r ir IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT IT S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Organ < {)Ll XXXVII. No. 3. i^TEKTAINMENT PLANS FOR JOURNAL MOTORCADE TAKING. DEFINITE SHAPE rC: Call* For Meeting Of Touri,i \: Gcoigia Lane?Other Car- j oJ na i own* to Have Repreien- ! lat. Here For The Occasion. "" : tl " ?r being sponsored by the tla 1 ?urnal ovci the Appala:i: it Highway from Atlanta , A.-v \ ill* here oil the nirht of tii:. r 14th, definite plans f r e iinm< nt of the tour sts bi ,n shape. Ti. as announced calls r nf the motoivad. at i! th.T.i irtt North Ca Mina < 1 Mr. E. 1*. Hav.l a . in r. ii-; th tewn his car t<? be i.i . ''v of.- ial ear :h ( iiy, l> . : i. and it i- planned t > t th. visitors at the State :c i sri-rt th?ni ir.t , Marph;d ' nunc . ?t with the t'-ur t ti\ tie next day. I'r : : 11 - very city alar:;: the it! .%i*rth t . i.e.i cilii Asli.viM., have lead it own th y v.eui . havi o 1 ! :" at th1 Stat 1 ; . v. " roe vi-itors into t a Old ate. Th. . tails of th. .-peak v.- p: _ ii. !KU \ t 1 r. \v : he.l ?. ;t. BI t ' understood that prominent i.: a- will lie matched with i North '"a.olinia* . and a 11.1 that the Clover ors of ai.-s will t-r t each cth r r th. : lim- ten n iles south < } 1 I... arty wvhvrm will be exvis t. r-. , i"3 Ii: North < nidinians will then ' Gc(fryians to Murphy tw. i' :.<* emodation assignments , al 1 h : ade. It is expected that am ii;: I 've or six hundred persons . ai ! v. that niy: t. :? ? la re;t re e vat ions hav already :? a D. . i itors will In shown point : in and near Murphy, such .vh I .t ap. Hiawassee Riwr, le River Valley, Foit Ruth r, t i tl Mountains, ^.. t' i/clock in the eveni K a pub-' ap| n. ting will be held at th. Clur' .irk. Th. Governors of ?-! . 1 North t lrolina are exp.ct-'nm -p?ak. Other speakt s w .1 ia- ! : Zehnlon Weaver, of A hevilhnt Ennis. ??f the Grorpin -X 1 Senate; Mayor Walter Sims. F!1 A' mta; Mayor Cathcy, of Ashe-! Witherspoon. presiden; of :ihy Chamber ??f Comnurei . Barker, of the Atlanta i of Commerce; ex-Senator; .'oi t iiih, of Gcorpia; Rose <e A. h. of Ashcville, press lent,' of sei a -ilachian Scenic Iliphway As. n. which organization is pro- ; sit"hi highway ov.r which the ! Th w 1! travel; and others, p;u i ' i ti v rain will a ho inciud . n ' concert at the State line and th. public square; inpi by the wr . e Indian choir; and ?? "mu-'p.: ' ?rara my local -trlnp band. < lie ' <! for this special occa-ion" thi v .! by refreshments. .vi! hi minutis of the- meetinp of to i ominittee Tuesday afti rnoon J wh 'nv : . 2." I At a meeting of the- committees ; ma rharge cf arrangements for th<* da; i:ia Journal, Motorcade. on ble 25th, 1925, at which wire tat Mayor \V. M. Fain. Mcs- -.va ' H. G. Elkins, E. R. Norvcll. lov *V. Bailey. \V. Axley. H. Axley. art Mosrs. H. G. Elkins. E. P. kins. Harry Miller, J. Fergu-. W. Davidson, and *1. VV. IH. S\ the following business was j Tva acted: t was moved, seconded'and duly) wo ed that the Murphy Rand be ] d to furnish music at the oc- tio &n of meeting the tourists at . pr< Georgia line, escorting the of-j His 1 tour into town. tod t was moved, seconded and ox| &d that the offer of Mr. E. P. me kins be accepted with thanks to' .,j, kis car as the official car to meet fo: tour at the Georgia lint, and to tjj dote the trip with the motorcade ^hcville. J Tr 1 was moved, seco .dcd andjeo (Continued c? 6) I j{ Murphy and Cherok = i 1 f r?- /XFTERJ" I ./Trie AVMT U 1 jro ^ TfilNkS HE vrx GREATEST XX the Co^' [y <.