I it IT ISPTT IN THE SCOUT ITS BECAUSE Wt OIONT KNOW IT The Official Or jam vbtt'MS_xxxmN.> c.. MOTORCADE RECEIVES ROUSING WELCOME AT MURPHY ?v'?.NT one OF greatest IN CITY'S HISTORr Ge^"l *.i? * State Lne B. Git >- McLean, a-sd D? 'j? >-i - Murphy and ether cite* T" ..?ion of the r:.xu* ?toplVV Atlanta J >- - T.-vr Atlanta-M _ . ph\ - V> i!le ; . the Appal?.?hi m Scarvn c Monday Sen-. 14 - wa? *he *reatr*t ev-nb of th? >ry\ Neve: before wi<. . l'herod together w:t - ti th the eitv at or. :>r -?ich i :i .r of notable.*, hi^k official* irJ r nthusiasts i?f v. > ^tat ?. Tr .torcale w.- jr. the it the Mat i.r* . B Governor. Angus *V. MtLean ^ \ Carolina; M. >r V/. M r.iliv; J. G. Sti \ ;jather. ina Hier -ay Civ -ii?rWalker. Highway Engineer r \ - District of We?c r- \ rth Editor Cha*. A. V. .' > . ille Citizen; Cong-a*-- tar Weaver of N-? tu CarolinaK. phart. N i auth r and Bry-on City: M*r - Bill . r. of Andre*-. :?r. I W r IV nl North Car-dir::..ns tnd t-s ihem into Murphy. V : { before five o'cl ?ck. t> hour r ' motorcade ?:? - j * arv :i iT'i*d of < vcral hundred Withered at the 1i e to the Georgian- n: N'.-.th Word was i :i-- ) along 'hat the irotorc?l? wo two r- hind schedule time, hut the i fined to increa- rather than .-i . . -o eager w-r they to wit1 event. The Murphy Rand ' number of -1 -ti . at inr. .1- .vhich seemed to have a tenippeasc tfc restle*-ri--.- oc: by the lane wa r. I: ui- dusk whe the nototiao-.\ and after a brief exoh i -y of ficitati. ns and words ' w ! -me ! -it.' earavan of auro- * oi?ilf*.? id ? n to Murphy. ! by the ir of Murfhv th- M.i band. though it was after dark, had congregated at diff.rent -fli,vitfr tki. punt.. ..rwl > - k i.i-nfl r. >toi cade loudly as it parsed, if ??t ti e most beautiful *ights of eci>ion was in the Martin's Valley when th headlights of tv -i-wnty or eighty cars beam* d : i i to the darkness as the motor' glided valong over the winding '"1 thur traverses th.. valley. Wh r. the motorcade reached Mury th< streets were thronged with ople from all over this entire sec>n who had gathered ehre to witits eventful entry. After the r> -v re parked the tourists were asWrd accomodations by the local mini it . from the information ot: located on the vacant lot at - ptih.ic square. The Atwattrfnt In tadcasting and receiving sta>?. which was a feature of th'- tour, i* set up beside the booth and music wished to the visitors as they reived tniir assignments. Lnmbdin 1. Fain, of Mur>' was master of ceremonies. Among the other prominent speak ' of the occasion were tin- following r,ve;nor A. W. McLean, of North 'r,!ina; Harllee Branch, City Kdi r of the Atlanta Journal and wh< B in charge of the motorcade; Misi M. Berry, secretary of the Noitl "olinu Good Roads Association nrn w?s responsible to a large degret r Ike present road building progran North Carolina; Charles A. Webb ftfor of the Ashcviile Citizen; Johf Holder, chairman of the Gcorgi: Highway Commission; W. R. C niH> president of the Atlanta Cham r Commerce; J. Hownrd Enni* dent of the Georgia State Sen *'T. G. Stikelt other. Highway Coir (Continued on page 4) ! of Murphy ind Cherok See Yot i ^ i'v v'-Jil i - w v rr.? STATE SANITASY INSPECTOR IN THIS SECTION State Sanitary I-Elector A. C. i Rick* ??f R .! W:. i- hen- this w ok p He will Murphy head quart .s ( whi: working Ch r Clay and ? Graham Counties. Mr. Rick- that h was car- * v ryinz out) th ptognra irauguratei.j Sy the State F? avd f Health f ?r' the past thic'v years. H - asked th c co-operation < / the |K.