FRIDAY. AUGUST 14. !92"? MARBLE. hn S. Stanberry. of Bushmil. ?:ust w*"**k circulating . mong j . ills at Marble and ] iting :' r. Mrs. Stanley M'.ilk y. g,, . ! at Marble ;?n? evening1 la-* ' . W. A!.avis prrachfil a wrv tag - 11iw at tix- Faitory mi h Ywul.iy i iijht. Polif r>?.on was th? guest M i1 Rirh and Mi - Kli/. i Y?mnir itinc their bro%r at t'uln this week. POSTKI.L Mi. John Burnt! Etowah, Tonn. nt Friday night with his cousin Alien. ' . ami M i s. p. '< Bury*'! at'd i ri of ISucktM.ji \i ited Mi . Swanson : ;:ulay. Mr. and Mrs. Homer llrewar and Ill: The Cc 11 The Cc . Si- p _ I he be I Increase! improve ? Come in i ..f* ' :hii?! n of Dxzcktovrn wrere vislttrsf n ah<. i t' k S jr.t!1 . I Tht d y weather ?til! i M:;:nc. nur cation and ? r : . .>; * -irnd a;:c! y I n< v. n < : r b. ' Mi-y Ki t s J ones rr| . :* Maryvi Tt-nn. A - .1 by R \. K. A. : Suit. t". i- holding ? revival Shoal Creek ("barvh.rofl Mr. i*r:i *! O. P. TrvVr and T- - .hilrften. Gicr. and Jew 1 -. j..' .v end v.:t * Mr*. Taylor Mr. and M?r. S. V. Allen. Mi-^e- Nutit and May ?'h.>n an 1 Mr. Sale II- >- n xv? r?. :a-- : I;.? Ki.:nia J?-n Sunday. Mi ? Ruth. OU nd Let ha U v.x\ r :' r?f Suit. N. were the sue sts f' MS- Kliza Allen F?it!ay : iht. Mi. Arthui Swansoi% and rist I Miss K;h* ! and Littl*. hrothcr. C!:nt < r. j f Farntr, Ttnn. -sent th, vv :j v th their K^anrfjian nts. Mr. .rd M--.i John Ma <.ri. i M >s Filir.t All n \i>ited Mr. ! Mrs. Ma shall Hamby Saturday. Mils Hariii-: Stil- I* is vi-ititur In v daujrrt?-?" Mi>. , Tom i i'f at l'i -r 11. Mr. ; : : Vm. S. Y. Ail. n \;-i: 1 h< ir da . Mis. R. I.. ' pl? at Shu l.t.-wn, Tt-im. W ill., la; niirht. OWL CKKEK Mr. Jr. T* ' - of Runsford v i ; ng t'sicrd- : .? I and a v. Mr. Th'vinas Ti;.?it, \v re v'?- ] Ito;s on Owl ?"' ( U Sun.lay after-- t tnd Mr. Trintt preached an nt?ie-- j infr sermon to tin Owl t'rcik Sa. day School. r Economical Transportatio J ^ 1- -- PCt^flC _ ^.,._ *- *" >upe - - '67 >ach - - *69 dan - - '77 ?\/l arir."? / <> ?j. F!:rtf \1irhi0tm i demand has made it po: the quality and lower tl and see theseremarkabh t' MOTOR CO. Dealers THE CHEROKEE SC< Crops art I king i< :.ft r tbej Mr. L n I>av:.< and Mr. Jchnne 5 c Re: . .h 1 c n vccrklr.p at; w Eht ;.r** v * tir>r S-::;e f ks - \>tk. " Jr. and "? : if Pah . r * f !;: y v.* re \>.t - >v : i. ' ; - - :: s. Nancy Palest . Grady I :- . - : Builjjj-. Snrinjrs i ? -?v;c i f Grand v.- - > .'day t M:-?w Vnnie i:r. 1 . A:i rSr..' St- : n .fee- . *i . -ir.r tthird, i-.t :s hear front y >. M.\;*NEV.S ' jU, -n.l EJlowei ! 'V,/- ,^rM" Kv-:'ni' .* - - T. v" - : t Sand i t iv;:- !r " Mi S .> tiny Rev. A. B. . 11 Hay?