FRIDAY. OCTOBER 9 1925. i^occi/ arte lelephi Ho.Jt- swappers convention Mur-i pry, Oct' Vr 12th and to continue through the Fair. Everybody come. Boaita Theatre. F. O. Bates, Manner. Air.' ::u the Andrews visitors here ihsrinsr the week were Messrs. \V. T. Holland, G. r,. Lail, atty. I>. H. Tillitt. ?.'on-missioner W. T. Holland, G. F. Cover, J. A. Bristol. Mr. C. S. Harson, of Knoxville, Tenn.. wa? here onj business this week. Mrs. Nettie Dickey and Mrs. W. H. Griffiths are visiting: Mrs. Griffith'? brother. Mr. Walt Dickey, at Jladi?on\ille, Tenn.. this week. FOR SALE?Harry Vecth, Burr Clover. Oats, Barley, for cover crops. Cash buyer of Rye. Peas Beans, and Cane Seed, Dried Apples. etc. Let the cash talk, not trade. H. R. | .HCinioMi, x. \j. naytsvme, i>. v.. i d) Mr. and Mr?. F. B. Witconib and j children. and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Saimlall. returned Sunday to their t home at Poorfork, Ky.. after having! >pent several days with Mr. A. B Dickey and Family. j Mr. A. W. I.ovingood, of Cleve-! land. Ohio, is spending several days1 with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. G.1 W. Lovingood, at Hangingdog, and. other relatives in the county. He IF YOU CET UP NIGHTS YOU'RE OLD BEFOREYOUR TIME fmttte and Bladder Trouble Make* Many Men Feel Twenty Year* Older Than They Are. It is aald that fifty per cent of men past forty and many younger ones are i victim? of prostate trouble. ; One of the commonest symptoms of thla dangerous disease which taps vi- ( tallty and tnakes you old before your time 1? the necessity of getting up sev- | era: times a night. Other symptom! are dull, draggy. . ehlng at the base <?f the spine, pain ', 'n grcln, burning sensation of organs, hck of vlgur and frequent attacks of 1 the blues. But thera la hope for you. no matter ( bov old your case, from a he* formula. It seemingly brings new 1 ! [ health, vigor and freedom from these troubles to both old and young. This wonderful treatment is known | as Walkers Prostate Specific, and Is i prepared In convenient, pleasant tublet | form. All you need do Is take one tablet after each rreal and the symptoms I i teem to vanish like magic. I \ To prove these statements the | Walker Institute. liW Gate*-*' Station. | Xan?aa City. Mo., generous* offers to ( tend a 91 treatment under plain wrapper, postpaid and free of charce to uny , ufferer wno will write for it. If It wr?? yo-t tell your frlendc and pay vhttrver y-?u think la fair, otherwise the )0M !? ?;:.e Remember tha? you are tha Judge, tad you pay nothing now or at any u?e i:n!eaa you wish. ao rend your 5?w-e today before the Introductory Ijfer le withdrawn. It la good for only U days and guaranteed 1st every way. T1 All Lowest $1495 for the I Everywhere est Buy." T price. The \ low nnerafii long after th Hudson pric production i possibleecor increase of i economies tl the reason f< in sales. World' Ever f E. I i i ? ' Personal | X ti " 10 % a is a brother of N< ah and ,1. TV. I.ovinjrood. n LOST?One suit cas - .. here c? near Olairi-sville. G?t.. Sunday, " Oct. 4. containing c .'drenV wearing ^ apparel* and papers -f ident'tica- ^ lion. Mrs. I*. E. Werner, Murphy. a N. C. Finder plea0 retur to The Scout office, and ret . ive reward. (9-2t-pd). An enjoyable social even7. < the past week was the six . "clt .