>pli> ir: th> 3 campaign. H -tat. .1 that he had t found a number of . utsid .* privi. - . that are not c ::st,u< ' ,ii yeordinz t. :o the requir. mvit* of the s*ot.- la-v. d Mr. Ricks will remain here r.iuk ng invest station ^ and ivcomni -nda- ^ tions and also to supervise th:* work. , He can ho founu at the Regal H>?te!, ,, which wi'.l he headquarters wihfc- h working this section. .v MURPHY PUBLIC SCHOOL h OPEN FID MONDAY MORNINC. > The local schools opened Monday morning wih u good attendance and C with the ptomist of a goo'l year's work. A large number of parents and oldtr peopl were there to witness F the opening and thus manifest their interest in the school. The usual o,- . ning exercises were carried out. Mr. Clary and .M . ithinchart conducted the devotional I exercises. .Mr. S>,sser welcomed the < teachers and out-of-town students c and invite <1 and urged them to at- t tend the various churches. s Chairman D. Witherspoon made a beautiful talk, taking as th" theme > of hi? address the promise which so r many blight-faced children held out s lor the -chool ami the community? i the theni(. being sugg. st.d by the t beautiful rainbow, the bow of prom- t 1 i- e. which appealed in the heaven? on s Sunday evening before the opening. t Ifr. George Hubbt.ll, president of the t I Abbeville University. was present, and I made u few remarks, telling of his r I interest ir public school work and I : showing htvw that Murphy Vollcgt: ' was established to supplement the : woik done in the public school. r Mr. Sipe made a few remarks about the responsibilities of htnisi If f : and the teachers in training the cbil- I i dfen ajpd urged tht. co-op* ration of | - parents to the end that each child ; ?; might be given the opportunity to ; i become what he is eapable of heconi- t ring. Miss Martha K. Smith had I I charge of the music. -J ? Up to Thursday noon th re had i been 4.10 enrolled. It is expected i . that this number will be augmented j i still further. Thert are 92 in the r ? high school and IIS in the grammar . grades. : i Miss Martha Candler left last Sat- < , orday for Haitford, Tenn., where she I . has accepted a position as principal i. of the high school. Miss Elizabeth i Brittain. of Murphy, i? also a teacher I in the school there. 1 Cfjett ec County, and the Le* MURPHY, NORTH CAROL! i All Thanksgiv , _ f A i?gais I r ' KIWANI5 CLU3 FO* The Kiw-i.* t' ... rf Copporhilt.j 'en:i. have becorio interested in tfc \ os-siorganization of a Kwini-' Itib at Marp::/. T"-? at Cm-! erhiii a/>;>o;nto ! j . rrmittee to. ake u;? th- sub j set with certain,' furphy Citizens with wh in tlfey; .ere acquainted. wishing: r " r ly i> arrange somel ite v.*h the r Ciwani* Club of our Sister City1 ouM cor.ve ovor in a lu.dy a. d meet: number of the busH .- ? of this ity at an informal *u;>;?'r at. o f; u._- hotels. Just :t get-t >g??ther '.ng, i:: which the mutual ir?re.st of the two cities coul.i nisoussed. i flu-re has b-en son? little talk of Kiwar.i* - r Rotaria Club !' . lurphy t /r -ometirn and his is an excellent time to push it r let it dr ?p. At l? ast step- sh. ;uld >e taken to -ft a date when .t .cm Id be convenient f ?