FRIDAY AUGUST 7, 1925. PGSTELL h Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pceples and little daughter, Bobbie Allen togeth- ^ tT with Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Adinjr- j ton md -hildren Gradie. Inez and j. Dorthy. all frnnr Ducktown, Tenn. b were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. A 1 n. Sunday. Miss Vaud Quinn. who is teaching al J r. n School house sper.t .he geek "id with home folks. Mr. Riley Kiilpatrick of Gastonia ua> ' visitor on Shoal Creek las? 4| geek. , v. Ella Teague visited Mrs Ellar ' j{, _ Friday, Mrs Hoghed is Still xt: ly ill at thir writing. M Ida Passmore and Son Frank j 0{ I*stown, Tenn. wore visitors on 5h Creek. Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Pirley El rod and chilDucktown, visited Mrs. Elrods Par -r Mr and Mr^. John Mason j , nighty P - G. \V. Sparks of Maryville TV: - Holding a Revival incting . at >' 1 Creek Church this week. ^ Mr and Mrs. Gypson and hildren ,,f i perhill wire Guests of Mr and >! M.r-hall Hamby Sunday. V Pauline Pawmore of Ducktewn w visiting her aunt Mrs Florence John-en Mi-- Blanch Tc-ague was a visitor on - 1 creek over the week-end. ' ^ WOLF CREEK V. . rad Mrs. J< hn Newman of Hot H" pas-', d through our section!" . i.-it to the latter' parents, Mr.!' James Paynttr of Belltown. Rev's A. F. Burns, Otto Bell ? ;.nti ie- Ballew are conducting; rejvices at Pleasant Hill church for a few days. V: 1. R. Hyatt moved John p T1 and his niece, "Brackie," , r m ar Galloway last week to his { plr.< . ? M- . George Fincher, of Copperhi'J. i very sick at her daughter's Mrs ^ M; i arct I.edford. Mrs. Fincher was r ar< d in this community and has a '' host t relatives and friends here. 1 Ti-cre was horn to Mr. and Mrs. ni Robinson one night last week a hn'o>. S !'[, ,f our people are planning or iierd'ng the Singing Convention a.* Mt. Moriah church n \t Suntit > . Mr. P. S. Denton of Chattanooga, j ar.'i . rmerlv a citizen of this play ' w; i plea-ant visitor here last \v ek JL on ? | The Chevr E ? the followi B i Chevrolet c I The I The I The ALL PI I j DICtC Q U A L I T le returned home Thursday. Mr. John Cole is now hauling Crosses to the Tennessee Copper Co. rom his mill with a new Ford truck le makts four loads per day am auls ten ti s at a load. IV : y r usine?s. LET1TIA ITKMS Our school L.pan at Co!l:- Jul; 7th with a largi attendance. We ;-.r xpicting a g< . ?.! school. .Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Taylor of Tur 'etown, linn. are visiting relatives c-ie. Mr. ar.d Mis. It. O. Taylor r.av ii.ved to Unaka wh< re Mr. Tayh> as a |k sition as principal ? f th 'naka School. \Y?. wish him grea ucct ss. Some of the patrons of the scho< let la>t Saturday and cleaned ? t iie school grounds which adds a gre; al to the attractivness the sch ? uilding. Messr . K. H. anil W. M. <"! > nts a o ng a good business thcs* day auling cord wood. Traftu- i-n the Dillard Hi&hwa im-rmsing. Many tourists are ral ig through from the Tennessee* lin hich gois to show they consider th: h? best and most practical r- ut rom '1 ennessee. Mr. M. I). Hall and son, Frank, .Iiiii- ?uuu, icon, 'I irrollf* ere Wednesday. July 29th, enrout i> Bra-.' town the h??me f Mr. Hail ;?n, John. Mr. Hall once lived i bis section. Sunday School Rally At Ranger Aug 16t! There will bt a Sunday Scho? !al!v at Ranger on Sunday, Augunth. Everybody cordially inv I-. i? conic and brine u lun< h. Th onimitUc is enmpo-ed of : Mi; <'. ,\ nc d, Mr*. \V. A. Evans, Mr tlanch? Kilpatriik. Mrs. M. L. Ki at rick ard Mis. Nina J hn< . "A - < Ii ' it tr .. t v. i ;'f'i ' . '' ' Economical Trai\?porta\ ^3 ' V A V' <88(9181 S'J * L| rw ?