-k dinner at Beechwood. the cantp of Mr. J. | W. Fereuscn. about *? ?? " " ** **F ! ^ the Hiawassce river Tuesday even- ' inK". Those enjoying the occasion! were Mr?. J. W\ Tl ompson. Mrs. C. j K. Hoover. Misses Katherine Thomp- | son and Linn Albright, and Messrs. I ' P. W. Sipe, J. W. Ferguson, and . William Thompson. J n CATTLE WANTED?Cow., heifer..1 Oxen, fat and r.ior... Will have a few mclcs to sell or trade. Will buy any kind of cattle, 500 pounds and ^ up, pay market prices. Will be at Murphy, Wednesday a.-.d Thursday ^ October 14th and !5th. Bring your Cattle if you want to sell. Will be ( there rain or shine. W. B. Axley. (It) Representative wanted to sell Saw-, mill machinery by old, well establish -1 ^ ed manufacturer. Exclusive terri- ^ tory and very attractive proposition. ,. Write us today. Hill-Curtis Co.. ^ Kalamazoo, Mich. (8-2t-hc). . ir Mrs. C". W. Bailey is spending this week in Atlanta with her mother. ^ Mrs. Belle Stephens, and other rela- ^ tives. >j Mr. E. C. Moore and Mr. C. L.' ^ Dobhs were business visitors to Ashe-j \ille cne day this week. o Mr. Harry Miller left the latter ^ part of last week for Atlanta, where ol he enters his sophomore year at Emcry University. He was accompanied by his father, Mr. E. S. Miller. ^ Mrs. W. F. Hill, of Wehutty, was ^ here Tuesday of this week to have her arm examined. It will be recc membered that Mrs. Hill was acci- j. dentally shot in the arm and back _ sometime ago and since then has suffered partial paralysis in the arm. Miss Jessie Howell, of Ball Ground Ga., spent the week-end here with her brother, Mr E. L. Howell. Miss Nell Whaley, field worker for the Junior Red Cross, with headquarters at Cullowhee, is here this week in the interest of the work in this section. Her work is done entirely through the schools. The cable for the lights on Hiawas- Fi ie Greatest < HUDSONS : Prices in H DC for the CO. w * brougham ? S1695 for the 7 A11 Prices Freight and Tax Extra Hudson is known as the "Worl hat is not alone because of i 'alue is in performance, endur ng cost. Such qualities are ou ic price is forgotten. :es are lowest because the work af Sixes?Hudson and Essex?I lomicalmethodsof manufacture, quality, greater sales result, ant bat permit lower prices. There ar Hudson's leadership in value s Greatest yone Says It?Sales Prove \ HAWKINS, Dealer Murphy, N. C. THE CHEROKEE SO ?e bridge at the L. & N. Station a> arrived and will be laid the first i f next week. It will be rememberI that the table burned out ><>merae age, and another had t?? he or- i e.ed, and shipment was delaved un-' ; :v, i^.-s s . S !.o<,-f, R ifssan '.he firs*. . I ur'-i-r of the 19'2"-192<I lyietim ; aurse. arrived too lr.te Thursday < ight to give the scheduled perform nce. They left Friday morning for iryson City, and arrangements v. >11 p made for their return to Murphy . a later date. ? !, Mi-s Kate ("ornwell. who Im.- been' pershng sometime in Oh'V. and mide.-t points, returned to Murnhy thi - ; reek. A same of basket ball between lurphy and Andrews high <;' i, Jams is scheduled to be plavtl at the Fair next Friday aft- , j noon. The same will be an exhi-j ition, and promises to be a close! r contested one, as both teams are ndeistood to be rather evenly latched. (IGHEST HIDE PRICES? Ad best weights. express your hides. ( ool, tallow, and beeswak t ? Athens j !ide Co. Athens. CIa., fourteen years j f square dealing. quick return, onest classificaCon. tags fret*, save), ur address, set our prii es. !