*- the men of lurphy to meet with to Copperill in wan inns. just t< th? - t!. of ur mutual interests and ? e>'iieral ood time, if rothing niori. >EATH CLAIMS ROBERT E. HOWE IN CEORGIA 'rominrat Lenburi Merchant; Was Well Known in Ameri cut and Sumter County f-ecsburjr. Sept. 3.?Robert Eshton lowc, 4H. prominent tnerchar.t and ..f Leeshurz's n >-r inl'avnti.il iti7.cn-. died at his residence here h?s moraine following an illness of ?\eral week.-. Mr. How- moved from Mp'jIo, :umtcr County to Leesburg about line years ago. and had made hitr.. If one of the city's most proirresve and tespected citizens. At the iini of hi* death he was e::ica'i-d ihe mei'antile business. He was i Mason; a steward in th? l-ees urer Methodist church; a member of he boaid of trustees of the I?ees>111 jr school and had served as a K r of y-ars. Mr. Howe was well known in Sumter county, where his parents eside. He is survived by his widow and our daughters, the Misses Edith. Louise. Nannell a-id Marjor'e; his mrtnts, .Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howe Vmtricus. I brother, J. T. Howe. Miuri, two sisters. Mis. E.- A. Bow rs, San Antonio, Texas, who was at lis bedside when he died and Mrs. las. Claw*on. Plains. ' Mrs. Howe was before her mariage Miss I.ir.nie Cunningham. daurhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cunlingham of Murphy. Route 3. Funeral services were held at the residence Sunday morning at 11 t>'clock. The Masons had charge of the ceremonies and Rev. L. W. Walker, pastor of the Leesburg Methodist Church, officiated. Interment was in the Ltesbug Ceme"rr . . i :?HI jfeee iding Ncwpap**1 m ^ua - " ?-. iag Pay ^(L " vA?LE\TOWN township s. s. convention Tl: Valleytown Township Sunday School convention met with th? \v Valley tow Baptist Church Saturday September 12th. The convention was called to ord r by the president. Mr. J. B. Hall, a-.d was open-i v 'f iciipture read:'"? and prayer ay P. v. H. C. Whitakt r. F. : owing th opening of the bus- :: n. Rev. Alftia West was .ec!- 1 vi>. -president, a-d' Robert Baker, secretary and treasurer. j Rev. E.Tt. C'ary. who :s prtstd nt f tv- ?urtv assort at or:, delivered * i so * i_il address to the superint-n- ? dents :tl:d teachers. Following is the program carried out. Sp Address by Prof. Boyce, "trained wafers. Why and how". Pc Add-t-s by R-v. I.. P. Smith "lie *.-r :--sults through Better cooperation." Addressee by Rev. Algia We-t and to Rev. I.. P. Smith. "Sunday School organized for service." cr me following ri-presenUit.ves from the Sunday Schools w< re pres ent: Andrews Baptist. 1; Methodist 1 I: Pi-irah. 2; Red Marble. I: Fair- I view. 1: Marble. 6. I Short addros p> were made by the ' followi.ig brethren: Rev. James bar Phillips. Rev. J. G. Regan. Rev. L. 1'. Smith nnd Rtv. 11. C. Whitak r. BhAddress by Miss Vtsta Wist. "Getting Results from Primary vol Work." SI address by Mr. W. K. Kejnnemer. following which the se-"- RE sion was adjourned with prayer. J MRS. T. J. BARNETT DIED AT PEACHTREE h1 Mrs. T. J. Rainett, 5fi years old. -5 died at her home in the PeachtreP rr.r ' community last Thursday n'ghl at oY six o'clock, after a lingering illness ter of si me two years. s Funeral services were conducted wil Friday afternoon from the Pltarh- an j tree Methodist Church by