&, JL J olet Motor Compan ng reductions in tl iosed models: Coupe former price $715 Coach former price $735 Sedan - - / VF# f??V< J-?? WCES F. O.B. FLINT, Ml EY MOTOR CO. De Murphy, N. C. ' Y A T ? I/O THE CHEROKEE SCOUT Resolutions Drawn By Valleytown Citizens Andrew?. N. C. ~ July 22nd. 102r,. At a meeting of the citizens >1 Valleytown Town-hip. Ch r i:t?. ' > n ty. S. C.. held at Andrews and ... d f( ; . purpose of ecn>ide*.ng t.-e 1? i... n f the State Hirhw:. . from 'e Mil!,*".;'. . to tht X. i ,-Tean. State i: . to known zs an :r.t r-tatc project: $ And whereas, wi n-:1 d": \rtn.e i opinion oi the K . ...a - . of the , j .(.posed routes: r And whereas, at r. . hit at Murphy. N. C. -n the 10th day < : it March. 192o. -f the County C< . i bsioners of Choioke-.- <" jnty. N*.' - Cr.c role t Highway Ccmmi.-sion >i _ * : ^ nissionei, was requested to select." through hi-" engineers, th0 rnost f sible ar.d practical route- fioni V,. r phy, N. C., to the N. ? .-Tenn.. Statu !ine* to j in with a road te? b con-, structed and maintainedjby the Sta.c I Tenn., so as to form an intctsstat road; .. And Whereas, information h. come to us thr.t Hon. J. C. St ikeleather is using his best effort* wi: 1the bonding company and otners ^ looking toward the early complete ion of that link of N. C., 2u i . j;~ .Top ton to Almond; u n And Whore:-, Hon. -L C. Stiki leather has con-tructcd ir. Cherokee i4^County. N. ( about "! t milt - ^ concrete, watcrbound macadam and i' the? types of roads: ^ 1 J Then fore, be it n solved that the 21i?i;izens ?j Valieytown Town.-l.i; . in -,4 , mass meeting assembly do hereby ?i commend the efforts o! Hon. J. ('. it * j Stiki leather in connection with the <*_ j link in No. 10, from T<: ion A Ij mond; thank him for construct^ n m: of highways in Cherokee County. ^ j" and request that h? continue his b * j efforts in thi location and taking Ai .over by the State ' : u' r Rul- s with povere i n power An -rv 22 -I'very No :rir one lvrtain re t?> an orf? And m- te-th 2*?1'nlty (irrrn fr t usci an a rt" Tf . -it S3?Rodent I'm 1; i-ntl' n Art :i:t.rrr.a:,\> vote KKyptlft-, r.wr 4J-An overcoat Fora-er German ruler -Note < ! aie Aluav-; ro ikl 4!*?Kind of tre? Prefix ylcnifyinjr double. twice t"n t of work S2? Wooden lever Exercise assigned to a pupil for study -Postpones ??~-?t iswer To Last Week's Cross-Word Puzzle A'- ... ._ IB A NT E'RMSitjTNig'E'Tp o tByie aBac'eBn a b s|H9KB I T|BIB|N'O' ;T E|c Oi I IN; t N CBAjD,D o tIa n'dIn'eeBh^e y. I^A I v EMPW[)'R e-a'mB (s^E' L|F]DHR^A|R?S| P ] eW r " O BjF 1 ] nM R;0 El E" f ?r^j?a ifdi :tours on ROUTE NO. 10 Announced in the North CaroStatc Highway Commission tli ly Detour Bullitcn, for An trust detour? for No. 10 High\vav are r U ws: liisoury and Spenccr? Easth und fic turn light front Main street II nderson street, following this ci :i, block to Lee stre t; th.nce on Lee street and follow signs . vinteenth street; thenee 1 ft -.n mte.nth street to Main sire t; ce right on .Main street to Spt ne"> tiiound traffic follow .ev : t hove. "hittier to Bryson City?Westid traffic turn to left at large ur sign opposite Whittier erossr-ukaseigee River on steel bridge follow.