Friday. October 23, 1923. notice of sale By virture of the provisions ?>f a 4icr?f! of the Sju*rior Court ffCT"kce County at January Tcim| j925. in the rase of Cherokee County! g-ainst Leah Hunnicutt et al?, de-| fialt haxire been made in the pay.? nt^it of the proportionate pait of tho recovery "f plaintiff within thirty day? from and after Feb. 1st 1025 by X. R. Adam? and by W. T. Truett s!,d I.eah Hunnicutt on the respective irtctests adjudged to he held by them in certain of the lands described in the complaint, which r?ffvor;. was upon certain tax certificate? set up in the complaint, the under? i*rned Commissioner will proceed to ?ell the interest of said P. Adams in the W. H. Truett Home place, it being one-seventh, and the two undivided sevenths owned by W. H. Truett and i.eah Hunnicutt in the lands described in tfif nmii'MiHi. ? ? cioc* . .*i. on Monday, Nov. 2, 1925, at the Courthouse door in Murphy. Cherokee County. N. C.. to the highest bidder at public outcry for cash, in the lands, situate in District Xo. 1. of said County, viz: Pnrt of Tract No. 2745 CI rant No. 2311. Beginning on a Spanish Oak. fallen. N. K. corner of Preemption No. 46, and N. W. corner of! Preemption No. 45. and beginning! rtrr.ei of No. 2745 and runs with: the line of No. 46 S 88 W. 26 poles to a stake on top of a ridpe on Charley Thoniasson's line; then up taid ridpe as it meanders with Charley Thomassnn's line N. 31 R., 23 poles, then N. 50 W. 1 .'I poles ind 16 links, then N. 79 W. 12 poles ind l42 links, then N. 33 W. 6 poles,' then N. 12 W. 10 poles. then N.' 464 W. 9 poles, then N. 51 W. 14 poles. 11 links, then N. 56 W. 12 j poles and 3 links, then N. 14% W. 4 pole* and 15 links to a Black Jack on a hiph peak; then leaving said ridge and with said Thomasson's : line S. 13% W. 70 poles to a stake i on the lino of No. 2745, then with the line of No. 2745 N. 3 R. 150', poles to a stake, N. W. corner of < said No; then with the line of said ( No. N. 88 K. loo poles '<> a poplar Stump. N. E. corner of said No. then , with the line of said No. S. 6% W. 160 | des t< the beginning, containing 73 acres: And part of Tract No. 2202 Grant , ?u. ncKiiimnc on ;? opunian . Oik S. B. corner of No. 42 Survey, J tnd corner of No. 2202 and runs with the line of the L. L. Thomasson Lot n w owned by a Mr. Jones S. 35 45' E. 142 poles to a Chestnut Oak in the South boundary line of Xo. 2202; then with its line N. 8S V. 214 Vi poles to a Pine Stump. S. W. coiner of said No; then with the , line of Nos. 2202 and Preemption Xo. 1T."> N. 2% P. 100 poles to State Survey No. 42; then with itsj1 line X. SS F. 126 poles t?> the beginn- < iag Containing acres. ji Said sale will he made to satisfy ; the lien of said judgment and decree HUD! World's Quality Volume t Years of bri Hudson-Ess acknowledge It has giver 6-cylinder ca And to buy from unequa Yet it is not ever product | performance dom recogni To all who k "Sixes." In and reliahilil World's ESSEX CO AC! Hudson Brou i E. P. I i . ADVERTISE! for th? amount due for taxes unpaid ?n said interests, and costs, and costs of sale. This the 15th day of October 14?25. W. P. ODOM Commissioner. NOTICE OF STOCK LAW ELECTION At the regular meeting: of the Board of County Commissioners of Cherokee County, North Carolina, on the 7th day ot September. 1925. a petition was presented to the said Board and signed by more than one fifth of the qualified voters of said boundary in Murphy township. Cherokee County, North Carolina, hereinafter set out asking that an election be called by said board to vote stoek law election or against stock law. It is ordered by th? board of Courty Commissioners of Cherokee County, Notth Carolina, in regular session on the 1st Monday in September 1925, that an election be held under the rules and rigulation? of the general election laws of the statn of North Carolina at the grand stall in the ball park at Murphy, X. C., in said boundary hereinafter set out on the 24th day of October, 192">, to vote for stock law or against stock law, in the following territory, \iz: Beginning on ValleyRiver at the place where tho township line between Murphy and Valleytown Township crosses same, and on the west sidc? thereof and down said river to its mouth at fliawassee River; thence down Hiawassee R.ver to the line of the