj.olis. N. the world's largest towel mi!!.*': my table-covers from Roanoke Rapids, N. <\, the largest damask mil!* in the 1*. S. A. My State produces more cotton goods than any other exeent M??schusctts:1 * miliit a- in 1912. $221) millions in 1922. The stockings which 1 am! ni> family wear were Knitted at I)utham, X. C., the hosiery centre of this continent. It is the fault or vagary of our distributive system it 1 cat any but nativegT'Avn foods, grape fruit and bananas excepted. Kor my State, which some years ago was twenty-escond in the list, is now fourth in agricultural production, following Texas, !' inois and Iowa. N*. C. has corn, wl-.cat, sojghum, peaches and apples iv.. re '.hat sufficient for its own people. Its raw cotton rose in value from millions in 1921 to $104 millions in 1922; its tobacco from $<? *> mllions to $93 millions. The boll- weevil has hardly touched us yet. and we arc ready for him, ithe should come, with Southgottcn calcium arsenate. Our largest town. Win.*t? n-Salcm. the home of 'Camel' cigai'Ctes and 'Prince Albert' srnok;?>.r r.ilmcco < the laitrest tobacco market and the largest center of tobacco manufacture in the world. In X. C. we smoke and we work; and after a ten-minute lunch in a; cafeteria or on occasion a half-hour a la carte meal al the Sir Walte"*. the O. Henry, or the Robert E. Lee. we jump into a high-powered Stude ; baker Jitney (with competing halfhourly services all day long from everywhere to everywhere else.) and at an average speed of forty miles an \ hour we sample our State highways, i of which 2000 miles (mostly paved) have heen completed and as many more are in hand. In our villages' th? re are as many public houses as in those of the Old World, but the signs arc different. Instead of King I Williams. Burton Arms, Therelfallsi and Cains, we have filling stations brightly blazohed with Texaco, .That I Good Gulf Gasoline' and Sta: dardj Gil (They till us) is the sheet-anchor of British finance. In \ I . [ -Word Puzzle ~ ???w~ w~ y B ninni? is 3^ 35 S?wipt|i?r I'liUm ) Vertical. I?A trrnrh 2?In orflcr th*! . ft?Attempt ft?Com rrn.rc j 6?Rurrrndera 7?Kind cf tr?-? ft? A PartmrtiLn ft?To txpectomw H"-T( knot 11?Outlying district* of n city 12?Horn 18?Your uncle 14?exercise of power lk Before (r?-etlc) 21?Finglr l 2f> Bread makers 28-Cxttn: 27 -Affirmative 2R?Indian ??T Alronquln tribe 21'?Shoemaker's tool* * ?HhvIiip prriitrr depth 22 Side kick ft*? Having no moisture 3i?? Hoy's name *0- -Fourth note of scale 41?I'ristlng measure ar In aril lawu?-. N. sf irit is consumed in th? tank ol" an auto in preference to the hums::. , stomach, and the proceeds of the tax | to the State and not to Washing! With :Jc a gallon on gasoline ve pa\ interest and amortization on our $77 millions ? ! highway bonds, and our road experts aver that 'improved j roads so lessen the consumption of gas per mile and w<ar and tear - n car and tires that the auto-owner j actually makes money by paying a i tax on gasoline in order to g<. t good I roads.! "However, not all the taxes g?. V the State. Though we have only 2 million* mtnulul ion ?n,l ?..* lities, we are fifth in the list for amount of fedeta! taxation. The tobacco tax revenue from N. C. in 1K22 was $130 millions. But com. and live htre! For we grow and manufacture the tobacco, while the con-1 sunter pays tht tax. House rents aie only a half of those in the North, and a little coal for a short three months is all that is needed for warmth. If you cannot live here, come and see us. l>rivt. one of those tourist cars of which one per minute passt d down the Shenandoah Valley i v observing <\\e hope) certain spots which rt call the memory of Stonewall lackson*' There then follows a discussion of North Carolina's geographical position, the location and character of its industries, its soil and climate, the