*>ville i H v M.- UW i- - iway much i the time engaged in [.retracted r.:e. tings. rt f.:rrt d lirst ' i I:.-; v.i !-c and entered .:p- n a me t rc Mt. Zi< r< Church, ni Mai Me. Mr-. Wiikic Mcllan ' Ak n. Ohio, -r nt last week with frieno.t .Mar! I . ? V - !. f fine white aiorblc. Mi-- Mary Orr of R.. k Hill, S C. - '.Ik- guest last v\? > h ot Mi.-Hertha Raster. n -' /H ^ ^ ? 2?* ^ CmHKXQij, 3irr. kitrpht. v. c. W eekly Cross ' |2 I3 r j5 " FPM ^'ei ri as- " 47 -; jr pTj 'I i 1 c . . Wtslen Horizontal. l_tv r- N > | fr-'-M w . ')? b-:i<:nfW it > in lUW OT traj- t. - taut. a I ? :! 5 - 5 -i 1 la< . i- ,1. .. rt -- l'r- : ti. -n i ; -r\, to ta" ??r nt ;? - N : . A- -ri- a to'* r. . : J ate ?.r :ut-r:. 1 ?k 1 :n?'.iT lain ash i ? ' Pa IS* 3 to us 13 , i. !.r. i th-'l azar?l 3S?Hawaii;. ' f I N. ' ?.l?-r '"nit 44?I \ ls the ihr f a li-;ui?l ^-1 . -rv ' .w-n -rirr . 1 ft. the JCom'Sia:. : li: aiiiI l-a.e i an ti mer;:! two 1?Ari'iti-sln S?--?* >k in ??vm SS? Hi 1- 56?Ot??. r\ v-i retl\ Answer To Last Week'; Cross-Word Puzzle [tl' v k!eitwf:ru g'at n tfs-st"!^ n abba Tr Tfl i o uus k,1 Hp u r e i ?T-t \ :.-?h 4 A n _ ft? Kl-l^-o C--A cw. ,i 7 11 - r r <\ s Exmtj. A A.--. Miicn-rdMii'l f M v. * i 1*? Num.!- r titidcr f?> ir 17 ?*onsimw? 7* niiirr- ? h.uiw .tijMiri 54 Tl - - - lot 7T. T- -i.-n.Tt-* t-t *- -?; 7. hor cental 37?IVtnu-n \c-il 4! i 1 - . 44 <-T - -- . r.v. w 1 4" ? t-a . 4* I i:._ 4!? T- .-= -..k .-Mr, Sod I 54 -Tl ? i dr.'h itilnilun ??i 11 i>|i,irir In nrtl Iner Will, anyhow Darwin won't ,.?\r t'uite" i ;>r?inoun? iti with ho "i" I:..- in . i ut ll; I, -t y . . u - r 1 ihr j.oiioo IS a r i. Yes, the hiith rat iiwrea-nj:. j The air-!- li! has ?;? ? i- i: t H hit; in f tht matr monial lui nus. I Th i\ alway- r.-r. : if i: I trie*.- of ruhbei l-ks hiyhf v. < I raw in - ar ? n vs. i >r ;; iv 11 >. Th 1 'cfi ' Da\ test I fought out ;. mustvr ot 15.d00,00?? in-. II. Itllt r.; ry a \vi -- all: and ^t;ll they waul to \ >.It'. Fraive".- , opfor paying his i l>t l?. I'll- i Sa- "ii . ?is t;> j" .. follow sparring more tim* hi i:i f?:?H-cry hill. V, . I ! ; i , : .. L-int n in 1 * -r ' '.ask tl'.i v re not :ili , tlash signals, and admouittii tho : is evidenced by the indrcd and nineteen "-crossing accidents ven better record is the fact during the les3 deaths cecured 4. 3o your ihnre for safety, ou than the three worda ten" when y. u approach qib occur when you ar? y. that the train cannot arv for trains to stop at ith America's unexcelled ;ld come to a dead step r-pnssca and overhand mut. In the 4 pxr.r -IVE List Of Entrants Sr Journa"sTcur Growi "tg i !:? wire > ;t list - wr.o have < ntert i re: -ar Ax lanta Journal'.