stock law district known as the Bates Creek Stock District; thence with the lire of said stock law district to the top of the dividing mountain between Owl Creek and Valley River: hence with th. top r?f said divide in a noithtrly direction to Valleytown Township line; thence with the Valleytown Township line to the plac<> of beginning on Valley River. And for tht. purpose of said election it is ordered that a new registration be held of the qualified voters of said boundary set out above. It is further ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that A. H. Brown be appointed Registiar of said election and that J. M. Bariutt itnd T. J. Mauney be appointed as Judges of said election, and for the (mid A. II. Brown as Registrar in said voting precinct to keep book open at his place or residence begining Saturday, September 19th, 1925, and to kiep same open each Saturday for four successive weeks; and that John Keener be appointed as Registrar for Tomotln precinct, and Oliv- i Stiles anil .1. T. Hayes he ii|>|>oinicu u> juntos ior sum election for Toiuotlu v tin^ precinct, and for the said registrar to open his hooks ;it his place of business at Tomotln on Saturday September 19th. 1925, and to keep them open each Saturday for four successive weeks; a d on SON-E! Largest Selling Gave Volu hese Amazi lliant advancement in qualit ex a leadership everyone s. 1 them the world's larges rs. ers, amazing price advantagi led volume economies. price, but popularity of the ;d by Hudson-Essex, of fame , reliability and fine appearan* zes as the World's Greatest V ;now the facts it is the suprem Essex, it brings the quality, ry of finest "Sixes" within rca ; Creates ti $795 HUDSON igham 51495 Hudson 7-Pass .All prices freight and tax extra iAWKINS C VIURPHY, N.C. THE CHEROKEE SCO! V1ENTS 1 Saturday, October 17th, to keep', . books open lor challenge. Those in , favor of Stock law shall vote a prinlaw shall vote on n written or printed ! ticket against stock law. It is further ordtrcd that sa'd election be conducted and held in the same manner and way as the general! election and that due returns he! made to thi~ board. T. W. AXLEY, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners [ A. M. SLMOXDS. Ex-officio Clerk to Board. (C-4t-CO) I NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY To. A. M. Simor.ds Entry Taker for Cherokee County;! The undersigned W. H. Wot d bury, of Buncombe County, North i Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following described piece or parcel ?>f lard in Beaverdam Town ship, | Cherokee Cour.ty, State of North j Carolina the same being vacant and I unappropriated land, and subject to' entry, viz: Beginning on a locust rtump. Northeast corner of Entry No. 210" on the State line between Tennessee and North Carolina, and runs in a1 Southwest direction with the line of said Entry to a corner of Entry No. 1272-then South G7. East with the jline of said No. 1272 to the South-1 west corner of No. 5.V.I then wi.h its line to the said State line-then with said State line to the Beginning. .Containing 100 acres, more , 1925. L j (5-4t-d) J. W. DAVIDSON 1 l 1 NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Superior Court. IN RE: Administration of the estate of Jordun Street, deceased. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator 'of the estate of Jordan Street, do-: ceased, late of the County of Chero-j i kco. State of North Carolina, this' \ is to notify all persons having claims i against the estate of said deceased "Sixes" ime and ng Prices y have given knows and t volume of es, passed on finest quality >us Super-Six :e that motoralues. e type among performance ch of all. >t Value COACH *1195 .. Sedan '1605 dealer JT. MURPHT. W. C. to exhibit them to the undersigned at Murphy on or before the 16th day of November, 1926, or this notice A-ill be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All perscfes indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This the 30th day of September, 1925. Administrator of 'Signed) C. B. HILL Administra* . Walter Brvscn. PROCLAMATION Whereas, an affidavit having been filed with the undersigned.] Justices :.f the Fence of Cherokee j County. North Carolina, giving :nfor mat i n that a felony has bee:, j committed by Walter Bryson, in tact i he