If IT IS PPT IN THE SCOUT ITS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Organ VOLL-IE XXXVII. No. 8. MURPHY BOY ON TRIP AROUND THE WORLD Jack Lloyd Writes Parents Interestingly From Oversees?Visits Ireland. Belgium anj France ' F: :n "at sea" and far away Le Harve, France, Jock Lloyd, j|ur->hy boy with Uncle Sum's so:,: :> ??f the sea. son of Mr. and Mr- T. J. Lloyd, of Murphy and Warr . N. t\. writes his parents inters mely of his cruise around the world. Jack has recent!* visited point- in Wales, Irelar.,!, Belgium and France, and perhaps by the time tfee-e lines are beinjr read he will be he lilimr the waters of the Spanish Main I While in Dublin. Ireland. Jack was atr x down the street and pa. seJ at news stand. While |.?>kine thr e sh the different papers. ho ran ac~ -- ? c??py -?f the Atlanta Journal and at proved to be an issue contain :r.: ww ?nu >e\* > inc > renins it H L i: i section of the Appalachian S Highway at Neel Gap and M . : hy or. July 4th. Jack says: .aking of highway.-. I saw some Jouand Dr. Shaip's and W. M. Fa s photo." (Ve: ii;. i*. will be seen ths' tie scope of ??dve*tising Murphy h^.- been receiving a- a result f the op*' -inx of the Appalachian Scenic Jack was "at sea, Sept. 8" when he wrote his father, and at "Le Harve FranSept. 13" when he v. rot a his nt r -.*r. His letters in part f II w : ".vuce the last letter I have been t? :>jbltn. Ireland, v.} re I -aw the w greatest horse s:v>v-. sr. .wing i fr . Cardiff. Wale . Duhhn is a C" place. We t. . : ?ro- and I ' ' be- lace 1 have ov er ! c n. I fell with an Irisl - tl ,i j civ -? tunrhe irti by 1. . The- were en ugh drinks . > float tl > ship. H . " , pe d tth them. I nt to ir wa o Ijc Rarve, France, fr m Antwer now. We are due to get there I w at noon, I there be . and l d n't k pi.; . will he." Aor arriving and looking the pla fiver. Jack .says: "Al??ut the or!;, things in these French places nr. v. >men anil drinks. I keep away fr .. both of them. We a?c going Sout again soon. The weather is ret : re now. We leave her? the 2 Ird for Cher >1 urg, France and on S uth. We u- Gib alta, some Spanish ports. and to Nice.j Fi for Christmas." ' , also stale;! In all his travels i found "no pla< e lifo h me." i COUNTY AGENT URGES PREPARATION BE * MADE FOR FAIR . t. ** i i the time has come for us all td' Iwrs'ri to think of what vve ar.- goingJ ice til Fair. We have ail Won fj froui itfno to time what; e we e going to have to take, but ?fl i all we have more than we had yer expected to have, and another thing is that we must remember that our neighbors have had the same thrift to contend with that we have had ard that we are all traveling the same road. The thing to do is to Wgin right now to think what *< ' have that we can take to the fair show what we have dene this ye*r. Another thing to look at is that our friends will all he there, and v.e can see them and all have a fcW'd time. hair time should be a crc-at time for all as we can see our friends' *nd neighbor* that we have n. t seen tor perhaps years. 1 trust that everybody will try to tune and bring some exhibit for fter all the people ate the one* that ^ke a Fair. The Fair Association ?*n go to all the trouble and expense have Attractions and amusements hut this is nothing if the people do n?t come and make the fair a sucoess j * am sure that no person in the county would like to have it said thatj *hey stayed away and by so doing j ! tEljc of Murphy and Cheroke< aI 'M Ail )/ IMjj> ' Ml Jli' yJImW 1 J?[ ?? lC-.rTrtcKt.ffr X C> ., CAME LAW PAMPHLET PREPARED BY LONDON Legislative Referent I.i rari-t H. M. I. : r., ? Rn ublbhoi a very useful synopsis of the v. law* in the various ? .untie > ->f th State. I. laws were : : - ">* e?l ??r eh-A.-ir."1:! in ?>.? of the 100 eoun- : ::tie. by the last Legisiu >j th.t t: up to this time it has been aim :>t M inipoj?>ih!e t ? know just what chars;- . . os were nu-ie. f. The i"?n;)hkt is vext** pocket . , a;,< and c in >- ' i .'.'i free <-n anmt'.-t- _ . . . . TO: rati... I: contains into "matte p. n t . ?n!y valuable to hunters out citizens as we!'. The brief review of the ' xtiiV.c law for Cherokee, t'lu., and Graham 4 sorties is given as follows: ' CHFROKF.F.. Deer. Oct. l-T n. 1; * " ruff 1 grouse (pheasant), wild turkey, dove, woodcock, blarkbrllied a v. I noiui'i. j yellow ducks, 1 ,a gee.