P*c. r FOUR NOKill Cherokee C. - r. F-S >' : v h r (" ::. W ffcrd Terr* vs. A. L. Pi-tel!. NOTICE OK SERVICE FY PC! LIC \T!ON The defendant ub ve nam .5 a tak: n otic. that a summons n t! a: v t titled ?n wa? issued a# inst said defendant or. *he 14th J July. 1925. by the undersign Clerk, t' rrc. ver against you the si of $52u."?2 with inter>. >t from t day f 1924. t same b .r.g amunt due for goo< ware- and merchandise sold ar.d < livered by plaintiff to y a n yo ier during 1924-25; that the su Ttvms ther ir returnable Augi 2ltft. 1925. ar.d y are further no i d that an attachm ent i>sued at t same ' me a? sa;d sumtv r.s md V he?: levied up>n y;ur st- . -f e ar.d al vour richt. titL ar.d ihV. rin a~d to your storehouse and at T t n in said C -unty. adjoir.i the lands of E. B. K.: or v. ? ch s.. levy has been duly docketed in t offi.-e f the undersigned, and wl-.i said warrant f . " i hrr.ent s a! r-rturr able on tr.v 21st d y Ausru 1925. an.i y u ar r. t :i.-i that ual yott answer or demur t th. . impla: within the i a - : .vr.cn - rr.rw;.; hefor* Aug. 21st. 192*. th-. r.-l; th- tfir. dwnc.Micd v..;: bgrartc-d. Witness K K. I>u. : k : Su a-. m- in Murphy. C . Thi* July l'L 192." E. E. DAVIS. < : . s : ; I " .'-4*-<:&r. 1 C :r*. < ? ::n APPLICATION FOR PARDON of / ON \ni < AP.K Atpi.caM.n wi'l b : G vira r :* N rth Car .:r. g?r I : urd n of Onurd (".ark --nv.ct ?j th- A ,:gust T. : r. . ' '2 1. <>? the Sv - 1 urt Ch?*r '' -ur.tv S the crime of violating the prohib : >n law and sentenced to the r Bunombf C-unty f y. a t.rra : 2 years. All p- rs- who ..pp.--, th.. cva ing ?>? said ; a:?l ?n arc invited forward their piotrsts t the Gov nor without delay. This the 27th day -f July. 192 (.">1- 2t m&m) D. W. CLA! NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The undersigned H. I.. MulkTrustee of O. C. Davis. Bankru by virtue of the orders and il.c: of the L'nit. d Stat- s D:-tri?t Co for the Western District f No < arolina, in Bankruptcy, n the ni ter of O. ('. I)a\ Bankrupt, x offer lor sab at public auction, the highest bidd.r for cash. at court house d o. in Murphy, N. on the 10th day of August. 192.">. ilevrn o'clock, A. M.. all the rig title ar.d interest of said O. C. Da> in and to a certain tract of land Owl Creek, Murphy Township, Ch okce County, containing 62 ucr; more or less, known as th J .hn D. ery home plac-. which was de\ i> to Rolin Dockery by .L '.:n D ke deceased, and which wa> convey by Rutin Dockery and wife t? 0. Davis and Henry Kapeheart, by d? dated Feb. 15th, 1022, and regist ed in the office of the Register deeds of Cherokee County, in Be 70 at page 107. referer to which is made for description a particulars. Included in this sa and to be conveyed to the pu:chathereof is the right for account! against Henry Kephart, as co-teoa for use and occupancy of said lan during the years 1022, 1023, 19f and 1025. Sale subject to confirn lipn by the Referee in Bankrutpi Hun, Geo. W. Craig. Asheviile. N. Thl? July 27th. 1025. V. H- L. MULKEY, Trustee In Bankruptcy of O. C. Dav (51-2t-dw.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Proposals will be received by t Council of the City of Murphy, X. At the Mayors office, on Thursda August 13, 1925. for the surfacii of the business section of the tov with one of the Following types pavements. 1'ainches of Asphaltic Concrel Fine aggregate type. 1*2 inches of Sheet Asphalt i oV,. nf n?nhalt with 1 ini binder course. 2 inches of penetration Macadam. 1 ls inches Natural Rock Aspha Approximate estimate of Qua tities: 250 yards common excavation. 1300 square yards water boui Macadam. 18,500 square yards of pavin Bids in three forms: 1. Lump sum for the work co plete. 2. Unit bid per .square yard f Paving, Cubic yard for excavation. ii mn j hi. nMamaxaBme 5. S. CONVENTION VERY SUCCESSFUL i j The (_ h~rok?e County Sunday g j-.h. Association hold a very suci. tssful convention at th*. Presbyterian ill 'Church Murphy on Thursday and he! Friday. July. 23rd and 24th. Eigh" :a-, Sunday schools of the county were ay | represented. Four ministers attended ii on more sessions. Five sup:m erin ten dents and a number of te&cfahe . in and workers were present for at he east part if the conventionH i>. Mr. D. W. Sim'. of Raleigh. 