>-4t-pd.). The Clay County Superior Court , t?ld regular session at Hayesville the , rst of the week, with Judge T. I), j rvson presiding, and Mrs. I^issie J iclley Cunningham, reporter, and r?licitor Grover C. |)avis. In attendice. It is understood that court was i session only a few days. Mrs. T. .!. Mnuney and little son. , ichard. are spending several days lis week with Mr. Mauney's mother, [rs. G. H. Haigler. at Hayesville. OST?Somewhere between Unaka. X. C. and Blairsville. Ga., a pair f tortoise shell, biafocle glasses, a black leather case. Finder ill please leave at The Scout j, Ffice. (ltrh). i : Mr. E. I.. Ballard of Andrews was re the first of the week. Mr.' nllard is secretary of the Cherokee | ounty Singing Convention, and j ] is just return front a ^inning,* invention at Old Tigers, Ga., near *ke Burton. * rCKLING THROAT j u always an annoyance; :'. worse when it afflicts you j; in the night, preventing j' sleep. You can stop it |j quickly with CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY j which puts a soothing, healing coating on the dry, inflamed throat and stops I * the irritating mucus that causes the ' tickle. J. Keep a bottle in your home all the time i No Narcotic*. Sold everywhere. >r Sale By R. S. Parker, Druggist ! i| i if at istory 4CH '-Pass. Sedan i ! *: i i I .? d's Great- ;j its selling \ ance and tstanding > *lj *5 Ps largest las made ! Through j ] volume ;! you have ;! , in price, Value j PUT. MURPHY. N. c. Report of the condition ot The Cherokee Bank | Kt Murphy, in the Stale of Nort!* Carolina, at the close of bueiner" September 28th, 1925 RESOURCES f.oan> and discounts SU4.5To.04 Demand loans S4.245.00' Overdraft-, unsecurc 1 S-119.1-? Furniture and Fixtures 5.728.t?. Fash in vault ar?! r s.t.v - due. fror.i banl:?. l.- r.!: i and 'rf" Hi : j.-..: 101,226.47 Cash items held over 24 hours J268.29] Check- for clt arinp, I.3-.38 TOT -1. $227,668.88 LIABILITIES Capital ?tock pail in 17,"00.00 Undivided profit . cum . t expenses and taxes paid 2,313.11 Deposit.-- disc banks, hankers and trust companies 10.255.98. Deposits subject to check individual 137,096.01 Demand certificates of Deposit, 57,703.16 J Cashier's checks out tandinjr 1.800.62; ratified checks 1,000.00 i TOTAL 8227.668.8S State of North Carolina I'ounlv of Cherokee Oct. S. 1925. 1 f. J. B. Stores*. Ca lver of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is | true to the best of my knowlodpe and belief. J. B. STOREY, Cashier. Correct Attest: E. A. DAVIDSON. .J. W. DAVIDSON, R. S. PARKER, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before thi* Hth .lav n.#?U? ioor J. H. McCALL, j Notory Public (niy Com. cxp. 2-18-27) UPPER BEAVERDAM The school at this place is prof?ressinjf nicely under the managenent of Mr. Waller Martin and Miss, Bessie Barton. Misses Lassie and Cassie Allen I j Silk 2,000 Yards Brov ask I2J/2C. Our pi I C Another shipment ; samples, regular I Snerial Sal? Men's all-wool Su Special Sale Men's and Women's Ho Cotton Checks, yard : 32-in. Ginghams, yard | Electric Floor Lamps, plete with shade, . . We carry a line of Men's Clothing. Women's Dr Coats. Sweaters for C ber of the Family. Candler spent Sunady aft<vnoon with . Mis:- tl Ethel Clayton. Mr. Jesse