* well marked detour to rete bridge across Tuekaseigee, rccross river and follow well ved detour down river t Bryson City to Topton?Westid traffic leav- No. 10 at large ur sign about four miles west of on and f dlow Route No. 2SG ugh Franklin to Georgia line; ce through Clayton and Hiate, Ga., into Route No. 280. line, thenc; on to Hay-.--ville R. u;e No. 28 into 10 at Muristbound reverse. ndrews to Murphy?^Westbound fie leave Route ! ) at ww Route No. 28 into Murphy, ea-hound reverse, aynesville to Hazel wood -Westid traffic turn sharply to right of main street of Wayncsville at detour sign and follow well ted detour through Haze I wood ; into Route 10 at a point just of Hazelwood. istbound traffic reverse. icatre, Saturday night. Aug. 8th. Pickford in -The Hill Billy". "Sante Fe Trail". 5-Word Puzzle 1 ~~~ i B6 |7 8i jrn LZJK : 21 5 =^i?; ?-:- H3 ^ gfM _H Union.) Vertical. 1? Quaked S-NVimtlTe arsw?r ?Military attendant 4? K 11*11.xl. whool for ft !!.* >-iratlif-rlng linpleint-nt j 7?Harmony 8 - S- .rfu rn Htatr 9? Small motor ship IS Brvrral 1-S Arri ys fpoet'.oi % n?*a*tlv 31 II?'l?>mtin.T to :m ' tt-Ows ir. U A I .rote , l] 3T.? It Is i contracted) Oanfters ?* -Arabian Nichta i-hnm- ii r 5?- l'tirt of "to f 40 To increase by laborious or scanty ad"'. i:?n 42?'"nndiirt miles from M at phy. a 1' w days ago. there 4 I were ni 'if than people prisint from all section- of the county. (.'lay b" one of the small counties in 1 the stuie. but there is nothing small 11 about the interest the people of th" 1 county take in Sunday school wolk 1 The p;?sident of the t' .unty Sch>>..l a>.-!?ciiiti -a is Janus Penlund, H:iyes\iik. one of the -lost * able nu-ii in tie count:. Mr. 1' land b blind, but this hand! ui" ,r - '' not prevent him from being both .. bu.viness in an and :i e< el Sun- ' - - - - - day school worker. He operate*4 the I 1 lei' phorii .-y- torn of ht cnuntv. ;i:ul ' at ??f> time ia w.i i member ??f th state legislature. While Mr. iVnlami cannot e t with his eyes. he ceitainly has a keen vision a- to the importance an d j ! pus-ibillcics ?t the Sunday - ) . I. . h Each year he givis days of Irs time to the dcvtlopcment of Sunday .-eh". 1 ' work in his county. He not only J I has a vision; hut he keeps up with j the latest anil heth nut hod if doing! Sunday school work. Mr. I'cnland > and his wife read dozens of books each year on Sunday -chuol wo:k. There i- hardly a thin when th y do not havi in their possesion ont. or ] more of the hooks from the free clr- r culnting library maintained l>y the',. North Carolina Sunday School asso- t ciation for the hen tit of Sunday school workers throughout tlv state. t The following are a few items t front a rec. nt report Mr. lYnland t gave the work he has helped to dr. in Clay county; "During the year we have accomplished the following: j 1. Held a Sunday school convention . in each township in the county. 