1 - c r.-ru! <upennt:ndent of the North '"Jr. Carolina Sunday School Association, m- it>o M -s I- - da Rose, of New Orleans, ist S '-irt.--n.dent f the New Orleans ti-'? -f Re! eious E iueatiin. were he r.r . ss< : .!? - for the ocj ia* Th. spoke four tim ? each, i*- . r \ - r : a- t !low>: T s y Mb* B <v lot l. v u;h ar.d th- Church. _ The Sunday School Organized : >r Service, h Prepuiing and telling a story, ^b 4 \V -r?h:p t". - Sunday schov. 5:> T'. -e by M . S m> : 1. K y to a Great .r S rr.day S. h d. -. Bett r n?".!*.:- th- >uv. better u- ? -opera::on. r Sugg -ti :-5 to Sunday School Teacher ?. Th follow r.c County and Townip Officer - v.- -re \\ i ted: -x F. G. ( ?ry. Murphy. Prr.d i-.nt. \ W. Abe-nathy. Marble. Vice P 3;r* M:? Ruth Hatch >*.?. B 11 tv V . .. S . t !. \V. H ? hi-tt. j B '! Vli \\. Pri-ident -f N t! i TownJ. B. Hall. Marble. Vaileyt urn. T "v. r. -hip. President. J. B. Johnson. ' hiiii r - <p.. P'-esi : -r.t : H thou c he T w: B. W. Sip . Murphy, h -( President *" Murphy Township, at R L. K- nun f Su.t. Presid nt of tp- Si ..i ' reek Township. K'.bert Bat- -, or - - - i-n' nt Bcaverdaiu Township, it- R v E G. Clary, who was elected f ri'sidetit f the county association. _r ! | L*r id p.: ton f >r pr. r.g. to 'ubu ynr i f r excavation, er- Certified check required five p r:-nt of Bid. " r instruction Bond required fifty RK per nt Bid. Plans and spec luufons may be examined at th. Mayors office. The- council resorvti the riuht to re. ject any r all bid*, to wa.vv d.fo.t- o: inf intalit.es in bid-, o: to accept an;, 'P*? bid as it - .uI! de.-rn ( the best ::: et * t r?t of th. ?ity. and bid- ire only urt received -abject to this condition, rth at.; vill NORTH < AROI.INA. t,.' HF.ROKKF. COUNTY, the' H> virtur- a venditioni exponC., as issuing from the office of th.at .'liMk of the Sup-.ri r court of Ch -:oLh koe County, in th- matter of E. B. is. Notv.13, Plaintiff, again t R. T. on iRo'imc-I Bowman, defendant, er- I will n Monday the 7th day of i?. -MAMMM between the hours >ek to o'clock A. M.. and 4 o'clock 'ed 1*. M., of said day. offer for sale ry. to the hightst bidder fi r cash all the ed r-ight. title and interest . f said R. T. C. ' Ros0"? i Bowman, in and to the ' ^ following described piece and parcil er",of land, to-wit: Part of tract No. ol i District 5, Cherokee County. N. C. '?^jlt being the house and lot on which ' *h? children of Clayton Bowman iivcnt* | In Texanna and particularly describl*c# j ed as fallows: P-ginning on a stake *er he N- E. corner of the Riley Maskin< lot and runs with that line S. nt* *?2 degre.s W. 153 feet to a stake; lc^s | thence N. 33 degr-es W 121 feet "^ jto a stake the S. W. corner of ia* j the lot owned by Williams Siler; ^'jthen N. 62 degrees E. 155 feet to a degrees E. 121 feet to the beginning, stake on Ramsey St.; th-.n S. 35 degree E. 121 feet to the beginning. IS* onconta ning 2-5 of and acre and being the same piece of land conveyed to Clayton Bowman by W. K. Single, ton by deed which is recorded in of"ice of th. Register of Deed for CheC. -okee County in Deed Book No. 26'y* age 373 & c. The interest of said Ro? n* oe Bowman in -aid land being ar. Irn undivided one-fifth, to satisfy said ?f judgment and costs in said judgement above referred, to which is re:e corded in thrt judgement docket No. IS at page 218. in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court. of Cherokee County. Witness my hand this the 5th day >f August, iVZo. " (22-41-ebnl B. B. MORROW n" Sheriff of Cherokee County. oiLJO,JSNESS inactive liver, aick headache. ?wr stomach. harmful constipation |ir Whjr suffer these miaenea, when easily mod pleasantly removed by m CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS or No diacomfort, pain or nausea - 25c "or Solo By R. S. Parker. Druggi* a . ? ilk " aa-q THE CHEROKEE tne other day vrave oat tr? to.low -tatement: I' i' expect. tha: a t -rip -erven;i r. he in each township und-directior of the abive r. President? ir. the course of th. r two months. Each Sunday Sch entitled to as many represent ;' | as each desires ani what ?reat;r :i ?f service is the:e than f r Sun School of all Churches eett nc iceth.r or.ee vr twice a year ur.: . hanging id-.