- jrr r. Ar:itan :** : i Flijfb..vay * ;r V rt.i to A< :evi!!e, \;a Mur tenth r 14th and 15th Governor C'il'tord Wuiker. Acyoi Walter A. Siir?, of A rat; W H. <\ Smith. Atlanta; A ? : r ' mm ? . ; th- At Inn: . ? n\. i and Tourist ln;r?au: Pr i T'. >. Ark-..: nrht, xr <1 \:ilway and Pov r r-ony tr 7-inkl r the A' r-.tVa i! Men':- . ria'r n. the Met r ' : ofAJl - ta. Kt nuitiv !.. I tii rer. Kit (,.s: W. Winn. : -idei.* (1 ilc a ?u-:at'.?n; D.walur Chrmh- r n.r. ..City t .1??: -ton. (V. !-?W! !!< . Y'll.' K . VVJJI . . S. H.ijily. .1 (i:.. ; V r \\ (I. >! alor, : ': ., i? : K; . : G ; ' ' ; ji ?>f Gaint -v: t. - v. : ?.f Cktok . -y i : *. I- ! ? KtV. tnj* t M . . J). ?r 1 ' ' S- ' . - '; r. of rv n.i: Frank Car .1. .1 CI.Fred H" !>tr. f I' ' tor. ; V.". < Hend*rson, of C < . d ' oni- an Th?>ir.ns >1. B.ll, f lit ; B. K. ! :: of IMao 7. Caroil of ir. 'Iv: ...or W M. I- . . f Man.- . x ? . ; i R.-iRii"! ' . Brjx.: ' . N. May ; John X. ?* ;th ' . \ !OXW (ire-a. {' \ hc\ " : ' .v -lietion. ('hair ; ?n I hn X. H >ld r. f th;. -1ate hiehwav comn,i>?iov; !' 1 .1 Howurd Km -. : ' j Andrew.--. N > .; I * 1!. . f c'l viand; K. F. Johnson. '"i \elan y lohn M. Smith ? .. Ly.., A ]\mjr and tin- II pk>! An:.. i*.- iaiv at <. < .nsuni' is <>."! 1 . iv, .. of iGal: sw!li ; Southern P v i ' r? and Teh'jrr .pii company; O: *?; ml.y, of Marietta: W. ( Sattciv. hi to. j of Atlanta: " 1 a UnM >1 link So.ith. . A. \vunt. A. Kstatr Atlanta; W. I*. Need, ol At Uinta; and : ?1 i1 1' ?ni: -;iy. ..f Atlanta: M. 'a. !: n, ; ,\ :: . ? . 1Allan:;:: Ha! M. St;.nit \. . : Mi-. W. M BlankenM. ; i;aWilli; t; I of Afl. \Vh . ... 1. of ?! > . T. Griffin, ' t'lennoni. !* .r f i icrman!? 'I ill. ?f t'lernn : (la.: ?. 1 HaJ . >:' . rmont. (?a.; O. 11 1 y.i. rtiviiit. G:i.; T. *' Vi 1 . < (Ja.; !?>> i;th t ! 1 1 A t ' a * Bonn.: II. S: Kclwin F. ; ' . o ' G. Ho \ ' : V. AsV.c, ..f A . ! N. 1 f. Al. Tvii v A la: Alia* ., iV. h. Bsi Lr.ul !.. Mat'ul. . I'M ! h Pa k. (, . \ ni.. . i.-.' -a: (? . r. .-ral Tire S vii-v ? - ; ay. ?r ' A. i :? . : (Jc . \V > - A. . :ita. v.ho AS I .. " i" ' *\": A. Siais p ; J. \V .r A-'heV iiK ; CM i SSft.r.i ?In.: W. T. M . . of M v X i H. V. \\ ford. . . . . S. < Ml- Kyn T??u:i :r- Atlanta: \. V. Fo . of >"u\v. r.e?. .? i V. \ ' y. Ati.'.i.i n Svlvx N. < li >. lv:i. - _ EXGiNEERS r.y OYr. ) TO E : j FILTER t\ v. . < li-W'i'i i?... > <* oindo dicta Awftrdv x:f-? :. : n trie :: out "h other d;y . . < :' ' It McCurry i. ? r At lanta, G . 1 i. n ; !;vw i to build the r . : ne p . the town , i"\? > ! v t-h the ' most I'V::. l: a! :?oj:i; t' 14all adihti-ral i 'y water, ; -a being fondue.;