-*\ Wilson sr.ipe, no open seas n; Tn quail, (part-. idjrc) Nov. Ift-Fcb. 1: fox. ?.p;> sum, minks, v. easels. skunk- ^ :l ground miir.-Is, y:->und ha>es. wildcat.;, mu:-!;r::ts. mice, moles, and I!? bits, no dosed season. Bag limit: I- quail a day. Lice, se: re-id en t, '''' -51; anresi ie::l of -tate. $10. an- ? less nonresident pay- tax on land, *'n then hi- pays $1. Written permis- c^' -ion required. Violation, fine of n t more than $">0, or imprisonment of tu not more than SO days, or both. Li- *^e: cense to fish with hook and rod *a,J or reel; ever 18, lesideut of county, ">1; r.^nivsider.t of cour.iy. 33; n -n- tor :ot-i'Jtnt of S'.r.lv (unless owning land.1", in county), fishing with hook and ?,,c Mr.e. . l V ' CLAY. Deer. >I ?r. 3. 1&23?aft- tho Vl- t! .t. Nov. 1-hjn, 1; with ?vr tor only; squirrel. Nov. 25-Fel>. 15; quail ^ 1 fpartindife), Dee. l-Peb. 15; ruffed ac!, grouse (pheasant)# Dee. l.-Feb. 15; ^ wild turkey. Dee. J-Pen. 15; dove. Nov. 25-Feb. 15; wrodcoi'k, Nov. 25-1 ^ -'an. 1 ; blacktcliied and golden plo- \ ver. yellowlegs, No. 25-Dec. id; 1 due!..-, geese. Wil-on snipe. Nov. 25Feb. 1; fur-bearing animals (except wildcats. labbits. and# squirrels). Nov. 15-Mar 1. Bag limit: quail 10 day; :? wild gobblers and 2 turkey ^ hens a season. Trapping of foxes unlaw fu'. in Vulieytown Township: |ow fine of ,$25. Unlawful to sell or take frame birds out of count;., ex- l> cer t non-resident may take as many securing conviction. Written per- * mission required. GRAHAM. Unlawful to hunt dur or fish on Sunday. Unlawful to n" shoot, kill, injure, or chase deer. V'u fac (Continued on page 4) ing bes had made the fair a failure. I am nev suing to look for a good attendance and hope that we can have a fair SU that every body will he proud of. i J I am locking forward to seeing 1 every farmer and his family on the con following dates. October, 14th, lcth acc and 16th, 1925. , fici R. W. GRAY em , County Agent, to\ HwMfl Ojcn ; County, and the Le MURPHY, NORTH CAROLtt Fall Coloring x'rniyTKcPiiovrro 5^ UKfc 1H6 COLOO SHOULD I A9P A REP 10 I " ,^SlH .MOLINA ROAD TO BZ OPENED SOON srl Line .o Caasi From Knoxvil! ; State Stamp Eapectai TELLICO PLAIN'S Terr... Sept. ? (Fr nt K;-xv . J jrr.a!??By !of n?xt wrr'.\ it is expected t th 1- : from Teliico Plain.-, r.roe ci u" y. t the state line. n rung Che x. e ounty, North roiir.a, .wii. ka . c-see. for tratfit. a few day- later the road from ILco Plains to Mad!Rs >nviUe will v been graded. making a con tion with Kaoxvi'.e. ?n ihe North Carolina side, the d from the state line to Murphy. C., a distance ct about 2~? miles, this r?aii having been graded, h the remainder to be opened for fie within the next 60 days, is will give eon: t etii a with the :- us No. highway of North rolina. leading t the Atlantic a distnn j. . f about 3.">0 miles :n t!?e connecting point, t is understood here that highway icials of both Tennessee and rth Carolina have about reached understanding that will result in meeting Tellie.. Plains and .Mur;. making it a state highway conming to all requirements on the anes>ee side of the L'naka mounn. The new road already is huilt aeding t- state specifications and practically a hard-surface road h a maximum giade of 6 per cent ? opening of this link will aid in development ot a large terriy and will afford tourists and velcrs a longw'shtd-for short cut oss the mountains. Phis link willi connect with the highway at Sweetwaler find with Atlanta- Knoxville highway at di?t>nville, giving fi short iine to coast and crossing the north and th highways in North Carolina. OTHER AUTOMOBILE AGENCY FOR MURPHY )ur well known merchant and feltownsman. Mr. Wm. P. Payne recently acquired the agency for territory for the famous Chrysler omobile. The car ha? a beautiful built body and performs well, as been demonstrated by Mr. Payne ing the last ten days. County AgGray has purchased one of the pes and reports it as very satistory. Mr. Payne himself is driva touring car. His many friends peak him much success in his r undertaking. NDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION \T OCREETA. OCTOBER 1STH ["here will be a Sunday School vention at Ogreeta October 18th, ording to announcement by of rs here this week. The announceer.t extends a cardial invitation everybody to attend. ading Newspaper in tlii ;a r&:ar . October 2. u-sr. ' you ] nrrT~TT-H - OR |iH,u ???