R FRiDAY, OCTOBER 9 192? [ THE FEA* mix At PA"- lO frfTEMTlOhS \W <* getting 7-^ ^XET> IIP I Hi AfTf DUE I ' \ v? ' /, >i/iTH I ) 5tGN0R iifffpc | ** RUU AC??A \ l/ "S-NORr'MAN 50 ^ ' h? TAk*^ T*? HtclSSAK STEPS TO PPrTPVt Hl$ PPECIOU' ?:DL ?. CHARLOTTE NEWS WILL BROADCAST REPORT ON WORLD SERIES GAMES A(M>ci*tf?l Prc?? Dispatches Will Be Pul on the Air Over St&tio.i WBT by The News. Pioneer North Carolina Ncwtcsprr in Broedcastimi Reports on Big Events. A r':iy-l?v-p!i.y account of the WVrVi's Series baseball ..11 2 Pains ? Very Severe f 44 "I Buffered from womanly ^ f troubles which crew worse ?. A and worse as the mouths ^ went by," says Mrs. L. II. mm Cantrell. of R. 1". D. 9, Gaines- u ? ville, Georgia. ^ "I frequently had very 5L w severe pains. These were fo had that I was forced to go 41 to bed and stay there. It 4^ 4 leeuied to me my baik would ? 4| ?ome In two. jCARDUlf ? For Female Troubles ? 41 "I taught school for n 4 * bile, but my health was so b> 4| bad I would have to slay out m sometimes. Thin went on till g 44 1 got so bad I didn't know ; ^ what to do. m| "One day I read about the ^ ^ merits of Cardul, ami us 1 * J had some friends who had 4b been helped by It. I thought Mr I would try It. I began to * 4| get better after 1 had taken ^ half a bottle. I derided to keep > ? on and give it a thorough (t? 4 trial and 1 did. I took in g, 44 all about 12 bottles and now ^ ^ I am perfectly well. 1 do uuv SUIICI auv jiii in HUM 1811 w do all tny housework." ^ | J| At All DrugglftU' , if THE SOUTHERN SI All share tl of this . operating We are now carryini than we did twenty 3 an increase of only 1 run by our freight lo This increased eliicie possible by the large tal in more powerful freight cars, greater facilities, and the redt grades. The results have bet Better transportation s 1 Higher wages for our Freight rates lower ii general level of prices fore the war; Earning power that w tni tor expansion. All share the benefi operating efficiency. SOUTHERN R A I ; rHERHEADS / UlSOl 5 O.t* ^ 5 / 5:0 *UIK'1 tH? ' &f3 [ do n K w **t 8 m /inn ej*> f<ri, i\^jxAKiAy ^ >" (,vJ? ^ : ai il?^ II I :>t ry TK C ; I f.i N . j over Sts 'it.n WFT, '** :. K>*;<, 2?."> j Mftivs. Ai rann'iv.cnts :?s*v?* hven l?y The News tn "j*e the Associate !' iHspi'tihi-. Th?-e will 'v.' i rati sr.*.: tied from the irl:?vin.c < ;. ).? : direct to the V.'HT studio where they will immediately be rut on the' air. Thus The Mews' radio won-1 oum-ciiielM wit? iir hut a very few "C'TiV behind the actual play. To enable the thousands of fanin J'.vo States who have listened in! heretofore to adju-a their instru-j 'mollis sati-fi.ito*"ily. Station \VBT; will :.! ?> ti e it ;.{ ] :.*, ? i;;. t y. .ton minutes before the -tart " riay. ; K-.esy detail of v? \ .:!! ;.t . hreadi-Jist, with th. ? epti. f ihi .v umlay tram*-, j The erits will si art Wed .-sil-.y. Oe;? i?er 7. .:.<! vvTl continue daily ami' < th? ' th. Washington Senators. champions ?f the Anieii.-.a l?eaguv the Pittsburg Pirate-, champions -f the Nation .1 League, shall win four gumcs. i 'i ri- Is th? third ?!? essive i?: . Th? News i broad. u-t the e ie-. Last yea thouramls of fan.- fr-n five .Stales North Carolina, South Carolina. Virginia, Tennessee d Georgia?heard every detail ?