PACE FOUR NOTICE To Whom It May Cone rn: ! bavf sold my interest in the A?cade Rrewing Club and Shoe She p and notice i? hereby given that I will r.ot be responsible f? r .r.y obligation* incurred by same. This September 16, 192.>. 15-4t-d? T. W. DAVIDSON NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Superi r Court. IN RE: Administrate n of the 'stat*- of J rdan Street, decease, d. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator f the estate < ; .I?m :an Street. -:eceased. late cf the County of Cherokee, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all rer- n* h; vine ain against the estate of -aid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned it Murphy on or before the I *th day >f November. 192". >r this . tice will be pleaded sn bar c f their recovery. All persons indebted t -aid estate will make immediate payment. tto tak throu Learn how qualit> production methc making a special p tratjng tne preci! quality is achieve! the modern motor Showing Quality The exhibit consist graphs of the mos modern automob provide the same i you would get by i plants where Chei picture is accomp tion of the ope rat exhibit of unusi Bring the children DICKEY ( Be Sure to Set I MEET \ Entertainment, Free J until ten o'cloeit at ni Plan to exhibit your classes of articles. r m II- . Tr - the "vth cay <.f September. ^ lW5? p! Administrator of Jordanet it sure!) . B. HILL Administra >-6t-r > tor ?.f Jordan Street. '-v Wi true NOTICE \'h At a meeting by the Board of Cour.ty ,"oromL?sione?s of Cherokee j County North Carolina. tc Ordered thati The Clerk of the Superior Court proceed t;> . :.;1 at the Clerks office of the Super:* r and save furthe-r cost. vi r. \V. AXI.KY. Chaitman .. . f County Commissioners VEHCTTV ( iLast week's letter.) V.'c . having local shower* ? . . .. .,;,r v. cti?-n now. A mini- ' : sprints an-i small rtieams s ; . . c.--r -ntire': dry. :e a picturi gh an autc 4* f=! f=* is attained with modern >ds! This week we are hotographic exhibit illus iion methods by which J in the manufacture of car. the Reason for at Low Cost :sof 40 remarkable photot interesting processes in ile manufacture. It will nterestihg knowledge that taking a trip through the .rolet cars are huilt. Each anied by a full descripion it illustrates. It is an lal interest and value. MOTOR CO V1URPHY, N. C. ; the Special Exhib rOUR FRIE "SEE W1 Vets before the oranrldanrlt ght. Grounds and building cattle, livestock, farm and Small admission charge foi PLA1 rHE CHEROI THE CHEBCKTE SCv Mis* Edna Wilbur, formerly of this ace. but who is new :n traininir Orlando, Fls., was taker suddenli! one ay I:.-t week and omlerent an operation at the O- ?i :rit?:rium. Latest report- >:r.te int che was resting nicely. rreachintr services were w. 1' nded at Liberty fhurch Sunday. A com hu>kio?r and afterwards number on interesting cam* s ere enjoyed by the young: pie ye Satuiday night ?t the h f ',r. Walter Taylor. Dr. Garrett, of Etowah. T?-nn. sited friends here Sunday. CASTORIA For Infants and Children n Use For Over 30 Years Llways bears ? %nuwt o( onomical Transportation ivited e trip mobile . . Touring Car *525 Roadster - - 525 Coupe - - 675 Coach * - 695 Sedan . . 775 Commercial j -i p ch??. - . 425 Esr T~"'. . 