^ AARDROtP CAPTURED BY SHERIFF B. B. MORROW Jim W'aldroup, alias James Stewar:. alleged fugutive from justi. : for some five or six years, w is re ?ntly captured by Sheriff B. !?. M ?rrow in what appears to be one >f the cleverest pieces of sleuth workever i\ -empted in the county. Wol.v up >a~ living under the alias of James Stewart at Mt. Holly when apirv trde i. He was brought tc Murhy a i jodged in jail .where he now awaits trial. It is understood that he has retained Moody and Moody to defend him. I: will he remembered that Waldroup is alleged to have shot and killed Sam Burgess in the Unaka section some five or six years ago. It appears that W'aldroup and Burgess became estranged over the matter of the disposal of some liquor the two had secured, t.ater thev met on th" public road near Unaka and began shooting at one another. Wnldroup himself bcinjr shot three times and seriously wounded. Waldroup made good his getaway. It is understood that he went- to Graham County, where he lived for about two years. He later went to M\ Ho'.lv. vhere h reraa* nod under the name of James Stewart until apprehended. Sheriff Morrow stated that the officers of Mt. Holly were i astounded and very much suprised at i the arrest, as Stewart was a pood citizen and had made many friends: in that section. S. S. CONVENTION TO BE , HELD AT BELLEVIEW OCT. 10 j There will be a Sunday School Convention held at the Methodist | Church at Belcview. Beginning at ( !0;i>0 o'clock Saturday morning. October 10th. There will be some interesting talks and and helpful discourses on subjects related to the t Sunday school work in that section. .Dinner will be served on the grounds jat the noon hour. Request is made I that those coming bring well filled : baskets. ! The tenative program announced follows: 10:00?Devotional, led by J. W. Hatehett. 10:45?The Sunday School Organized for Service?Rev. T. L. Sasser. 1:10?Finding and Training Teachers and Officers, Rev. S. L. Edcns. 11?Song. 11:40?Business Session. 11:50?The Evangelistic Opportunity of the 'Sunday School, Rev. J. M. Conley. 12:15?Adjournment for dinner. Afternoon Session I 1:4">?Devotional led by R. H. Kins: j 2:00?Puildinjr up the Sunday School Through the Home Department. or Cradle Roll. Mrs. T. L. i"as?er. 2 2'.?Son. 2:30?The Home and Sunday School, Rev. E. G. Clary. >cout ! Is Seciion of Western Nc ASHEVILLE PRESBYTERY SIT TO MEET WITH LOCAL CHURCH OCTOBER 12 j Many prominent Presbyterian Lead- De< ers to Be Here For the j ( Occasion The fall session of the Asheville [ 1 Presbytery will be held with the iocaliBu' church here beirir.ninsr Monday even- >f in;. October 12th. according to an-inul n >ut; -merit the first of the week by the pastor. Rev. E. G. Clary. Local Presbyteriuns are looking- forward . with great anticipation to the c-w,-! ^ol ir.g session which is expected to bring * l>! many prominent divines of the pros- w" bytery together here. j cur The opening sermon on the firs* ' night will he followed by the commun'-,,u' ion service. At eleven o'clock Tuck- m day, October Pith, the Presbytcrial 'n^ sermon will be delivered by Rev. R. ' " .P. Smith. I). D.. on the subject "The Influence > f a Minister's I fe Upon *>ul His Work." in the afternoon the main ( topic of discussion will be "The Free Conversation on the State of Religion *'tM in the Presbytery. A popular meet- ^*a ng in the interest of Home mission-will be held Tuesday night. Wednc- lay morning, October 14th, ^ at eleven o'clock, the body will be * 01 addressed on Foreign Missions, and cat one hour of the day will be spent in a discussion of the Sunday school work. ^ol The Docket j era The tenative docket of the Pros- *'ua | bytery follows: i'n 1. Opening sermon and constituting ( f!