-f i* c games. There is ?very reason ! ? believe that more fans will in this year than he: ttof >re. Tho-e tuning in and enjoying the program ire renUestcd to write or telegrr.ph The t harlotte News. \ < messages will be accepted. inco l-i-1 year. ownership ? f Station WBT has changed. The station now is the property of C. foil iincton. Inc., Carolina? distrilntors <f Buick automobile-. Mr. C diingtcn, who purchased the station j from the Southern R^tli.? Corpora . ion, has made the Charlotte Chamber of ("t muu- ie a present of. the Station. Plans t-u on fool ; to hn\? IVHT on the air oarh nitrht. j I ?1 :RVfcS THE SOUTH be benefits gain in efficiency 1130 < more freight /ears ago. but with 10'. in the mileage comotives. ncy has been made investment of capilocomotives. larger track and terminal iction of curves and ervice for the South; employees: I 1 proportion to the II I 11 than they were be- I j1 ill attract new capi- | I ts of this gain in [ w \ b _____c LWAY SYSTEM ? THE CHEROKEE SC< ID TOu'D I>! V. MAKE L / ALL 1(11. Wit, Alt JOt.1 HAVE TO J I R|& Shallow la*! hapai--i r J I to LIP A LITTLE SHB'.ME . ' , 1 I ? ; The PPnPm ' II frf* McCIRT BRIDGE OVER CAPE FEAR FORMALLY OFESED The ' a I cr.cninc r>f the M Girt f v.r the Cape K?ar R.'vi v at Eiiwtbithlowti the comr'.cliun cf the fifth <f the large bridges built by the State Hichway Commission. The ether large ytructureK are the Swift i-i.rai Bridge er the Yi <*?:.? near A!? e'tineMe. :;-Willinms.ton hriiivc the R .. at Williamston. V-- W. . i-:' over the Yad'.rin >..!.< i--.:ry. ur.<i the Wi ! ' ru.'i'O ov. r th Chowan at \Y:nton. T'-. ; ? -t. .:< tu!?o are n<.arir.c ? tir*:*. tht ! ? e*:y RSvtr V.-' iiv. vo ,\c < <: rr.e r?; . r. IV. deft- r<>, ar.i! the So"and N%*.-k ..vei the Roan- tfu- tow. . f the sar. It : r.o. Th'.-t -v ; - ate *' nt in . ti : J art1 < . I invest ;? r.:s : v th.:- .it:: r.> < i *. "t.-.t'. Itt ; ?:vf!V :>t:.rue tl - hiuijc n ; Uu-e t 11 rrie- or U?)l f?3Nk'EY RHYMC M. iYnre-VCe. Ave 8.s hi";:] .. tr.o; utt . F. : - Whit- t! -y 'r.-jst b< true. For e< : < b.iieve x:h v.nuh A- i v . n that < riraco ::un, \\>-? r.tv > > treat and" jjr&nci. Comes to them with .\<w belief. They soy ! > an i - ry brief. You wive ar.d fd Mr. I 'arrow. Y ..r i >!i?h v lie: wifl '.rirrc *,*< :? ?.rr?iVi, And how <::;!?- yoa to take the stand an?i s >on vount: min !.- f the land Ily proclaiming your vifd aenosti< Ami rovhar> *> heli you'll ^ i y >us portion. And little Johnie Sl-. p.- - . scry. Its suits hia' ?t tea. ! .. lie. He must have been i\ 1 vmfcej Pl?*r Hi should take warning and ai.t f<>r aet. His work Just r->v. V t v,.nth : fret, ! "< r I he christian pt- a won't siiv< up. The old bible r ;? ni- -.k y sup 'u<fci Ralston seems brave ant stench. While ss'ti.ijr oil the Tennes-o e bt-::ch He handed !owi xirsii dectVio:. That hiindeJ little .fohnieV vision. And to a eauit supreme he Tied. For he was depending; on Harrow** head. May other courts < f the (and. Make their deeission with God to stand, .And benish from a christian nation, AH those who deny a Divine creatio.i A poet 110* matter how sublime, Can't pive justice in modern rhyme. To W. .1. Bryan the late oid Sane. Whose fame is wide this present uue. For being a Paul as brave as old. And showing to the tvr.vld his humane soul. In the town of Dayton Tennessee, He fought f??r tin* word of God you see. And when in the trial he was victorious. rhe people of the world thought him Glorious. But <?n a beautiful sabbath day. fiis noble spirit passed away, IVhile sleeping: on his- peaceful bed, \nd today he is numbered with the dead. ie was orator great and grand, Vnd an American Socrates of all the land, lis