550 . ALL PRICES F. O. B. FLINT. MICH. MP ANY > it This Week iNnC AT jk VISKJ n J. FA PHY, OCTC HAT THIS SI , good chows on the gn ! will be open at night. field crops, and other ] r adults?children undei N TO ATTEI* CEE COUN' rtrr. MURPHY. w. c. r LEGAL nonrr. ??f sake fly \irture f the p. -visi, i> .i a jcL? t - -.i SuusHoi Cvurt f ? : r:;* jit -J. Nuary '? r*. :n th? . f ? ::t r- !.?e C unty atram-; l.eah it r. ;ui: haviri: ' - en : . the payj aent ? th? portion.-.te : : of the rtw'Vi ry : v. ; thirty 'day? :r-.?>;>?r will to -ell lite interest of. said N. P. t!u W. Truetl Home place. it neinj: o v-severth. jr.nd the t\v?> undivided seventh? owr! h, in the ! foil ^v:r.? lard:-. -i*.uat? in Distrit t X . 1. . f y.'il r? inty. . I . fT.avt N . 2~. !" Grunt No. H? einnmi. on u Spansh Oak. fallen X. K. co-rse f P:omp ion V . I". N. \V. c : ju-r of I'reii i}.ti..n No. and heninninj: e ? e* of X< . 27-15 ra: s with the ' N? . -S?? > >s W. 20 p d? s i .-take on ton of a lidge in ChrrNv Tk with < h .rlcy Th? :na*s tint X. -II X. 22 ! t'.? N. "iO's W. 12, '..ies : n?i links, th* : X. 7'.' \V. 12 piles ;:.d 1> !i aas. "ken X. 2.2, \Y. C -. tl en X. 12 \V. 10 puh then X. \Y. poles, the , X. \Y. 14 I ve>. II -inks, then X. ." ?? \Y. 12 -* and '1 1: i:s. then X. 1-i1. \Y. 4 5?.it- a;. i 1 " bnks to a I!1 k Jack . ti a "r.itrh peak; then lenvinc said :i ifce ; v. iih -aid Tr--nias-'. *s I line S. I I". \Y. 70 poles lo a stake - on ti.c !!' i X'i. 27 then \\ i * h the ! re No. 2745 N. i> E. 150 .pole- t. a stake. X. \Y. corner of .-aid Xo; the - with the !i e of said j Xo. X. * ?< I-".. 100 p. !(>" to a poplar Stump. X. E f raid Xo. then' ' " ith t: ' lir.e of -'aid Xo. S. "X. \vj I tip p.eii > to tie heuineiiu;, contain-1 in a 73 acres: .And p at of Traet X . 2202 Cirant' ? ::k S. E. . oner ? ! N->. Survey.' r.iu! i? : < ! >t Nn. 22?*2 :-id r i: ? with the * i no ??f - c !.. Th :>m> >??; . I ot n< \v t wr.c 1 y a M h.:u-s S. t :C> ;"?* F. ! ^2 it s to a <'r.csmut! Oak in thi.* itr boundary line ??f No. 2202; then with its lire N. SS . W. 21-1 i :-s to a Fine Siump. S. | W. corner of said No; the 1 with the line ? :' No*-. 2202 and Preemption No. 1 To N. 2'-. K. 100 pi les t > Stati Survey X .. 43; then with its \ line X. >S hi. !2?i p< o> to the iuinn1 intr Containing acres. Said ale will be made t sati--:": il-e I t n of said j aliment decree for the amount due f? r tax* - unpaid : on said interests. and costs. and rosts of sale. This the lath day f October 1025. \V. I*. OI?OM I Commissioner. \ QI_I For Dental Gold | 1 Platinum, Silver, i Diamonds, magneto points, false teeth, jewelry, any valuables. Mail ' today. Cash by return mail. Hoke S. & R. Co., Otsego, Mich. THE CHE IR inrri % a * 'DUK 1% ID, ICTION PROD ounds. There will be sor products. Premiums off< r 14 free during the day. ID EVERY DA IT FAIR AS . ADVERTISE) NOTICE OF STOCK LAW ELECTION At the regular meeting ??f the Boyd ?.f County Ommis.vio.iers oi Cherokee County, North Carolina on the 7th aiBoard ;.nJ - 'cm .! 1 > more than on< fifth if ihe qualified voters of Cr.ici bound:-ry ir township. Che" okve County, Carolina, here insfur -?* ? k: a-dting that in election !e ? ; !leo by said board to vote toik lew il.iti n or against .-toil, law. It i?