-.:r--Hc!,<.Tr v r.i :LIEVF LUTHER HYDK ~ MURDERED AND NOT ACCIDENTALLY KILLED Thi Iklitl that Luth.r Live ?.f" :rT'? . :evi u ?l.;.uty > in* riff <>f C'htr-I ouniy, ' t- I ?i ! y Avery a-ti : t . '.?!? nta'.ly killed S i:* -t report i-.l. seems to he piin monuhtum. It appears that the ntmu. It a{ tsi- that the' i> men wer engn-r il in lumbering ut two niili - north of Andrew.-.! i] both !? ft V-idr w> together tly Fridiiy Morning. th I >:i * Garrett returned ( Andrews and reported to S. It:: sell that Hyde till on h's| and accidentally killed himself j .1 tin v were cutting a road on a; '- o mountain .-id.-, it i- said. Ac-' [dinj to informntto tching hei .| r:et, al't.r making his report, dis-j : :si\ i and ha< not heeu - en since u Thv disappenrnre of (larr tt has to the hi lief that Hyde was k'hed .1 diu !.> : n. et death by falling hi- ax. th PECTED THAT FORCED LTF.R WILL BE IN OPERATION BY LATTER PART OF WEEK ? ih: \r.n tiiU-i Munt was made firstjt:i tlu v.itl; that a section of the! pc ceil filter had arrived and that hyj l-stt.r pa t of the week the oth i 1 p( tii n would he her, and ir-taila-j n made and connected with the y mains by Saturday or Monday. v' e J. II. McCrary Eng'nei ring Com |* iry, of Atlanta, arc the engine, is n; charge. ^ The filter will he installed on Hrafs i viv; r. and is only an emer- * icy measure for the immediate re-! >? f of th. water -upply shortng ofj town. It is understood th:.; it \'i 1 put 150,000 gallons of water in-ll.i the mains everr twenty-four hours;to ich ivili give th. city around j Di 0 000 gallons :: day. as it is isti-jH ted that or.e hundred gallons per!fa ?* ar? entering the mains from Mar- 7" Ore; k. j Mr. J. L. Hall Supotintemle t of 14 ter w >rks. is in receipt of the fol. injr te!; crams relative to the W s ure filter: jra Atlanta. Ga. $2 August 14. 1025 E. Miller. State Baard of Health, 20 IciKh. N. C. | SI W Engineers Murphy Water-' pr rks town out of water for quick j ief have recommended installu-jac n hundred fifty thousand gallon jgii issure filter taking water from,?." iwnssce river water to he chlorinal before pumping into main town Xt sects install permanent improve- Pi nts relieve situation as soon X< possible ' please wiry permission (? installation oi this filter. re IE .T. B. MCCRARY COMPANY j ny jer i J. B. MeCrary Engineering j la mpany. lanta. Cn. !CI Pre sure filtvi - and chiorinator as B< Cfyen :ee County, and the L MURPHY, NORTH CAROLI ie Boys' Pig Ci 60IN6 TO 1i THINKS HIS \ plo IN TjhE y '16 .. PUBLIC MEETING CALLED MONDAY NIGHT DISCUSS FINAL PLANS FOR TOUR TIij comir.iUic i i charge cf arr.-.n^?"ncnU for th - entertainment of the Atlanta Jaurral motorcade in Murphy on the night of September 14th, hau called a public meeting nt the library jui'din-r at 2 P. M., Monday. Aug. 'at 21 at, for the purpose ?f crcati ; i re loral interest i th.' motcrcads and to discuss t-'Ix?<?l 1 rins lor the entertainment of the tourists here. This lour means much to Murphy and this section, nnd al! public spirited citizens, both men and womc.', arc request:d and urged to attend. Be there by all means! flLL NOT KEEP TOURISTS NIGHT SEPTEMBER 14 FREI According; *,?? informat'on reachim ie committee in charge of the enter inment of the Journal Tou?- h re oj e night i f September 11th. won is gone out that they av.. i?. In ktn care of in thv- homes f th< rople f: ee. This report is absolutely false allowing is the list of ace miodati >n; id price- that will in- paid by th, si tors for nnals ar.il lodging* Hotel Accomodations at Murphi ghr Septembt r 11 1025, account tlanta Journal Tear ?vc Atlanta urphy-Aduville Division Applachiai ;;ie Highway; Regal'Hotel (Tr.ur H adquarter.-1 r?. accomodations 40. Rates Supp: r :dg?ng. Breakfast ?2 ">' rooms ?1.0( SI.30 me: Is 75c iekcy House No. accomodation )ft, rates Supper, Lodging Br?: k st ?2.50 rooms ?1.00 to ?1.50 meal ?e H. nry House No f acc?"v ! ! 