-as as to the b.st wa;. v- r.-iuct a Sunday School. V.' rect to have & representative t; every Sunday school in th? iou at the county convent ?n at B 1: v next year. Miss Ruth Hatchett, of B.lle-i who was elt-.td secretarv-trcn | ?f the crunty I iay crave out th. foil ?v.ing statrr: "As . reta-y of this rear.. : .:i ! would likv to urge the pr.sld r" each township acc -r-Jing to the r given bv our president. In : this we h pr : 1 be ah!-.- to roak c? ur.ty 1m> p cent. "Mr. D- H Tillitt. f Ar.dr :wth r-t'ring pr.sid-r.t >:* the a>.-- , i ?r. and pert'?r:v.-: d hi- duties v : faithfully ar.d su s-fully. but iur.t t- pre.-.- pr f -i ] v. r'.; asked that someone e'se be p. dried a? pr- s: iert. and th" v : apointt i Rev. Fh G. Cla-y * k the offi.--. Mr. Clarv is par th - Prcsbyt-::- hutch at M | pry. and : = carry ng on h: v. very successfully. H a 1 ve v, Sur.iiav S h v >rk. and i: ; "pit- th-- c ur.tv wi.i lino ith him in this w rk it will 1 ! ?v matt:* t m ke ur - nnty hundred percent." Thi r. xt convention of the - a--- .lation w U meet with I> , vh .v nvx* summ r. Already r'.an> f ?r h d-'.ing * ; sh'p < invent: r..- a e b ing mad-i presidents f th-:- t v. r. hip-, a- i tested by the fol wing letter t Clary. Marble. N. C. July 20.1 R v. E. G. Clary. Murphy. N. C. Dear Sir and Brother: Yours in hand r dative to township convention. Will say t ! I 'm planning t> Hold one some t i in August or the first of Septeml J As soon a? I can get arrangenu ' made I will notify you as to time , place, and I shall be g'.ad tor you ' help :rc out. Yours in the wo k. - - , ? J. B. HA i Mr. Geo. \N. Heard of Atla ? sp? nt Wednesday here on busines (murphy making preparaj tion.n to entertain tou (Continued from pact I) ! I iou-ness that they app?artd to J people of Murphy to open tl homes to the point of personal : rifice to the end that the visit might be taken care of for ?. _u? Nothing in the way o? ami ment for the visitors on the ni 1 of their stay here, other that : public speaking feast, at wh prominent officials and figu of both states will exchange felit tions. has been formally announ< However, it is expected that so of the more prominent old time 1 dlers, an Indian Choir, a band c cert, and like forms of amu ments will be on tht program to light the visitors, j Among the prominent Not Carolina visitors and officials pected hero on the occasion : Governor McLean, Commissior Stikeleather, Wythe M. Peyton, i gineer who laid out the North Ca lina link of this great highw Mayor Cathey, of AsheviUe. s other hitfh officials. It is urj that all citizens of any degree of j fluence whatsoever write to prominent officials, both state a I road, and invite and urge them I be present at Murphy on the aft noon of Sept. 14th, to the t that a like occurrence of the Four when the Governor, numbers of ' Legislature, and other promin< Georgians were honor guests Murphy and no state or hitrhv officials here to greet them. 1 committee believes that this co | tesy will be expected by thr Ge firians. and should at least he tended on this occa?;on. At lai time for representation by proxy not in person. Plans of the local committee i *"ormulatino fast, and it is cxpeci hat formal program for the nil of the motorcade in Murphy ^ he announcd soon. Th. commit composed of Mayor W. M. Fa 'hairman; Mrs. E. B. Nor veil, M G. A. Hasty, Mrs.H. G. Etkins. M C. W. Bailey, and Messrs. J. Davidson. F. S. Hill. W. Christopl and G. W. Candler. SCWT. MU?PHY. N. C. GOV. ENGINEERS RECEIVE SECOND TRIMMING SAT. T ao Much For En?ine?ri Saturday. But Andrew* Mixed The Pt'diioj Thursday v.'? y2 T : : a. baseball arirreitatior carre with the r. >t end >f a 7 J 1 *" . C ?core with the Gov rnnient En rX" rireers Saturday Aft*: rr. eon. 'ihi "*.r:c:ne^"ji were weak in th. box. bu; a'.-'t in the fi-. i with . vx ption of several error* ?a r;gn , ...or fi .,i H -vi Th-y 1 not rb th scores of the Mnipfcj l-.-ys that fcezan t p:I- up n tn rth In. irg. H 1 v?