Rev. [). IT. ha Rhinehart. and interment was in the, an I churchyard. The large number of sorrowing friends and the many beau-! tifol fliirnl trilinthcaiMilfi. !ho l?fo W |and esteem in wh'ch she whs held. F. I Sh. is survived by her husband| 'and three children: One daughter. | Mrs. James Swaim. of Miami. Fla.. ?n and two sons, Sam and Claud Bar- wY nett, of Peachtree. in Th I FIRST NUMBER LYCEUM nif COURSE MERE OCTOBER 8 wi Word has lH?en received from the en | Piedmont Lyceum Bureau that the ed first number of the 1925-26 lyceum an course for Murphy will be givrn on tic October 8th. It is a quartet. the wi kind of attraction that pleases Mur- th phy audiences. Many musical lover* in thi*? territory will look forward with interest to the coming of this en | attraction. |m tout ! Section of Western RNEGiE LIBRARY RECIPIENT LARGE COLLECTION J?K3 FROM MR WOOD3LRY rh ? CarneyiLibrary t> t.*. ? r jent ipient of x watua>l co f >k.;. r.'.o'tiy fiction, (' >", Mr. W. W.wMihurv o' ;;i- - - th Vaiiey R:/'- Fur ? "l *e Oorriy. officers ir.r.ou to >u ;- ether f. Mr. V/ >oibury's ij:;t ty-six v ?l?ur.i a- ; rt:i -s w>r :in'-r to both ci-- ;r-- ar. i ?wr ups by such author* a- Civri . n Dyk-i. Crockite. j Th orift of this coi i? ju addition to th-? local library. a-uld bj arrateful to Mr. V." . .i'ury so valuable a jjift. Th - list followFirst <"hr T *?Vu if/-: . Gleams <> ' Sunshir > ? MTi! ;am?. Poems and Essays?K.br r. First 5?h . ri-sr?Lindsay. Dickon's Children? r - '. Lif* of Div: i Cr > - ; /" ?Cro 'k1**'. Daughter- of Amc* Hinaf.i :.. College Days?!. a .ck. Garden f Folly?I.-ico "rucifixior. of Phillip S* - u? ?id'?n. Harry t.orrc :uer -'./'vs-. An Amenta- Farr.i.y?V. -lut-r. 'I;. Bir^i?McC-it'-:- ::t. )ueed?Harrison. Vanqulsihnfj of Betty Varian ? lis. Irieky Var Wells. Prof-ssion. How Could You?? , ison. \n . - of Diamonds?Dell. tray Dawn?Whit?. I leek Haven?Munr.. , IV. * of Sw ret Esrypt Rohmer. < 'ride of Jt r.nico?Cast!*, teproach ?>? Annesley?Cray * a; - ,>f F.noch Went v. arth?C'urVrk\* Irish Frini?Peck. iVo ulcraft?Sitnms. I Richard Hundis ?Simm*. 'harlemont?Simnts. 1 ha inn s?Simms. Id's Classics. I! :.d l>t a: d "2nd. I Vlcxandor. ' UH-n- Readers, B ?k 1 and 2? < lulling. i j d"th..(J Header* ?Treadwill and 2 :ers. ? "irst H ader?Free. i * :u i.ii'n RRNKST G. CLARY. Pastor. | OMAN'S CLUB TO GIVE NTERTAINMENT FOR LIBRARY. i Rehearsals were begun this week, a unique entertainment program | lieh the Woman's Club is planning' behalf of the Carnegie library, le progiani w-ill he given Friday ?ht October 2nd at an hour to be nounce-l later. This entertainment II be different from anything givin Murphy heretofore, it is believA number of clubs and civic ornizations are being asked to par ipate. The public will look for?rd with interest to the giving of is entei tainment. Mr. J. V. Brittain spent last weekid at Black Mountain with his other. vuaov&rt;sz in THE SCOUT -it will m a k s roc kick ' North Carolina v copy?ft 50 pett ye a b :'-3 ADDITIONS MADE TO BAPTIST CHURCH Local ?-10a Vfc !:??* ?? Great* - t R?ri-r*j ta H ?t>rf tb- Cb-jfch La:it Sunday nigh:. Sept. l?th. the .K'dple of tb tov, wiener** i what Wiw undoubtedly the greatest rerival * tt history .-f til'- ' oral Bap; -* Churer. Or.? h-nd: >i and eight AifliZ o-.: wcr * trade to ir _? church. I'? by In; i-d 6> by I-*tt r. wr.fr b: brlrg* the pr ?