1. Si.,i? IrtJ-iinff t? .-i . * ' "v 1.00, rooms SI.00 nr.:ils 50c. ells House No. accomodations 12, tes Supper. Lodging Breakfast LOO rooms SI.00 meals 50c. Private Homes No. accomodation? ?0 rates supper. lodging. breakfast .SO to $2.50 rooms 75c to $1.0J i-als 50 to 75c. Private Homes (Men Only! N) comodutions 50 Rates sapper, lodnp. Rreakfast $1.50 to $2.50 r-nn? >c to $1.00 m: als 50c to 75c. Extra Cots No accomodations 20) > reals rooms 75c. ivate Homes No. accomodations 5) .? meals 75c to $1.00. quested permissible emergency ensure Murphy under rigid suf vision and daily samples -tatf boratory. H. E. MILLER lartrr Tluienu of rng'r.ccrs Stati >ard oI il skee Is eading Newspaper in tF N'A IwlliAV. AUG 1ST _ >. ]:*2' N Lib liE no Ciua CONTENT IS IHc fcRSATEiT" COffTEiT" X //j ,i\ journal radio station bkoadcasts scfnic TOUR MONDAY NiGHT A nuirl : m1 I ica! radio fan? :>> n.-h*. listoned in on WSB. broadcast .??_< >i: t.f thi Atlanta I iii-iial. ;? : i enjoyed the unique nuy over th Applachiun Seen a* Highway from Atlanta 1?? Ash vil'.o. by Krnest Rofrcrs. not .1 pm: and writer, of th. Atlanta Journal staff,! the Kitz Harmony Boys otvhc t a, Uoti.'-Y.sii Key. <.nnmipi.r for iren ...... The program which b?gan at eight VI'H-k. was uniqn and inter .-ting The trio from oily to eity was aci.tpained I y til music of the Hitz Harmony Hoys, i d each towu < -v.! d i-n the entire route. A t rip over the Appalachian Set n:iI ghw::\ t'ri m \tlanta to A-hevilL via Murphy, was the first program i'i 1 tvi'i' put on in the :?3 , ..mi it c-.m-entratcd the attention f :ii 11:t:: - upon one ?>f the most ini-, nortant I toad lu usting event ever put ?>n this section. j BODY OF MURPHY C..RL LAID TO REST THURSDAY , The body of .Mi > Bertha Ma Cope. i6, who iied at he: hom^ on Uiilard Stn*?; i'uesday ev. i g about sir - Vi.-ck. ?vaa laid t rest in Sunset c. nut.ry Thursday morning. Miss J i" nc e? rtracted tuberculosis nmrci'l-rn . r r-.g< . and everything p.?si i was don,;. t;? effect her roe >v, ry. ; l?ul tin ' nd ea.ee quhtly Tu< sday -! oven , the a faithful member of th iBaptist rhutch, having pr.-fes ed faith iii ? ":::ist a number -f years ago' and u:.i > with the church <f hei *,ehaic.. Shv was r? ar d under tic. in-: ; fluetsr . f :. Christian home, and Ini fore thi end canto confided in these > dearest to her heart that she was at " (VCiicc with her Maktr and ready t.. 'iroeet Hitn. Funiiai services wore conducted iiom the Bapt t Church Thursday i ing at 10 o'clock by the pastor, lb v. T. L. Sas-er. an<l inter me .t was i ' in Sun- t cenu-tcry. Th lr .- ? of be-: i renvoi friends and the beautiful- flor- ] al tributes attested to the love and esteem ir which -he was h id. Sht is survived by h.r father and; |.step?mother. Mr. and Mrs. <i. H [Cop:; and three b:-ther*. (Vnorno,' : Luciu- and Bar! Cope, besides a host i t relatives and friends to mourn her ' I i According to information reaching 'h;re this week, the c;ir ?f Mi. I. A. 1 Butt, prominent merchant of Blnirs-i. ! v'llo, (5a.. plunged d nvn the niounI tain side Wednesday : i..ht about S > 'j miles this cidc of Ned's Gap. It ri understood that the car turned over three times, and that Mr. Butt su?- 1 fcred two brok n ribs, a f.ncturcdj shoulder blade, and perhaps internal! i injury. It was not 1-arnd if others! were in the car with him a*, iht t me. i i >cout lis Secdon of Wester LARGE CROWDS ATTENDING REVIVAL SERVICES AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH Y\\;h :? -tv.:< -<1 appealnjr -vr-' i n:wn .Sunday ivrnt on the ''Promises ?f God" at the Bapt:-; church, ti. i'a-t r, V. T. I.. openi i a - lie- of services which .cm J -tinecJ Dean much to the kingdom >>f (it-d in Murnhv Tim sv-rvi _ earc being held one*1 ' daily, in the eveni k :?t 7 :lo, and will continue over a period <>f two week?, In u: ainjr the service.