availability ut cheap power and of raw materials and the high characted and efficiency of its nat.ve born labor. The main lines of the Southern Railway offer quick and effi. icnt transportation facilities to the industrial sections of North Carolina. The prompt conveyance of raw mat erials to the factories and of finished SE\^AND SAVE WITH L ... im Best Six Cord Spool Cotton DRESSMAKING HINTS For rtlutbli book on drcMnuking. und 4c. to THE SPOOL COTTON CO.. Drpt. C J15 Fourth Are-. N#w York Louisville & N LOW ROl SUNDAY I 1 ; Round Trfy T? Acts will he sold | . pi" 2.? cents. between all stations < | than $6.00. (Minir/.um Round Ti . | ed to date of Sale. I FOR FULL PARTICULARS O l ? PACE FW* rodn-ts to the consumer raarki^s a.head has Ih*i r.o small f*c-or i* The K: rth has begun to perceive ; ..mf iishirg and northern capitiil fir irg it way in large amounts d r. r>?an?i what the South ? nto M-uthcrn enterprises. Now K-iriien i>: norr.ists ae : .r: :r>p *heir eyes to the Nertr." State. English capital has . way? disregarded national bor.n J: has flowed to those .f : d where fortune beckons. Tr- F?-. . :r.ic Journal has spread ... t; ai- North Carolina before Ft:*. -yes and it may be said tbct Br.tisb .it&l'sts have n- v bfin -.JttiriK their vyos U Western N. C. Singing Convention 7r. fifth annual meeting of tke Wt stern North Carolina Sitmiir? C. - vtr.tK n 'Aili moot at l>i n C urity. on the Sr.". - .? - Av.gust next. This Cocv :e:uit> ; th>. to :itory ir. North r. West of :: - ?i including M:?i> r,. B . and Transrhrar.ia . ..r .i s. Ai'i singtrv and mus t k v. r? are r*. sted : > attend and mat< this :'r. greatest meeting in the 'o**tory ?. i the (Vnvention. A nuinV?T f rr t'.-" ' "al singers are expuud -xiu<!:njr so t-ral quartets. All w:*> fai! in attend will mi?s a g*?ul vwv :.ai feast. V L. FZF.l.L. IV jest. ! ?-!!. Secretary. Vacation-Time Moth Damage Caused bj Creatures' Larvae WITH vacation <H?ys at ha?4 . arrangements complete for j neighbor? to care for the ei.t and goldfish, the American hon^^i'tf is preparing for her greatesr stutI mer worry?the commoa ieo*S I For the damage caused h? *>;t I pest has too often ruined the I pleasures of a summer holiday. Folks used to believe that if their I homes were rid of all raoths lv.Vt* going on their vacations, they v.erv i secure from damage. No* they know better for science has pom?>4 that it is not the moth us *. uttfc that is destructful but the wtvA's worms, or larvae, that dn the liaixnge. These tiny creatures Ultra trout eggs UKii are so xinati \fcx~ a million of them weigh only wr ounce. They eat to their stomach?* : content clothing and fabric thai have not been made inedible a?6 repugnant to their. Powders, odors. fumes have no effect to save father's dross trousers or mother's new woo.en i.'n -iV cts from the hungry larvae utiles used In so highly concent-*-i*. v manner as to he entirely ijrv&r: cal and far too expensive. .. cti even then, tests have proved. t ;<* remains. The only method?sirnp'e but entirely effective discovered by science to thwart the larva ; > *c spray woolen fabrics with a is;;. < that render ..jeni inedible to n>c'* worms. More interesting -'tan that :o Mrs. IT .newifc is Ixicl* a..* I chexni? hav-- p-V'".:: .*?: \ g . ! rrcpat* ms that will tic; *.injure any clothing < r d r on which - they have 1. . n '. 'ih ( Nor w ill folks sniff suspicious .r when she v.-oars something which these liquids have beta sprayed. . i \*i iiii jcoou words that publishers imbibe; the best are these: Believe 1*11 subscribe." A corking good business this summer is selling soft drinks with softer prifits. ashville R. R. JND TRIP r FARES each Sunday, at rate of one fare where one way fare is not more rip fare 75 cents. Tickets limitONSULT L. A N. TICKET AGENT

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