= ? rdercd by the hoard ef County Ccnimi?u:rjty. Xotlh Carolina, in tegular scsi -ion < n t>.? I >t Monday m SrpieniJbcr 1925. that an election h- hcM under th* rul<-? and regulations of th? t'.n'.ra! election law of the state of North Carolina .it the grand stall in the ball park at Murphy. N. C-. .in aaid 1'undnsy hereinafter set out r n the 24th y of Octobc*. 1925, to \ot?. lor stock law or against stock i law. in the following territory, viz: E.timing on ValleyRivcr at the | plac v here the towr.ship line bei twem Murphy ami Vallevtown Township ?-o>ses -ante, ami on the jwest -id*. then of and running d >\vn -aid rivei to its mouth :.t Hiawassee [Rivi; thence down Hiawa.vo-e R'ver to th - ::r.e f the stock law district' ; km?v. ; .? the Bates f tek Stock Law | l?istri-:: th net- with the liof said ; st ?k law district to the top ?>f th? ?i: v And i v th porposi of said election It i i'd that a mw regisI trati; r ' r. - t the qualified v tI? - of > ! ! t-.?undary et ?'Ut above. it i" :v-.iv ordered l y th- P. < ?rd i County tYn.r.i:?-Y.n r- that A. H. IV'wn appoint* d Reprin Bras-town C ! land.*-plea.iid house and outbuildi ' horh od. A Rurhain and fine te Three houses and lots on house. Good bargain in each, an: tunity if you are looking for o: See us if you we W. P. 0d< :rokee c UCES" nething of interest every 1 :red on nearly three I SOCIATION ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER I 1*V%. MENTS 1 1 1 appointed jndjtes ft for Tomo'Ja voting: precise:* sosd -, t r? g strai I . j ? ,> at his place of bt^nY^ at Y#t> ^ .'on Saturday September 5?*^ . and to ke? p them optr. tack >a.i/da| i Sat y I book* ?er. i ??r il.aJlenj;-- ia favor of Stc^k law -r.aii ? pj;&. Jaw *h;:!l vote on f. Wnttt* tt pr.?t 4 . ticket against st tew. It is further ordirtd 1*;.; election he Conducted a?nd Vdi . > *1* afli' m:nr..r and way stt tk# v 1 rJ ?1 ctron and that Oct ictwr, c< to thi> hoard. T. W. AXLBY, < hJUTUaaSs h .rd i i - ' the folic wing described ptec*- v ? |Mtd Tif la: d in Beaverdare Tt*n \_hip. "Cherokee County, $t*w *.f Nets Carolina the a me bei*S' a??J un: : : r? : - atl'j land, sibjoct to e.-.try, \in: Beginning on a xtaap, N rtheast ? rner of Ei?4?y .S 215$ on the State line btv.xv-m TTftneswr and X :h Carolina, and vui/s .p a Sou'hwct direction iwti. t>* '; * <,! 5-id Entry to u corner of Kfitry Xc. 1 liTi?-iHi- South *7. v?>A 11* line : ^: No. 1272 to thv ^t.uthvrv?t ?;<>rner cf No. thtt ?il its iin?- to the said State = with -aid State line tn A* He Containing 100 acres. efteiv *-.r kit King all the vacant land ?* :Wt .? medaite vicinity. ?S:;,d> W. H. UOWRVaY, E::t : d this 12th day vi Scptue fcer, 1. 2 5. Notice is hereby given a *as rant of survey will be be-ovi W tk above named party o* v>* attar 0* 22nd day of October, 1S>23 t\?r 0* above described property, if tkrt is no protest filed in tin* ua tr before sai l date. This the 22nd day \>i ScyitlftW*, 192.",. A. M. SIM ONUS K* v Tit* i f r CheroJw Count. > Nurtk Cr.rolina j ;ains ! T I fiers to follow. W?tck J .hem 1 > ? 'eh. ir.ore than hall go*>4 hiAtatt J ings, good orchard ^nd ?*inv jjfc* i rms. West Central Stivet nvar oi' i priced to sell. This is u* Wv?r* *e. int to buy or sell )m & co. ounty tour in the day and a hundred different