-. Mr. S&ser d appreciation to his friend? n.ir.he'- i f th; Baptist and other ruivho of the town for tht. !??ya! - y.intn n f??r the advancement oi King "m r-f God act- >rded hint hirirtr hi sojourn her . which had .en a mr.-t ]:!?nsant one. He cx teased h;- f? ?;:-.e by reading front :h? ; : chart.-r of l. (' .rinthian? s follows: "And brethem, wh'. r I came U ye.:, I ear. not with cxcellencv of - e; I: or of wbil on, declaring unt<; y .he testimony of God. For 1 detirv. li i 1 not to know anything rg \ .'i, :i\e Jesu.- Christ, and him e reified. And i \vn with you in \\ al re.-.-, and in fear, a <1 in much : t toiuhlinfr. And my speech and my 1 preaching was not with enticing wot .is of man'.- wisdom, hut in d a r-linti-.n ol" thi Spirit and of power: That your faith should not; . rid in Ih. wisdom of men, but in the power of God." Mr. Sassor ha- letn past of th Baj.tl-t church for the pa-t thtee years, during which tam. his labors have been greatly rewarded, and many blessings haw come i > the local church. One of the m-.si ut standing > i- th* building up of the Sunday school. The six p<< %.i record system lias I.. installed, and the school standard:/ d. it havi th distinct:. a of being tie first Sunday -uln-d of the i -nomination in any !' the counties w?-t of .-\sh<ville v. aehiv.g the standard t by fin Southern Rapti-t Sunday School R.<:i'd. The church has al-o been put If-supporting ha-i-Ewnd now njo\: a large caj-acdy toward th* support of the denominational program, besidt - ivar.y other bl..sings too numt rou> t.? catalog. .'ii. Koy Biuyatice i- lading th -injrinp- He ha- an i \ -client tenovoice and has organized the young people for *'v .. singing : - v '.1 as tin adults, a d the - -tip . v . . icxcellent in * vcr^ r -pect. The singing of the young pcopl i xcee.hngly .< osi and i - rational. A featur of th. - ng - r\ Ice i- the solos and duets by Mr. Brignnr. and local tal nt. Much interest i bei .a inanifi sted in thy meeting. and quite a nuinher h.ivc already mad,- prof*s-ions o: faith and several have joimc-d by Utter. The other churches of the fowr. hav.' h largely r . sen! -?!, and the people from the county round about Murphy are attending in largo numbers. Tie. house h-' been filled to overfl -wing at nearly e\, r . s rvici th s v.. k, a.iti Wednesday a platform a s. iting capacity of from twenty to thirty was temporarily constructed on the west wing of the church. Mr. Sass : de\i-tir.g his craire! time to prayer and in preparation of his mess ay -. Hi- -/< t! for th< work of the kingdom is unquestiona-i bly great, and h:s sermons are earnest and powerful appeal- t> th reasoning; of his hcareis. OFFICES MURPHY COLLEGE OPENED HERE THIS WEEK Prof. Julius Berznuza. head of iht' Department < 1 Romance Lnnruajr-. s. and Prof. T. ). Taylor, of :he extension department of the .Vheville I'r.ivor-hy. are li.i thi> . -I- in 51t interest l th' Murphy Colic;:. branch of that University, and oppencd offices in the Mayor's iff ice ,n ihe library. it was announced the othoj day. Th office will bo located in the Library temporarily, it was state:!, so that those making in-! rp'iry would know where to find th so in touch and in charge of the college hen. It is expected that a permanent office will be secured shortly. * V * .. V A * v'j ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" n North Carolina be copy?