is charged with willfully, unlaw-1 fully and felordusly, and of his j malice af: rethought having kiilc. .mi murdered ore "Bud" Bryson, the said Walter Bryson flees from Justice, conceals himself. and evades arrest and service of the issued process of the law. Wherefore, the undersigned. Justices of the Feaee of Cfcc; kee County, issues this their pioclama?i??n against the said Walter Brvson.; re ;uiring him, the said Walter Bryson, fcithwith to surrender himself. : nd hereby empowers and requires the Sheriff of Cherokee County. North Carolina, to take such power j with him as he shall think fit am! necessary for the going in search and pursuit of. and effectually apprehending the said Walter Bryson. And the said Walter Bryson is, hereby warned that if he. the said Walter Bryson continues to stay; out, lurk an?J conceal himself, and, docs not immediately surrender himself, then any citizen of the County may capture arrest and bring him i to Justice, and in case of flight or resistencc by his, the said Walter] Bryson after being called upon and warned to surrender, may slay him i without accusation or impeachment j of ;?n?- crime. It. is hereby directed that this' proclamation shall be published at; the d?>??r of the court House at Murphy. Cherokee County, and also that it be publisehd once a week for four i weeks in the Cherokee Scout, a news-1 paper published in said County. This the 9th day of October, 192". P. K. NELSON T. N. BATES Justices of the Pence of Cherokee j v.unty. X? rth Carolina. (10-4t-h> AN ORWAXCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, SIX PER CENT, STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE TOWN OF MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA Be it ordained by the Hoard ol* Commissioners of the Town ofj Murpfcv, North Carolina. Section I. That for the purpose' of providing funds, to improve the; 1reels of the Town of Murphy by; laying penetration macadam pave-: nent upon Peachtree Street, Tenn-' cssee Street, Hiawnssee - Street, j Valley River Avenue, Walnut Street Terrace Avenue and Grant Street in said town there shall be issued and sold negotiable coupon bonds ; of the Town of Murphy, North Caro-j lina, to the amount of Twenty, thousand Ddllars, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of six per cent, payable semi-annually, and to mature serially in the maximum period of ten years, two thousand dollars! of said bonds to mature each year.' beginning three years after date of! ......v., *?'. .-ia years, i to J!?3S hi.lh inclusive, and four thousCHICHESTEftS PSLL3 DIAMOND BRAND ?cC, > A* ^ LADIES t for CRT CTTHS-TER 9 A DIAMO .D XkA.ND FILLS la R?:i> And/A | 2S? mpi-1,,c b" - with Ribbon, T*I? TC OTIIR. B?\V i Drn?*t?? and aak fop Cllld-ltK^T^R? V DIAMOND III: A N D PI I. I.N, ? >r I v*< ult-iivQ , years regarded nt B*?t,Safest. A1 ways krliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS i tsu&D EVERYWHERE ,"S | McBEE BRIDGE CONTRACT Blairsville, Ga., Oit. 17?Con- i tract was awarded M.. T. J. McGIamery of this place route 4. , t'-'T the construction aj.d repairing j bonds shall be nnrually levied! and collected. Section 3. That a ?t.:'.rment of* e debt of said municipality has' : een filed with the clerk cf the } .'-id municipality and is open for; public inspection. Section 4: That the probable , period f .ruefulness of said improve-1 r .ent L>r which said bonds are to be issued is ten years. Section 5. That tbl? ordinancei shall take efic.t thirty day- after its first publication. arJe-s in the, meantime a petition rits subcisti n t i ;:.e v tc - i- liled under the provisions f law, ar. 2 that in j ach event. it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the mnnicipality at an election as is provided by law. The foregoing ordinance was pasted on the 12th day "i October. If25. and was first published on the 10th day ??f October, 11125. Any action or proceeding: questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. B. IV. SIPE (10-4t-T.^ Town Clerk. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE QF FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WATER BONDS OF THE TOWN OF MUR PHY, NORTH CAROLINA Be It ordained by th- Board of Commissioner* of The Town of Murphy, North Carolina. Section 1. That for the purpose of providing funds to install a numn iiur and filtering plant *-????' . the watermains to supply water for the use of the inhabitants of the Town of Murphy, North Carolina, there shall he issued and sold negotiable coup<.n bonds of the Tywn of Murphy, North Carolina, to the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars, said bonds to hear interest at the rate of six per cent, payable semiannually. and to mature serially in 1 the maximum period of forty years, one thousand dollars of said bonds to mature each year, beginning three years after date of issuance. , for thirty-six year's 1928 to HIG.'t. both inclusive, and two thousand I dollars in each of the years 1964: ami 1965, and said bonds shall bear such date am! be issued in -each form as the governing body of the ?\ \vn i f Muiphy may, by rcsolut: I determine. Section 2. That a tax sui-j fieient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 0. That a statement of the debts of said municiplity has i been filed which the Clerk of :x. said municipality and is open fo: public inspection. Section 4. That the probable period ? f usefulness of said improvement for which said bondare to !?e issued is forty years. Section 5. That this ordinance i shall take effect thirty days after its first publication, unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under the provisions of luw. and in that shall take effect when approved j by the voters of the municipality j at an election as is provided by lav. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 12th dav of Oct ohm* 1925. and was first published ??i;. the l dog. All the family escaped unharmed. A posse of several men a med with shot guns, horse pistols, and o'.het shooting irois of heterogeneous types, put sued the dog and after a few miles the rabied canine was overtaken and killed. Nothing else was known to he bitten. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF RKAL ESTATE MORTGAGE By viitue ?-.f the authority tained in a Real Estate Mortfafe made and executed t the undersigned R. C. Hampl . Mortgagee on the 17th day of October 1 H22 l.y .1. B. Rose and Wife Addie Rose to secure :?n Indebtness <4'.*.G5 of even date to the said R. C. Hani by in which they Conveyed the following real estate hereinafu : set: The said Mortgage being registered on the 10th day of January 1 24 in Rook Number S7 ?.n page No. 114 in Book of Real Estate Morgages and Trust Deeds in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, N. C. The said Indebtness of the said J. B. Rose being due 1st day of January 11125 Default being made in the payment of said indebtness or any part of tl e same and is being due the undersigned will sell the he' in conveyed property to the highest bidder for cash at public sale at the Court House Door, In Murph>. Cherokee County. N. C. between hours of 11 Ocloek A. M. and 1 O'clock P. M. oil the 2 3rd day of November 102."? to satisfy the said indeblness and the cost of the said sale. It being a piece of parcel of land situated in Shoal Creek Township, Cherokee County, N. C. adjourning the lands W. A. Beaver, Nipper Adams King and others: Beginning the Publk- Road and a Road C rner; then West with the said Public Road to the beginning. ': entainir..: thirty (30) acres more j or loss. L being putt of Tract No. [ 77. This October 21st 102.-,. R. C. If AM FY Mortgagee I. H. McCAI.I. Atty. Does Your Back Ache? Are Your Kidneys Weak? AM I ir>ir< to ,,?< ? 10 nun i YUO NEED 1 "I never had anything in my life that helped me like Dr. 1 roe's Anuria for weak back and kidney trouble," Mrs. I.E. Terry of 309 Whalcy St.. Columbia S.C. (picture above). "At the time I first heard of 'Anuric* 1 was in bad shape?was under the doctor's care. 1 never knew what it was to be free from pam and distress. Every night I would have to get ".p several times so that with the pains and the broken rest I was worn out. Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets were recommended to me and brought quick relief, anil as I continued their use my bladder and kidre* s jkm stronger and the pains in my brfk left i:ic. I consider 'Anuric* so good that I have no hesitation ia rccomr.uiai-ng it to any one suffering ir<-m kid:ay weakness o~ backache." :his "An-uric" from year n.:n-.t dealer; or send 10c for trial pkt. .o Dr. Pierces Invalids' Hotel in