work on this cruel earth is done, ^nd we doubt if we've another son, Vho will enter the righteous race,] Ind fill W. J. Bryan's pface. COLD IN THE HEAD" 9 an acute attack of Xacal CatarTb. :hoso subject to frequent "colds" are merally in a "run down" condition. HALL'S CATARRH MEPJCINB fa a *reatn;ent consisting of an Ointment, to * used locally, and a Tonic, which nets Julckly through the Blood on the Uncus Surfaces, building up the System, ud making you leas liable to "cokJa" Sold by druggists for ovrr 40 Yearw. T. J. Cheney * Co.. Toledo, O. >UT. MIKPHY. N. C. * Wi ( ) ? . V ' Bryan hi? c re to thai <: a. Rt : . Ar. I ?Jw**llirp * ;.' > a ;;?r.ter i ' rob!er thrcv. '9k i B..: Drrrcw and S;-rc- a c - :r?.^: And try.'ne to - . f-! f |t;.But te V rne Ao :.: t ,: o v.-arr Bef. re that -jeat a- * ,v. J r.om. -c. y Mr. I>arrD-w - ; , ch !is voic? "C?: be r.Vh ;.:.d Vv. 3. MARTIN V ee'n. v. <\ WOLF CKTTTTK The ::ch - r . n *' -r mor.ths i'l > nth v t?r* >:f-j . h:e Friday, v. -- : ra;m i .*cv?]y ti e trcst f the Mr. TJhort i! cm V v :1 1 ; b v.'ti the TeniH; e " pr.*r .-.t . Mint. I: Mr. Nr. than . r 'i< sNcVy fare veil ever lr.<. ? >.-t. The Rev Ott Be ' civ: d o evjve.l set vice* ;F1 ..eel: tt N'ewhr.i-n church. F. t very few . ? ;-)c in otrr sr m -hawed i.ry i .Uf.-t in the Liter:.. r.r.d I' M:: .vn Baptist 1 * ?cit.tifn wh'ch was he!: v.v.h the rhu:chv ' lit. >!<rif:h the p.ft of la-l wecl:. Mrs. Kiuhel Ricks ho !n -S?,n bedfast U r several norths hrs ' Why 6 Imports Gum-di proces! by impregn j i of every coi This exc , ? special Gui T,t the cords ai dering proc 5 By this flexibility a: ing Gum-C able and en Save m( Balloons nc MC Murphy Service 108 Valley River Ave. Murphy Garagi Machine Sh 407 Hiawassee St. AMERICANS SHOULD PR yes . Thats The WHO*. 'JACAT.Q' shallow lake > always cett.n / w arguments w! k.'t. - ^ry sick for scway da vs. i itc has hcen a :?t ?f squirrel. r.u; throughout u: lion for -V.c : w days. ?>f our ' -.!? were i.ut j tin -u'tut hunting Sunday and were :r. re cr ]?_.* - successful in picking1 them up. FOR SALE- I am offering y farm on Little Brnsstown. Have good dwe'Ii.tr. fntm eon tains acres - ..r. re divided irto two tracts. Tcinis. ,:n : ?: arranged for part if ?! trod.j .A } !y to Mrs. Linda Tv.eed t'luyton. Fl" hatdt. S. 0. (S-Tt-pd) Up she. STANDARD 4 C$t( um-Dlppi: mt to Car [PPING ?the Fire ? builds into tires e> ating and insulating rd with rubber. dusive method is cai n-Dipping plants, a re put through the i ess. method, added str re imparted to the c hpped Balloons m< 11 rinr* < >ney?buy Gum-Di >w?while prices ari 5ST MILES PER DOLL/ I Stat'n T. Phone 46 103 Valley s and op E. Phone 76 101-102 Te ODUCK ?THKIR OWN Rl) B B ' jj I mm 1 CHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND Z&Wj ^ Lxrirs? ?-r A.k 7-?- ?'cr(t.t fcr Cn!-ClTE5UTim J- A IUAMO D 1 UAN") PIl.J.S i:? Kl D Coi n rne'..;1Mc I- i?. m?1?1 with U!ur\\?> Ribbon T-si ko < :ei :i. n>; > m. x/ Dr.rr'-t .-.0 ??V f.r <-UM:He?.Tf K t? V I? I A AT O.N f> V I. ? ;> r I I ! H, r luti.lvX". SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST? viii, EVERYWHERE ?,V .'A nuec?-;:ee to the sccvt '.goes * fk^QW/ [ANDARD" <- a cr?i ai c *. >tte ng is so Owners stone extra Ura quality every fiber -ried out in S. fter which lsual calen4* . ength and rords, mak3st serviceroads. ipped i lOW. 4 Quel* , S, Evans River Ave. Phone 58 C. Moore nnessee St. Phone 37 ER ....

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