$1.50 per YEAB fall term of murphy GRADED school to open monday. september 7TH Additions Made To High School Curriculum and List Of Teachers Announced Tin- fall torn- :iv_- Murphy Grad- ; j ed Schools v. i 11 open S ;>t 'inber 7th, , according to announce! nt given out this week by school officnls. The | buildings a:.d grounds are being put i readiness now by th;- janitor and E ! Mr. II. \V. Sipe. who i- to have charge of the school this year, i- expected to return th first of th week from ; Chape! Hill, where ho has b >. n attending the University Summer \S.h"ol, and to begin making prelim I i-ary plans for th. opening. The Mother teach -s wiil arrive the latter part- of next week and find suitable living quarters and be ready for the - liirinary teach r- meeting will be i In Id Saturday morning. S ptcmber A we I com. and much needed addition w 11 be made to th high school curriculum this yc;t by the addition i ( <>; curses in dona .-tie sen nee. Miss \nna IT'ward. an cxp rien.ced and capable teacher has b- en s-. cured for tiii- work. Sh wii. al e a-sist with i the regular h.igh school science 'jenur-.-. which hav been given hero i tofere. The addition of th se courses in co id:;:, sewing and the whole i aim of home making i- expected to nrovi a drawing can! to hold the gil- of the community in school. State and l'? i ml aid the d nic-stic science work could not be secured il was --Intor! .to., ? - ?i? <*--->? -i?* - ? ?? *.- mvi mai t r-.* Stat failed : . appropriate funds ; t > mutch l\,li-:a! n o: \ uproprinted u: i r ti Smith-Hugh'-- law. This j wmi wins mnsidi red i.f such tuees. ity. howev. r. that th local board decided to undertake it on its own account, hoping that in year or two s Stat' and Federal funds will again h. .a.available and that the domes. ~J.j i. -.ience d tv.ri nn-nt may then expand. Another innovation in the hiprh . h>- 1 this year will be the promotion tin the ha i- ! tin subjects rather Jur bv ;.*i ad s a in the past. Tliis :s expected to held both boys and nitl - in : h high school 1 my- r. , Also, it is xpi vt.il that courses it: ' vhoral singing an 1 musical interprelati (i and appreciation will he offor1 ed t j high school students. The de! rail- of these courses canr.nt by announced. hewevi r, until school opens. Th? hool board, composed of Mr. V...T1 Wither-p. on. Mr. C M Wofford d Mr.--. M- W. In 11, ! . licv, that ha> secured a string faculty fo ?i-inmg year and that a good i . ur'r \\ rk may he exp'-cted. An inc eased enrollment is also nntici v.i'd, both in th,. grades and in the r.ivh school department. The list of Uaeh-r- lollows: H. \V. Sipe. superintendent; B. K. Carroll, mathematics and history and principal; Mrs. J.. P. Kki-y. Latin ai d French; M;s. N.>?a Cobb White. ard, Frederick. Md.. dunastic science. [ Hawkins. Gain-vilh G::.. s- venth itr.uii-; Mis* Nannie Hawkins. Gainesville. Ga., sixth grudi ; Mr-. Maud A. Putts, Youtn: Harri \ Ga.. fifth aradc : Mi - - Nora Lead;. Franklin, and Luceha Tripkt'. Wilkir.sburp, I'a.. 1th p. rale; ?.*rs. MarpaiKt Ilell and M'ss Annie Wi'.-in. Harlem. Ga.. third Mrs. Anna ('. H-..?vir and Miss ("arcie Ferpusen. ?! i-oini pvadi ; Miss I.:: n Albright. WayuexvilU . .m ! Mi-s j '-rrade; and Miss M r::-.. K. Smith. TuL I botton. Ga.. Mis .. . SPEECH OF JUDGE BRYSON NOT BEING FEATURED THIS WEEK I On aicouni of the ?i lay experiene' ed in securing the manuscript. The i Seoul is unable t.? publish this week .1 udpe Bryson's address on tit est d>j lishment of a National Park ir the (treat Smoky movntains. Jr-t as soon as manuscript can be secured, the Judges inspiring address here on the afternoon of the 20th will br- car| tied in these columns. According ,o information reaching ht re this week a commission as postmaster has been recently issued by the PoH Office Department to Miss Lydia Berrong at Vests.

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