*r. for Murphy r" ... f -<i scot- in t'. fourth , ir. ti - * ::h. z--- * tcrec- bu* n:' . .tin- tw> nen n hi* i an injf ar .the' 1,5 -tit. H t.I f . . a thre. br-se h" in < \r r.n an? .j... infi jtrorcd. Whitt, f r Murphy ' - tw . _4--f hi* ir. : e fifth ir.n .rig. C. Baker .-c -red f " the en :ters in th fifth inning. and O * Baker :n the seventh. Th- pitchers were B iker and W am >r the Engineers, and Meron-y foi r' Murphy. r i At a fast game between th stron* ar" Ami '.v- team and Murphy Thursday rA' Andrews carried off the pie with i -1 . of *? to 1. r V game between the fast Bobbin? ' v lit aggregation and the Murphy teau " i- s heduled at the park on Saturday : aft-rnon at 2:3rt and everybody is : ged t come out out and support th* Gold Discovered Near Rangei .vr- According to word brought hen h fi t . f the week bv Mr. R. C ... F.i.-ks. a vein of g dd about 1* inchei ! r ad was discovered recently abou' r.- half mile northeast of Ranger CATARRHAL DEAFNESS in often caused bjr an inflamed condition ;? cf the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you hive a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing Unless the Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing ir.ay be deSer. stroyed forever HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE will nt> do what wo claim for it?rid your system lrd ?' catarrh or Deafness caused by ' Catarrh HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE 1 t has successful in the treatment oi Catarrh for over Forty Tears. Sold by all druggists F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. IF leii . ?oc-' T T Si t ** ^ i:a 1 ght Tuesday ced ; w on- I We will sell to the hi M. some of North < subdivided from the th 100 acres of J. V.Tv exare Both of these farm; ro- Ga. and on the main ay im 'ln. They will be subdiv the ceptionally easy tei nd own figure. to er nti Cash Prizes ent I Oglesby R are ? "The sill 'n' Jno- P- Ogle?by, Mgi ? Horn, w. " f by Mr. R.cks and Mr. T. J. King, partm rs in the find. Th vein is ?aid : contain a promising markets, hi: p r ent f pur- c '4. and it? 1-ngth and depth have not yet been de, tcmined. According to the pre-ent p!an-> of the finders, it i* contemplated to s< 11 t lease the find on a royalty basis. . Mr. Ricks stated that he had be n pr ospecting for year? and had made |r.nry finds, but this one was the best . he had vet discovered. He was highr ly optimistic over the discovery. t* ] BOILING SPRINGS A crowd of B iiing Springs folks I attended th- meeting at Hangingdogj Church Sunday n ght. i j I \-&u^ finytfoi ;ar ^SMf nUra lMr i MOTHF.R? Fletcher'* Cwtoi Castor 1 hi. Paregoric, Teething prepared to relieve Infants in Constipation > Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, p Natural Sleep withi To avoid irrilationv always look for th Proven direction* _j_ rt.-h package. ] fTli v 1 lugust llth 10 ighest bidder on Tuesday A Georgia's best farm lands.. Judge J. M. Johnson Fan riggs property i are located a short distan highway ided into small farms and rms.. Here's a chance to g Band Concert Lad ealty Auction Company with a Reputatic r. Ogle* e Office: Hotel Ansley, Al Room 608 Phone Ivy 1100 FRIDAY AUGUST 7. ms. Miss Mae Abernathy was thT^est Sunday of Miss Jane Mulkey. Messrs- Fred and Ed Mundy Monday for Century. W. Va. wh?, they will join their parents. Messrs. Robers Fain and Gra<iy Davis made a trip to the Telli mo^n. tains la-t weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Abernathy spent Sunday with the latters parents, jjr and Mrs. A. J. Davis. r* A CI_I For Denial Go 14 V^/Aol 1 Platinum. Silver. ! Diamonds. magneto points, fafc, teeth, jewelry, any valuables. Mt3 today. Cash by return mail. Hoke S. & R. Co., Otiefo, Mick. A -ia is a harmless Substitute for : Drops and Soothing Syrups, arms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels rocnoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and out Opiates e signature of PhyaicUos everywhere recommend it ON! , Ga. ':00 A. M. ugust 11th, 10:00 A. . Composed of farms n of 400 acres and ce from Hiawassee, will be sold on exet a fine farm at your lies Especially Invited i Company m by Bros. Auctioneers danta,

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