2. j Held a conference for county and' township Sunday school association 1 officers. :i. Held two teachers' conferences. 4- Organized cradle rolls in two Sunday school. ?. Organ- * ized home departments in two Sun- 1 day schools :fc Chapter Prayer 1} Suj er:nt? MrE. E. StiRs. addte-s by the School childrL n. Rccitat.On by B:*'tha Johnson. Subject: I 1< ve the Bibb.-. Recitation by Rilla Taylor. Subject: Are all the Childrm n? The Story of Steph : by Nj: y Bryson. The Story of Calvary's Cress, Kdna Martin and Elmer Stii s^ K .'itati'-n by D.lia V.. itner. Subject: Tea* bines - f the Pi ?Ie. Singjng bv the eh ir. 0. Recitation by Hattk M rtin, Subject: Mothers Love. 1. R(i tat ion by Mrs. I. in .! r. subject: Vi ions < ' Heaven. i.cuuuon oy uelphiu Whitnii, Subject: Help- m Jc.-us. Storof ? r< . . ! ;.nr.i M I ffTi.jil.i, -I. Sunday S< h? i.i f. ?n . . n girls. Recitati i: by ) < H . .< k. Subject: The rapture of ! .vc. d. The Stoiy < f a Minis*.'. *- Call to vis t the prisoner. M : be 7. Singing by th choir. S. He who,,, the. | K?ph'*- J-1 t' 11. by 15 children. 1\ Bible Story, The 15. of the Savior, Mr Iv John- n. 10. Recitation : : Ni a Biy- , object: Mali tV'ur path traight. !1. Singing b> l'? '"our. !li. Adjourn J. r i! nn.r, Speaking and -lngiau by *b !J-r oiks in the afto v.oon. SfIT Mr>. W. R St les of Akron. )hio. is visiting h* r parent.-, -M . and Rev. K. A. B< nvt-r h - return-d Vom a visit to Gastonia among 'opperhill motored by here Sunday >n their way t> Murphy t<> sp.nd ;> ew hour- with Mr. Dick y - Patlay from sunburst. X. where he pent a f \v days with his daughter, ! - Enos Mason, who was recently tperat-d upon for appendicitis. Coolidge, the infant son of .M . in.i Mi's. Bust* r Mason, ha- who- p Mrs. Sene Ami i -.hi . wh? ho votked - v? ra! months. Mr. I. M. Denver of Knowillo ailed on hi- cousin Mr-. .1. J. I{< londay. Mr. \N . I .. McXahh and t'niv.ily . oinpnined b\ Mr." 1.-. nnie \\\ ?.?!. witored t !! y vill. .Sunday and ook dime r with Mrs. MeX.ihh's insin. Mr. <>. !.. Arnle son. Mr. Lamia"i. one : Mr. Kollo' k'n ortnen, >und.y wish Mr 1 . Wo . Mr. M. : . ., a 1 -;sin11Li : .\iu: phy Monday. Our n on.-;ii11 vnu u, Mes-r. F. I an.i -). M. MeNV.i.'j wire a town M y in ; < ;nt- ?.f it!!" Si hOlll. Ci. j.'s are looking ini, in this seci< n dtsi ill: continued li v v.ea her. Mr. Busier Mason i- j.uttine u uite a bit : wood with his new \?rd truck. Mr. Kir.ory 1 rills ha* r- turned roin a vi- t i.r.oiijr rclativ.- n vtowoh. GOITRE REMOVED ritnsvill. lirt.r' Wife Save: A.. O. .rvi:. Wants Oth To Know. M-:-. i . N. Baker. ? is \V. O k St. ritvsviile. -ay- "I n 1 I . k lie 'ca! nii>sion:;ry work when 1 tell bow ny iroiUr was rem ?v. d with S..:i-ol}u:.:rupl., a stninle> i'.nino vi. Mv ryes. heart and ndAv Wt IV ;r. !.;?d rendition. Felt no il! effect.- ror.: tr xeatment. Glad to tell er wiite my xpericnces." Sold by leading druggists or wiite Sorbol Company, Mechanicsburg.Ohir Locally at !?. S. Parker Prusr Co. R R. I. Randolph of Rrysob ity here one day this week enroute o his home from Peachtree where he and Rev A. I?. Smith of Marble lad been conducting a secies of evival services. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ~ Signature of