< Presbytery by prayer, by Moderator. ,[>|) 'J. Roll call of ministers and jteri churches. ic'^ J. Election of Moderator and Ten:- ^l: porary Clerk. t. Report of Committee on Devo- in tional Exercises, By Rev. R. C. Clary, 1nj: 5. Reading of unprinted Minutes. '*a I. Excuses of Absentees from* last a' i meeting. j *?ua 7. Appointment of Standing Committees: (a) Bills and Overture1*. Judicial. ffcl (c) Records of Presbytery. (d) Minutes >t* Assembly. Is' let Auditio r and (f> Leave of Absence. j Pru (g) Nominations. i1 ( (h) Vote of Thanks. j *s-s' (' >mmu:iications read and referred. j the Report of Special Committees: *^ta (a) To install Rev. R. S. Esk ridge at Black Mountain-Rev. R. P. Smith, 'an< ;1). D. *ey (l>) To install Rev. A. E. Wallace ^u1 at Bryson City.-Rev. L. T. Wilds. teri D. D. j^on (c) On Maxwell School deficit,Rev R. P. Smith, l>. I), I ti<*i 10. Election of Trustees of David- ^ > son Ccllege and Maxwell Training'wei school. I a ( 11. Free Conversation on State of Religion (First order of the day on ^ee the afternoon of the second day, 'sl 1 See Minutes of last meeting, page 14). .firs 12. Reports of Permanent C?ni?( mitte^?: .. icnt J (a) Home Missions. j P'n' (b) Foreign Missions. !?f (c) Bible Cause. (d) Sabbath and Family Relig-jK I ion. flrrvr: of (e) SUwaldnhlp. , |ur (f) The Men of the Church. 'c*' (g) Evangelism. (h) Schools and Colleges. 13. Report of Commissioners to the General Assembly. 14. Report of Standing Committees 15. Report of Trustees of Presby- Tl: jtcry. es < Hi. Report cf Trustees of Davidson anr College, and of Maxwell School. 1 , 17. Approval of Presbyterial Re-| in port to Synod. 0 ? IX. Place of next meeting. Mui , ll>. Vote of Thanks. a d 20. Heading and Approving the and Minutes. 1 21. Adjournment with singing. & ' j prayer, and benediction. f ? mo 2:55?Business Sesison. t i 3*00?Reaching- Men and Women ste; Through the Oiganizcd Class, Col. | John H. Dillard. ste: Song. I Adjourn. 2:0 Mr. W. H. Woodbury, of Asheville, 10: is here this week. 104 P. Mayor W. M. Fain was a visitor to ste Culberson one dsy this week. dej ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE I YOU R I C H ' >rth Carolina 5c COPY?$1.50 PER YEAS E OF FT. BUTLER 1 DONATED TO TOWN FOR PARK id Given By Tarheel Investment ?? ? Asheviile?Negotiation* Entended over Several Year* The site of Hi.-* ric old Fort tier (lu been deeded to the town Mur- h for ti . purpu.se of a ?Iic park and historical monunt. nccordinir to announcement cntlv made by Mr. D r. Witheron. president <hr. E. Wool established headirters near the mouth of Valley er. at that time known as Hunt- * ton. now in Cherokee County, for purposes of carrying into eft toe provisions of the Treaty of v Echota, entered into the year 5 between the Cherokee Nation i the United Suites, and which vided for the emigration of the ,j rokee Indians west of the Miss- ' And Whereas, in the year 1S38, said authorities of the United tea under the command of GenerWinfield Scott erected upon the 1 hereinafter described and coned a military post kn >wn as Fort dev. Secretary of War. ad. turn in the cabinet of Andrew Jack, President of the United States: And Whereas, upon the ^firaniza\ of Cherokee County in the year the buildings of Fort Butler e used for about two years for \?urt House an I for the public ices of the said county of Chero, the first Court being hold ther>n the li?th day of March. 1839; And whereas, the party of the t part, ar.d its officers and stocktiers, are interested in the presand future well being: and hapess of the inhabitants of the Town Murphy and all persons coming ? their midst, and desire to erect perpetual memorial by dedication the site of Fort Butler for the \ pose of a public park and histormonument." -.. < ? UTHERN AND L. & N. ^ T ' ANNOUNCE CHANCES IN SCHEDULES: IN EFFECT :c Southern and 1.. & N. Rranchtroming into Murphy have recently louncca cnanges in schedules, 'he Southern train from Asheville thr morning, leaves Asheville at >'c!ock instead of 7, arriving at rphy at 12:30 instead of 2, making ifference in schedule time of one I a half hours earlier. 'he changes in schedule of the L. N\ follow: Co. 100 departs at 10:20 in the rning instead of 10:25. Co. 11 departs at 1:40 P. M. inid of 2:12. Co. 108 arrives at 10:00 A. M. inid of 10:20. Co. 110 arrives at 1:30 instead of 0 P. M. )n Sundays No. 102 arrives at 00 A. M. instead of 10:15. No. 1 arrive* at 1:30 instead of 2:12 M.; No. 103 departs at 10:20 inad of 10:25 A. M.; and No. 105 larts at 3:40 instead of 3:45 P.M.