--nt strength of . h j-< - up to .Mi. T'i pistor, R--v. T. f.. Si.? t. did th ? preaching. T:e r witnessed one of thv mo >r. -g ?nstration> of t-e pre- v -f *b H >ty Spirit and th * pov, ,f (hvi. The meeting heg?-r Augus* 23rd. to continue fo: two a-' 'v- A' tb iuet ..Tvice ?f the - ord v.k th congregation re0 ; that the * ?rv ?. continue for another w-M because of the in-* t re-t and th? larg . crowd-'. A ! ?-- if the -ervi, > Mon i-i -ight following. 4:? had united with th-. church. When the -service.* r>? -ned Tuesday evening the pastor i'keo f ?r volunteers Ut enter a con% enant with him to pray for 51 adrfi'.f by t'h a following Sunday nieht thereby bringing the total addition* to the church up to 100 during th* ! I. ~ * we k * of th meeting. A ?! ::? of f'fty or more sto ?i and praye-i together fjr the SI additions, ind those who didn't stand were call. -d ??n to be the witnesses of the er.ant. ^ A- th' c!os of the service on * *.1 Friday right of the third we<-k a > to*a I )f 70 had come. On Saturday night. 10 w -nt forward making 80. 1 S indiy morning when the invitaii - given the remaining *11 iv -vi-y to make the ^ prayed for ini to bring the total up to 100 came forward. Snrr.e of the final 11 were Strang + t ? each other and to th?pastor and no one knew nor planned ;u-t where the required number were , : > com? from. Tho.se entering the iMcaA or>vnant fiv.i day- 'fefore seeing :heir prayers answered literally were profoundly impressed and the whole . ongregation was deeply and visibly effected by the manifestation of the Spirit's presence. After a prayer ?t thanksgiving and intercession the invitation was extended and another man came. In the evening service IK others came. At the prayer meeting Wednesday evening another came for baptism. , Mr. Sasser came to th. local church on April 25th, 1025, and since that time th.. membership of the church has more than doubled in numbers. [?5 by baptism with 12 others awaiting baptism, and 110 by letters, mnk ing a total 217. The membership of the ehureh now stands at 5-11. Many blessings have attended the church here since his coming, and it is now on the verg,. of an intensive buildings campaign. It is contemplated beginning the erection of a building on the property located on Peachlr.i> ?trfi t liitKIr* th.. f""' weeks. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES ON MURPHY CIRCUIT In the absence of the pastor. Rev. F. E. Harts field, the following schedule of services on the Murphy Circuit has been announced l?v him: September 29th, II A. M., Tomotia Mr. A. A. Fain. September 27th, 2:"0 p. m.. Rogers Chapel, Mr. Neil Reese. September 27th. 8 p. m.. Peachtree. Mr. Neil Reese. October 4th. II a. m.. Grape Creek Mr. R. A. Akin. October 4, .1 p. in., Tomotia. Rev. D. H. Rhinehart. The Sacrament will be instituted. October 11 at 11 a. m., Peachtree. Mr. Neil Reese. Octobtr IS, 11 a. m., Tomotia, Mr. Rev. Hartsfield is visiting his pavents in West Palm Beach, Fin., for several days, and will leave there soon for Yale Divinity school where he will continue his studies in theolofty. leff Hicke.v was passed FriI day morning while cleaning out a I well on the property of J. N. Moody. I It is acid that he was unconscious for some moments, but medical aid was rendered and he is now better.