Hortor. visit . fain ly of Mr. B?b Allen Mr. Bud Roberts : Coker Creek Tenn., made a bu?i trip to V irl per Beaverdam >!? ?!r.y. ? Mr. Frank C.swfotd passed ; d through this section t,ne day thi week enroute to Murphy acco:np:?in- ' <.?! by his tc.ther. Dr. Crawford. i Mr. Willard Bate- f ,\Ju r; hy made a business t--ip to l>? r-r R- ; erdam Tuesday. . and Mrs. Andrew Rose and j spent Sunday afternoon with. Mr. and M:>. W. S. Clayton. Mr. W. S. Clayton and Mr. A. T. I, Roberts were business visitors to I ' Murphy Monday. | ~ Mr. Homer Loving d passed! ^ through this section Tuesday afternoon. The little daughter of Mr. and Miss Riley Radford is very ill at this ^ Mr. GatfieH Cook j*: very busy fl makir.g syrup. 81 Mis? Ethel Clayton spent Saturday night with Miss Cassie Allen, g Mr. .Jesse Harton has bought two si yoke of oxen and : loggia? for ai Mr. ! red Radford. ^ Mr. Bunion Kelley, of F.ilijay. N Ga.. motored to upper Beavcrdam 'r \ Here he spent some few days with ^ home folks. Mis? Florence Hortor. rent Sun- fi day aftternoon with Mrs. W. S. ^ Clayton. Mr. Forley Rose has beer, very f, sick for the brt two weeks, but at di LOUISVILLE & NASH $6.92 Atlanta < SOUTHEAST! Tickets on sale October Tth to 1 fit! arrive Atlanta before no:r. October 1 Return Limit O* $4.61 SPECIAL For Tuesday 0< For full particulars consult Dress , 25 BEAUTIFUL NE ** All New r WORTH UP ^ Special For On > $4. m Sheeting, Good Quality ice per yard >nly 20 Yards to a customei of 200 Pairs Men's and W< nice $3.50 to $6.50. its, regular price $14.50 tc se, pr. 10c 5 ten cent ca 10c Scouring C 15c 50c Package ? ing powde torn *2'98 Equal to i and Boys' 50c Box Stat esses and ?/ery mem- Women's ant wool Swe; s Departmen MURPHY, N. C. > .rials time >eti. fn? improving owly. CARD Or THANKS I wish to thank the |i(.*ople of Mur. r the nw:\ acts of kindness a:: n.e ?tuiinjr he death of my i :tr husband. For your word? of f.'rt. f< y ?ur lii>e:al pifts and '? ! coT'-i .r.for the heautiii ;'f? ! >i: _ and all. May ilche-t ble.-si.M^ be your?, is y prayer. MRS. W. I?. FiEXnERM \X. OCNP -One watch. Finder can have same h v dc>rribinK and pay ijr ' th'S ad. ? (i. H. Cope, 'vjphy. N. C\ (lt-pd) low Doer T ?' Colds and t!: - ' ' i To break up a r r.r-- .m or > cut short a:i at':.. * , inuc-nza, sore throat or cians and dru;;ri. A ar r lending Calota. -, ih r " "i jfined cahc.iel c.-:n: or U.l.c that ives you the effects of calomel and ilt3 coml-'ued, the unplcaatit effects of either. Ono or two CalotaTrt at bed-*!-no ith a swallow of w:i >r.? .list's all. o salts, no nausea r.or the : itcrference with y?v:~ eatinc*. - pleasure. Next r.o-n'- . your cclJ as vanished, your sv??-?:u is drraghly purified ,-r.d . * . .g ne with a hearty appetite for break*st. Fat what you please.?" ? [ r GpI a family Packard o?r i*iif?< il directions, only cents. At any rug store. V1LLE R- R. CO. ir.d Return ERN FAIR h and for trains scheduled to l?th. j :tober 19th LOW FARE :tober 13th L. dc N. Ticket Agent Sale j j W SILK DRESSES | Styles | TO $12.50 *j I ie Week Only ^ .98 ^ j amen's Skoes," ^ X Y . Y $1.98 to $498 | > $16.50? \ $10.00 I Y ?? | ns Octagon j Cleanser for . 25c ^ Armour's Wash- i rs for 29c x I X i ten 5c packages ionery, all colors, 18c ? -- ,; J Misses all iters ... 98c | t Store || I

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